38: Pre-Christmas Party

I'm on door duty so whenever someone arrives I'm supposed to greet them while two butlers stand by to help the guests with their jackets and coats. Every year mom and dad host a Pre-Christmas party since everyone has family obligations on actual Christmas day. So, two nights before Christmas, here we are.

I'm dressed in a navy blue knee length dress with matching heels and my hair is neatly curled, pinned back from my face. I'm checking my phone when Ash and Angelina arrive together.

"Hi guys!" I'm excited to have friends over because it's been nearly a week since school ended and I haven't gotten a chance to see any of them except Ben.

"Hey, you look amazing!" Angelina gushes.

"Thank you. But look who's talking." And Angelina does look stunning in her maroon dress.

"Everyone is through those doors." I point to the doors that open into a big room that mom and dad have always kept empty for parties like these.

"Is Liam here?" Ash asks.

"Yeah, he got here just before you guys." I tell them just as I hear more people arrive.

I instantly recognize Charles's voice. I turn around to find Mia walking towards me.

"Hi Mia." I say as she embraces me.

"Hello, Hazel. You look lovely." She smiles at me.

"Thank you." I smile back and greet Conley and Lola and crouch down to give Charles a hug. He get fussy about the hug and I laugh as Mia and Conley lead him and Lola through the double doors towards the party.

I noticed that Ben wasn't with them but he walks in not a moment later. My heart melts at the sight of him impeccably dressed in a black suit as all the men are at the party.

"Hey." He says and I just get to whisper a "Hi" back before he wraps an arm around my waist and reels me in for a kiss.

We're both aware of the butlers standing by so he pulls away too quickly, leaving me out of breathe, nonetheless. I touch my hair pins to make sure that they're still in place and thankfully they are. Ben stays in the foyer to keep me company.

"Hi Aunt Elana!" I exclaim when I see her walk.

"Hi Hazel." She pulls me into a hug.

"It's been so long since I saw you." She says.

I sigh, "Senior year has been super busy."

"I know." She smiles at me and then looks at Ben, "Morgan told me about your new boyfriend. I'm really happy for you two."

Elana needs no introduction to Ben, everyone from my family knows who he is and they've met him at some point.

"Is Morgan coming home for Christmas?" I ask, referring to the Christmas dinner at grandparents.

She nods, "Yes. He's in fact, coming here. His flight got delayed an hour. He's on his way." I don't ask about Uncle David, I've never seen him over at our house and all I've been told is that there's some bad blood between him and dad from some time ago but it's quite serious.

"Oh! Did you come with grandma and grandpa?" I ask.

"Right here." I hear grandma say as she walks in.

"Hi grandma!" I squeal, excited to see her.

"Hello Hazel." She hugs me and then turns to Ben, "And hello, Ben."

"Hello." Ben says and before he has time to process it he is pulled into a hug by her. I silently laugh at the surprise on Ben's face and share a smirk with Aunt Elana over grandma's shoulder. I meet grandpa next but he forgoes the hug with Ben and instead firmly shakes his hand.

"Well, at least I know that your paternal family doesn't hate me." Ben says once they've walked into the party room.

I laugh at the bewilderment on his face and kiss his cheek, "You can find out if my maternal family approves once I get back from Long Beach. Aunty Tess is coming to visit."

Ben groans but doesn't protest when I kiss him.

"Can you two please cut down the PDA for tonight?" I hear Seb say.

"Hey Ben." Seb says, walking out the doors, his suit jacket nowhere in sight and when he sees the question in my eyes, he shrugs, "It was too much work."

Ben laughs as I shake my head at him.

"Also, mom wants you inside. Almost everyone is here but I'll stay back just in case." He says.

"Yeah, Morgan is on his way." I tell him and then look at Ben, "Coming?"

When we enter the room there are waiters carrying trays of refreshments and drinks amongst the mingling guests. Ben heads off towards our school friends and I stop to chat to some family friends. Mom finds me before I have opportunity to look for her.

