The next two days lay heavy on Louis, when he's being beaten and abused, he clutches the business card in his pocket, in the hopes it gives him strength, he doesn't really know.
It's a week later when he finally gives in, he can't take much more. Louis calls James and he's so happy and relieved that Louis actually made the call.
James organizes a bus ticket and two days later he's on his way back to Oak Fire ranch.
The scenery is much the same, the town is busier though and James's face is everywhere, on billboards, sides of buildings. He's definitely become more popular over the last five years.
The bus stops at the bottom of James driveway and Louis looks around at the familiar landscape as he hops off.
The smell is the first thing that hits him, it makes him smile slightly, gosh he's missed it.
He makes his way up the long driveway, his worn-out vans kicking up the dust. He's wearing jeans and a white sweater, but this time he isn't worrying about fitting in. He is nervous to see Harry again, but he's prepared himself for Harry being with someone else, he's not expecting anything from Harry, but he is still slightly upset about what happened between them.
As he makes his way to the front entry, Louis sees Drew walk out of the house and down the steps smiling.
"Dad didn't tell us you were coming; we need to have words with him" Drew says as he cuddles Louis close again. Louis smiles in response.
"Holy fuck, no way!" Louis hears Scott call out.
Louis puts his bag down and rushes towards Scott who is smiling from ear to ear. Louis falls into his arms and Scott laughs in excitement.
"Bloody hell kid, it's so good to see you" Scott tells him truthfully.
"I've missed you" Louis tells him and Scott hugs him tighter.
"My turn, get over here kid" Edward smiles as he pulls Louis into a hug of his own. Louis hugs him back and James watches from the porch smiling as his boys greet Louis so lovingly, they really have missed him.
Louis then turns around and sees Harry in all his god glory, He's in a white singlet and jeans, his cowboy hat on his head. His muscles are huge and he's a lot rougher looking, in a manly way. Louis nearly loses his breath; Harry is absolutely beautiful.
"Hey there cowboy" Harry says fondly with a smirk to die for.
"Hi Harry" Louis says shyly.
The boys watch the exchange fondly, Harry can't get over how beautiful Louis is, he's grown into a handsome young man and although Louis is absolutely tiny, he's perfect in every way and Harry just wants to hold him.
"Do I get a hug?" Harry says.
Louis walks slowly over to Harry and when he reaches him, they just stare at each other before Harry is reaching out and they are melting into each other's arms.
Harry smells the same as Louis remembers and he has to hold back his tears at the memories.
Harry feels his world click back into place and he never wants to let Louis go. He's concerned though and Harry feels like he might break Louis in two.
"Let's get you inside Lou" James tells him.
"What are you doing back here?" Scott asks as they lead Louis into the lounge.
"James.... asked me back to help design the new barn" Louis says.
"Ahhhh, so you're a talented architect now then?" Edward says proudly.
"Hardly, I just graduated, you'll probably hate what I design" Louis chuckles.
"Not possible" Scott tells him.
"So, you're not staying long then?" Harry asks and his tone is a little clipped.
The boys go quiet as they look between the two.
"Well, just.... until you're happy with the designs. I...Troy...." Louis says uncomfortably.
"Oh, I see, you needed the money for that piece of shit, and you came for a handout" Harry snaps.
"Wha?" Louis starts confused.
"Harry" James says sternly.
"Why else would you come back" Harry says angrily.
"I knew this was a bad idea" Louis sighs.
"No, it's not Lou, don't listen to Harry he's just in a bad mood" Edward says as he sends a warning look to Harry.
"I'm surprised he even let you leave the house, but then again, if there is money involved" Harry says resentfully.
"What the hell is your problem" Louis then riles up. He doesn't deserve how Harry is speaking to him.
"My problem? My problem is the fact you're still living with that man who claims to be your father and does nothing but use you and threaten people. You could have left him three years ago, but no! You're still there and you're using everyone else as well now, aren't you" Harry says upset.
"Harry that's enough, I asked Louis here, he said no originally" James defends.
"Yet here he is, the money always wins" Harry says.
"Screw you Harry, you have no idea what the hell you're talking about or what has happened these last five years. YOU are the one who left me! You're the one who gave up on us because it was too much, because I was too much of a burden on you. YOU walked away not me. You have zero idea of what my life has been like and I'm not about to stand here and be insulted by someone who lives off his daddy's money. I'm here to do a job, I'll leave when it's finished and be out of your hair." Louis says back to Harry angrily.
"Lou, it's okay, please don't think you're a burden Harry's being a dick" Edward says.
