Milf Goats Adventures
「It's Not My Fault」
{We'll Be Happy Together}
"I am Toriel, caretaker of the RUINS."
The Motherly Goat, now known as Toriel, was introducing herself to Kumagawa Misogi and Mukae Emukae, all the while using special magic to heal their injuries, which were gone in a moment, as now they had enough strength to stand back up again.
"「Hello Toriel! My name is Kumagawa and this is my loveless friend, Mukae!~」"
"{Hey, are you single?~}"
Kumagawa and Mukae spoke in their usual way, though instead of finding them weird or annoying, the Caretaker laughed gently and smiled warmly towards them, much to their shock.
"Such lively children, hehe, it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."
After the introduction was over, Toriel then turned away and started walking off, gesturing both Misogi and Emukae to follow. The two had a moment of silence before doing so.
"She's the first to smile at us like that..."
"N-Not even our own mother's did so like this..."
Both Kumagawa and Mukae, a moment was shown of them losing their metaphorical masks, as their true emotions and feelings were shown through their faces
"「I guess she will be spared for the time being!~」"
"{This is the first time I've fallen in love with a Milf Sheep!~}"
But their true faces were as gone as fast as it came, both wearing their "Bright" and "Happy" smiles again, as both Kumagawa and Mukae chased after the so-called sheep of Milf, no doubt wanting to be as close to her as possible, the unusual trio were seen walking together, they would speak with one another here and there, but they're just as happy to walk in silence and enjoy each other's company.
"Allow me to educate you in the operation of the RUINS."
Though after a while, they arrived in the first room, where there was a closed/locked door and a puzzle button on the floor. Once there, Toriel wasted no time explaining to the two abnormal humans.
"The RUINS are full of puzzles, ancient fusions between diversions and door keys."
As Toriel explains how the entire RUINS, and possibly the entire UNDERGROUND in general, was filled with a lot of puzzles, as she shows an example of how to move forward by stepping on said puzzle a certain way and opening the locked door
"One must solve them to move from room to room, please adjust yourself to the sight of them."
Once Toriel was done was the demonstration, she looked back at the Good Loser and Hopeless Romantic, to see if they were listening
"「{Yes, Toriel Sensei!~}」"
Which both Kumagawa and Mukae were, maybe a bit too much and with too much eagerness, though the Motherly Goat didn't notice and was just glad to help them learn, she then leads them out the room and into the next
"To make progress here, you will need to trigger several switches, but do not worry, I have labeled the ones that need to flip."
Toriel decided to use the next room to test Misogi and Emukae's ability to solve these puzzles, which involve switches this time. It wasn't difficult to identify the switch that needed to be pulled, as the correct one was surrounded by a bunch of arrows and had the words "Press This One; It's The Correct One".
"{Oh! Oh! I wanna flip the switch!~}"
Despite how easy it seemed, Mukae was still eager to try out the puzzle first. The Caretaker nodded and let her go ahead. She clapped her hands excitedly as she went up to the switch and pulled it down. This opened a passage to the next room.
"Good job, young one."
Toriel praises the Rotting Minus for completing a very simple puzzle that anyone could accomplish
"{Heheh, thank you, I love you~}"
Though Mukae still accepted the praise, she even confessed her love to the Milf Sheep.
"I love you too, my child."
However, Toriel mistaken it as parental love, as she both accepted and returned the feeling, which made the Hopeless Romantic all giddy and insanely happy. After more praise and a pat on the head, they all moved onto the next room of the RUINS.
"As a human living in the UNDERGROUND, monsters may attack you, you will need to be prepared for this situation, however, worry not! The process is simple."
Though in the next room, instead of another locked place with a puzzle, it was just a simple training room with only a single practice dummy in it. Toriel wasted no time explaining the next lesson of the day.
"When you encounter a monster, you will enter a fight, while you are in a fight, you should-"
"「Screw Them Up!」"
"{Rot Them Into Soup!}"
Before Toriel could properly explain the lesson though, both Kumagawa and Mukae tried jumping in and made an attempt to answer in what to do when meeting a monster, though the Motherly Goat shook her heads patiently in what they said
"Strike up a friendly conversation."
