Chapter 5

Draco was already regretting his decision to help Potter once he woke up. He didn't know what his mother would do, and inviting Potter into his bedroom seemed very... personal. But Potter had invited him into his own home no issue. No one knew where Potter was residing, but he had welcomed Draco in without hesitation or even a warning to not share his address. Draco obviously wouldn't have done that anyway, but how was Potter to know that?

"Because he trusts you," the voice in the back of Draco's head spoke up.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Draco then moved onto the challenge of figuring out what to wear. It was easier since he had chosen what Potter was going to wear, so he wouldn't feel overdressed. But how much was too much?

It would need to be something comfortable as he would be moving around a lot. It also needed to be something he wasn't terribly fond of that could stand to potentially get dirty. Draco decided on a pair of black trousers and a well fitting t-shirt. As he was fussing with his hair, his alarm went off, signaling that Harry would be arriving in a few minutes.

Once Draco was in the living room, he was pacing in front of the floo.

"Calm down Draco, before I send you out on errands. Mr. Potter and I can have some lovely conversation until you return."

"That sounds like a threat."

Before Narcissa could reply, Harry stepped through the floo, catching himself before he fell.

"You'd think after all of these years I'd learn how to land on my own two feet."

"You need to focus on your center of gravity, that's all," Narcissa spoke.

"I'll keep that in mind for next time. Thank you Mrs. Malfoy."

"Call me Narcissa, please."

"Harry. Malfoy liked these yesterday, so I brought some more brownies. I made them before I came, so I would just pop the lid because they're still warm. I closed it to keep the ash out."

"That was very kind of you Harry, thank you."

"I'll show you around properly," Draco offered.

After an official tour, they ended up in Draco's bedroom.

"You can just take a seat on the bed for now. Do you have the parchment for me with your likes and dislikes?"

"Right here."

"Perfect. Let's see what I'm working with."

Harry watched in amusement as Draco began taking notes on the parchment. He took this time to look around Draco's room. Draco's vinyls caught his eye, and he was mentelly comparing their collections.



"Were you even listening?"

"Nope I was looking at your record collection sorry," Harry apologized, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I was asking about your hair. I figured I could cut your hair, and then take your measurements?"

"Like I said, I leave it up to you. I'm not particularly fussy. Just don't make me bald and we're fine."

"I don't think you'd look good bald."

"I appreciate your brutal honesty," Harry retorted with a snort.

"Come into the bathroom. I'm going to wash your hair and you're going to tell me what you normally do to it."

"Nothing really."

"No product?"

"No need."

"The need to look good perhaps?"

"Do I really need even more people looking at me?"

"Then what's the point of all of this? Are you looking to impress someone?"

"Maybe. I also just want to see someone else in the mirror for a change," Harry finished quietly.


Draco's face softened, and he really felt for Harry.

"Can we spin a record first? I'm not much of a fan of silence for too long."

"Take your pick."

Biting his lip in thought, Harry decided to play whatever record he grabbed first.

"Good choice. Fearless is one of my favorite albums."

"Fearless and Speak Now are my top two."

"Lover is also a masterpiece. Oh! I need to take progress pictures!"

"Of what?"

"Of you obviously," Draco said slowly, "like in the Princess Diaries."

"The Princess Diaries?"

"It's one of those muggle films-"

"I'm just surprised you've watched it," Harry teased.

"Pansy chose it! I don't know what you're implying Potter-"

"Relax, will you? It's a good movie. Just do what you need to do before I regret this."

"As if anyone could ever regret spending so much alone time with me."

"Oh? Is there something to this that I'm missing?," Harry asked with a wink, accompanied by a grin. "You have me here at your mercy, all alone in your bedroom."

Draco's quickly reddening face was enough to make Harry laugh, genuinely laugh, and Draco watched in amazement.

"Never used to be so easy to wind you up like this before."

"Are you implying that you want something else to happen, Potter? That could be arranged depending on the end result I think."

Smirking, Draco slowly looked Harry up and down, in a similar manner to a predator stalking its prey.

"You're about a 7 now, I can imagine we'd surpass a 10 with a little bit of time and effort."

Turning around, after watching Harry stammer and his face heat up, Draco looked for his camera to take photos of Harry.


"I would say so. Why, do you think an 8?"

"I would say 5," Harry replied with a snort. "I think you're being generous."

"When am I ever known for being generous?"

"Fair point, I suppose. You're easily a 10, I don't think I can reach your level."

"You're learning from me of course. We can make do."

"I trust you."

"Good. Now smile."

At Harry's awkward smile, Draco rolled his eyes.

"Your lack of genuine smile brings you down to a 5."

