Chapter 7
If Draco thought he was nervous before, he was terrified now. Harry insisted that they go shopping the muggle way, and Draco had no idea how he would hold up in a car. His mother was also giving him sly looks as he fussed over his outfit.
"Just tell me what you have to say already Mother," he snapped.
"Oh nothing, I just hope that you have fun on your date."
Draco immediately started sputtering.
"Date? I think I would know if I was going on a date, Mother."
"Would you?"
"What exactly do you know that I don't?," he asked with narrowed eyes.
"Perhaps I'm wrong then," she said airily. "I just sense something."
"You're just making me more nervous. Potter and I are barely even friends, so I don't know what you think you're sensing."
"Wear the blue shirt, it brings out your eyes."
"Thank you Mother," Draco replied with a sigh, grabbing the blue shirt anyway.
Soon enough, it was time to floo over to Potter's.
"Be safe my darling, have a wonderful time."
"I'm hoping to."
Draco wasn't sure what he was expecting when he once again stepped into Potter's living room, but it wasn't him sprawled across his couch in ripped trousers and a well-fitting t-shirt.
"Do you need anything before we head out?," Harry asked, standing up and stretching.
"No, I don't think so. I'm a bit anxious about the car ride, I won't lie to you."
"I'm a very safe driver, I promise. If you're really uncomfortable we can just apparate somewhere."
"I'll be okay, thank you."
"Shall we?," Harry asked with a goofy grin, extending an arm out for Draco to take.
"We shall."
"You look really good in that shirt by the way."
"Oh, erm, thank you Potter."
"I'll have to find you shirts in blue tones now."
"And I apparently have to find you ripped trousers?"
"They're jeans, which I think you'd also look really good in."
"If you insist upon this then I have my measurements for you too."
Harry helped Draco up into the passenger seat of his car, closing the door behind him. After putting on his seatbelt, he adjusted his mirrors.
"I made a playlist of all of the similar music that I noticed we had, along with some things I thought you might like," Harry said, his cheeks turning red as he avoided eye contact.
"Well aren't you sweet?," Draco asked with a grin, covering up the feeling of his stomach doing flips.
As Harry showed him how to choose what songs to play, Draco felt his feelings for the other man grow fonder against his will. Clearly, Harry had spent hours trying to make sure Draco would feel comfortable.
"I must say Potter, you have excellent taste."
"I'm glad someone thinks so. Are you alright if we head off now? It's about a half hour drive."
Despite Draco's reassurances to Harry, he still squeaked involuntarily once Harry shifted into drive.
"Would it make you feel better if I said the car was warded and covered in protection spells?"
"It does actually."
"I'll keep you safe, I promise. From other drivers and everyone who's going to try asking you out."
"Why would anyone try asking me out? They don't even know me."
"Because you're extremely attractive?"
"Obviously, but that doesn't answer my question. Where's the courting? Asking for permission from the parents? They won't even know my name!"
"Muggles don't care about all of that. I don't think anyone has done courting for at least a hundred years."
"So you just approach complete strangers because you think they're attractive and ask them out?," Draco asked slowly, seeking clarification. "You're not having me on?"
"I mean I don't do that, but yeah it happens."
"Has it ever happened to you?"
"A few times," Harry admitted, shrugging his shoulders.
"And what?"
"Did you actually go out with these strangers?"
"What's with the sudden interest in my love life?," Harry asked with a laugh.
"I was your sworn enemy, it's my duty to know everything about you."
"No, I've never gone out with any strangers, Malfoy. I don't have time for all of that, especially with a muggle. Before all of this, yeah I could've seen myself with a muggle. Now? I can't imagine being with someone not of the wizarding world and not being able to discuss my past. My parents' legacy deserves to be told for what it was. I don't want to continue on the lie that they died in a car accident. They are worth so much more than that.
It's just so complicated, you know? I wake up every day coming off a few hours of sleep and I feel so unfulfilled. It's like I've already served my life's purpose, so what else is there? Sometimes I want to get in my car and just drive until I run out of road and go from there..."
Harry snorted at the irony of Copy of a Copy of a Copy coming on and tried to focus on the song as he began to talk.
*It's an old curse, dreamers divin' head first
Broken beaks and dead birds
Can't get through the glass*
Draco didn't know what to say. He was processing all of this new information about Potter when he spoke up again, but he noticed the change in mood as the song came on. Harry became more somber, more reflective.