"I'll sleep in the cowboy house with the other workers, I'm clearly not welcome by everyone" Louis says and before he can be stopped, he grabs his bag and turns around to head to the cowboy house.
He hears the boys call his name, but he doesn't listen and walks down to the barn.
The Cowboys bring Louis in and accept him straight away, Noah has grown up and he and Max remember Louis like it was yesterday. They clear out a bunk and Louis smiles as he's welcomed. The bunk and barn house are nicer than his dad's apartment and he considered himself so lucky to even be sleeping on a bed.
He will do his job, not get attached and hopefully use the money James is paying him to leave his dad for good and maybe he will have some left over to start his firm. He has to get through the next few weeks first though and he just hopes Harry doesn't make his life miserable in the meantime.
Louis and James meet up the next morning in his office, James has set aside a drawing desk for Louis with some equipment. They talk about the plans and James is so welcoming and kind.
"I would like you to come and eat with us if you're not going to stay in the house Lou" James then tells him as Louis starts setting up for the morning and laying his work out.
"I don't want to make this harder than it already is" Louis tells him.
"Harry's just upset you're leaving again; upset you're going back to that awful man" James says with a sigh. "We all are" he finishes.
"It's not like I want to go back" Louis says upset.
"Then don't, stay here, move in here" James says.
"I know you feel sorry for me but I'm not charity and I don't want a handout" Louis says.
"Louis, I've been trying to find you for years, literally years. When we lost contact..." James starts.
"You mean when you left me with him and never came back to see me" Louis interrupts.
"Is that what you think happened?" James asks gently.
Louis looks at him innocently.
"Kid...." James sighs
Louis waits for James to finish, to say something.
"Was it because of Harry? Did he not want you to talk to me anymore because we broke up?" Louis asks, a little confused.
"No not at all, You and Harry need to have a talk Lou" James tells him.
"Not if he's going to yell at me" Louis tells him.
"He will come round, just.... think about staying okay, you're old enough legally to leave your dad" James says.
"He's not my dad, I hate him, and it's not the leaving part I'm worried about" Louis tells him.
James is about to respond when he gets a phone call, he sighs but answers. Turns out he has to go town to handle some paperwork.
"We will pick this up when I get home okay" James says.
Louis nods.
"Listen, the ranch is your home while you're here. Do whatever you want, go make yourself happy for a few hours at least" James tells Louis with a smile.
Louis smiles back and nods as James leaves.
Louis sighs and sits down; he swings back on his chair. He's itching to go to the stables and to see the horses. He wants to ride Ribbon again so much.
He changes into his jeans and a white T-shirt and heads down to the stables. It's quiet, the boys out herding cattle on the ridge. He makes his way to Ribbons stall and sees its dark and closed off. He goes to open the top part when Jax and Noah come into the stables.
"Just be careful Lou, she's not doing so well" Noah says.
"What happened?" Louis asks worry seeping through him.
Jax and Noah look to each other.
"She hasn't been the same since you left" Jax tells him.
"She won't let anyone ride her or go near her really" Noah tells him.
Louis feels awful. He opens the door and sees Ribbon up the back of the stall. She doesn't look up, but her ears go back and she neighs angrily.
"Hey girl" Louis says gently.
He walks into the stall slowly.
Ribbon's ears flicker at Louis voice
"It's me girl, it's Louis, I'm so sorry" Louis says as he holds back his tears at the site of Ribbon.
She looks at him then and neighs so loudly and stamps her foot.
Louis chuckles slightly
"I know, I'd be mad at me too, but it wasn't my fault, I promise. I'm so sorry" Louis tells her.
He steps closer and she looks at him, she lets him venture close to her. He reaches out to stroke her cheek and she pushes his hand away with her head gently.
"I know you're mad, but I promise I won't leave for so long again. Okay, I promise" Louis tells her as he pats her.
She then rubs her head against Louis shoulder and her tail swishes, Louis even sees a single tear run down her cheek.
"I'm so sorry girl, I love you so much. I'm so sorry" he says over and over as they cuddle and reunite.
"Well, I'll be dammed" Noah says
Louis smiles
"Should we go for a ride?" Louis asks her.
He then leads her slowly out to the paddocks; he takes his time saddling her up and they are on their way soon enough.
Ribbon is a little anxious but nothing Louis reassuring her can't fix. Louis is sore, his ribs and side aching but he pushes through, he needs to ride. They bypass the waterhole and head up the ridge line.
When they make it, Louis breathes in the country air and for the first time in years he feels his whole body relax and like he can breathe again.
