Left Behind Part One (M)

They had left her behind. They had left them behind. All of them had piled onto the ship, ready to go, not a care in the world, and they had just...left.

She tried to ignore the wetness dripping down her cheeks. The numbness she felt at thought of living another hundred years alone. The idea that she would have to watch her friends grow old and die together, while she lived on. Alone.

Ray's frantic words were like cotton in her ears, "We just have to stay calm." He told everyone, "Wherever they time-jumped-- whenever-- they'll come back to this exact same moment."

She wanted to believe him. She really did.

Ten Minutes Later

She was right. They weren't coming back. Ray was wrong this time. Alex leaned against the tree, knowing the only thing she could do now was move on, and try to help the others move on as well.

"They're not coming back." Sara reached out to Ray, all hope gone from her face, "Let's go."

Ray stammered, disbelief clouding his face as he tried to rationalize the situation, "Look, as a former Eagle Scout with over 100 merit badges, no big deal," He subtly bragged and Alex couldn't tell if it was for Kendra or not, "the first rule of getting lost is stay the same place." he spoke with such confidence, such faith, she almost believed him. "That way, you can be found."

Sara moved to confront him, "And as a former member of the League of Assassins," she name-dropped, "the first rule when you've been attacked is to keep moving."

To Alex's surprise, Kendra actually took Sara's side, "I sort of think League wisdom trumps the Eagle Scouts here." She announced, "Plus, Savage is still out there."

Ray shook his head, wanting to believe that the team would rescue them. Alex knew what that was like. To have hope that someone will come back when you knew they weren't.

"Guys, the rest of the team would not leave us marooned in 1958." Ray continued to push, holding onto whatever hope he had left of being rescued, "Alex back me up on this, you know they're coming back," He pleaded, turning to her for support. He'd always found it in her. But not this time.

"I'm sorry Ray," She whispered, "But Sara and Kendra are right. When people leave, they leave for good."

Ray's body slumped in defeat.

Ten Hours Later

Alex wrapped her arms around herself, rubbing them in order to try and keep herself semi-warm as she watched Sara hotwire the car they needed.

"One good thing about 1958," Sara spoke through gritted teeth, trying to hide the hurt she felt, "no car alarms."

Alex chuckled at her joke, trying to cheer up the mood.

Kendra peered closer at Sara's handiwork, "I didn't think they had cars in Nanda Parbat."

Sara smirked at the observation, "Dated a lot of delinquents as a teenager."

"Let me guess," Alex teased, trying to lighten things up, "Was one of those delinquents Oliver Queen?"

The engine turned over, starting the car and offering the group a chance at freedom. Sara stood up, a twinkle in her eye as she answered Alex's question, "Maybe."

Ray shook his head, eyes wide in worry, "And now we're the delinquents." He pointed out and Alex resisted the urge to refute his optimism, "If we leave Harmony Falls, how's the rest of the team gonna find us?"

Sara turned to face their hopeful friend, shoulders slumped, "We don't know if they're looking for us." She spoke up, saying what everyone had been thinking. And Alex couldn't help but agree. If they were looking for them they should've arrived back at the parking spot, "But we know Savage and his sidekick are," Sara reminded them, and Alex grew sober at the thought of Mandy. She was long gone at this point. "We can't take him. That means we can't stay here."

Alex nodded at the assassin and stepped into the shotgun position, calling out to the two lovebirds, "Let's go."

Ten Days Later

"You think this will actually work?" Alex asked, handing Ray parts from her spot on the floor.

Ray nodded, "Of course it will," he spoke with such confidence, Alex wanted to believe him, "I mean, it's not going to be as advanced as something from the 2010s, but it should suffice."

She shook her head, a smile on her face as she crossed her legs, watching the crease in Ray's eyebrow form as he worked. She swore it was the only time he never smiled.

Alex's heart thumped against her chest, stomach bubbling as she stared at the scientist before her, watching as the slightest curl of dark hair fell in his eyes, but he still pushed on, undeterred.