Draco achieved his goal of making Harry laugh, and smiled proudly to himself.

"You should let me give you a makeover too," said Harry, taking the camera from Draco's hand.

"Why would I do that?"

"For fun," Harry replied with a grin, snapping a picture. "Scared Malfoy?"

"You wish," Draco retorted, stealing back his camera and taking a picture of the both of them. "One last before picture."

Harry had to admit it was his favorite picture to date, him and Malfoy smirking at each other before their faces broke out into a smile.

"Now that that's through, come into the bathroom with me. Sit here with your head tilted back over the sink. Is it alright if I remove your glasses?"

"Yeah that's fine."

Draco started asking Harry questions about what he normally washes his hair with as he rinsed it, and had to constantly bite his tongue from spewing out comments that could be taken rudely.

"Look Malfoy, you have to realize that we have lived two very different lives. I was lucky to even get clothes that somewhat fit me and weren't riddled with holes. It's not like all of this was on purpose, I genuinely don't know how to spend money on myself.

Do you know what the first thing I wanted to do with the money I learned I had at 11 years old was? Buy a solid gold cauldron. Hagrid rightfully had to talk me out of it. I would've looked like a proper ponce showing up with one of those on the first day of Potions huh? I think Snape would have murdered me on the spot.

Assume that I don't know anything about... well... anything. That can't be too hard for you, it's how you've treated me our whole lives," Harry teased.

"Had you shown up with a gold cauldron I would have immediately demanded you be my best friend... again. I would not have taken no for an answer. I'll use my best judgement on which of my products may work for you. We can test some other ones out on your hair to find what's best in the long run."

As Draco washed and treated Harry's hair, Harry slowly felt himself dozing off.

"Alright there Potter?"

"Sleepy is all," he mumbled.

"Sleep if you feel so inclined. I won't waterboard you. I'll just wake you up when it's time to cut your hair. I may do a skin treatment too."


Draco was shocked that Harry felt comfortable enough to fall asleep in his presence. If he had ulterior motives, Harry would have been a goner. Really, they should have a serious conversation about this. After Harry wakes up though. Draco had to admit that Harry really did not look well. Some sleep would do him good.

Of course, Draco took advantage of Harry being asleep to analyze his features. Harry had never looked so peaceful in all of the time that Draco had known him. He gently ran his hand down the side of Harry's face. Yes, Harry could use some skincare tips.

Once he had Harry's hair prepared to be cut, Draco began to gently clean Harry's face with a damp cloth. He then applied a moisturizer, prepping the skin in case he needed to do anything else.

He was very hesitant to wake Harry back up, but it needed to be done.

"Potter," he whispered softly, gently touching his shoulder.


"It's time to cut your hair."

"Yeah alright. Sorry."

"Don't apologize for being tired. I don't think any of us sleep well anymore. However, I can't believe you fell asleep here."

"I, erm... like my hair being played with, and... your hands are soft. Besides, I don't think you'd do anything to me. And if you did...," Harry finished with a sleepy shrug as he sat up.

"And if I did?"

"Oh well?" Harry winced after saying it. "I didn't mean it like that, I just. Nevermind. Maybe I should just go back home-"

"Relax," Draco said quietly, resting a hand on Harry's shoulder. "I get it. I told you I would help you, so let me help you."

"Okay," came Harry's quiet reply.

"Now, hold still alright? I'll keep trying until I find something that you like."

Harry was still in a groggy state of mind, cursing himself for falling asleep and being so vulnerable.

"You meant it because you need some kind of break," Draco offered, comb in between his teeth. "Whenever you do need a break, just floo over here and we can be miserable together yeah?"


"Wonderful. Now turn your head to the right."

Harry took Draco in while he was concentrating on getting Harry's hair just right. It was hard for Harry to sit still sometimes, so focusing on the scissors in Draco's hand was a good reminder to be mindful of what he was doing.

Draco stepped out for a moment, so Harry got up and stretched. He didn't fall asleep in the most comfortable position, and his body protested as he moved. Singing along to the music quietly, he made himself comfortable.

"Water?," Draco offered.


"Mother asked if you'd like to stay for dinner?"

"I feel as if that wasn't a question."

"There is a brain in that pretty head of yours after all," Draco remarked with a snort.

"We can't all be beauty and brains like you all the time. It sounds exhausting."

"A blessing and a curse," Draco lamented. "Every day is a struggle. Turn to the left?"

Draco hummed quietly as he cut Harry's hair, turning his face this way and that to make sure everything was even.

"Can I fix your eyebrows too?"

"That sounds painful."

"I'll numb the area, you won't feel a thing."