"You're one of those scary good listener types aren't you? You don't respond so I feel obligated to keep talking and fill up the silence by spilling my guts."
*There's no use cryin' over spilled blood
Carin' only kills love
A kiss won't bring it back*
Draco wondered if this was how Harry felt, that there was no use looking for love because it couldn't mend old wounds.
"Hey, that was all you! I'm trying not to be insensitive and process everything you've told me before I formulate a response."
*I know that the first blow hits you cold*
"You're just thinking of more questions to ask," Harry teased.
Did Harry consider Draco's questions to be similar to being struck? If he wasn't expecting them, Draco only imagined what a shock they could end up bringing.
*Young man, hush your crying, dry your tears away
Nothing is original, there's nothing left to say*
"I'm actually thinking about how I feel the same way. That I don't have a purpose and I'm just here. Even when I was told that I had a purpose, I sucked at it. There isn't anything for me now."
*You won't be the first or be the last to bleed
Every broken heart as far as your eye can see*
"If you weren't horrible at being evil, you'd be dead right now. I don't know how much you know about the prophecy or Snape or the elder wand but-"
*It's a copy of a copy of a copy*
Draco felt he had been dealt a blow while listening to the song. Are he and Harry just copies of each other in a way? A copy of a copy of a copy, meaning that this had happened before, and history would continue to repeat itself. Nothing is original, but Draco was still eager to hear Harry's version of events, to understand. They were by far not the first or last broken hearts caused by loss and trauma, but maybe they could stop the bleeding together.
"Do you mean the wand from the fairy tale? The Tale of the Three Brothers?"
"All fairy tales are based off of some type of truth. This one was no exception."
*It's a copy of a copy of a copy*
"Let me guess. You're related to the Peverells?"
"I am indeed. How'd you know?," Harry asked with a grin.
"I knew this story was leading somewhere."
"Oh I can take it to loads of places. For instance, you were the master of the elder wand at one point."
*I can hear you, howlin' 'til your lungs hurt
So let this be your comfort
You're not the only one, no*
Both men could see through the masks that the other wore. Harry hoped by sharing parts of what had really happened, he could get through and make some kind of connection with Draco. By sharing his pain, Harry hoped to find comfort in Draco, who he felt was the only one who could understand certain parts of himself that he often kept hidden, locked away from others.
"Potter, I think I would know if I was the master of some mystical all powerful wand."
"Do you know why Voldemort wanted you to kill Dumbledore?"
*In a strange way, all in this together*
Their paths had been meant to intertwine from the start.
"To get back at my father."
"He was going to kill you, Malfoy."
*Been this way forever, you're not the only one*
They were just trying to survive.
"Well obviously he was insane-"
"No, that was the plan. You were supposed to kill Dumbledore so that you would be the master of the elder wand, and then Voldemort would kill you so that he could be the master of it. Either way, he viewed you as expendable, and planned on your death."
*I know that the first blow hits you cold*
"What he didn't count on was Snape double crossing him. He killed Snape when he realized that Snape had killed Dumbledore instead of you. He didn't realize however, that you were the one who disarmed Dumbledore before Snape got to the Astronomy tower. You fucked him over good with that one. Then I disarmed you in the Manor, so I gained control of the elder wand."
*Young man, hush your crying, dry your tears away
Nothing is original, there's nothing left to say*
"So Severus is dead because of me?," Draco asked in a small voice.
*You won't be the first or be the last to bleed
Every broken heart as far as your eye can see*
Harry's grip on the steering wheel tightened and his knuckles turned white.
*It's a copy of a copy of a copy*
"Snape is dead because he had an unhealthy obsession with my mother and he felt responsible for her death, as he should of the slimy git. He played a major part in her death, and I don't think I'll ever forgive him for that, even if in his twisted mind he thought he was somehow saving me in school by being a prick. He made a deal with Dumbledore to kill him so that you didn't have to do it, Malfoy. You were the one he actually cared about. I was expendable, and the son of the man who stole his love away," Harry finished with a snort.
*It's a copy of a copy of a copy*
"For every question you answer, I come up with 10 more. Sev was in love with your mother? Wasn't she a muggleborn?"
"She was, yes. They were childhood friends, and the only redeeming quality he had was disdain for my Aunt Petunia, which was well deserved. My mother could see that he was going dark, and when she approached him about it he called her the m slur. She cared about him, but she couldn't do it anymore after that.
