Parents Weekend
Carissa who was Kareena at the moment was walking through the school with Hercules and Icarus. Today was a very big day for the school. "OH YEAH! OPEN HOUSE!" Icarus cheered bouncing with joy. "Get to see the parents on campus, groovy!"
"Icarus, your father is a teacher, you see him everyday on campus." Carissa pointed out.
"Not my parents silly." Icarus replied. "I'm meeting two people who took a dream and made it a reality." He pointed over to Cassandra. "A dream called Cassandra." He thought he could float to her but he just fell to the ground.
"I'm having a nightmare, a nightmare named Icarus." Cassandra said harshly as she crossed her arms."
Hercules and Carissa walked up to them. "You know, it's funny." Hercules told his friends. "Some of the student's parents are nothing like I pictured." Hercules pointed to Helen of Troy's parents who showed up in a wooden horse. Both were the opposite of their daughter. They were tan, dark hair, overweight, and very short, Helen even picked them up as she hugged them.
Ajax ran pass and into the arms of a couple that look like cavemen. "Some are exactly the way I pictured." Carissa said.
"So Herc, can we expect an Earthy appearance from big daddy Z?" Icarus asked.
"I sent the invitation to Olympus." He got closer and whispered. "Hermes express."
"Make way for the blue bloods." Adonis announced as he pushed everyone aside when his parents arrived. He stopped at Hercules. "Unlike your parents who are no doubt, blue collared."
Icarus poked Adonis harshly in the chest. "Oh ho, you are biting for a smiting mister."
"Yeah, you'll be pretty surprised when my parents get here Adonis." Hercules said confidently.
"Yes, surprised they have the ability to walk in pubic. Now if you excuse me I have to ensure my trust funds." He turns to his parents. "Dadums, Mommsie! So glad you could come." Adonis said softly before he kissed both their cheeks.
"Ick." Carissa stuck out her tongue.
"I wouldn't have traded a visit with my boy for all the gold in Thrace." The king replied with a big smile.
"Which of course we already have." The queen said before giggling making Adonis and the king join in.
"Wait till the clouds part and my parents make a big Olympian entrance." Hercules said. "Adonis will have to eat his words."
Carissa turned to Cassandra who's eyes were now full green with swirls which means she's having a vision. "I see humiliation."
"Pile it on, Adonis earned it." Icarus told her.
"CASSANDRA!!" An overly cheery voice shouted.
Cassandra facepalmed. "Not Adonis, me."
Cassandra's parents ran up and gave her a huge hug. "There's our little casserole."
"We've been looking for you sugarplum." Her dad said as he pinched her cheek.
"I said to Vic, I think she's hiding from us." Her mom giggled.
"Of course she was kidding."
"Of course." Cassandra said with a forced smile before she got out of the hug and grabbed Hercules and Carissa. "Save me."
"Cassandra, they're your parents." Hercules said softly.
"Yeah, and they seem like really sweet people." Carissa added.
"Try the Greek ideal of embarrassment." Cassandra mumbled.
"All parents are embarrassing Cassandra." Carissa assured.
"Casserole, you never told us you had a steady." Cassandra's mom said as Icarus stood by her.
"See what I mean, they called Icarus steady." Cassandra said.
"Cassandra, they love you." Hercules told her.
"You have nothing to be ashamed of." Carissa added.
"You are so wrong." Cassandra said shaking her head.
"You should love them, no matter how much they embarrass you, they raised you." Hercules replied before the sound of a donkey interrupted him.
"Son! Son!" An old man and woman drove in with a cart full of hay that was being pulled by an old donkey.
"Yoohoo! Hercules!" The woman waved.
"That doesn't look like Zeus and Hera." Carissa said confused.
"No, it's my mortal parents." Hercules gasped as he ran towards them.
"When am I suppose to be surprised?" Adonis laughed.
Hercules tripped and ended up rolling until he was right in front of the cart. "Slow down son, we have all weekend." Hercules dad told him.
"Mom, pop." The donkey then licked him making him pet her. "Penelope. I wasn't expecting you... so early."
"Well the invitation said to allow plenty of time for across town traffic." Hercules mom said as she held up the invitation.
"YOU got the invitation?" He asked freaking out before he quickly changed his tone. "I mean.. You got the invitation! WOW!"
