Chapter Three: Never Give A Witch A Writing Utensil -- IT'S ALIVE?!

Both boys had stood there in complete confusion before they decided to head home, and hopefully forget that day's events. Luckily for them, there was a soft silver light seeming to guide their path. They were far too tired to question it at that point. They headed to their apartment near their college, which was a lucky find on their part. With practiced precision, Jason whipped out the key and opened the door, stopping mid-step in the scene before him.

Elvira stood there, blood dripping off of her. She was illuminated by the lights outside, which gave her a surreal effect. Hearing them, she turned slowly towards the door. The red liquid was dripping down her face and down her mouth, making her skin even pastier. Jason gave a small, scared squeak. Elvira reached out towards them, her face still not showing any emotion. Her lips parted in an attempted to say something, but she was cut off by a furious shriek from somewhere down the hall.

"It's alive!" Came a scream as Willow bolted down the hallway. She was drenched in water, and her shoes made soft, squishy sounds. She nearly crashed into Elvira, and turned to the dumbstruck boys.

A smirk plastered itself onto her face.

"Ah, I bet ye didn't think that ye were gonna see us again, aye?" She sneered, her voice sounded demanding.

Kevin got over his shock quickly. "What's alive?!" He asked, his voice rising.

"Oh," she paused, "the rain thing." She said.

Kevin groaned. "The shower... It's called a shower..." He corrected.

"Ah, for rain shower." Willow said mostly to herself as she took note.

"Wh-what is that?" Jason asked, gesturing towards the girl covered in red.

"I had a run in vith a falling pail," she said, looking her hands. A small, creepy grin pulled at her lips.

"A pail?"

"Yes. I vas opening the doors and it fell from above," she explained, not looking away from her hands.

"A pail...?" Kevin repeated, glancing at Jason suspiciously. He chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head.

"It might've or might've not been for you..." Jason said. Kevin rolled his eyes and glared at his friend. "So that's not blood?"

"Huh? Oh, no. She hasn't murdered anyone--" Willow stated.

Elvira's gaze turned upwards, and a sadistic grin played softly on her lips. "Yet." She chuckled.

"Never mind that," Jason said, feeling common sense run through his veins. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, well, since ye foolish lads awoke us --" Willow started.

"-- it's only fair that you take care of us." Elvira finished.

"Right?" They chorused together.

"Oh... God..." Kevin muttered as he rubbed his temples. "Fine. But you owe us an explanation. With details." He bargained.

The two looked at each other, and a silent conversation passed between them. Willow looked back and grinned. "We're a pair of green eyed witches. She's German; I'm Irish. And there you go, an explanation with multiple details."

Kevin glared at them and sighed in defeat. He angrily made them a sleeping area on the floor from the couch cushions and spare blankets. He then turned to them. "Okay, ladies. I do not give a shit if you sleep or not but for the love of god stay quiet until seven AM at the very earliest or I will strangle you. Got that?" Without an answer, he just turns around and stomps off to his bedroom, slamming the door behind him. Jason watched him leave, then turned back to them with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, he sometimes gets like this." He said, chuckling nervously. Elvira looked at him, the bed, and at him again. Without a word, she goes up to the wall, plants her foot on it and began to climb up, her body becoming horizontal. Pretty soon, she was upside down.

"Night," she said, then crossed her arms over her torso and closed her eyes.

Jason just stared for a while, shrugged, and walked off mumbling things to himself.

"That vas no fun." Elvira said softly before dropping down from the ceiling. Willow chuckled.

"That used to work on yer suitors but it won't work on the males in this era," she said, watching the smaller girl intently.

"Ve don't talk about them, remember?" Elvira replied. "Now, I'm going to sleep. If you aren't, I suggest you try to find out vhat happened vith your... ability." And with that, she laid on the makeshift bed, crossed her arms over her chest, and her body stiffened as she fell into slumber.

Willow nodded and turned to the window, her mind racing through the possibilities of the cause of the spell's failure. But she quickly calmed her mind, gathered her thoughts, and sent them flying through the air. They soared above the clouds, and attached themselves to the stars. No one could see, but her pupils dilated and began to glow ever so softly.

She searched through every instance the spell had been used, and every effect of a mistake. A poor environment would lead to the person aging within the Blood Amber, so that was out. A mispronounced word would lead to instantaneous death, as would almost every other conceivable mistake. So she changed her search to the times the spell had broken. They were all broken the same exact way. A person finding the Blood Amber, touching it, then it breaking, freeing the witch inside. What made these people so special?

Then it hit her, and she was so surprised that it broke her connection with the star. She shut her eyes tightly, mentally preparing herself for the next day.


Kevin was yanked from his sleep by the sound of muttering coming from the side of his bed. He shot up abruptly and looked to his side. Glowing green eyes stared back, and a smirk could be seen in the little light that was provided from his alarm clock. It startled him and he gave a trying-to-be-quiet-but-very-manly shriek. She bursted out laughing from it.

