Chapter 43: Intel, Bet, and Old Acquaintances

3rd Pov

"D-dive out!" Lena said. "We've passed through the quantum tunnel!"

"The crystal ball is all clear as well. No sign of corruption rays or shadow chasers either." Chloe said.

"Crystal ball? What?" Sylvia said to no one.

"It means everything is okay. No need to dig too much into it." Hilde said nonchalantly. "So, what's next?" Hilde asked Sylvia.

"A quantum dive has a large margin of error when arriving at the right destination," Sylvia answered Hilde's question. "For now, search the area and see if we can locate the replacers."

"And then?" Hilde questioned again while Mina and Y/n were watching.

"We'll have to find the Replacer factor transmitter and destroy it," Sylvia said.

Y/n Pov

I heard what Sylvia said and told Omicron to search for it.

"Searching...Complete. Showing a map." Omicron said and a map appears in my vision like you see in the game map.

"I had the chance to dig a little more into Bishop's data. The current phenomena and Lost ship appearance happen is due to System Terraside." Sylvia said.

Hilde, Mina, and Shi Yoon look at me and I feel a little uncomfortable but I give a nod to them.

Sylvia looked at us and asked us. "What's wrong? Do you guys know anything about it?"

"Not us. Robot did." Hilde answered Sylvia making her look at me shocked.

"Tell me everything about it, Loner!" Sylvia shouted to me.

"Isn't that the system that Y/n said 'changing environment' looks similar to Counterside?" Mina asked Sylvia.

"Yes. They also comprised two independent systems. One is the Immortal System and another one is the Replacer Factor Transmission System." Sylvia answered Mina. "But how did you know about it?"

I just point to my body and a neon circuit line appears and vanishes making Sylvia wide-eyed. "Oh."

"So, the thing that made people get corrupted wasn't due to environment changing but these factors," I said and Sylvia nodded.

"That explains the Syndrome." Shi Yoon said.

"What? Why?" Mina asked me.

"Usually, it takes corruption rays that reach CSE Level 4 to have Acute Corruption Syndrome but the CSE Level was below that," I answered Mina's question and she nodded.

"Then, how about the Lost ship keep regenerating?" Mina asked again.

"Rewinding by using the Immortal System to mark the structure of the body of the target down to atomic scale," I answered again shocking Sylvia. Hilde Shi Yoon and Mina nodded in understanding.

"Robot, I've been meaning to ask this. How did you know this?" Hilde asked me.

"I've scanned the ship and found the connection and it goes to Counterside. So, I've just guessed that something that spreads them must have resistance in that area, just like how radio transmits signals. But you get the analogy. Though I don't know the name, so I just called it transmitter." I answered Hilde who had a thoughtful look.

"I-I see." Sylvia stuttered."Then, why did you take so long to arrive here?"

"I need more information and at the same time, the Vice President's order takes priority," I said and pointed my head in Mina's direction who blushed at the attention.

"Oh," Sylvia said and nodded. "Then, I assume you guys are familiar with Hybrider?"

All of us nodded.

"I see. You guys know that this is on a different scale. Alright, I'll get to it. Can you find Immortal System Core, Loner?" Sylvia asked me.

".........Yes." I answered after some time.

"Do you know where is it?" Sylvia asked again.

"Belong to someone named Replacer King," I said shocking everybody.

"What?!" Sylvia shouted. "Loner, tell me who is that?!"

Kyle who was monitoring the terrain heard the shout. "Sylvia, what happened?!"

"Nothing, just excited looking at the data!" Sylvia quickly replied to avoid attention.

*Sigh* Kyle's sigh was evidence that he was annoyed with Sylvia.

"But first we need to destroy the transmitter to make the enemy appear at the very least," I said to Sylvia and she nodded along with Fenrir's squad.

"But remember, they have taken my factor along with Mina. So, expect enemy power just level up from before." I said making Hilde look at me like seeing nonsense with Shi Yoon laughing a little.

Well, Mina, she...just nodded understandingly.

Who knows?

"What? Don't judge about my education when I got alienated." I said making the mood dark. "Uh, never mind. Please issue your command, Commander." Hilde nodded and coughed taking those present attention.

