Episode 3 Origami Tsunami

We're at the brother's home as we see Splinter on his chair while F/N was in his human form leaning on his chair watching a movie. We see two men at a noodle shop talking to someone. As one of them started destroying stuff.

Man: Where's our free grub, noodle man?

Ralphael gets in front of the screen and lip sync with the star of the movie Lou Jitsu.

Lou Jitsu: Okay, ha. How 'bout some-- hot soup?

Ralphael grabs Donatello and Michelangelo and tosses them behind him along with Lou Jitsu as they fall face first into a bowl of ramen as a noodle fell on Splinter's face.

Lou Jitsu: Too spicy for you? (Splinter slurps up the noodle) [Ha ha ha.] (Ralphael keeps lip syncing) Everyone's a critic. Hm.

Splinter paused the movie as Michelangelo and Donatello lift their heads up.

Donatello: Man, "Teriyaki Shakedown" always gets me so-- [inhales] jazzed!

Ralphael: Yeah Lou Jitsu's the business!

F/N: (Walks up to his brothers and stands next to Ralphael) He's easily the greatest action movie hero of all time!

Splinter tosses the remote as it hits F/N then it ricochets off his head and hits Ralphael as they fall to the ground.

Splinter: Then why do you insult the master with your poor technique? (Jumps into the air while doing some flips.) Hot soup!

Then Splinter dunk Michelangelo and Donatello's head back into the bowls and caused them to break.

Splinter: Do not worry. Someday you will be great ninjas with a little practice... (Walks away from them) is something I would say if I were a liar.

Michelangelo: (gets up with everyone.) That's nice of you to say, Pop, but I'm tired of practicing.

Ralphael: Yeah, we can be heroes like Lou Jitsu!

Splinter: [Ha ha ha ha ha] (walks off) Nice try.

Michelangelo: We got the squillz, we got the tight color-coordinated team look.

Ralphael: Let's do it! (Double fist bumps Michelangelo) Let's go out and bust some bad guys!

F/N: Alright! Now you're speakin' my language.

Donatello: (holds his tablet) Yeah. I just feel like, you know, we need a case to get the juices flowing a little bit. (Looks through his tablet as Leonardo comes in laying on the chair.) You know, let's see what the internet has to say about it shall we...

Michelangelo: (looks at Leonardo) Yo, Leo, we're gonna be heroes!

Leonardo: Okay, what's the plan? Solve the city's rat problem?

Splinter: (bitch slaps Leonardo with his tail) Hey now. I am standing right here.

Ralphael: [Pfft] No way. We're crime fighters!

F/N: Yeah, we wanna go after stuff like robbers not rodents.

Donatello: Okay, check this out: The Spine Breaking Bandit!

F/N: Oh-ho, now that's a spicy one. I love it!

Ralphael: Ehehe-yeah. Go big or go home!

Leonardo: (Moves Michelangelo out of the way to join them) Yeah, go home on a stretcher. What else you got?

Donatello: Uh, okay, here's something: The Long Island Mangler!

F/N: Nice!

Leonardo: (puts his hand on the tablet screen as Donatello looks at him.) Okay, Donnie. I appreciate you giving your best effort, but maybe we should save mangling and spine breaking for, I don't know, our second day?

Everyone just looks at Leonardo in silence until Donatello swipes left on the screen to the next crime.

Donatello: All right, well this one's kinda lame: someone stole paper from a delivery truck.

Leonardo: (grabs the tablet) Not on my watch! That's exactly the kind of junior level mischief we can put an end to. (Walks off.)

Ralphael: Really? That'll make us heroes? But it's only paper...

Leonardo: (stops in his place) It's only paper? [Laughing] I'm so sorry. (Turns his head towards the others) Donnie, F/N, what did he say? Did he say it's only paper?

Donatello: Yup.

F/N: Uh-huh.

Leonardo: Did he say it's only paper?

Donatello: Yes, he did.

F/N: Words came out of his mouth.

Leonardo: (Turns towards his brothers.) Okay! That's what they all say. (Paces around while giving a speech) You think the road to hero town is paved with real crime? No! It's paved with the tears of the poor paper man. And who helps that guy? (Looks up as the wind flows through his mask) I'll tell you who: We are who.

