Chatper 1

As sabby was waiting for her new parter to come she heard rogue say "sabby he's coming" said rogue, okay rogue said sabby as she and prime both walked out to see someone on a motorcycle as they took off their helmet as the person looked at sabby rogue and prime. Hello again I said. Cal? Your my new parter? Said sabby, I got off my motorcycle as I walked up to her, yes I am sab and it's been awhile I said, then sabby hugged me as I looked at my friends as then hugged sabby back. We both stopped hugging as sabby said I still can't believe your my new parter said sabby, I know I said let's get started then said prime, good idea old friend I said as I got into a cop car as sabby did too. I turned the car on as sabby put bullet proof vest on as she looked at me, cal put yours on too said sabby, oh I forgot I said as I put it on. You ready sab? I said, yep said sabby.


We heard gunshots as I drive to the gunfire as sabby and I got out of the cop car as we grabbed our guns out as I had two pistols (looks like this)

Sabby saw that I had two guns as she said why do you have two for? Said sabby, just in case if something happens I said as I saw a red light on sabby's head, GET DOWN! I said as I moved sabby away as I got hit in the back as the bullet proof vest saved me, I fell down on the ground. CAL! Yelled out sabby as she helped me back up, I'm okay sab I said. Okay said sabby, then we saw a big robot looking at us both with big guns, (looks like this)

oh shit I said as I grabbed sabby as I made us both make a run for it. We took cover as sabby and I where both scared, where is our back up I said. I don't know but we have to do something! Before we get killed by that thing said sabby, the robot find us again as it was going to shot at us but a car ran over it as it was prime and rogue as they got out of their car, YOU TWO OKAY?!? Said rogue, yes we are I said, but the robot? Said sabby, it's been killed said prime, you sure? I said, yep said prime. Will I guess we have to go back at the police station now I said, let's go then said prime. Sabby and I walked to our cop car but I got grabbed by the robot as sabby yelled out CAL!!! Sabby shoot at the robot but it didn't do anything to it, I moad in pain as it broke some of my ribs. Then it let me go as I fell down onto the ground as I saw the robot going to kill me but rogue jumped on top of it as he put a EMP on top of it as it want off as the robot turned off. Rogue jumped down onto the ground as he walked up to me as he put his hand out, I grabbed his hand as he helped me back up, you okay cal? Said rogue, yeah I'm fine just fine I said. CAL? Said sabby, I'm okay sab I said, that's good said sabby. Let's just get out of here I said, we all left as we got back to the station.

Later as I did paper work

It was 11:00 pm as I looked at the time as I saw sabby sleeping on the police couch as I smiled as I walked up to her, sabby let's go I said, where are we going too? To buy some pizza I said, okay said sabby.

Later as we got back to the station

It was 1:30 am in the morning as I wake up as I heard a car go off agh! Cal please turn it off said sabby, okay I said as I grabbed the car keys as I walked out of the station as I walked up to the car but it exploded as I hit the wall of the station as sabby wake up to the noise as she ran out of the station as she saw me laying down on the ground very hurt as sabby ran back into the station to call for help, then she ran out to the station as she fell down onto her knees as she picked me up, cal?...sobbing...stay with me...sobbing said sabby, you know...that's not going to...happen I said as I put my hand on her check, sab I...I tried to say but I dyed in her arms. Then rogue and prime came to help but sabby looked at them both with sad eyes as prime said no he can't be dead. He is said sabby as she continued to cry.

Too be continued
I hope you guys like this new book.
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Mammal out!!!
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