Hercules pop grabbed their bags and threw it to him.
"Lets go have a look at this fancy school of yours."
"We can't wait to meet your friends." His mom added.
Hercules looked over at Carissa who walked over to them. "Well mom and pop, this is Kareena."
Hercules parents smiled big at her. "Oh my, she's quite a looker." His mom told her.
"Mom!" Hercules moaned embarrassed before he realized something. "Hey Kareena, where are your parents?"
"Yes Kareena?" Adonis said from a chair his servants were carrying him on. "Don't they care enough to show up?"
Carissa sadly looked down at the ground. "Well you see... my father is..."
"Right here!" Everyone turned to see a tall muscular man with the same beige skin Kareena has and straight black hair. "Surprise Kareena."
"Daddy?" Carissa asked with her eyes wide not believing what she was seeing. Every girl around admired him thinking he was very handsome.
Hades walked over to her and hugged her. "No way was I going to miss parent's weekend."
Carissa smiled and hugged him back. "I can't believe you're here."
Adonis watched jealous as all eyes were on Kareena's father, even his mother's.
"Daddy, this is my friend Hercules." Carissa told Hades with a sly smile.
"Ah yes, the wonderboy, nice to meet you kid. I'm Aiden." Hades said shaking Hercules hand.
"Nice to meet you sir." Hercules said polity. "These are my parents, Amphitryon and Alcmene."
"What a fine donkey cart, your father must have made a killing in the slop market." Adonis told Hercules before chuckling. "Slop."
"Adonis aren't you going to introduce us to your school chums?" The king asked.
"Oh yes, and their parents?" The queen asked looking a Hades.
"You can meet them tonight at the gala parents dinner. That should be rich." He told them before he went back to laughing at his slop joke.
"Oh golly, a parents dinner? What fun." Alcmene smiled putting on a big hat.
''Yeah, fun." Hercules said nervously.
"Aiden?" Carissa whispered into her father's ear.
"It means fire, I thought it fit." Hades whispered back.
"I can't believe you made yourself mortal."
"Well I did tell you I would do it in a heartbeat for you didn't I?" Hades asked smirking before they went to the dinner.
Hades and Carissa watched as both Cassandra's and Hercules parents embarrassed them with pictures of their youth.
"I would have brought yours, but they're mostly of you on fire." Hades whispered to Carissa.
"Thank goodness." Carissa sighed relieved.
"What's with the overly tan guy over there?" Hades asked pointing to Adonis.
"He's a prince." Carissa explained just before the parents brought in a huge statue of Adonis to show off.
Hades rolled his eyes. "I don't know who is more of an egomaniac, him or Zeus."
"Tough call." Carissa agreed.
"Oh Aiden, come join us." Adonis's mom insisted as she waved him over to her and Hercules's parents.
"Oy vey." Hades sighed annoyed before he walked over to them while Carissa walked over to Cassandra.
"I'm working on something new back home." Amphitryon told them as they chatted. "Crossing a mule with a goat, it gives me milk with a little kick in it."
Hades had a look of disgust to his face while the king and queen laughed like it was a joke.
Hercules walked over to the girls. "I can't take this anymore, my parents are so embarrassing."
"Join the club." Cassandra told him.
"Club?" Carissa asked confused.
Cassandra shouted loudly for all the students to hear. "Quick call! If you had to choose, would you rather kiss a gorgon or go shopping with your parents?"
"Gorgon." Everyone that was in earshot replied.
"This is different." Hercules sighed. "I wanted my God parents to come cause I thought it would make me look cool. My mortal parents are just so...ordinary."
"Uh... Herc." Carissa pointed to the side to show Hercules's parents were standing right behind him with sad looks.
"I'm sorry we're so ordinary son, I guess we'll be going." Amphitryon sighed before he walked away with Alcmene.
"I believe you said earlier, they love you, they raised you, you have nothing to be ashamed of." Cassandra pointed out to Hercules.
"And I still love them, no matter how much they embarrass me." Hercules said getting up. "Thanks for that Cassandra."
"Sure thing, and if you run into Vic and Evelyn, keep running." She shouted after him.
"Cassandra! We just..." Hercules shouted back.
