Chapter 19 -Who am I?-

I sat on the couch, head in my hands as a million little thoughts ran through my mind. The streams of feeling and thoughts crashed into each other like a large storm on a large stretch of sea, my logic clinging onto the debris of a ship that was my understanding. Who am I? Nothing makes sense, I thought I understood most of the things that have happened to me but I was just ignoring them. I need to know who I am, where I am. Have my parents called me already and I just didn't notice? They would be worried sick. I let out a heavy sigh as I took deep breaths. Everything's fine, nothing bad will happen. Your friends will help you through this.

I felt someone pull me into their arms. I looked up and saw Malaysia. He pulled me into a hug. "I know this must be confusing for you, since you had no idea that Victor Tuulia existed." I saw him glare at Singapore who growled slightly. "I probably have to call my parents." I said, pulling away and looking at my phone. The countries in the room all went back to what they were doing as I dialed my dad's phone number. Malaysia rested his head on my shoulder as I pressed call. There were a few moments of silence as I pulled the phone up to my ear, anxiety tearing at my mind. I heard the tone of the phone being answered before a loud high pitched sound came from the speaker. I pulled it away from my ears immediately, more surprised that hurt. I looked up at the other countries and was shocked, all of them had their hands over the sides of their heads (AN; Edit- That said ears before but that was a mistake) as if they were in pain.

I immediately ended the call, chills running down my spine as I contemplated what just happened. "Are you guys okay?!" I said in a worried tone, glancing around that room. "Ugh- yeah... What the hell was that?" Philippines asked, holding his head up with his hand. "I have no idea. The sound didn't affect me like it affected you guys for some reason." I was about to say more before I felt Malaysia press against me. "Malaysia what- Malaysia?!" I looked behind me to see the country passed out, his expression looked pained as I gently laid him down on the couch. "Oh no no no no-" I muttered to myself, a concerned expression plastered onto my face. I felt a sinking weight on my chest, as if the guilt and the confusion were dragging their way into my heart. As they realized what had happened the other countries ran over to the two of us. Vietnam quickly felt for his vitals and checked him for any signs of injuries. "He isn't bleeding and I feel a steady pulse. He should be fine, he might wake up with a headache." I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. Some of the weight was lifted but it still felt as if I held a pound of bricks on my shoulders. "It's my fault." I mutter under my breath, not letting the other countries hear. I didn't want them to worry about me when I caused Malaysia to pass out, they're also countries for god's sake they must be stressed as hell. They shouldn't worry. Nobody worries. Nobody should worry about a nobody. I'm just a insignificant bug. At least these countries are important. I'm not. I never was. Even with these powers- The powers... they are totally useless. They don't even work properly when I want them to. Perhaps its because I just got them. No, I just can't use them right. I never will be able to use them right. I'm useless. My social skills are absolute crap. I can't do this. I can't do anything. I couldn't fend off Nazi Germany but I humiliated USSR. I got shot trying to save someone who was probably better off if I wasn't there.

I snapped myself out of the train wreck of my thoughts. This is why I used to just work all the time, I wouldn't have to worry about this. I wouldn't have to worry anyone if I wasn't so damn curious. I take a deep breath, letting out a calm sigh. The pressure temporarily floated off my shoulders as I looked back at the countries. I've never actually felt this lost before. If I ever started to feel like this I would lock myself in my room and work, my thoughts would become the wings of a dove, carrying the burden off while I distracted myself. Maybe I do have a problem. No, I shouldn't make people waste their time on me just because I think I have a problem. While I'm here I should make myself useful, to distract myself from such thoughts and to repay these people- er, countries for taking care of me. I don't even know why they do it. I guess it's because I have the potential to be a weapon, I'm a 'superhuman' thing after all. I slowly got from the couch. I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Would you like some green tea? This must be stressful for you." Vietnam said, smiling down at me. "Sure! Oh, and I'm fine. Just worried about Malaysia." I said, smiling back at him while messing with the strings of the hoddie I was wearing. A look of suspicion flashed across his face before he nodded and turned towards the kitchen. "What happened down here?!" A newer voice said. Startled, I turned to the stairwell. ASEAN stood there with a concerned and stressed expression. I immediately felt the guilt press down on my chest. "(Y/N) tried to call her family but something weird happened. There was a loud noise that screeched out from the speakers instead. I felt like my head was turning inside out. Malaysia passed out from it but he's fine." Thailand explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

The organization nodded, walking over to the unconscious country to (I assumed) check on him myself. I saw Vietnam leave the kitchen with a tray full of twelve cups of tea. He placed it on the coffee table and gently picked up one, handing it to me. I smiled and quietly thanked him, taking a sip made me feel way better. I used to drink a lot of tea before I graduated high school, it helped me calm down and get me through the day. I also drank coffee if I had to pull an all nighter. I know that it's probably bad for my health but I couldn't risk of throwing away my future. I continued to sip the tea as the other countries talked. "You seem tired (Y/N), I can show you my room if you want." ASEAN spoke, surprising me a bit. I just nodded slightly. The other countries continued to talk as ASEAN came over and took my hand, leading me up the stairs. I felt like the other countries were staring at us for some reason but when I looked at them they were just talking to each other, that's weird. We reached the organization's room, I softly put down the cup of tea and turned to ASEAN. His room was mostly organized. The one thing that made it stand out was the cluttered desk, piles of scattered papers littered the top while there were multiple pens next to them. I assumed that some of those pens were out of ink. I wonder how much work he does, or how much sleep he gets for that matter. "You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor." I looked over at him as he pulled out spare pillows and a blanket from the closet in the corner. "Oh, no ASEAN you should sleep in the bed. I can sleep on the floor." "No I insist." I let out a heavy breath and looked back at him. "How about we share the bed then?" ASEAN's face grew red, I assume from embarrassment. "A-are you sure?" "Yeah, we don't have to face each other either." I said, smiling at him softly. All the organization did was nod. I didn't bother changing since I was already wearing comfy clothes and climbed into the bed as ASEAN went to the bathroom to change.

As I sat there I closed my eyes, even if I tried as hard as I could I couldn't fall asleep. I turned slightly as I grew more frustrated. Wild thoughts ran loose in my mind, forcing me to think about the past events. As I thought more and more I felt my face grow warmer for some reason. I then felt something fall down my face again. It was another tear. Out of desperation I bit down on my hand, leaving a bite mark. I tried to muffle my sobs and stop my body from shaking as best as I could. I bit down multiple times to try and stop the flow of water streaming from the corners of my eyes. "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" I was startled when I heard the organization from behind me. "Y-yeah." I pathetically choked out, failing to mask my stress. I expected him to laugh or ignore it but instead I felt him pull me up towards him. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a warm hug. My face was pressed slightly against his chest. Nobody's ever done this for me before, I felt the tears flow faster as I let out the quiet sobs I had held in, clutching my hand that was now covered in bite marks. "(Y/N)... I'm here for you." I heard ASEAN say as he pulled my down onto my side. I looked up at him, noticing his face full of worry and concern. All I could do was cry more and pull him closer, I felt pathetic and weak. The organization messed with my hair and rubbed my back, calming me down. "T-thank you..." I choked out, surprising ASEAN. Before he could reply I had already drifted into the realm of sleep, that night I slept in the organizations arms.

Maybe I'm not as alone as I thought.

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