"Attention, everybody. Currently, our objective is a Replacer Factor Transmitter. However, using the ISR system may compromise our location. So, we will split up into smaller groups and locate them ourselves." Hilde said. "Should you encounter C.Os or enemies, dispatch them as quietly as you can. Should you find anything suspicious, do not engage beyond your capability. Instead, report your findings and fall back. That's all." Hilde said finishing her command.

'Wow, that really commander-like.' I thought in awe.

As an introvert, let's just keep our crazy side hidden, okay?

Timeskip by Y/n using Star of Eden to lift cargo.

"I don't get it," Mina said after destroying some random C.Os that came after us meanwhile I just led them to some building that contained many C.Os and I dispatched them using attacks from my new gun.

Currently, there are no C.Os nearby and I already sent the coordinates to everyone.

"Meaning?" I asked Mina about her question and Shi Yoon looked at Mina.

"These Replacer guys, I mean. What do they gain by turning everyone to C.Os?" Mina asked.

"Reducing the population for environments?" Shi Yoon answered questioningly.

Mina then looks at me.

"If I have to say, I guess, it sort of selection for something," I answered Mina.

"Selection for what?" Mina asked and Shi Yoon nodded.

"I don't know but if you look clearly, the Hybrider project was low success. So, if I were to give a hypothesis, I guess they want to have more Replacer but for what, I do not know." I answered.

"Interesting." Shi Yoon said

"You know something?" Mina asked.

"No, not really." Shi Yoon said with a smile.

Then, I see Hilde and the others come and I look at them.

"You sure this is it, Robot?" Hilde asked me about a peculiar building and I nodded.

"There are many C.Os here compared to many other places and their route is pretty much leads to that building," I answered pointing to the said building.

"I see," Hilde said and peered to the building I pointed out.

The building was swarmed and of course, I can go all out to destroy them fast but I will reveal my card too early.

"Large C.Os armed with heavy firearms. That's pretty brilliant, actually." Shi Yoon said taking my attention to the large C.Os.

'Hmm, I can use that.' I thought before looking at the surroundings.

"That level of resistance is hardly surprising given the key nature of that place," Sylvia said.

"Come to think of it, the C.Os flock around the Lost Ship if I remember correctly," I said taking everyone's attention.

"Now, that you said it, yeah, they do." Mina agrees after remembering our earlier encounter with Lost Ship.

"Well, what's the plan?" Hilde asked after hearing what I said.

"First, Kyle and I will lure the enemy troops away. Then, Fenrir Squad and police officers will take different routes to the Replacer Factor transmitter." Sylvia explained. "Whoever reaches there first can demolish the transmitter. Mission accomplished." Sylvia finished and I thought and Hilde called me out of it.

"Thought something, Robot?" Hilde said and all attention was on me. Though, wish she didn't call me out much.

I'm an introverted extrovert.

"Only Kyle and Sylvia will lure that many enemies?" I said pointing to a swarm of C.Os that contained a transmitter. "Isn't that too much?"

"That is precisely why. we can't leave this mission to private mercenaries who lack discipline, training, and track record." Kyle said with closed eyes and a smile proudly.

"Why does that textbook answer sound offensive?" Mina said.

"Haha, just let it slide, Mina." Shi Yoon replied with a calm voice.

"But we're talking about Replacer here. They have an army hierarchy. I'm not surprised if they already have thought this place will get attacked with Delta Seven's arrival." I said making Kyle and Sylvia look at me shocked.

"So, you mean they already expect this place will get attacked and ambush us?" Hilde asked me and I nodded.

"How about this? I can lure all of them but you guys can destroy the transmitter. Out of everyone here, I'm the most durable to last that long." I said.

"Lil bro, are you trying to get killed?" Soyoung asked and I shook my head.

"I plan on living and finishing this and playing with my cats. So, no." I answered and she looked at me wide-eyed.

"You have cats?!" Soyoung shouted and I told her to calm down which she did. "Give me some pictures later." She said and I nodded.

"How about it?" I said to Hilde who looks thoughtful. Then, she sighed."Alright, how about you police officers?"

"Cars." I and Yumi answered.