"Just kidding." Cassandra assured before he ran off.
"You call your parents by their names?" Carissa asked.
Cassandra shrugged her shoulders. "Your dad seem pretty cool."
Carissa nodded. "He is, he always knows how to make me laugh and feel better, I wouldn't want anyone else."
"Well that's good, cause you're stuck with me." Hades said as he sat next to her putting his arm around her shoulder making her smile.
A giant roar then shook the area as everyone looked up to see a monster was walking towards everyone.
"Oh is this the glitter salute to parents and guardians?" Evelyn asked as she looked at the scroll that had the activities schedule on it.
Carissa recognized the monster. "Uh no, that is Laden, one of the younger monsters." Carissa explain.
''Oh thanks." Vic smiled at her with his usual happy look.
"What's he doing here?" Hades asked annoyed since this was one of his least favorite monsters.
"As of right now.. falling." Carissa answered as Laden stepped on his own tail falling down.
"Where the heck is Echidna?" Hades growled. "I told her to keep her brats in line."
"This is a private party." They both looked over at Hercules who was standing in front of the monsters holding up a spoon he thought was a knife at first. ''I must ask you to... leave." Hercules said nervously before the monster stepped on him. "Ow."
"Protect me me!" Adonis shouted as he hid behind the statue of himself.
Hercules ran over to the statue and picked it up revealing Adonis who screamed before running away again.
"Hey!" Hercules shouted. "Over here!" He threw the statue making it land in Laden's mouth, Laden started to suck on it and looked peaceful. "Hey, he's calming down." Hercules said, but he spook too soon cause Laden then chewed the top of it up. Hercules grabbed the bottom part of the statue and smacked Laden with it making him really mad and slapped Hercules with his tail.
Hades and Carissa watch amused as Hercules flies into a row of lockers going right through them.
"SON!" Amphitryon shouted as he and Alcmene ran towards Hercules will others were running in their way making them all run into each other. Laden grabbed a handful of parents which include Hercules's parents, Cassandra's parents and Adonis's parents.
"Well their goners." Hades said. Laden heard him and grabbed him too.
"Laden! No! Put him down!" Carissa demanded. Put since Laden didn't recognize her he ignored her and ran away. "Oh no." Carissa cried as he ran away with her father. "HERCULES!!" Carissa ran to the lockers pulling them open looking for him. "Hercules come on, that thing has our parents!"
Hades groaned as he was now stuck with six mortal morons.
"Ok, who wants to sing a travel song?" Vic asked as if they were going on a road trip instead of to their deaths. "How about a travel game? Or tell scary stories?"
"I think this is scary enough." Alcmene told him.
"Do not fear common people, my song the prince, is no doubt taking action." The king said.
"Yeah right." Hades mumbled.
Adonis however wasn't upset about his parents at all, however he was happy. "Well since my parents are dead that means I'm king. King Adonis, it just rolls off the tongue so naturally?"
Finally Carissa opened the right locker. "Hercules, get up!"
"Where did everybody go?" Hercules asked dazed from the blow.
"Hercules come on! Grab Pegasus, we have to save our parents from Echidna!!"
"Who?" Hercules asked.
"THE MOTHER OF ALL MONSTERS!!" Carissa shouted before she grabbed his hand and ran out of what's left of the school so they can save the parents. Well Carissa could care less about the others but her father is in mortal form, no was she going to let him get eaten by his own friend.
At Echinda's home Laden showed his mother their guests he brought home. The queen leaned against Hades pretending she wasn't feeling too good. "I get motion sickness whenever I travel to a land I don't rule, would you mind if I stay like this for a while?" She asked putting her head on his lap.
Laden grabbed Hades lifting him up to his mouth. "Well at least I'm away from that weirdo queen." Laden was about to eat him but Echinda stopped him.
"Laden, what have I told you? You're not ready for solid foods." Echinda scold him which made him drop Hades down to the others.
"That was close." Amphitryon sighed relieved thinking they weren't going to get eaten.
However Echinda grabbed a pillar. "I'll have to mash them up first."
Hercules and Carissa flew in front of Echinda's home.
"This is it Herc, the home of Echinda, we need a plan. You got one?" She asked.
Hercules and Pegasus just shrugged.