R/D/M/F: Yes!

After that speech the brothers left to get ready for their mission.

(Time skip brought to you by F/N in his human form as the sun went down causing him to transform into his wolf form.)

It was now night time, we saw Leonardo, Michelangelo, Ralphael, and F/N in his wolf form jumping around on the roofs as Donatello was flying on his drone. The land on top of a building as Donatello puts on his visors to look around along with his brothers.

Raphael: What kind of weirdo steals paper?

Michelangelo: A dreamer! You look at a blank sheet and see nothing. They see possibilities--

Ralphael elbowed him before he cold finish his little speech.

F/N: Well that's one way to put it, I guess.

Donatello: (looks in front of him) There's only one store they haven't hit yet, and it's right over there-- oh, convenient.

Ralphael: (the others look at him.) How 'bout we go and make 'em wish they stole toilet paper?

After hearing that, his brothers started to laugh.

Donatello: Ha, okay.

F/N: Nice one, Ralph.

Then they all jump down as we see two guys putting stacks of paper in a van.

(Interesting fact: Did you know that the voice actor for the skinny one is the same guy who voiced Donatello in the 2012 series and Raphael in the 80's along with Pinkie and Yako Warner (Rob Paulson) and the big guy is the same guy who voiced the Brain (Maurice LaMarche)?)

Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, And F/N hang on to the walls above the two until Michelangelo lands on Ralphael's back, causing them to fall into some trash cans. Then Leo, Donnie, and F/N jump down with them as the who thieves look at them.

Skinny man: Hm?

Big man: Huh?

The two split up as the five decided to go after them.

Ralphael: (to Donatello and Leonardo) You two go left. (Donatello and Leonardo go left) Mikey, N/N, Go Right. (Michelangelo and F/N go right.) I'll take the roof, (climbs up to the roof) and swoop in like a boss!

Donatello and Leonardo started chasing the skinny one as Michelangelo and F/N go after the big guy. Michelangelo used his Kusari-fundo on a fire hydrant as F/N used his amulet's power to stretch his arm to launch himself from the same fire hydrant only for the two to crash into Leonardo and Donatello.

F/N: What the hell?

Michelangelo: Where are they?

Leonardo: That is you, right?

Then we see Ralphael jump down from the rooftop.

Ralphael: Swoopin' like a boss!

F/N: Wait! Ralph! Don't!

Leonardo: No, no, no! (Ralphael lands on them) Ow!

The five land in the road as the paper thieves drive off in their van.

Donatello: Uh, quick question: Did we seriously just get schooled by paper thieves?

F/N: (Sigh) Yeah, we did. This is embarrassing...

Ralphael: I don't swoop like a boss. I swoop like a noob.

Michelangelo: Man, this seemed like a really cool idea until we didn't succeed at it.

Leonardo: (gets up with his ōdachi) Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Where'd my brothers go? (Points his hilt at Michelangelo) Mikey, where's your.... legendary optimism?

Michelangelo: [Groans]

Leonardo: (points at Raphael with his hilt) Ralph, where's your, (walks up to him) ya know, (shakes him) your go-getter attitude? (Looks at F/N and goes towards him) N/N, where's your... (lightly punches his shoulder) your tough guy determination? (Goes to Donatello) And Donnie, where's your-- your thing, your-- emotionless passion?

Donatello: [quietly] Here...

Leonardo: (Gets up and stealth sword) We can still catch these lame old paper crooks and be heroes!

Donatello: Yeah, that's gonna be hard. This was the last paper store in town.

Leonardo: Hmm... Or was it?

Donatello: Yeah, I--I literally just said that.

(Time skip, brought you by Michelangelo as a kid riding on F/N's back as a kid in his wolf form.)

We see Ralphael and F/N with a big thing of salami in their arms while Leonardo held a big ruler in his left hand, rope in his right hand and a pair of scissors in his belt, Michelangelo had three rolls of tape around his right arm and six markers, three in each hand, and Donatello had three rolls of tape around his right arm while holding a bucket of paint in his right hand and a paint brush in his left.