We both looked at each other and nodded. "Rely on Miss Soyoung to charge on them using cars." We both said at the same time.

"Hey! What that suggestion mean?!" Soyoung said in terror.

"if you want to spice it up, we could make it a bet to destroy the transmitter first," Yumi said.

"Sounds fun. I trust uniform civil servants like yourselves won't go back on your word if you lose, correct?" Hilde said making me sweat nervously.

'Why do for some reason, there will be a bet?' I thought feeling dread.

"Of course, we don't plan on losing!" Yumi said.

"Major! Excuse me! Major!" Soyoung said in vain trying to stay behind.

Pity you, big sis.

"Haha, you leave me with no choice. Did you hear all that, Rookie, Apprentice?" Hilde asked Mina and Shi Yoon.

"Haha, can't back down from bet, can't we?" Shi Yoon said.

'Yes, you can.' I thought with a deadpan face with Mina beside me.

"H-hold up, what's going on with everyone?! Why are you so motivated all of a sudden?!" Mina said nervously because the atmosphere shifted to competitive quickly.

"Maybe because Commander is a sucker for bets?" I answered hesitantly.

"Haha, Yes. One of Master's few vices is a sucker for betting." Shi Yoon said. Albeit, his actions don't match because he is warming up right now.

"Says the one warming up right now!" Mina shouted.

"Seems like Robot has analyzed one of my vices," Hilde said proudly.

'Is that supposed to be proud of? You can't type using both hands.' I thought deadpan.' Aren't my life on the bet right now? Damn it.'

"Then, let this be a learning experience for you, Rookie, Robot. Fenrir Squad can tolerate failing missions but never losing a bet." Hilde said sternly.

'Dear lord, she's a gambling addict. I wonder if the casino will let her in, probably not.' I thought.

"Anyway, Kyle and Sylvia will prepare for the enemy's appearance and I will focus on luring the horde. Sis, Yumi, and Fenrir Squad will attack the transmitter. Is the role clear?" I said to everybody and they all nodded.

"Alright, let's go!" I said without realizing that I had acted leaderlike just now.

'Never mind.'

Scene Change.

I stand in front of the building and the horde of C.Os notice I approach them and the lower level starts to run to me.

I then summoned my sword and effortlessly cut them and they distengerated to ash.

"Come," I said while my sword was glowing light yellow. I then swing the sword releasing an energy blade destroying the many in the horde which makes them rattled and begin to assault me.

I then extend my right hand out and make a gesture.

The C.Os horde then rushed with all of levels 2 and 3. Nonetheless, I killed all of them with my sword easily.

I then run but at the same time not too fast so they can still catch up. I dwindle and irritate them by killing them using blasts of bio-electricity.

I successfully lured the C.O horde with all of them following me along with a heavy arm C.O.

"Groooooaaaaarrrrr!" The C.Os roared and I killed one of them using an energy slash making it angry.

"Too bad, your opponent is me," I said swinging my sword and manipulating the air around me using cosmic forces by using the sword.

The enemy ended up being shredded before turning to ash.

Timeskip by Hilde trying to fight Y/n but he uses psychokinesis to float Hilde failing her attempt.

3rd Pov

"Hilde here!" Hilde said after destroying the Replacer transmitter."We've destroyed the Replacer Factor transmitter!" Hilde said to the Comms.

"No. We've destroyed it! I'm sure we delivered the final blow-" Yumi said in the comms before being interrupted.

"Looks like the police officer's communicator had a little accident." Shi Yoon said with a smile. "It's unfortunate."

"Indeed, how unfortunate," Hilde replied. "Yes. It's truly regrettable. However, an accident that had nothing to do with us isn't going to change the outcome, isn't it?"

"Of course not. Hahahaha...." Shi Yoon said.

"Hahahaha..." Hilde also do the same.

"You guys look like villains right now....i guess that's better than before." Mina said remembering both of them were a little awkward around each other."Oh, right, Y/n!" Mina said making them both stop laughing.

Mina then tries to call Y/n and Y/n's hologram appears.

"Status update, all C.Os have been destroyed by me," Y/n replied to the comms making three of them sigh of relief.