"What was that for?!" He asked.

"For fun," she replied, getting up and leaving swiftly.

Jason was slightly awoken by the sound of Kevin's shriek, and then the feeling of something cold against his cheeks awoke him further.

He ignored it, but was ripped from relaxation as the cold started to mold his cheeks. His eyes ripped open and they darted to the figure.

Elvira was staring at him with a nonchalant expression, using her small hands to mold his cheeks into a smile. Amusement was sparkling in her eyes as she did so, molding his face into different expressions. He chuckled awkwardly, gaining her attention only then.

"Would you please let go of my cheeks?" He asked, wrapping his hands around her wrists and attempting to push them away from his face. It was futile, as her grip was strong. After a moment she let go, heading to the door and leaving swiftly, offering no words.

Both boys were equally confused.

When they were dressed, they left their respective rooms to find both girls sitting on the floor with their feet curled under themselves, facing each other. They both had their eyes closed and their palms on their knees, face up with their fingers loosely entwined. Both faces were set in strict concentration, mumbling things under their breath. Their voices steadily got louder, and their clothing began to move like there was an invisible wind. The sight enchanted both boys into silence.

"His verbis canamus, armorum praesidio ad tenendum per circuitum nostrum." With these words we chant, guard those around us with the strength of shield. They chanted, their voices growing louder until they were both yelling. Their hair began to float and their eyes flashed open. Their eyes were no longer the same, however.

Willow's pupils had dilated and her iris had begun to glow. Elvira's cornea was pitch black and her irises, too, were glowing; the veins around her eyes were a dark black. The two stared at the ceiling in silence for a moment, before their hair fell to their backs and their eyes slid shut. Then they rose to their feet and brushed themselves off, turning to face the young men.

"Right then. Now that that's done." Willow said, looking at Kevin and raising an eyebrow. "Shall we go, then?"

"Wha-- Wai-- No! What did you do?" Kevin finally pushed out. Willow grinned and turned to Elvira.

Elvira glanced at her without moving her head. "Nothing more than a charm," Willow said, turning back to the boys.

Kevin wanted to push further, but decided that now was not the time. He rubbed the back of his head and yawned. "Why did you two wake us up?"

"Show us this era." Willow commanded, crossing her arms and grinning wider. Kevin raised an eyebrow.


"We need to know how the magic flows in order to --" Elvira was quickly cut off by Willow.

"To help us figure out how to work magic properly," Willow said, eyeing her friend.

"I'm down for it," Jason said, turning to Kevin. "Why not? They've been trapped in those coffins for who knows how long."

Kevin sighed in defeat. "Fine."


"First," Kevin said, pushing the two girls into a large building. "Clothes."

"Oh," Jason said, chuckling nervously. "No, no no." He looked at Kevin for confirmation.

"Oh, yes." Kevin said, apparently confirming his worst fear. "We are visiting the nightmares."

"Nightmares?" Willow and Elvira asked, turning to each other. While both of their faces held concern, Elvira's eyes had a glint of joy. To hide their eyes, Willow had been forced to wear a giant sun hat and Elvira had her hood up.

Kevin chuckled, a sneer on his lips growing.

Jason sighed. "Fine. Let's get this over with." And with that, he lead the way.

The room they came to was large and spacious with numerous couches and tables scattered about. A plain woman was sitting at the largest desk there, smiling.

"Hello, Kevin!" She chittered, the happiness plastic and fake.

"Hello!" He said back, walking over to her.

"Visiting them today, huh?" She said, taking something he held out to her and sliding it through a machine.

"Sadly, yes." He responded, taking back the card and watching as she typed things on a keypad.

She chuckled. "They have been telling me how much they miss you. Would you like me to call in?"

"No, no." He said, taking another badge she held out and sticking it onto his shirt. "That's fine. Have a nice day!" He said, walking back over to the others and leading them down a hallway.

"You too!" She called back as they disappeared around a corner. He exhaled in relief and pressed a button that began to glow with an arrow pointing upwards. The girls warily followed the two males into the elevator, not liking the close quarters. It moved, and both girls had to fling their arms out to keep their balance, only to hit both boys in the face. With a few grumbles of pain it finally stopped and the two girls ran out, holding onto the wall.

"It's over..." They said in unison, catching their breath. Kevin rolled his eyes and continued down the hallway, twirling keys around on his finger. They came to door number 333.

"Only halfway to the devil," Jason muttered under his breath. Elvira raised an eyebrow at him but said nothing.

Kevin twisted the keys in and pushed open the door. After ushering everyone in he held his hands to his mouth.

"Language nerd is in your apartment; you are not being robbed. Please don't flock out here--" Kevin was interrupted by two females dashing in through a door on the right, another popping up from on the couch, and another slowly walking in from the left.