Hades and the others were tripped inside a giant cage. Well Hades could teleport out of there any time he wanted but that would reveal that Kareena is Carissa and there goes all his plans.
Laden came over and tried to reach for them before Echinda pulled him away. "How many times do I have to tell you? Don't play with your food. Now go dirty up for dinner, you're all clean, it's embarrassing. Were you raised in a palace?" She shook her head and looked at her prisoners. "Oy kids, they never listen."
"Tell me about it, the same was true about our little boy." Alcmene said to her.
"How could you be talking to this monster? She's getting ready to stew us." The king asked them.
"She's a parent, we're parents, I think we can find common ground." Amphitryon explained.
"Oh yes." The king said catching on. "You know when our son was a baby he bothered us day and night, he was always... well actually he was bothering a nanny, we never saw much of him till he was twelve."
"Parents of the year you are." Hades mumbled quietly.
Echinda sighed sadly. "It's thankless being the mother of all monsters."
"Yes, but the rewards are so wonderful." Alcmene said smiling. "No matter how trying it may be you still love them."
Evelyn spoke up. "Well our little casserole is just..."
"Casserole." Echinda said stopping her. "Haven't made those in a while."
Hades got an idea. "You know, my little girl has such an imagination. When she was a little tyke she would always dance around, she even wanted to dance with fire. She would always say don't mess with a flaming princess."
Echinda looked down at him with a raised brow.
"She hates water more than anything, when her babysitter took her to a lake once she screamed bloody murder and said that if she ever tried that again she would poke out every one of the sitter's and her kid's eyes out." Hades continued knowing that Echinda was the babysitter Carissa threatened.
Echinda blinked confused at him.
"But the babysitter and I were friends, my little girl would play with the sitters many children. Made me so thankful I only had one child, my BELOVED baby girl." Echinda picked Hades up and walked away with him till they were a good distance away.
"Hades? Is that you?" Echinda asked.
Hades transformed back. "The one and only babe."
"Why are you pretending to be a mortal?"
"Long story babe, you see Carissa is pretending to be someone else so she can spy on the son of Zeus."
"The son of Zeus? The boy you want dead?"
"The one and only, now don't let anyone know I'm Hades. It would ruin everything." He said going back into his mortal form.
Echinda nodded. "Of course, after I eat those mortals I'll let you go." She took him back to the cage and put him in it.
"What did she do to you?" Alcmene asked.
"Oh she just... wanted.." Hades tried to think of a lie but Echinda saved him.
"I'm sure you don't want to hear about my ungrateful kids, believe me."
Hades smiled up at her. "Oh sure we would, I mean we're not going anywhere."
Echinda started singing making giving Hercules and Carissa time to sneak pass her and get the parents out.
They were almost out until Laden came over and stomped right on Hercules.
"Hercules!" Alcmene shouted worried until he picked up Laden and threw him aside.
"I won't let you eat the greatest parents a guy could ever have." Hercules shouted.
"That's my boy!" Amphitryon cheered. "Show that beast who's boss!"
"Um Herc, where is Pegasus?" Carissa asked.
Hercules looked around. "Pegasus?"
About a hundred feet away Pegasus's hoof was stuck in a crack in the ground.
Echinda chuckled and looked at Laden. "Get them baby."
Laden grabbed Hercules and was about to eat him until a very large sharp fang came out of his gums making him scream in pain.
"What's he doing?" Carissa asked as more fangs appeared in his mouth.
"He's teething." Alcmene answered.
"Oh great, more good news." Hercules said sarcastically.
Echinda happily picked up her little monster. "I was wondering why he was being so fussy lately. Guess I won't be needing this anymore." Echinda said throwing away the pillar.
"Because you're letting us go?" Vic asked.
"No, because now my baby is ready for grown up food." Echinda said before she put them all into a bust of a head she was using as a pot.
Amphitryon went over to Hercules. "Son, no matter what happens you'll always be a hero to us."
"Can't you make her a cash offer?" The queen asked her husband.
"Well I tried but she's not interested in gold." He replied.
She gasped. "She is a monster."
Next thing they knew the pot started filling up with water and over a fire.
"Who wants soup?" Echinda asked Laden.
"I like soup." Vic said with his usual smile.
Evelyn grabbed her husband and shook him. "Clam up Vic, we're all going to die."