Louis sees the boys herding the cattle at the bottom of the hill, they are all so amazing to watch, their skills are incredible. Harry stands out to him though; he's absolutely drop dead gorgeous and Louis nearly forgets how to breathe.
"What the actual fuck?" Drew says as he looks up to the ridge and sees Louis riding Ribbon.
"What?" Scott asks as he looks to the ridge.
"No fucking way!" Scott laughs out.
"He's a natural, that's for sure! That's incredible" Edward says disbelievingly.
Harry remains quiet but inside he's actually flawed. Drew has been trying to get Ribbon to ride and been working with her for years and nothing.
"Even you've got to be impressed Haz" Drew says to Harry.
"I don't have to be anything" Harry replies.
"Ease up on him Haz, he's been through a hell of a lot, it's clear he's been treated like shit by Troy" Scott tells him.
"Then why go back to him Scott" Harry asks incredulously.
"Maybe he feels like he has no choice Haz, maybe he doesn't see a way out. Talk to him. I for one will do everything to get him to stay" Drew says.
"Me too, I've missed him so much" Scott says.
Harry sighs, he knows the boys are right and he needs to have a talk to Louis.
Louis dismounts Ribbon and just sits beside her on the ridge. She grazes and Louis just takes in the view.
He sees Harry gallop up the ridge on Duke. He dismounts and Louis didn't think Harry could get any hotter.
"Hey cowboy" Harry says as he comes over to Louis and sits down next to him. Robbin watches him but doesn't move away or scare.
"How the bloody hell did you do that?" Harry smirks and points his head towards Ribbon.
Louis smiles and shrugs
"I missed her" Louis says fondly as Ribbon nudges him, and he pats her head.
"Feelings definitely mutual" Harry chuckles.
Louis smiles.
"Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about yesterday" Harry tells him.
Louis actually can't believe Harry is apologising to him.
"You don't have to be sorry" Louis says.
"Louis, I.... I've missed you so much and I just don't understand why you didn't leave when you turned 18. I waited for you; I hoped you would turn up at the door again. I hoped for so long" Harry tells him.
Louis looks at Harry and sees how upset he is.
"You left me, you broke it off, you stopped visiting. Why on earth would I turn up on your doorstep when you clearly turned your backs on me" Louis scoffs.
"We didn't Louis, I left you a note, I put it under your pillow the last time we visited. I take it you didn't get it?" Harry asks.
"No Harry, I didn't get any note" Louis says dryly.
"Why are you going back to Troy? Why didn't you leave?" Harry asks straight out.
"It's complicated Louis says.
"He's threatened you hasn't he" Harry says.
"Why do you say that" Louis asks.
"Because he threatened us and that's why we left" Harry tells him.
Louis looks at him shocked and hurt.
"What did he say?" Louis asks.
"That he would hurt you really badly, or even worse" Harry says as he looks down at his hands.
"Well, he fucking still hurts me and you left anyway" Louis says upset.
He wipes a tear he hadn't realised had slipped and stands up.
"Louis, what do you mean he hurts you?" Harry asks and his voice is so dominant it almost makes Louis stop.
"Figure it out yourself Harry" Louis says angrily. He mounts Ribbon and he takes off back to the ranch, leaving Harry fuming behind.
"He's being abused" Harry tells everyone as they are gathered in James's office.
"Look we know Troy is a deadbeat arsehole, but we can't accuse him straight up, how do you know?" James asks as he paces the office.
"He pretty much told me and look at him Dad, he's so tiny and clearly neglected" Harry tells him.
"I know Haz, but you remember the threats, I don't want to put Louis in any more danger" James says.
"Louis is already in danger; he's been abused for the last five years, and we were all stupid enough to listen to Troy" Harry says.
"We had to Haz, there's nothing we could have done back then" Edward says.
"Well, we should have tried to find him harder when he turned 18" Harry says frustrated.
"Let's just be thankful we found him now and he's even here" Scott says.
"Scott is right, let's just focus on making it right now, focus on trying to keep him here" Drew says.
Harry sighs but nods.
"I'll kill him if Troy ever comes near Louis again" Harry says, and everyone knows he means it.
"We need him to tell us the truth and we can go from there, hopefully report it all and Troy can go to jail for what he's put Louis through" James says.
"We need him to admit it and once he does, I can get the ball rolling on everything" Edward says
"Haz, just a little heads up, yelling at him won't get him to open up" Scott winks in jest.
Harry half smiles.
"I know, I'm sorry about that" Harry says ashamed.
"We know it's because you love him Haz" James says with a smile.
Harry blushes and the boys just chuckle, they need to get Louis to open up and they vow to protect him.
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