"「Dang it, it was so obvious!」"
"{I'm such a failure...}"
When Toriel gave the actual answer in what to do during a monster attack, both Kumagawa and Mukae fell to their hands and knees, acting as if they had received a "Negative 0/F Minus" on their report cards from school, which the Caretaker took her time to comfort them.
"Practice talking to the dummy, stall for time until I come to save you."
Once both Minuses were feeling better about themselves, Toriel gave them a chance to practice and use what they just learned from her and put it into action
"「Yes! Now it's my turn, let me show you how a cool guy does it~」"
Kumagawa decided to take his turn to prove himself to the Milf Sheep, walking up to the practice dummy with very unreasonable amount of confidence and arrogance, acting as he was about to achieve a world record or something like that
Unfortunately, when Kumagawa stood before the practice dummy, ready to show off how cool he obviously was, he wasn't even given a chance to say "Hello" before the practice dummy, somehow expressing fear and disgust at being near the Good Loser, before suddenly floating up high and phasing through the ceiling like a glitch in a video game.
"Huh, now isn't that strange..."
Toriel honestly didn't know how to process what she just saw
"「Dang it, but I wanted to get it right on my first try...」"
Kumagawa has now fallen to the ground with a very depressed expression, acting as if he had failed the biggest test in the world, which both the Hopeless Romantic and the Motherly Goat came over to comfort him.
"It's ok, I'm sure you'll get it on the next one."
After a moment to help Misogi feel better about himself again, Toriel has once again led them to the next room, which was just a long hallway this time
"You have done excellently thus far, my child."
Toriel then stops before the two Minuses and looks at them with a serious expression
"However... I have a difficult request to ask of you."
Both the Good Loser and Hopeless Romantic were very curious as to what Toriel had requested of them, with expressions that made her hearts heavy.
"... I would like you to walk to the end of the room by yourself."
When Toriel finally said her request, both Kumagawa and Mukae let out a very loud "GASPS", obviously "HORRIFIED" to be asked such a thing, "BETRAYED" even
"Forgive me for this."
Toriel then quickly runs at the end of the hallway, which wasn't even that long, before hiding behind a pillar, both Minuses struggles not to laugh out loud from what they just saw
"「Hehe, O-Oh No! W-We, hrk, We've Been Abandoned!~」"
"{H-However S-Shall, hehe, Shall We Survive This!~}"
But despite how silly everything was, both Kumagawa and Mukae still played along with all this, while calmly walking through the hallway, both tried to be dramatic about it and acted as if was super difficult for them, though it was hard to do without bursting out into laughter
"Greetings, my young ones, do not worry, I did not leave you, I was merely behind this pillar the whole time."
Once the two made it to the end of the hallway, Toriel quickly emerged from her hiding spot and hugged them both, no doubt falling for their act and thinking they needed comfort.
'「{We've noticed~}」'
Kumagawa and Mukae, even if finding the whole thing silly, still accepted the Caretaker hugs and caring attention
"Thank you for trusting me, however, there was an important reason for this exercise."
After a few moments of loving hugs, Toriel let's go of the Good Loser and Hopeless Romantic, as she explains her reasoning for doing what she did
"To test your independence, because you see, I need to take care of something that requires me to leave you both for sometime, please forgive me."
Toriel bows her head for forgiveness and apologizing for doing such a thing to them
"「There's no need to apologize」"
"{Mhm, we understand what you needed to do for us}"
Kumagawa and Mukae did not hesitate to forgive the Milf Sheep, who smiled softly and gave them one last hug.
"I shall be back as soon as I can."
Toriel then reached into her pocket and gave them a very old looking cell phone
"Here is a cell phone, to keep us in touch, please stay here until I return, I do not want to see you both hurt."
Toriel gave them another quick hug, before finally letting them go. She hesitated to leave Kumagawa and Mukae, but soon she had to leave them. Walking out of the room, she left behind the two, who just watched her leave, waving goodbye to her.
"「... Should we kill her?」"
"{Maybe, we'll shall see~}"
Would Toriel be more of an Abnormal or something else in the context of comparing her to the world of Medaka Box?
(BTW no, this won't be a Kumagawa x Toriel story, even if she's a lovely milf, she's more of a mother than a "Mommy" if you catch my drift)
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