heading to the forbidden forest
Angry Luigi arrives at Emila's house
" Hey Emila," Angry Luigi says with a shy smile.
" Oh hey," Emila says, working on some magic.
" Savannah got you a gift " Angry Luigi says
" Thanks, put it on the table I'm working on something Emila says.
" Oh" Angry Luigi says as the Cauldron began to shake before nothing happened.
The others were yammering
" Hey!" Kali says as her friends stop
" Ok, one at a time" Papa Smurf says
" We went to the forbidden forest" Vexy says
" I told you time and time again never to go to there" Papa Smurf says
" Wait that's what it's called" Brock says
" And Now you're talking about Maps and Mystery Smurfs and Gargamel's Lair None of this makes any sense and I really can't understand why you can't follow simple rules you snuck out and it put you all in danger you're grounded" Papa Smurf says
" Yeah, like you have the right to do that to us" Cynthina says
" No, you Advneture Kids had no idea.. You smurfs led them to danger " Papa Smurf says as Smurfette got a idea as the boys complained as Vexy had a cheeky grin on her face
" You're right Papa Smurf " She says
" Wait what.... Oh yes Papa Smurf we understand completely" Vexy says as they leave she and Smurfette winked
Later they were sneaking out as the Adventure kids and team smurf followed
" Thanks Guys for this" Smurfette says
" We're team Smurf" Hefty says
" Yeah and we're the adventure kids come on you guys " Kali says
" Our Big little adventure begins now" David says
"Ha" Hefty says finding it funny.
" I got my crystal back" Kali says
" Nice cause we might need it " Smurfette says
" Yay" Hackus cheered as all of them did a fist bump however Kali's crystal glitched
" All ready?" She says
"We're going home wow that was easy" Cynthina says
A portal opened as Emila gasped
" It's working It's working" Emila says as Angry Luigi's body began to glitch
" Huh" Angry Luigi says as his body was being sucked into the portal as Emila just watched
" Help me!" Angry Luigi says
" Oh... no" Emila says as the portal closed as Angry Luigi shrunk into a smurf sized body as his Ommitrix was gone as he fell on the ground and groaned
" Ow! Sweet Mother of Mayhem" Angry Luigi says as he looks at himself then looks around.
" Gotta find help what is this world?" Angry Luigi asked himself
Angry Luigi looks around a bit navigating the forest in his new smurf body as he leaped and bounced on a mushroom and grabbed a tree branch and swung off it.
Angry Luigi did a 3-point landing and smirked as he rushed off as he still had super speed he bounced off some rocks and even rode on a ladybug.
Angry Luigi arrived at a house and looks inside a bit and noticed Big Mouth looking hungry
" Mother" Angry Luigi says scared
The Adventure kids and the Smurfs enter the forbidden forest
" Awesome" Vexy says as there was some big plants one ate Smurfette as another goes for Kali who dodged.
As everyone else was getting eaten Kali grabbed one of the vines " Leave my friends and family alone!" She says as they spit them around
Soon they arrive and see dragon flies
" Pretty cool!" David says
" Good job Clumsy you may have found a new species " Brainy says
" Nerd alert!" Vexy says as Kali already tamed one
Soon Gargamel arrived.
" Gargamel!!!" Vexy says
" Surprised to see me?" He asked
" Nope it's the Villain never goes away Cliche" Cynthina says
" Is that him?" Ann asked
"Wait more female smurfs that I didn't create how is this possible?" He asked
" We're from earth" Brock says
" Really way to give away intel" David says
" You're not going to get to That Village right guys?" Kali asked
" Yeah" The others says
" Boys get them" Gargamel says but suddenly a blue green blur rushed by Gargamel and the adventure kids
" What was that?" Hefty asked as the blur tripped Azareal as Monty tries flying after it put a crystal fist hit the bird as the blur was gone
" Was that from the crystal?" Kali wondered
Suddenly Big Mouth came
" run for your lives!" Gargamel says as Big Mouth began chasing Gargamel
" Let's go while they're distracted" Kali says as the smurfs run as Gargamel Azeral and Monty chased the smurfs while Big Mouth chased them.