*Young man, hush your crying, dry your tears away
Nothing is original, there's nothing left to say*
Snape was the one who told Voldemort about the prophecy. Once he realized it could be about me, he told Voldemort to kill my father and I, but to spare my mother. My mother refused to stand aside, sacrificing herself for me. I got hit with the killing curse, it rebounded and destroyed Voldemort, leaving me alive with this scar.
*You won't be the first or be the last to bleed
Every broken heart as far as your eye can see*
Pettigrew was the new secret keeper, not Sirius, but no one else knew that to keep my parents safe. My godfather was wrongly imprisoned for 12 years, while the rat was living right under my nose this whole time. He killed all of those innocent people to frame Sirius and-," Harry took a deep breath, blinking back tears. "And took away my second chance at a happy life."
*It's a copy of a copy of a copy*
"Potter... I... I don't even know what to say."
"There's nothing to say. Life is fucked. I know why Dumbledore said to pity the living."
*It's a copy of a copy of a copy*
Harry turned up the music, doing his best to focus on his driving as opposed to a squirming Malfoy in his passenger seat.
*It's a copy of a copy of a copy*
"You okay?," Harry finally asked, turning the music back down.
"I've upset you."
"Not directly. I'm always like this."
*It's a copy of a copy of a copy*
"You never used to be."
"I hid it better. What's the use in pretending? You've always been able to see right through me, and I've hated it. I can go back to pretending if you'd like."
"I think you need to talk to someone."
"Are you not someone?," Harry asked with a snort.
"Malfoy," came Harry's mocking reply.
"You're such a baby."
"I could be your baby if you asked," Harry teased with a wink.
"You're hopeless," was the only retort a very red Draco Malfoy could sputter.
"Don't I know it."
"This is less fun when you agree with me."
"I must not tell lies," Harry muttered.
Draco sighed, not knowing where to take the conversation.
"We're here," Harry announced a few minutes later, pulling into a parking spot. "Are you ready?"
"Potter... I... This is embarrassing but..."
"Malfoy I just spilled my guts out to you, I don't think anything else can be more embarrassing than that."
"It's just that I don't understand muggle money. I had it converted already, but I don't want to look foolish trying to purchase something."
"I've got you alright? You're here to help me. I wouldn't let you look foolish. Besides, if anyone gives you trouble, just show them that dazzling smile of yours, and they'll be putty in your hands."
The blush had just faded as Potter opened Draco's door for him. Dazzling smile?
"You're thinking too hard again, come on."
Harry's hand was on the small of Draco's back, guiding him around the mall. He couldn't help the small smile that formed on his face while Draco looked around in awe. Soon enough, Draco took control of the situation and dragged Harry into countless stores. It reminded Harry of a fashion montage from a cheesy movie.
"I don't understand how you have this much energy," Harry complained after the fourth store.
"I have the wizarding world's most eligible bachelor following me around and trying on whatever clothing I shove in his hands. I love to shop, and you needed desperate help. I don't get out anymore, and I could use a project."
"So I'm your new project then?"
"For all intents and purposes, yes."
"And just what is your intent?," Harry asked with a mischievous grin.
"If you're good you'll find out soon enough."
"I'll be on my best behavior for you," came Harry's reply with a wink as he grabbed the pile of clothes out of Draco's hands.
"What have I gotten myself into?," Draco asked himself, walking around the store and poking through the racks.
He didn't pay much mind to the man behind him at first, until it became clear that he was being followed around. Draco made his way back to where Harry was in the dressing room, waiting for him to come back out.
"Hi there. I need another opinion. Do you like the green better or the red?"
Looking up with a bored demeanor, Draco looked at both shirt options.
"Neither. You might want to find it in black or some other dark color."
"Well thank you very much."
Draco hoped that would be the end of it, but the man came back with more shirt options.
"Which one?"
"Listen, I don't work here so you'll be much better off asking someone who does for help."
"Ah, but you have a much better fashion sense."
"I don't care. I'm not being compensated to help you, they are, therefore I don't care."
Draco had never been so thankful to see Harry in his life. Harry raised an eyebrow at the exchange, and Draco slightly shook his head. That was enough for Harry to know he needed to step in.
"Oooh you're feisty, I like that. How about I find a way to compensate you then hmm?"
Draco felt like he was going to throw up.
"The greatest form of compensation you can give me is leaving me alone."
