Chapter 4 -Are they lonely?-
I slowly opened my eyes to see a blurry room, dimly lit by one lamp. As my vision cleared I noticed that I was laying down on a really soft bed, covered by a nice looking blanket. The bed was placed in the corner of the room. To my left I saw a desk, the lamp sat on the corner of it while the rest was covered in different documents and papers. Germany sat there, furiously muttering to himself while scribbling something down. I sat up and yawned, looking out towards the large window. It was like one of those large office windows except it had a curtain you could pull shut. It was a beautiful night, it was so dark that I could see all the individual stars cluttering the sky. I wondered how far away this area was from civilization. I couldn't see any other lights from there. I was broken out of thought by a loud yawn. I looked back over to Germany and just noticed how tired he looked. His back was slouched and he was holding up his head with his hand. He must've stayed up for a long time.
"G-Germany?" I called out, my voice still very soft. "Hmm?" Germany hummed, turning around. "Oh you're awake! How did you sleep?" "F-fine..." He got up from his seat and crouched down to my level. "Do you need anything? I can't imagine how long you've been in that forest." He said in his thick accent. I shook my head but looked back at him. "W-why are you up so late...?" I asked quietly. Germany looked a bit surprised but kept a smile on his face. "Oh.... just.. doing paperwork." I could tell he was lying. Something happened. "S-shouldn't you go to sleep...?" I asked, obviously concerned. "No I'm fine, I'll sleep when I'm done." He reassured me. I guess I'll have to wait until he's done. I didn't really know what to do. "H-hey G-Germany? C-can I get some water....?" I stuttered quietly. He nodded. "Do you want me to come with you or-" "N-no.. I'm f-fine..." I smiled slightly, making Germany sigh. "Fine, there's a small kitchen down the hall to the right. It's the last door." He instructed. I nodded and said a small, "Thank you..." before leaving. I walked down the hall, it was eerily quiet. I could see that some of the other overnight rooms still had lights on. They must work a lot. The hallway lights were on, I'm glad they were because the hallway was already a bit spooky.
I turn the corner and go to the last door in the hall. I slowly turned the handle and peaked my head into the room. It was really dark, besides the large window on the opposite side. It wasn't facing the moon though so there wasn't much light. I couldn't see or find a light switch, stepping into the room. Even if there was a light switch I think I was too short to even reach it. I walked through the dimly lit room till I got to a water cooler. I could see they had paper cups on the top of it. I tried to reach for one of the cups and failed. I tried again and again but I was too short to grab one. The darkness didn't exactly help either. I sighed in disappointment and looked down at my feet. Why did I have to be this short? I was about to turn and leave the room before I heard something, the water cooler. It sounded like someone was using it. Who? I looked behind me, expecting to see nobody. Instead I saw a really tall shadowy figure. I let out a small squeak in surprise and backed up. I was in the corner of the room so I essentially had nowhere to run as this mysterious figure loomed over me. The sound of running water stopped as the figure turned to me. I froze and looked back at them out of fear. "I'm not going to hurt you." The figure said in a heavy accent, bending down so that we were almost eye to eye. One beam of light from the window finally revealed his face. He had an eyepatch with a weird yellow symbol on it while the rest of his face was red. His outfit reminded me of Russia's. I slowly put my guard down, still slightly uneasy. "I'm Soviet. What's your name?" He spoke with a very weird accent. "M-my... t-they named m-me (Y/N)..." I stuttered out quietly, trying not to shake. "They name you...?" "T-the countries... I... d-don't remember my actual n-name..." My heart sank as I realized that I might never know my actual name. Soviet's expression seemed to soften when I spoke. "Amnesia...." He muttered to himself, almost as if he was thinking about something. Then suddenly he handed me a paper cup filled with water. "It's the middle of the night, where are you sleeping?" "I-in Germany's r-room..." Soviet seemed to tensed up. "Well... I can take you back to his room if you want." I slowly nodded, a bit hesitant. I just met him but I know where Germany's room is and he seemed nice enough. I didn't get any creepy vibes from being around him, it was actually nicer to be talking with someone.
Soviet held out his hand for me, pausing for a second as I slowly grabbed onto it. He stood up, leading me out of the room. In full lighting I saw that he was dressed in winter clothes, a bit strange considering it wasn't cold outside. Soviet slowly opened the door to Germany's room to reveal that Germany had fallen asleep on his desk. The tall country let out a sigh and let go of my hand. "If you need anyone to talk to, just go to the kitchen at after midnight okay?" He said, patting my head gently. I smiled and nodded. He seemed like a nice person. He's like a father figure too.
Soviet smiled back. "Goodnight." He said, closing the door quietly. I looked back over to the sleeping Germany, concerned. I wish I had the strength to carry him over to the bed but I'm just a kid. I let out a sigh of defeat, not wanting to wake him up either. I lifted myself up onto the bed and laid down on my side, facing the rest of the room. I guess I had to try and get some more sleep, or else I would just have to sit around and do absolutely nothing. Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. Germany didn't wake up and before I could do anything the door opened. Standing there was another country, he was dressed in a very professional looking outfit. It almost seemed like a military outfit, but not like anything I've seen before. He sighed when he saw Germany but when he noticed that I was also there he seemed shocked. "Vhat are you doing in here?" He said, his accent like Germany's but it sounded more intimidating. I sat up and backed away on the bed, hugging my knees to my chest. "Vhy are you in my son's room?" I looked a bit confused. This was Germany's dad? Maybe I could trust him then. "G-Germany wanted to take care of me...." I said softly, spotting the confused look on the man's face. "Vhy would he do that?" "I-I don't really know... they just f-found me in the woods..." I stuttered, looking away. He seemed kinda suspicious but growled. He said nothing as he walked over and picked up his son, gently placing him next to me on the bed. "Well then, I'm surprised he didn't come tell me." That was all he said before leaving the room. I could hear him mutter something out in the hall before walking away. "..always wanted... grandkid.." Was all I could hear, which confused me a little. I sighed looking over at the sleeping Germany. Might as well get some sleep.
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