"Are all the guests happy?" She asks.

"As far as I know." I reply and mom gives me a quick pat on the shoulder before walking away to talk to someone.

About twenty minutes later I see Morgan walk in with Sebastian so I walk over to meet him.

"Hey stranger cousin." I say, walking over.

"Hi Hazel." He replies, accepting my hug.

"You didn't come home from university for summer break!" I complain.

"I know. Mom told me that you guys visited Long Beach before your summer school started. I had this internship in Texas that I couldn't miss." He sighs and then asks. "By the way, how was your college teaser at UCLA?"

I catch him up on my summer, leaving out Adam, of course and then Morgan leaves to find his mother and I head off to get some food since my stomach is rumbling. I'm feasting on potatoes and roast when Ben finds me, his own plate in hand.

"The food is so good." He comments.

"I'm on my third plate of potatoes." I tell him and he looks at me in shock, "You really are planning on throwing up before the night ends."

I laugh, "Don't worry, it won't happen."

Liam, Ash and Angelina join us soon after and we discuss plans for a get together after Christmas. The three of them have to leave early to meet their curfews. Once they've left, I decide to take a quick break before coming back.

I let Sebastian know and then step out to the pool. Since it's on the other end of property, the noise from the party doesn't reach me.

It's December, plus a sudden gust of wind makes me shiver. I start to rub my arms when I feel something cover my shoulders. I look up to find Ben standing behind me as he walks around the pool chair and sits down next to me.

I let my head rest on his shoulder as we look at the pool's water in silence.

"Hazel! Vanessa is bothering the waiters, can you please take her out the pool for a while?" Mom asks, appearing in my room's doorway.

Ben and I look up from the jigsaw puzzle that grandma sent me from Switzerland. We get up from the floor and head downstairs to fetch Vanessa. We shyly say hello to a few guests who are standing outside the party room, grab Vanessa and then head out to the pool.

"Did you finish the Math homework that we got?" I ask Ben as we sit down on a pool chair side by side.

"Not yet. Grade four math is so hard." Ben whines and I smile as he asks, "Can you help me with it?"

I nod, "Sure. Why don't you come over after I come back home from Long Beach? We can do it together."

"Okay. Thank you." Ben sounds relieved at the help.

Our conversation comes to a halt when we hear a splash.

"Vanessa!" I gasp as I watch her happily swim around in the pool's heated water. "Mom's going to be so angry if I get wet." I bounce on my feet.

"I'll grab her." Ben offers.

"But you'll get wet." I stare at him with wide eyes.

"It's okay. Mom won't say anything." He shrugs and then with his shoes and sweater still on he jumps into the water as I stand with a hand over my mouth.

Vanessa refuses to get out of the water. After a few minutes, I decide to jump in myself to get her out. I take off my shoes and then jump into the water. Between us we manage to coax Vanessa out of the pool and then scramble out ourselves.

We've only just gotten out when mom walks out to check on us, "What are you two doing?"

I find her staring at us, her mouth open at the sight of all three of us dripping wet.

"Vanessa jumped into the pool." Ben explains the situation.

Mom shakes her head at us but at the end we change into dry clothes and then are treated to hot chocolate which five year old Seb joins us for.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Ben's voice breaks the memory train and I realize that I'm smiling.

"I was remembering the Christmas party when Vanessa jumped into the pool." I say and Ben laughs softly at the memory. "Our childhood was the best." And I can't help but nod in agreement.

"I wouldn't have shared it with anyone one but you." I say, looking at him.

He smiles back, "Me either."

I lean forward and press a kiss to his lips as he wraps his arm around my back and pulls me closer to him. I place a hand on his chest as we part, breathing heavily. I rest my forehead against his and breathe in the cologne that I've come to recognize as Ben's over the last five years that he began wearing it.

"Hazel?" He asks.

"Hmm?" I pull away and meet his eyes.

"I love you." He simply says, his eyes holding mine.

"I love you, Ben." I whisper back as I press a hand to his cheek and he kisses me again.

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