"Why not? Let's go all in."

"Let's clean you up first, then we can go back into my room."


After cleaning up all of the cut hair, Draco sat on his bed and had Harry lay his head in Draco's lap. The green eyes seemed to see right through him, and Draco had to look away.

"I need you to close your eyes, and keep your hands here. I'll move them as needed."

Harry hummed in acknowledgement. It was for the best anyway as he was feeling extremely tired, and having his hands occupied would force him to stay awake.

"Have you tried Dreamless?"

"I've heard it gets addictive. I don't want to risk it for maybe one decent night of sleep. My sleeping schedule is bad, but at least it's consistent."

"I speak from experience, it's definitely not worth it for one night. I was just curious."

"Aren't you always?"

"I can't help it! I'm a naturally curious man."

"I would love to take you around muggle London."

"Why Potter, are you asking me out? How scandalous!," Draco gasped. "I am rather interested in their fashion, and I suppose taking you out in the wizarding world won't do. Unless we traveled to France of course... I accept your invitation."

"I've never been to France, or anywhere really. That could be nice."

"I forget that other people haven't traveled like I have."

"I want to see the world but..."


"I'm afraid I won't want to come back. Or maybe it won't be everything that I thought it would be and I'll be dissapointed. I also don't know how I feel about being on my own for so long."

"I never took you as a planner. You seem very impulsive."

"Normally I am. It's incredibly stupid, but I feel lost sometimes now that the prophecy is fulfilled. It's like I peaked at 17 by almost dying again, and now I don't know what I want to do. Everyone has their opinions about what I should be doing, and I don't know if I should follow along with it or not. I'm tired of living to fulfill other people's expectations, but what else is there for me? I'm used to living day to day just trying to survive. Some may say that's not even living at all."

"Don't you think it's worth it to finally find out who Harry is? Harry Potter can sod off, figure out who you are away from who people think you should be."

"I'd like to find out who Draco is."

"Practically the same as Malfoy, you're not missing much," Draco interrupted, brushing Harry off.

"No, I don't believe that. I think I've missed a lot actually, and I'm sorry."

Draco laughed, he couldn't help it. It seemed as if he'd never stop laughing, and Harry was getting worried at the other man's sudden outburst.

"I- I've been.. Waiting... since-since 11...," Draco choked out.

Harry let Draco have his moment, happy to see him finally letting his guard down. A few minutes later when Draco was reduced to sporadic giggles, Harry was taken aback by how beautiful Draco really was. His hair had fallen into his eyes and his whole face was red, but he was stunning.

Not being able to stop himself, Harry reached up to brush the fallen strands out of Draco's eyes. Draco stilled at the touch, his face red for an entirely new reason.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"I've never heard you genuinely laugh before. It's nice."

Harry was extremely comfortable in Draco's lap, and thought he might like to find himself there again.

"It's okay. It hasn't happened in a while."

"Well I'm an idiot at times so I look forward to making you laugh again."

"You're making this sound like a permanent arrangement."

"I'm not proposing," Harry teased with a laugh. "I just enjoy your company."

"It's been an hour and you slept through half of it," Draco deadpanned.

"Ah but what about yesterday?"

"It was... okay."

"Well if my company is only okay I can go. Tell your mother I appreciated the invite."

As Harry moved to get up, Draco pushed him back down by his shoulders.

"Do you want to have no eyebrows?!"

"I mean I can grow them back."

"Then you want me murdered by my mother."

"The feeling comes and goes depending on how much of a git you are."

"Believe it or not, I'm actually trying," huffed Draco, frustration clear in his voice.

"To be a git?"

"Dammit Potter!"

"Really, I can just go. Clearly this was a mistake, and a waste of both our time. Don't worry about it."

"Potter that's not-"

"See you around Malfoy," he replied curtly.

When Narcissa entered her son's room after escorting Harry out, she found Draco screaming into a pillow. She sat at the edge of his bed, waiting for him to acknowledge her.

"I messed up mother."

"Yes, that was quite apparent. Even I couldn't persuade Harry to stay for dinner."

"He was going to until I panicked! He was looking at me with this fond look on his face, he was complimenting me, and talking about how he wanted to spend more time with me and his head was in my lap and I freaked out and started pushing him away. Why do I always do that?!

He's never going to want to see me again now! He wanted to be friends! He apologized to me and all I did was chase him out! Why am I such a fuck up?!," Draco asked with a sob.

"Do you want to be his friend?"

"Of course I do!"

"Then go and get him."


"What good is moping about going to do you? Go and be proactive. He came to you for a reason with a flimsy excuse as to why. Figure it out before it's too late."

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