Angry Luigi looks down and thinks of a plan as Azarel tries to grab Vexy who leaped and bounced off a plant and landed on his ear and yelled in his ear as the cat tries hitting her but Vexy leaped as Smurfette caught her as The cat hit himself
The Adventure Kids ran circles and everywhere confusing Monty who was dizzy.
Big Mouth Grabbed Gargamel and began punching his head as Gargamel saw stars
" Food " he says.
" over there" Gargamel says and tripped Big Mouth who fell off a cliff.
" I hate this idea" Cynthina says as Vexy elbowed her.
" Ok let's go" Kali says as they use nightsticks as light
Kali went with Smurfette and Hackus
Hefty went with Deeber
Cynthina went with Ann and Brainy as Vexy goes with David and clumsy
" Ok These are weird pairings I have nothing in common with nerds " Cynthina says
" hey" Brainy says
" These walls are thin" Teeder says
" Be careful" Smurfette says
Suddenly a stampede of Glowing bunnies came
" Stampede of bunnies is so cute!" Ann says.
" Big Mouth wasn't nice but that's just wrong" Angry Luigi says as he rushed away and hid in the bush and made sure he wasn't seen
The bunnies leads them outside as it was dark.
"Ok we're going to need to rest up so we need to make a fire and get food" Kali says as there was a basket of berries
"Smurfberries" Smurfette says with a grin
" How convenient " Cynthina says as suddenly there was a crunch and suddenly Angry Luigi tripped and fell flat on his face.
" Another smurf?" Brock asked
" We don't know him" Brainy says
" Maybe he's from our world" Kali says
" Impossible" Brock says
"We've been though a lot of adventures" Kali says
" You let him go alone?" Savannah asked as the gang met up
"He's find he just went to the smurf world all we gotta do is get some stuff to make a portal so we can get him back" Emila says
" Ok we don't got time let's move losers" Alem tuber says and rushed off as Bill rolled his eyes
" He's lost" Bill says
" Come on" Emila says
Angry Luigi woke up and groaned
" You ok?" Kali asked
"Who are you?" Angry Luigi asked
"We're the Smurfs" Smurfette says
" Oh this universe" Angry Luigi says
" I'm Kali, this is Brock, David, Teeder Ann, and Cynthina" Kali says " Together we are the Adventure kids"
" Huh you're just like Cherry and Atticus" Angry Luigi says
" Who?" Brock asked
" Some heroes who go on different adventures, my heroes I'm Angry Luigi" he says as The Smurfs look confused as David laughed.
" wait how'd you get here" Kali asked
"I hate talking so potion portal here" Angry Luigi says as Kali takes out the crystal
" A crystal cube?" Angry Luigi asked as he took out a hammer " How'd you get one?" He asked
" So much for I hate talking" Cynthina says
" It's a long story " Kali says
Angry Luigi put his hammer down and goes back to sleep.
" So we're teaming up with some fanboy"Cynthina snarked
" Seems kinda weird" Hefty says.
The next morning
They look at a river
"We'll need wood" Kali says as they band together and put together a raft as Hefty and Brock ran to give it speed.
Angry Luigi looked down as he hated swimming they soon see Gargamel and hits pets on their raft
" Smurfs I thought I left you for dead" Gargamel says
Angry Luigi looked nervous but decided to face his fear and used his crystal powers forming some oars
" You have powers?" Smurfette asked
" Cool" Vexy says
" You must have been that green blur" Kali realized as gargamel tries using a stick
" Kali do some magic" Ann says as Angry Luigi leaped and whacked the stick using his hammer and then landed on Gargamel's head and leaped up as Azreal punched Gargamel as Kali caught Angry Luigi
" Nice!" Ann says to Angry Luigi
" This adventure will go a lot easier!" Brainy says with a smile.
