Chapter 9: Feral Fiend, Lua's Other Side
Warning: This chapter contained major swearing, readers discretion is advised...
A bi-color shape living in Volcano Kingdom, his color is amethyst purple and corrupted pink. He was made as a half corrupted, but shapes in Volcano Kingdom gossip about the bi-color shape being like one of the corrupteds. He tried so hard to convince shape that he's not like a corrupted, no shape listened and the guards report the rumor to Lady Devotion. She i concerned but the laws are the laws...
Any shape that is a corrupted will be sentenced death and mummified.
But King Anubis don't want to execute the shape, the shape didn't even figure out his song yet. He have no choice but to mummify the bi-color shape.....
A L I V E . . .
Earlier before Barracuda was revived,
"The Buzzsaw Maniac, aka Cool Friends...You were assumed as a corrupted since you were made as a half corrupted. King Anubis mummified you alive, your brain got broken and you seem to be in hunger. Don't worry, the King of Corruption will help ya...." Blixer said. Growling was heard from the mummified shape named Cool Friends, "StArViNg....NeEd...FoOd....NeEd....FrEeDoM...." Cool Friends said as he's struggling to get out of the old bandages. "I promise that I will give you what you need, if you will join me..." Blixer said with a grin. "I'lL dO iT....I'LL DO IT!!!!" Blixer poured corruption on Cool Friends, buzzing was heard and Cool Friends came out. He's in a position of a starving animal, "Let's go to my tower now, your meal will be waiting for you...." Blixer said as he snapped his finger...
At the tower,
Cool Friends was feasting on a dead uncorrupted creature, who knew a shape that was mummified alive was there for a very very long time became broken and hungry. He was starving after joining Blixer's side, Blixer did what he promised to Cool Friends. He never knew that uncorrupteds taste wonderful. He owe his king a big one, he's now satisfied after his meal. Blixer walked up to Cool Friends an show him a drawing, it's a drawing of the four Sacred Shapes. "These are your targets, attack them in first sight." Blixer told him, "RiP aNd TeAr....RiP aNd TeAr TiL iT's DoNe! I wOn'T fAiL yOu, YoUr MaJeStY!" Cool Friends said as he grabbed the drawing. Blixer smiled and pet him, Cool Friends felt happy ro be treated right. Now he will wait until the targets arrived...
Clanking was heard in the distance, Ace and the others are inside the tower which appears to be the industrial area. The clanking is getting louder, it sounded like it's moving to the beats. They reached to the dock, "Thanks for helping us, Ship!" "No problem, you four go on ahead. Paradise's fate are in your hands, now go!" Ship said. The four nodded and head on forward, the gears clank to the beat and same for the pounders. They see the creatures moving on the treadmills, then they saw a void level in front of them. They can hear the growling in there, "Come on, we need to complete it to reveal a path somewhere." Ace said. Him and his siblings jumped in, but they don't know what they are expecting.....
COOL FRIENDS(Murtagh & Veschell Remix)
By Silva Hound
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
The attack was instant when the music started, good thing none of them were hurt from that. Pellets rose up below them an then treadmills appeared with buzzsaws behind them. Everything moved as the pistons were activated, then comes the wave of buzzsaws with terrified them. This level is nothing but buzzsaws at this point, it made them lose two of their pieces. They reached the next stage with is laser galore, it followed to the rhythm of the song. Ryan got shattered along with Vex, Ace accidentally dashed into a laser and Lua was hit by a buzzsaw row.
They were forcefully came out of the void level, "Well shit, this level is worse than Termination Shock." Ryan said. "Let's try that again, maybe it will be better this time." they went in again but then forced out after getting shattered again.
They failed again for the 25th time, this level is impossible to beat. Before Ace said anything, Lua was twitching and her fist was clutching so tight. She's about to explode, boiling sound was heard and then she blew up into anger and frustration. Her eyes glowing white and her braid snapped into a mess.
"F*** S*** P*** DAMN C***SUCKER S*** MOTHERF***ING T***IES ON A F***ING STICK I HATE THAT LEVEL SO F***ING MUCH!!!! I'M F***ING TIRED OF BEING NICE FROM THIS!!! 'Come on Lua, it will be more better since it isn't that hard now!' BULLS*** MY A***!!!! THAT LEVEL IS F***ING CANCEROUS AND BROKEN THAT IT MAKE ME WANT TO F***ING SHATTER MORE THAN THAT!!!! IT ALSO MAKE ME WANT TO F***ING SHOVE A METAL STICK UP THAT THING'S A**!!! THE CORRUPTEDS CAN SUCK F*** D***S!!!! BLIXER IS BEING A F***ING P**** AND THINKS HE CAN HIDE ON TOP OF THE F***ING TOWER AND NOT FIGHT US!!! BULLS***!!!! THIS IS NOT F***ING FINE!!!!! THIS IS NOT RIGHT AT ALL YOU TREEANGLE DAMN C***SUCKER P**** F***ING B**** A** C***!!!!!" They never seen this side of Lua before when they first woke up. It took time for Lua to finally calm down, her eyes went back to normal. "Oh Treeangle, what happened?" Lua asked, " blew a fuse so hard that you've sworn more than a sailor" Ace explained. "Oh my! Im so sorry! I dont know what came over me! Let's just get this over with..." Lua said as she fixed hair back into a braid. The others were still shaken from Lua's other side, the four went back in and hope for the best.
They managed to get through the third stage which are giant buzzsaws. Buzzsaws appeared everywhere and the rows of it charged at the four. Dodging three of them is easy, but they wen pale from the fourth one. That one is not dodgable, could this be the end? Suddenly, it disappeared before it reached to the Sacred Shapes. They sigh in relief after completing Cool Friends, Ace grabbed the triangle bit and the level ends.
They got out and saw the shape which is Cool Friends, he looks angry. "No No NO!!!!! ThIs WaS sUpPoSeD tO bE dIfFiCuLt!!!!" Cool Friends screeched in anger. "It's over Cool Friends! You're level is no match for us!" Ace said, he charged at him as the cyan energy form into a sword in his hand. He swung it and sliced Cool Friends in half, the sword faded into cyan light and the upper half of Cool Friends's body fell. Pink blood was spilling out of him, "YoU tHiNk YoU fOuR cAn SaVe PaRaDiSe....It'S hOpElEsS....iT wIlL bE dOnE fOr OnCe ThE cEnTiPeDe BeAsT iS aWaKeN...." Cool Friends said. "The Centipede Beast?" "ThErE aRe FiVe cOrRuPtEd SuPeRiOrS tHaT wAs CrEaTeD bY hEr; ThE kInG oF cOrRuPtIoN, tHe NaGa LoRd, ThE aLpHa HoWlEr, ThE fAlLeN aNgEl Of RaGe, AnD tHe CeNtIpEdE bEaSt. YoU dEfEaTeD tWo, BuT tHeRe'S tHrEe MoRe To Go....GoOdByE zOdIaNs...." Cool Friends got shattered and his shards disappeared into cyan light. The triangle bit hit the treadmill and it gone in reverse. Cube came out of the pipe and gone into another one, he is scared an unable to move. Ace clutches his hand hopped on it, the others did as well but they fell into a gap between the treadmills. Where does this lead to?
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