Donatello stretched some tape out, Michelangelo jumped over a pole bar to put a light on it, Leonardo slices some thin layer of salami while Ralphael holds it steady and F/N ties them together in paper formation. Michelangelo tapes a piece of paper on them that says "ON Sale!" on it. Then put one on a sign that says "PAPER" with the "R" backwards. Finally Ralph and Leo put a large piece of cardboard in front of an alleyway with some tape on it that says "Leo's Paper Hut" on it with some holes that looks like windows and a door with an "Open" sign on it. The two gave each other a high three.

Michelangelo: [Gasp] It's beautiful.

They go behind the cardboard through the door then Donatello puts the sign in front of it. Then we see F/N and Leonardo tie up some of the salami as Ralphael was in front of a stack.

Donatello: Do you really think that this is going to hook the thieves? The only paper we made is from salami which is round. Paper is not round.

F/N: Well this is literally all we have.

Leonardo: Exactly! Besides, it'll work. (Looks at Raphael) Ralph, stop eating the plan!

Then we see Ralphael eating the salami then pulls away from it and starts chewing what he had in his mouth while groaning.

F/N: That's been on the ground for two hours, dude. Way past the five second rule.

We see April in front of the cardboard with a job application in her hand.

April: [Phew.] Okay. You can do this. (Walks inside.) Hi, I'm here for the the job interview... (Sees her friends and realized what's going on) aw no. (Michelangelo gets up from behind a desk wearing gag glasses with a nose and a mustache.) Man, (walks towards Michelangelo) I thought it was weird to have a job interview at midnight.

Michelangelo: Ah, Miss... O'Neil. (The van stops at the fake store.) [Gasp] (ducks down) Customers!

As the van stops, the others ducks down.

Michelangelo: April, your hired!(hands her a flash card.) Just follow the sales script and remember the customer is always right unless they're a psychotic paper thief.

April: (takes the flash card.) Uh, okay.

Michelangelo jumps into a box that says "Security" on it with his brothers.

Michelangelo: We'll be in the back.

Then we see someone walking towards her as she says her line.

April: Welcome to Leo's Paper Hut. Can I interest you in our-- (a hand grabs her) Mm-mm-mm!

While this happens we see the five brothers in the box as Michelangelo listens in.

Michelangelo: What is "mm-mm-mm"? (Looks at the script) She was supposed to say...paper!

F/N: Something must've gone wrong. (Burst open the box along with Ralphael as the others fell down.)

Ralphael: Hey outta the way!

They looked around to see April was tied to the pole above them with tape and her mouth was taped shut.

Donatello: April!

Michelangelo: The salami paper! (Shows him touching the ground where the salami paper used to be) It's gone!

Then we see the van drive off, leaving the six defeated once more.

Leonardo: No way! (Kicked the sign as the cardboard falls over.)

F/N: Second time we've been had!

Then April falls down until F/N's amulet starts to glow as he stretches his arms to catch her and put her on her feet. He walks over to her and removed the tape from her mouth and arms.

April: Thanks for that, F/I (First initial.)

F/N: No problem.

Leonardo: This was supposed to be easy. How do we keep losing these clowns?

Donatello: (F/N walks over to them) Leo, do you really think I would have let you make salami paper without putting a tracer in it?

Donatello pressed the screen on his wrist device as we hear Raphael's stomach growl and see a red light flashing from his stomach.

Donatello: It's okay. (Pressed it again) I put two.

F/N: Coming in with your quick thinking once again. (Holds his fist up for a fist bump) Nice, Donnie.

Donnie: (gives him a fist bump.) Thank you.

Meanwhile in the van, we see a red light flashing as we see the skinny man driving while the big guy was next to him in the passenger seat.

(Time skip, brought to you by Leonardo playing a dancing game as his brothers were cheering him on.)

We see the five brothers at a harbor with Leonardo holding a pair of binoculars watching the two drive the van next to a boat and take the paper into it.

Leonardo: Okay guys, this is our moment. They may have given the slip before--

Michelangelo: Twice before!

Leonardo: Thank you, Mikey. Twice before, but now we've got them cornered and there's nothing that can stop us.

Then we see them open the hatch to the boat as Ralphael rolls in and hits a wall as Leonardo jumps in along with F/N, Donatello, and Michelangelo while Ralphael rolls again and hits another wall, causing Donatello and Michelangelo to laugh quietly. Then we see an entrance that's glowing purple as the five look down it to see the two in front of a mountain of paper. Leonardo jumps down along with his brothers behind him.