"Playing hard to get huh? Come on, give me your number. I'll make it worth your while."
"I'll give you mine if it'll get you to stop harassing my boyfriend." Harry protectively pulled Draco behind him, and looked the man straight in the face.
Harry looked all the more intimidating in the outfit Draco had demanded he show him. He knew Harry would look delectable in leather. Taking advantage of the situation, he wrapped his arms around Harry's waist.
"No harm done mate."
"I'm not your mate, and you don't get to judge whether or not harm has been done. Are you alright sweetheart?"
"I am."
That was all Draco managed to reply with, as Harry calling him sweetheart made him short circuit.
"You can leave now," Harry said to the other man in disgust. He looked like he was going to say something, but when Harry took a step forward he scurried away.
"Merlin that was hot," Draco whispered.
Harry masked the smirk on his face, before facing Draco again.
"You're sure you're alright?"
He was running his hands along Draco's arms making sure he was still in one piece.
"Should I immediately tell people who approach me to fuck off?"
"That one was a piece of work. Normally they accept that no means no, but I think that one needs a reminder."
"It's done, you've handled it. Thank you my wonderful boyfriend. Now, I'm on a mission to find you more leather because...," Draco trailed off.
"You look absolutely to die for. And I think everyone else agrees."
Harry rolled his eyes at all of the whispering going around him, and wrapped his arm around Draco's hip, pulling the other man into him.
"Shall we?"
This was going to be the best day of Draco's life, he knew it. Getting to claim Harry as his own for the time being? He couldn't have planned that better even if he tried.
After another half hour in that store, Harry needed a break.
"Can we stop for lunch?"
"You want to stop? It was just getting good."
"Come on, my treat."
"Fine," Draco agreed with a sigh. "Can we drop these off at the car at least?"
"Fine by me, but it's a bit of a walk," Harry warned.
A few minutes later, Draco was irritated.
"Potter, why did you let me wear these shoes?"
"Because if I told you not to you'd yell at me and say I don't know anything about fashion and that beauty is pain."
"Oh fuck off," Draco huffed, knowing he was right all the same.
"Get on my shoulders."
"I'm not dealing with your huffing all the way to the car and back. Get on my shoulders, we'll grab some lunch, and then we'll find you some practical shoes."
"I... umm..."
"Or you can walk there and back. Don't say I didn't offer."
"You've made your point," Draco replied once Harry started to walk away. "I'm probably heavy."
"Oh I'm quite certain you weigh much less than the weight of the world that I've been carrying for years. Come along sweetheart," Harry teased.
Draco thought that he could get used to this. Being so close to Harry made him feel safe and protected, something he hadn't felt in years. He hadn't noticed he was absentmindedly running his fingers through Harry's hair until he heard the other man quietly humming.
He could get used to this, so maybe he should step up his game. Afterall, Potter was flirting back wasn't he? As far as Draco knew, Potter had only dated women, but that didn't mean he was only interested in women. He also stepped in to be Draco's boyfriend, but that could have just been his saviour complex.
"Galleon for your thoughts?," Harry asked once they got back to the car, amusement clear in his voice.
"So sweetheart?," Draco asked with a glint in his eyes.
"Yeah. You don't seem like a babe, baby, or honey. More of a sweetheart or a my love. It's just the vibe I get."
"You thought correctly, but I'd let you call me anything you like," Draco whispered in Harry's ear.
"Is that so?," Harry asked with a grin, finishing putting all of the bags into the car.
Draco just smirked and walked ahead of Harry, knowing full well where his eyes were focused. He loved the attention on him.
"Do you need another lift back inside sweetheart?"
"Are you offering darling?"
"Anything for you."
"Carry me up to the doors?"
Harry easily lifted Draco back onto his shoulders.
"This is my favorite mode of transportation," Draco teased, resting his chin on top of Harry's head.
"Well I'm free practically all of the time if you ever need a lift," Harry replied with a snort.
"Careful darling, I may just have to take you up on that one."
"I wouldn't say no."
They had a quiet lunch, minus shooting straw wrappers at each other. Harry was able to find Draco a pair of practical shoes that didn't make him "want to throw up looking at them." Draco found a pair of boots that he absolutely adored, and managed to con Harry into buying a matching pair. Oh, Draco was loving this.
Their next stop was for Harry to find some new clothes for Draco, and Harry had to admit that he was having a lot of fun picking things out for Draco to try on, and he couldn't stop smiling.
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