"Kevin!" A female with glasses and black hair cheered, crushing him in a large hug and lifting him off the ground in a twirl.

He tried to escape her grip. "Dana! Please stop! My diaphragm!" He choked out. The woman chuckled and let go of him.

"Whoops," she giggled, obviously not sorry.

The woman whom had run in with Dana was the smallest of the bunch, and her hair was blue at the ends. She chuckled, then glanced at the others.

"Who're they?" She asked, her voice childish.

That's when all four girls that had been flocked around Kevin slowly turned around to the other three.

"You know Jason, Caroline." Kevin said, trying to escape the devious smile that had appeared on the smaller girl's lips.

"No..." She whispered, then turned back to Kevin, an angelic smile on her face. "Your offering of beautiful females into our home is appreciated, brother." Kevin's smile twitched nervously.

"Caroline," the girl with all black clothing and black hair that turned to a bright red said, chewing on something that smelled of mint. "Put your gay away."

Caroline puffed out her cheeks, turning to the taller girl. "Shut up, Rocky." She muttered.

"Why're you here?" Rocky asked, turning her gaze to Kevin.

"It's a long story, but I'll tell you that later. We have come for some clothing options for them." He said, jabbing his thumb towards the girls.

"They look suspicious." She responded.

"Girls, take off your hats and hoods," Dana commanded. The two looked at Kevin who shrugged and nodded. They turned back to the larger female, who was peering down at them through her glasses. With a glance at each other, Willow took off her hat first.

"Whoa," Rocky muttered at the combination of the girl's fire red hair and sparkling forest green eyes. Caroline seemed to be practically drooling.

"Now you." Dana said, pointing a polished finger at the smaller girl.

"Vhat if I don't vant to?" She responded before Willow smacked her in the back of her head.

"Manners!" Willow hissed, and the girl glared at her.

"Ooh, Irish. How exotic." Caroline said dreamily, letting a soft sigh sound through the room.

Elvira muttered something under her breath before taking off her hood, which didn't garner as much reactions as Willow, since she looked more sickly. Dana, however, squealed at the girl's doll-like features and brighter green eyes that swirled.

"She's just like a doll--"

"Okay!" Kevin interrupted his eldest sibling, taking deep breaths. "Veronica, you take Elvira here," he said, motioning to the poker-faced girl. "And Rocky take Willow," he added, gesturing to the fire headed girl. Both girls chuckled and led them down the hallways.

They waited in an awkward silence. Finally, they heard the clicking of shoes coming down the hallway.

Willow came down with a black shirt and dark wash jeans, and Kevin almost gagged at the sight of her bright neon green high-top converse that clashed magnificently with her hair, along with a sky blue baseball cap perched atop her head.

Elvira wore a pastel blue shirt and light wash jeans with dark tall boots; she was still wearing her cape. She was scowling slightly, and Willow knew it was because of her dislike for pastels. She grinned at her friend's struggle.

"Okay, we done?" Kevin asked, and turned around quickly to leave the apartment. He was halted by two figures blocking the doorway.

"We need--" Dana started.

"--an explanation." Caroline finished. Kevin gulped nervously.

He turned to the girls. "Well?" He chuckled, surrender clear and thick in his voice.


"So you are telling me that the girls in front of us--" Dana said, pointing at the two females that were blissfully sipping authentic tea. "--are witches from the past?"

Elvira sighed in relief, her eyes closed and set the tea down onto her lap. She opened her bright eyes and stared down at the tea, revealing no emotion.

"Around 200-300 years, to be precise." She said, casting her gaze to meet the four females' adjacent to them. To the left of her was a separate seating arrangement for both boys, and her gaze flickered to them before going back to her tea.

"Your accent is so thick, both of you." Veronica giggled. "Yours is Irish, and yours is Germanic?"

"Ja," Elvira said before sipping her tea again.

"Okay, you got your explanation. Can we leave?" Kevin asked, standing up.

"What's the rush?" Willow asked, raising an eyebrow and sipping her tea again. "Yer sisters are friendly."

"Didn't you guys want to -- what was it -- learn about his era, or something?"

"We can help with that!" Caroline chittered.

"Absolutely not." Kevin said, turning to his sister whom merely grinned at his annoyance.

"What? Are you jealous?" She asked, a smirk plastered over her face.

"Ooooh!" Veronica giggled. "Somebody's got a crush!" She cheered.

"What's a crush?" Willow asked, furrowing her brow slightly. Caroline and Veronica grinned.

"It's when you like someone. Romantically." They said in unison.

Willow stiffened a bit but said nothing, and ignored Elvira's questioning glare. Elvira then turned her gaze to Jason, seemingly asking him why he had let that happen. He shrunk under her gaze.

"What? No," Kevin said, rolling his eyes.

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