Leonardo: Okay, twirp and... (The two turn around to look at them) Surprisingly big man. It's five against two, so what say we call it a day, right?

Michelangelo: Whoa! They've got footprints on their faces!

F/N: Well looks like someone beat us to kicking their faces.

Ralphael: Uh, are those flames on their heads?

Donatello: Feels like a real hazard for a paper thief.

Foot Brute (big guy): You! I'm gonna grind your bones with my fists.

Foot Lieutenant (skinny guy): (looks at F/B) Ooh, that's inspired. (Looks at the brothers) We're both gonna grind your bones.

Raphael: Right. Listen, bubs. Before we put our footprints on your faces, we gotta ask: What's with the paper?

F/N: Yeah, what could you possibly want all of this paper for?

After they asked that, F/L grabs a piece of paper and makes an origami ninja with it, leaving the brothers minus Michelangelo confused.

Michelangelo: Yay, arts and crafts!

The Lieutenant tossed the origami at them as it turns into an actual ninja with a footprint on it's face.

F/R/L/D/M: Woah!

F/N: Ohh, so that's what the paper is for.

The ninja charges at Raphael and hits him towards a wall.

Donatello: Uh, hey, maybe we should fight now and register our amazement later?

F/N: (put on titanium knuckle gloves) You picked on the wrong guy's little brother, pal.

(Yes, you're the oldest brother between the five. You're 17, Ralph is 15 Leo and Donnie are 14, and Mickey is 13. I did some research on their ages and it's cannon.)

Leonardo and F/N charged at the ninja as F/N right hooked it while Leonardo slicked it upwards as it exploded into pieces and gets on them, causing all of them to freak out because they thought it was a real person.

F/N: Wait hold on a second, guys! He's made out of paper.

Leonardo: He's right, it's just confetti!

Raphael: Huh. Oh yeah.

Donatello: Paper viscera.

The Lieutenant makes more origami ninjas and tosses them at the mutants as they transformed and charged at them.

F/N: Alright Boys. (Hits his fists together while smirking) Time to shred some paper!

Then he along with Raphael charged at the paper ninjas. Ralphael jumps in the air and punches one of them, causing it to turn into confetti. He grabs onto a pipe and kicks another one as it goes into pieces. F/N arms glow F/C as he stretched his arms behind him then pulls them in front of him as he smacked three paper ninjas together as they fell apart. He retracted his arms back as two more were coming behind him until Michelangelo shredded them with his Kusari-fundo. Another paper ninja grabs it before he could retract the line and pulls him on to the ground as two more ninja charges at him. Mickey quickly grabs his Kusari-fundo and tosses the line over a pole above him and does a tornado kick at them, causing them to disappear as he looks at F/N and gives him the "Okay" and jester while he gives him a thumbs up. Meanwhile we see Leo fighting some paper ninjas with his ōdachi in a overhead catwalk.

Leonardo: [grunts] (jumps down and lands on a pile of paper) We're getting nowhere fighting these guys. We need to take out the source.

Leonardo leaps towards the Foot Lieutenant as the Foot Brute gets in front of him while twirling his blades then clashes with Leonardo's ōdachi. Leonardo jumps down as the two clash with each other rapidly until Leo gets knocked back.

Leonardo: [chuckles] Okay. You think you're pretty good, huh?

Foot Brute: Indeed.

Leo throws a kick at him until he leans back and knocks his leg down then quickly gets behind him and kicks him towards the huge pile of paper then lands on the ground.

Leonardo: [groans] You are good.

As Leonardo was on the ground, the Foot Lieutenant gathers a bunch of paper forming a giant paper tornado as we see the other four fighting some paper ninjas until they disappear then formed with the tornado, causing our heroes to look to see what's happening.

F/N: Huh?

Raphael: What?

Finally the tornado turned into a giant paper ninja and started growling causing the five to grumble in shock.

The giant grabs Leonardo And looks at him while it starts crushing him with it's hand.

Raphael: Leo!

F/N: We gotta help him! Donnie, it's piñata time!