"Not all of us." Hades whispered to Carissa making her smile knowing they'll be fine.
"Needs spice." Echinda said as she crushed up some roots and put it in the pot before she opened the ground making the fire bigger. However she opened it wide enough for Pegasus to get out of the crack he was in. "You hungry baby?" Echinda cooed at Laden who shook his head yes. "I suppose one bite won't ruin your appetite." She picked up Hercules knowing Hades wants to get rid of him. "They say wonderboys help build strong bodies twelve ways." Echinda dropped Hercules over Laden's mouth but Pegasus flew over and caught him.
"Alright!" Hercules cheered. "Come on, lets ruin dinner." They flew right in front of Laden's mouth making Laden bite right down on his long tongue making him cry and Echinda rushing over to comfort him.
Everyone grabbed on to Pegasus so he can fly everyone out of the pot and they can escape.
"Start running, I'll distract her." Hercules told everyone.
"Oh what's the use? Game over man." Vic said frowning for the first time.
"Stick a fork in us, we're done." Evelyn agreed.
"We can make it." Amphitryon said determined. "Follow me!" Everyone ran out except for Hercules and Pegasus. Hercules grabbed the pot of water dumping it into the cracks creating a wall of steam before he grabbed the pot itself and threw it.
"OW!!" Echinda shouted when it hit her in the face. "You little!" She tried to grab him but Pegasus flew him out of there only to run in to Laden again.
Pegasus kicked him right in the mouth knocking out a tooth and making Laden cry again.
Echinda ran over and hugged her youngest son. "They're only your baby fangs, you'll get your grown up fangs soon enough." She looked up at the running crowd angry. "AND THEN YOU CAN EAT HERCULES!"
"This time she's really steamed." Carissa shouted up at Hercules.
"Don't worry, I have a plan." Amphitryon said before lightning came out of the sky and struck some rocks making them fall onto Echinda's head.
"Good plan dear." Alcmene hugged her husband.
"Actually I was going to make a lasso out of my belt." Amphitryon admitted. "But the lightning was good too."
"Thanks!" A voice filled the sky with.
"Oh no." Hades and Carissa moaned as the clouds parted and Zeus appeared.
"Father, what are you doing here?" Hercules asked.
"I forwarded your invitation to Amphitryon and Alcmene." Zeus explained.
"You did? Why?"
"Because you should be proud of your mortal parents son, and treasure them as they treasure you, because..."
''Because if you forget where you came from you can't know where you're going." Amphitryon finished.
"Good one!" Zeus agreed. "You know Hercules, you have a marvelous pop there."
"I do know." Hercules replied. "I have the best two dads a guy could ask for."
"Now go show your folks a good time." Zeus told him then spotted Carissa. "Oh Kareena, wonderful to see you again my dear, and this must be your father." He said pointing to Hades. "I must say sir, you raised an amazing young lady there, I've only met her once but I can tell she's brave and has a bright future."
Carissa looked up at her father who was smiling down proudly at her.
"Catch you later." Zeus waved before disappearing back into the clouds.
Back at the school Adonis announced his parents dead and was about to put the crown on his head until his parents showed up looking very upset. "Dadums? Mommsie? You're back! I was worried sick." Adonis said running up to them but got struck by lightning.
Zeus's voice rang out. "That's for getting too big for your toga!"
"Vic! Evelyn!" Cassandra smiled when she saw her parents.
"Mom! Dad!" Icarus ran up to them. "How about a hug?"
"Please, live is too short." Evelyn said walking pass him.
"The horror, the horror." Vic whispered.
Cassandra looked at her parents surprised by their behavior before she hugged them. "I love you guys."
"Karenna, what do you say we give our parents a first class tour of the school." Hercules asked her.
"What do you guys thing?" She asked Hercules parents and her dad.
"What are we waiting for?" Amphitryon replied as they got on the horse.
"If it's all the same to you kid, I rather stay on the ground. And I want some alone time with my daughter." Hades said as he put his arm around Carissa's shoulders.
Hercules nodded and smiled before they flew away.
Hades looked around the ruined school that badly needed to be repaired. "Does your school always look like this?"
Carissa chuckled as they started walking. "Just since Herc and I enrolled."
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