Chaptet 3 -A what-
I'm done, this is done, I just wish that I could leave. Looking at the three of them I sighed. "To be honest I've really seen weirder things in the past day but okay. Let me guess, America, France, and the UK." I said in a tired voice. The three of them nodded. Jeez, since when did counties just decide to grow legs.
Brushing it off, I winced as I tried moving my arm. All of them seemed relatively alarmed. "Hey, you're going to hurt yourself if you move to much." America said frantically. "It already hurts like hell, I'll be fine." I reassured him. France looked over at us. "I think we need some answers too. You clearly aren't human." "Let's not make too many assumptions." Britain said, elbowing France who just glared at him.
Looking over at the countries I sighed. "Yeah I have no idea, to be honest everything's kind of a blur to me right now." I said in a very annoyed tone. This just keeps getting weirder and weirder. They looked understandably cautious, they think I'm lying. Slapping his forehead, America jumped up. "Crap guys, we have the big meet with the rest of the allies!" The others looked panicked at that statement.
Recalling my world history class from high school, the Chief allied powers were these three, Russia (since it was already 1942), and China. Snapping out of thought, the countries were discussing what to do with me. France insisted that I'd be placed under heavy guard just in case of any attacks (or escape attempts), America suggested that I should just stay here, the UK said that I should be taken with them (I'm starting to see a trend here with the escape attempt thing). "You could just bring me with you you know. It would be easier than wasting time and money for things that aren't necessary." I said. There's no way I'm staying here with this creepy doctor. They eventually did come to a conclusion, I would be brought with them.
During the car ride, me and France quietly talked in the back. We actually got along quite well, I would've considered her a friend if it wasn't for the weird and forced circumstances (also she still thinks I'm gonna bolt when I get the chance). I might as well try to befriend them before they decide to send me off to a lab or something. I tried cracking a couple of jokes and hoped it would get across the language barrier, which it thankfully did.
In time we reached the meeting place. It was nice considering it was in the middle of nowhere. I followed the three countries as they entered the building. I heard a ruff voice greet them as they entered, I was just behind France. "China, USSR, I would like you to meet someone. They're under our protection, we think that the Axis powers might be after them." Both of the countries tensed up at the mention.
I stepped out from behind France and waved softly. "I don't believe you actually told us your name." Britain said, adjusting his suit. I mentally slapped myself. "Oh, right. My name is (Y/N)." I said, a little embarrassed. I looked at the two countries. Yep, more flag people. I don't know why I expected it to be any different.
They went on as I sat between France and the Soviet Union (which America was very against before Britain slapped him over the head). They talked about strategy and war plans for a while before China spoke. "Why exactly do they want them?" He said as he motioned to me. "They're... strong, very strong. They have some unusual quirks as well." The UK explained. Both countries seemed skeptical. "Here, I'll show you my bullet wound. I also challenge you to an arm wrestle." I said while pointing at the USSR. At the last part the other countries were obviously concerned. I didn't really even know if I could beat him but it was worth a shot. I still think that someone drugged my ramen and this is just a dream so I might be able to.
I started to unravel my silver stained bandages and when I fully pulled them off there was nothing there. "There was literally a hole right there earlier today." I said, a bit shocked myself. China inspected my arm, looking at a small patch of dry blood on my arm. "I guess we have to see if you're really that strong." The Soviet Union said in a thick accent. I'm not describing the details but after a minute of pushing, I might have made a crack in the table and almost broke his arm. "Oh no, are you okay?" I said, sitting next to a defeated USSR. He was just kinda sitting there, sulking. Oh god he probably wants to murder me.
America said to just leave it alone but I didn't mean to hurt him (and also didn't want to be assassinated). As the countries were talking outside I tried to make him feel better. I really screwed up this time. He wouldn't respond to anything. It came down to this. I handed him some alcohol that was still intact. "I'm sorry okay?" Finally the Soviet Union let out a sigh. "Sorry for acting like a child. Nobody's beaten me in an arm wrestle." He muttered, embarrassed. Then, suddenly, he glared at me "You aren't American are you?" I gulped "No?-" "Good" He looked at me, smiling slightly. "Then let's agree to never speak of this again." I let out a small nervous laugh and nodded. Okay at least he's not going to murder me now.
Finally we got up, USSR stares at be a bit before looking around. I was about to look for the other countries before I heard a crash. The Soviet Union wasted no time, flipping over the table and dragging me behind it. "Stay down." He told me, taking out a small pistol. Apparently they were able to have them at the meeting for some reason (or everyone snuck them in). A voice rang through the building. "Come out! I know there's someone in here, the rest managed to escape but you're surrounded!" It had a creepy tone to it. Just hearing it made me freeze. The USSR looked very worried at this point.
Footsteps neared the room we were in. The door slowly creaked open as a figure stepped into the room. "I know you're in here, come out before one of your precious allies gets hurt." The ominous voice called out. There was some muffled yelling, I realized that whoever this was had France. The USSR let out a breath and motioned me to stay down. Getting up, the Soviet Union raised his hands surrendering. "I didn't think that we would see each other like this again" "To bad, guess I'll take you both anyways." Said the voice. I couldn't just sit there while my friends were being taken away. Well we weren't really friends but you get the picture.
I threw myself in front of the USSR. "Ah, is this the one I've heard so much about? The one with more strength than a normal person." The man speaking had the swastika on his face. I'd guess that he was Nazi Germany? I kinda regret throwing myself out here. "Don't you dare touch them." I growled. The country simply laughed, looking right back at me. He had really sharp teeth for some reason. "I'll let the Soviet Union go for now if you come with me instead." The Nazi explained. France let our muffled yells and the USSR nudges me slightly. "Don't do it." I looked at them both, knowing that I couldn't abandon them. They were my best chance at way out of this weird flag person world Letting out a breath I looked Germany strait in the eye.
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