Donnie twirls his staff around as he presses a button to turn it into a mallet and charges at the giant along with the others. The giant raised it's fist and slams it down while they dodged it then it slammed it's other fist down as F/N and Raph moved out of the way as Donnie and Mikey dodged it again. The two ran closer and closer as the giant tries to crush them. The hop on to the hand that Leo was in and tried to free him until the giant raised it's fist up. It grabs the two with it's other hand as Raph and F/N stand there in shock.

F/N: Mikey! Donnie!

The two look down at the Foot Lieutenant as he slams his fists together causing the giant to do the same thing. The two brothers look at each other then nod at each other as they know what they had to do. They look at the Foot Lieutenant and charge at him.

Raphael: Hero town!

F/N: Population, us!

The Foot Brute gets in front of the Foot Lieutenant as F/N started to run on all fours while his amulet starts to glow along with Raphael's tofas as their eyes began to glow. Raph's eyes glows red while F/N's glows F/C. Raphael gets a giant red hollow version of himself surrounding his body while F/N gets a giant F/C spiritual wolf around his. F/N grabs the two with his teeth as he shakes them around and tosses them to Ralph as he catches them while he spins them around and tosses the two behind him as the hit the wall. The two power down as Ralphael looks at his tofas while F/N looks at his amulet.

F/N: Whoa. Now that was cool.

The two look up to see that the giant was about to fall apart as it drops their three brothers and lands on top of the Foot leaders, causing a huge paper wave of paper as some of it fall out of the boat and into the ocean. Everyone gets out of the huge pile of paper as the Foot Brute grabs a piece to make an origami ninja only to make a origami swan. He tries to make the ninja again as Leo looks around then looks up to see the sprinklers over them.

Leonardo: Mikey, the sprinklers!

Michelangelo: I'm on it!

Mikey grabs his Kusari-fundo and tosses the top while it was on fire to the sprinklers, causing them to turn on and makes all of the paper wet including the piece in the Foot Brute's hands.

Foot Brute: You may have shredded our plans for now. But next time, you will feel the fury of 1,000 feet!

Foot Lieutenant: (looks at F/B) Ooh, you're on fire today!

The Foot Lieutenant grabs a piece of salami and makes a salami origami ninja and tossed it at the five as it turns into a Salami Ninja.

Michelangelo: Ew! That's nightmare fuel, man!

Then the salami ninja falls apart and turns into a pile of salami.

Donatello: Okay, salami origami doesn't work.

F/N: God that was disturbing.

Ralphael looks up and points in front of them.

Ralphael: Hey, look. They vanished.

The others look up to see that the two bad guys were gone.

Donatello: Then what are we looking at?

Ralphael looks up then back at the salami as he slowly walks towards it.

Leonardo/Donatello/F/N: What is that? Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Oh. Ah. /No. No. No! Ralph, no! Look at me. No!/ Ralph, do not do it! Don't even think about doing it! Seriously don't do it, man! Do you even know where that's been?!

Ralphael ignored them, grabs a hand full of the salami and eat them.

Michelangelo/Donatello/F/N: Ugh! Ugh! Gross!/ No!/ Oh that's disgusting! (Tries not to throw up.)

Ralphael: What? Five-second rule!

F/N: Five seconds my ass. That's been on the ground in an ally way for two whole hours!

Michelangelo: So... Does this count as a win?

Leonardo: (crossed his arms and smirks.) Well, I don't know. Let's think about it. (Points up to the sky with both of his hands.) Did the bad guys get their big supply of paper? Uh, no (points to the ground). Did they build their army of soldiers? [Ahaha] No. No, they didn't. Are they otherwise thwarted, and we unscathed?

F/R/D/M: Yes!

Leonardo: (points to the sky) Hero mission accomplished, my friends!

After saying that, the brothers playfully dog piled each other as they claimed their victory. As everything fades to black.

(A/N: And done! Welp, you guys got to see one of F/N's abilities thanks to his amulet. So what did you think? What was your favorite part? Let me know in the comments and be sure to hit that vote button, LIKE A BOSS, so others can see and I'll see you guys in the next episode!)

Next episode: Donnie's Gifts.

(A/N: Oh, I almost forgot. In the next episode, what should Donnie's gift to F/N be and what should it be for to "try" to help him with what? Let me know in the comments and I'll be sure to credit you in the next episode.)

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