The sound of the door opening pulled her out of her stupor and she turned to face Kendra and Sara back from the store.

"Oh, what did you do to our apartment?" Sara looked both disgusted and impressed with the mess Ray had made. Alex sighed, preparing herself for the same spiel Ray had given to her when they began the project.

Ray's eyes lit up, his smile wide, "I'm creating a time beacon--" He began, continuing when he saw the looks of confusion on the other women's faces, "a transponder which matches the Waverider's quantum signature, basically creating a radio wave firewall that only our team can see."

Silence passed between the four of them until finally, Alex decided to break the tension. "It's a good idea."

Kendra shook her head at her boyfriend, "It's cute that you think any of us understood a word of that."

Surprisingly, Alex found herself agreeing with the demigoddess.

"But I hope it works." Kendra tried to boost his self-esteem, Ray sending her a bright smile her way.

Sara sighed as she looked around the apartment, blowing a hair out of her face, "In the meantime, maybe we should invest in some real beds."

"You mean you don't like sleeping on the hardwood floor?" Ray questioned, grabbing the part for his time beacon from Alex's hands, "I never would've guessed."

Alex smirked at his joke, readying one of her own, "She's just upset she doesn't have a place to bring home her booty calls." Ray and Kendra chuckled at her response, "What was that nurse's name again? Linda? Lana?"

Sara launched a playful kick in her direction, which she swiftly dodged. "I'm coming for you after I put these down," She threatened. Ray turned to face Alex, a playful look in his eyes.

"I'd start running," He advised. Alex stood up, Sara setting down the groceries and chasing her down the empty apartment, catching up to the taller Amazon (she let her win) and tackling her to the ground, where laughter shook her chest, staring up at the league member, a wide smile crossing her face.

"I win this time," Sara laughed back, standing up and pulling the brunette to her feet. Alex chuckled the tension away, walking over to the kitchen to see what Kendra and Sara had brought home.

She didn't want to get too close to the former assassin. She had learned her lesson with Ray, she didn't need to ruin her relationship with Sara too.


That promise didn't last much longer once they got actual beds and started sharing rooms. Alex swore Sara was trying to get her to break.

The final instance was accidentally walking in on the Lance girl in the shower, cheeks blushing as Sara stood there, a smirk on her face as they interacted. 

"What?" She teased, "You didn't see much of this on the Island?"

Alex rolled her eyes, the initial shock wearing off, playfully pushing Sara's shoulder as she went back to brushing her teeth, catching the soft curve of Sara's breasts in the reflection of the mirror, Hub city sun almost surrounding the assassin like a halo.

Alex forced herself to look away, so the blonde didn't think she was staring. Sara joined the brunette at the sink, dressed only in a shirt she was pretty sure Sara stole from Ray.

Their shoulders were touching, the smell of cheap floral shampoo weaving itself through Alex's nose as Sara moved closer, throwing her blonde curls into a bun while a smirk seemed permanently stuck on her face.

"I'm gonna take a day to myself," Sara announced, "I think I deserve it."
Alex chuckled with a mouthful of toothpaste before spitting it into the sink, "Haven't you been doing that our entire time here?"

Sara bit her lip playfully, "Look, as long as Ray is able to provide for us, I think I'm entitled to a few days to myself."

"There's a difference between a few days and an entire month."

Sara pressed closer, height difference exaggerated as the space between them grew smaller. Alex's gaze flickered to the bottom half of Sara's face, unable to tear her eyes away from the subtle lick of her pink lips, the cheap shampoo becoming intoxicating, and there was something about knowing that she wasn't wearing anything underneath that sent Alex tingling.

Pinning Sara's shoulders against the wall, Alex pressed her lips against the other woman's, hands wandering down to the hem of the stolen shirt.

Fingernails dug into the skin of her thigh, wrapping Sara's leg around her waist, hips pressed together. Her tongue wandered the skin around her mouth before finding itself between Sara's lips again.

