Chapter 3
The first thing Draco noticed after stepping through the floo was how empty the house seemed to be. Brushing soot from his clothes, he cautiously stepped further inside the room.
"Malfoy, you came."
"I'm a man of my word."
"Let me show you to the kitchen. Make yourself at home."
Draco took this time to really look at Potter. His hair was longer, and he looked completely devoid of life if Draco was being honest. Not like Draco looked much better, to be fair.
While Harry made tea for them, Draco perched on the counter, watching Harry's methodical movements.
"My counter, really?," Harry asked in amusement, shaking his head.
"It's my thing," Draco replied airily. "I've been doing it since I was a child. It gives me a sense of control."
"Here you go," Harry said, handing Draco a tea cup.
The other man was surprised when Harry sat next to him on the counter, avoiding the table all together.
"Thank you Potter."
Draco took a sip of his tea as he watched Potter fuss about with sugar and milk. The surprise at the taste must have shown on his face when Harry asked, "not good?"
"No, it is. I just didn't think you'd know how I like my tea."
Harry shrugged, embarrassed, and looked away.
"I also have brownies?"
Draco's eyes lit up.
"Are they chocolatey?"
"Dark chocolate with some chocolate chips mixed in for good measure."
Harry had known the meeting may end up uncomfortable, so had stress baked brownies, knowing that Draco loved chocolate.
"I suppose I can have one."
The smile was threatening to break through on Harry's face, so he retrieved the dessert from the kitchen.
"Oh Merlin, where can I buy some of these? They taste like heaven."
"Thank you, I baked them."
"You made these? We could've stopped being enemies years ago if you just gave me a tin of these, Merlin!"
Laughing, Harry shook his head, bumping Draco's leg with his own.
"It was my mum's recipe. I found some of her things with Remus, Professor Lupin's, items that he left behind for me. He and Sirius had been going through what they had from my parents. They meant to give it to me as a birthday gift but...," Harry trailed off waving his hand.
"I'm sorry Potter. Truly, I am. I know it may not mean much coming from me, but I'm sorry all the same."
"Thank you. There's nothing that can be done about any of that now," he said with a sigh.
The mood was soured, so Draco figured he might as well ask what had been plaguing him for hours.
"Potter? What favor did you need? Are you alright?"
"No, I don't think I ever really will be. But the favor is quite silly honestly. I understand if you don't want to help, it took me a week to build up the courage to even write and send a letter, but I was hoping, if you don't mind-"
"Potter, you're rambling. Relax."
"Would you take me shopping?," he blurted out.
Draco could not have possibly heard that right.
"Shopping?," Harry tried again, looking anywhere but Draco.
"You want me of all people to take you shopping?," Draco asked slowly, still trying to process the strange request.
"Well, yeah. You always look so well put together and I'm a hot mess."
"I don't know what I was expecting of you, but it certainly wasn't that."
"Like I said, it's silly and we really don't have to. I just thought-"
Draco held up a hand to silence the rambling man.
"I'm surprised is all. It's not silly. I don't think it's a crime to want to look good. If it was, I'd be guilty as charged."
The joke was enough to make Harry laugh, and help him loosen up some. Draco continued speaking.
"I'll help you, free of charge. Keep the favor in your back pocket. This could be interesting, and I'm honestly lacking in the friend department right now."
"You can say that again," Harry replied with a snort.
"Why didn't you ask Weasley or Granger?"
Draco couldn't help that he was innately curious, but Potter didn't seem to mind the questions.
"They're in Australia actually, but I trust your fashion judgement more than anyone else. The only one I speak to as of late really is Luna, and as much as I love her, that wouldn't end well."
"It's complicated," Harry replied with a snort. "I'm single."
This was very interesting information for Draco to learn, and secretly he was very pleased.
"I'm going to need you to do a few things before we go. Are we talking about just new clothing, or a complete makeover? I think you could use a haircut."
"You think right. I'll leave it up to you."
"Hmm free range for artistic expression. I like that. Okay Potter, are you comfortable with coming to The Manor tomorrow? Mother sends her regards by the way. I need to take measurements and try out colors with your skin tone. Then there's the matter of your haircut. I'll do that first and see what I'm working with. Don't wash your hair tonight."
"Tomorrow is fine. Like I said, I'm alone most of the time anyway."
Now that sounded like a sly invitation if Draco had ever heard one.
"Grab parchment and write down everything you can think of that you don't like. Write down some of what you do like so that I can get an idea of where to start. Can I see the clothes that you have?"
"Sure. It's not much though. I've been too busy to shop for things like that, and I just donated most of my clothing as they were hand me downs from my cousin that didn't fit right."
Draco would be lying if he said he wasn't curious to see what Potter's bedroom looked like. Not in an odd way, he just knew that you could learn a lot about a person by the state of their bedroom. Potter's room however, barely looked lived in. Draco decided not to comment on it, and instead went right to the closet.
"Potter, you own a handful of shirts that aren't Weasley sweaters."
"Well yeah, I said that."
"I thought you were exaggerating."
"I told you I needed help, didn't i?"
"Salazar, yes. It's a good thing you came to an expert."
Draco rifled through Harry's things, holding some of them up to Harry and muttering to himself.
"Wear this tomorrow. I have my work cut out for me, but I do love a good challenge."
"You still want to help then?"
"Potter, people aren't exactly lining up to see me," Draco replied with a snort. "I spend most of my time with my mother. Besides, you don't look at me as if you're repulsed by me anymore so that's a start right?"
Harry laughed and shook his head.
"You don't look at me like I hold all of the answers to the universe, so I feel the same way."
"You didn't even hold any of the answers to Potions," Draco teased.
"Hey, I knew some of them! There was no point in trying when Snape would fail me regardless. It would've been a waste of time. He'd focus on the one thing I got wrong instead of the five I got right. Besides, not being murdered was pretty high on my to do list, and my apparent lack of knowledge irritated you, so it was worth it."
"I always knew you just wanted my attention."
"You caught me," Harry teased with a wink.
"You have my attention, use it well."
"Oh, I plan on it."
Harry's intense gaze had Draco's face heating up, so he broke eye contact first.
"I need to head back now, but I'll see you tomorrow?"
"I wouldn't miss it for anything."
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