Deebers pulled the lever unleashing the sail as water went everywhere
Angry Luigi held on as he got an idea and created crystal platforms and leaps on them and saw a weird flower " I hope this works" Angry Luigi says and grabbed it
Angry Luigi smirked, unleashing a fiery aura as he was now Fire Angry Luigi
" Not the true fire flower, but it will do" Angry Luigi says and tossed a fireball at Monty, who flew and dove for Fire Angry Luigi, who leaped up and starts railing on crystals as Monty went back
As the chase continued, a rock hit the villains
" Ha got em" Brock says
"We're on course" Brainy says as Angry Luigi is back to normal.
" We gotta help him" Ann says
" He's going to betray us" Cynthina says
" Yeah, he used us" Vexy says as Angry Luigi nodded
" Hackus save" He says
" Yeah, Lil bro, we gotta save him" Smurfette says as Angry Luigi and Kali tossed a vine, helping them
" Thank you. Thank you" Gargamel says as Vexy crossed her arms before he knocked them all off into the water
" Called it" Cynthia says as they arrive on land.
" Ok We're alive we're alive" Angry Luigi says
" This is your fault" Brainy says " We just had to save Gargamel"
Angry Luigi looks guilty.
" Come on let's go we don't got time for this" Kali says leading the group around as suddenly Kali felt something off as Angry Luigi shivered suddenly big sticks fell around them a rope trying it to cage our heroes as some masked creatures came up
" What do you want?" Hefty asked as one of them looks at the females
" Them" It said.
" Oh brother" Angry Luigi sighed as he began to sparkle with lighting.
" Oh, looks like this crossover adventure might be easy with him around " Cynthia says as Kali feels unneeded
Angry Luigi leaps up, ready " let's a go"
Time for some extras
The Host came
"This is Miss Liz Powell. She's a professional dancer and she's in the hospital as a result of overwork and nervous fatigue. And at this moment we have just finished walking with her in a nightmare. In a moment she'll wake up and we'll remain at her side. The problem here is that both Miss Powell and you will reach a point where it might be difficult to decide which is reality and which is nightmare, a problem uncommon perhaps but rather peculiar to the Twilight Zone."
The Adventure Kids were enjoying a pleasant day, indulging in cartoons and snacking on popcorn and treats. However, their peaceful afternoon took an unexpected turn when the television glitched and mysteriously began to pull the children into its depths.
They screamed and gasped as it was a black and white dimension
" Where are we?" Ann asked
" looks like we're in a hospital," Deeber says
Brock just goes in a room and sees a woman named Liz sleeping as there was a tick sound
" Ok creepy let's get out of this adventure quick" Cynthina says suddely Liz woke up
" Um hello" Kali says as Liz knocked a glass of water shattering it
" Are you ok I can help" Ann says
" Who are you?" Liz asked
" We're the adventure kids come on" Ann says taking her hand as they follow the sound of footsteps and follow a nurse as they head towards Room 22 as they walk they notice it was quiet busy and a bit eerily
The nurse came
" ROOM FOR ONE MORE HONEY!!!" The nurse says as Cynthina and Liz screamed the others was stunned as they all ran to the elevator
Cynthina shot awake sweating actually scared and noticed Benny talking to Liz about stuff as Kali was thinking about a plan giddy about adventure
" Kali please get us out of here please" Cynthina says shaking
" Relax we're fine" Kali says
" Did we all have the same dream?" Ann asked worried for Liz
Teeder nods
' Looks Like Liz has plans for a plane ride soon" Ann says
" Sweet" Brock says
Suddenly Cynthia grabbed the crystal as it glowed before sending them back
" Hey give it back.. ok ok I guess I should have tried to understand your feelings I'm sorry" Kali says and hugs Cynthina as they all get in a group hug
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