She bit down hard on Sara's bottom lip as they pulled apart, a soft moan leaving the assassin's lips. Her hands wandered inward, toward her core, finger slipping inside her. Sara's hot breath blew past her shoulder, exciting Alex between her thighs, the assassin clawing at the material covering Alex's shoulders, nails threatening to burrow into her skin.

Alex ceased her actions when she heard Sara wince. "Do you wanna stop?"

Sara shook her head, grabbing Alex's hand and repositioning it, "There," she whined, "That's better," Her shoulders relaxed, shutting her eyes as sounds of pleasure passed her lips. Alex continued to stroke upward, slowly at first.

She teased the sides of her lower lips, playing with the folds before continuing her strokes, faster this time.

Alex slipped the appendage out, snaking her hand around Sara's waist, placing her on the sink, spreading her thighs open.

She was ravenous, nipping the areas around Sara's neck, sucking at the skin. Everything she had been holding inside was released in this one singular act.

She massaged Sara' s thighs, each kiss pressed to the skin; a geyser of emotion breaking free. She peppered the pelvis with lovebites, tongue following the curve straight to the bundle of nerves that waited for her.

She teased the small knot, pressing her lips to the area surrounding it, Sara's whimpers letting her know that she was going about this the right way. Her tongue moved downward, licking up the wetness that had begun to form, relishing in the taste that passed her lips. She pressed further inward, lips fluttering near Sara's folds before pulling back out, finally locking around her core, sucking the knot before letting her tongue massage it.

She finished by licking her lips and fluttering her lips against Sara's.

Alex strode away, shutting the door behind her, feeling more relaxed than she had in years.


Christmas, Alex was learning, was one of Ray Palmer's favorite holidays. They were close to a few days away and Ray was asking her opinion on another gift for Kendra.

"Didn't you already get her like five others?" She asked, taking a sip from her coffee, the drink warming up her freezing hands.

"Yeah, but I feel like I need something more." Ray protested. Silence stood between the two of them as they looped around the park again, both trying to get some fresh air and enjoying some time away from their relationships.

If you could even call what she and Sara had a relationship. It was more of a casual fling with an understanding that they wouldn't sleep with anyone else. There were no feelings involved.

"So what are you getting Sara?" Ray asked, gently nudging her shoulder. Alex chuckled before tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Her heart still pounded when Ray drew too close, she still felt her cheeks getting red when he complimented her. Her stomach twisted every time she saw him and Kendra together.

A few weeks didn't change that.

"Uh, nothing," Alex responded, trying to focus on the conversation, "Sara said she didn't want anything this year."

Ray squinted, his eyebrows scrunched together as he tried to process that information. Alex had to force herself not to laugh. He looked to confused as to why someone wouldn't want to celebrate Christmas.

"Everyone wants something on Christmas," He tried to rationalize, "I mean, come on, It's Christmas."

Alex shrugged, "I told her I didn't want to celebrate either." She finally admitted. That seemed to push Ray even further into the realm of disbelief, stopping the scientist in his tracks.

"Whoa, okay, I expect that from Sara," He began, "But I don't know, I guess I just figured you'd be the type to celebrate."

Alex debated telling him the truth. Telling him why she doesn't celebrate and why it's one of the worst days of the year. But that would mean being vulnerable with him, and she couldn't afford to do that. It would mean more chest constrictions when she saw him and Kendra snuggle, it would mean expecting something out of her relationship with Sara, it would mean opening herself up to scrutiny.

"I don't like the holiday that much," Was what she said, hoping it would be enough to dissuade Ray from asking any more questions. It didn't.

"Why?" He pressured.

Alex whipped around to face him, annoyance written on her face as her lips drew themselves tightly together. "Because I don't, okay Ray?" Her words were curt, cutting off any future interaction.

Ray retreated back into himself, a sheepish look crossing his face as he nodded slightly. They continued their walk back to the apartment back in silence, the snow a hindrance rather than the charming weather they both loved.

Christmas came and went. No one bought anyone any gifts and Ray didn't talk to her the entire day.