"I repeat, the Replacer Factor transmitter has been destroyed! Requesting B.D.A!" Hilde said after hearing the report.

"I heard you! I'm trying to get interdimensional comms setup!" Sylvia replied.



"Okay, the area causing Corruption Syndrome is dissipating!" Sylvia shouted. "The rate of regeneration of Lost has also markedly slowed down!"

"The Immortal System Core must be malfunctioning!" Sylvia shouted in joy.

"For real?!" Mina said holding the comms on and Y/n's narrowed his eyes.

Sylvia then finds the energy signature that flows towards the transmitter to power up and reverse trace it. She then told the Fenrir Squad about it and told the bridge in Coffin's ship to scan and they found the massive structure pointing at the 11 clock position.

Lena then confirms its existence and Sylvia, Kyle, and Fenrir Squad are about to move but are blocked by Seo Yoon who looks different.

"How have you been? Yoo Mina, N/N." Seo Yoon said with a smile. "It's not long since we separated but I'm glad to see you again."

"You....What's with the new look?" Mina inquired.

"Oh, this? It's nothing. I combined the Progressive Factor they provide to Replacer Officers with my own Alternative Factor." Seo Yoon answered.

".....Don't tell me, you also combined 'his' factor as well?" Hilde asked seriously.

"Wow, you're sharp, Commander but yes, I did." Seo Yoon said with a smile.

"Commander, I have 'problems' right now." Y/n's hologram suddenly said.

"Huh? What's wrong, Robot?" Hilde said.

"Oh, they must be there right now." Seo Yoon said confusing Fenrir Squad along with Kyle and Sylvia." They also possess 'his' factor as well, Commander." Seo Yoon said making Hilde wide-eyed.

"Y/n~~" A female voice is heard."It's nice to meet you again! So, you've survived that event."

"Haha, it's also nice to meet you again, Y/n." A male voice again is heard.

".......Well, well, looks who's bitch and simp branded together to be replaced?~" Y/n said in a most out of character for him making all of those hearing it including Seo Yoon shocked.

Y/n Pov

'Good, they're here. The one that abandoned the previous Y/n.' I thought and heard what they said.

It pisses me off.

They used to be Previous Y/n's friend but of course, he don't know it's fake considering he's naïve but they went too far, and also the biggest factor in previous Y/n's losing his parents.

The one place where he can be accepted.

".......Well, well, looks who's bitch and simp branded together to be replaced?~" I said shocking everyone.

"What?" the female voice said shocked.

"Huh?" the male voice also sounded the same.

"Why don't you reveal yourself? I already know it's you, George, Sarah." I said to 2 hooded figures in front of me.

"Seems like you already know me, N/n~," Sarah said removing the hood on her body.

(Not my art.)

"Hoho, I guess I'm getting popular then," George said.

(Not my art.)

"The only thing you getting popular is womanizing and asshole, dumbass." I retorted again acting out of character.

'Good, this time.....I'll put them in their place.' I said while smiling.

"We are going to have a very, very nice 'chat'" I said with my smile widening. 

Y/n: I have to do this?

Mina: Yes, A/N's head is smoking thinking of new ideas because of changes to canon.In his own words, 'butterfly effect'.

Y/n: Who are you and what you have done to my Mina?!

Mina: Hey!!

Y/n: Glad you're still Mina I know then.


Hilde: Stop flirting, both of you.

Y/n: Why not?

Hilde: Are you seriously asking me that, right now?


Hilde: *ticks mark appears* You better save your last words cause I'm about to unleash he-

Shi Yoon: *Stuff a bun into HIlde's mouth.* Shouldn't you guys continue the segment?

Y/n: Oh, right. Well then, as you guys know what happened to A/N? Do forgive him because he's trying to find some jobs. That being said, constructive criticism is appreciated. By the way, who commented about magic in the comments, Sorry, Omicron already analyzed that stuff and A/N is trying to fit it in.

Y/n: Well then, see you later, everyone, and don't lose hope in life!

Mina, Hilde, and Shi Yoon: See you guys later in the next chapter!

Shin Jia:.....when is it i will appear here?*(T-T)*

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