Alex sighed as she crawled next to Sara that night, her arm wrapping itself around the smaller woman, tracing the curves of her thighs, following them up to her waist.

"Did you have a good birthday?" She asked, playing with the ends of Sara's blonde hair.

Sara leaned up at her question, "Actually I did." She admitted, "No one acknowledged it except you, and that's all that matters to me."

The Amazon chuckled at her compliment, pressing her lips to Sara's. The gesture was soft and when she went to pull away, Sara's teeth bit into her lip, keeping her in place. Alex moved in for another kiss, electrifying her spine, each time their lips met she craved more. More than just the fervent movement between her and Sara, more than the rough tugging on her hair before they pulled apart.

Lips still touching, Alex wrapped her hand around the curve of Sara's ass, wrenching her across her lap, massaging the back of her thigh, relishing in the feeling of skin touching skin, of Sara's hips rolling against hers, back and forth...back and forth.

Sara moved her lips to her cheek, nipping at the dark skin, following the sharp angles of her jaw until her teeth dug into the helix of her ear. Alex's chest heaved.

"Who would've thought?" Sara chuckled, voice low, sultry. "The princess likes to be topped."

"You gonna just sit there," Alex panted, a smirk crossing her face, "Or are you gonna show me what you got?"

"You asked for it," Sara teased back, pressing the brunette into the bed, fingernails scratching her forearms before pinning her wrists together against the headboard, teeth nipping at the curve of her collarbone, the rhythm of her hips moving faster, her free hand pushing up the hem of Alex's shirt, tracing the curve of her waist, pressing into the soft skin below her breasts. Sara's lips rimmed Alex's nipple, and the brunette arched her back, the moan softly squeezing past her lips.

Alex gripped the ass of the woman on top of her, Sara's thumb playing with the string of her underwear, her finger slipping past the barrier. The limb pushed itself inside Alex, playing with her lower lips before slipping out once again, the tease agitating the Amazon, her hands breaking free from the position Sara had put them in to grab a fistful of the blonde's hair, pulling her head back.

The assassin elicited a moan of pleasure at the act, her mouth drawing itself upward into a smirk.

"I thought I was in charge here." She quipped.

Alex brought Sara's face closer to hers, growling, "then prove it."

She released her hold on Sara's hair, pushing their faces together in another heated collision, kisses quick, fervent, whirlwinds.

Sara's hips thrust against hers, her hand dropping between Alex's thighs, stroking her core back and forth overtop her underwear. It was teasing her, so tantalizingly close, but so agonizingly far.

"You like that?" Sara asked, the tiniest bit of concern hidden in the sultry tone that she had been using the whole night.

A moaned 'yes' was all the assassin needed to continue going. She picked up speed, and Alex could feel the pressure building up between her thighs, ready to spill out at the perfect moment. 

Sara's fingers moved to the band of her underwear, tearing them downward, and Alex kicked off the remaining cloth onto the floor, lips meeting Sara's again.

This time the blonde pinned her against the headboard, thrusting her hips forward to force the Amazon to remain in that position.

The shivers down her back were electrifying, and Sara nipped at her neck again, her hand stroking the bare lower lips of the Amazon, fingers playing with the folds before inserting them inside of her, relishing in the wetness that greeted her. Her strokes picked up speed, roughing up the silky walls before watching Alex relax against the bed, closing her eyes and whining. Sara began to slow down, her touches becoming gentle as she slipped out, pressing Alex's thighs open as she scooted down, pressing her lips to the bare skin around her belly button, and then the crook between her pelvis, massaging her thighs. Until finally Sara's lips surged forward, fluttering against her inner thigh, and then her folds, before rimming her core.

Her tongue moved back and forth, licking up the wetness that was beginning to pool. Alex whimpered and grasped the top of Sara's head, fistfuls of hair the only thing grounding her to the bed, keeping Sara's head in place.

Alex closed her eyes, tilting her head back against the wall, arching her back every time Sara went in for more.

This...she decided, was the perfect Christmas gift.

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