Melodie's Melee

There were bad hair days and then there was do-icide. That's when you take a perfectly good hairdo and murder it with some freakish event by a jerky cookie monster. At least that's what Melodie would have called it as the unfortunate recipient of what must have been the first murder by milk.

She wanted to scream like a banshee similar to her rival Sukia. The wannabe baby metal singer always preached about how good it was for her anxiety. Though opening her lungs right now would not be as relishing an experience. She'd have to go topside to let her anger out. The first thing she planned on doing once she broke the surface was bite a hole in that dough brain's crunchy skull.

She broke the surface tension and rested her chest on the chocolate ledge. With her stomach on dry land, she deposited its milky contents onto the bank. Thinking about her fans she thanked stardom there weren't cameras around. "I can't let the Melodians see me like this," she deadpanned.

She swore they said milk helped relieve burning from pepper spray. The stinging in her eyes brought her to a concise conclusion that was a myth. It was even making her see things. Weird images that couldn't be true. Like a yellow and orange statue of Larry resting in a purple rock monster's hand.

She couldn't be seeing that brute Otis lift him overhead. That couldn't be Larry's eyes peaking out through a prismatic prison, making a desperate cry for help behind an immovable mask. The crack that started at his head and toes snaking together in the middle couldn't end how she assumed. There was no way that she was witnessing this travesty.

Yet with one swift motion, Larry's body was crushed. Otis' blocky hands smashed together shattering the statue above into a thousand orange shards. She feared seeing cybernetic enhancements clamber around him, with an unsightly mixture of human chunks chilling her spine. Whether fortunate or not the only things that fell were auburn sprinkles that somehow refracted what little light was within the cavern.

With her mouth agape Melodie's eyes were sucked in as Otis let his arms rest over his head. His chest heaved then fell as a frosty breath left his diaphragm. "Attempted destruction of Lady Nessy's perfect visage." His milk and raisin eyes shot open with a laser locked on Melodie, "For that-" he let his arms rest at his sides- "you will die."

From the milky brink, Melodie managed to finally get up. The fur on her neck sopping wet and her shoes flooded. She pulled out her mic and smacked it around a bit till a bit of static came up. Satisfied with the result she placed it on the ground and emptied the pint of liquid from her soles and back into the drink. "You know... it's not that I care about him." She readjusted her feet and then miraculously produced a brush from what felt like thin air. As she combed through her hued-up salmon she continued, "It's just that it's hard to find good man servants nowadays."

After a few clean strokes, she shook away the excess and allowed the dairy remnants to sink into her fabrics. "So, when one of my best boy toys gets crushed to candy-flavored chunks." With a twirl of her wrist, the brush converted into the mic she was holding just a moment before. She rested the microphone on her lips and wiped away some of the running gloss, "What kind of icon of a generation wouldn't avenge him?"

Melodie's voice projected off the smooth walls twenty times over. Then from her microphone came a glowing purple bubble. It morphed about until a stem jutted from the top and the flag flowed behind. The music note locked eyes with Otis and giggled openly before being greeted by two more companions. A half note and a stemmed note stood behind it laughing and giggling together.

Otis refused to move his gaze from directly ahead. A good idea as the whole note came rushing toward him with a giddy grin. Otis put up his backhand and batted it away with ease. The note shattered and sprinkled his face with an uninteresting mist. Though the feeling in his hand was less ignorant. He looked at his knuckles and scoffed at the scuff marks.

Melodie, proud of her effectiveness, let another high note loose and sent the three of them after him. Otis saw past them as a single note began circling Melodie's waist. To his left, he ripped off a cracker outcrop and used the wafer as a shield. The three notes cried out with a cheerful tune at each impact. Otis gazed over the circumference and rushed after her.

The K-Pop star met his advance with a perpendicular retreat. She peppered her distance with musical mayhem that Otis struggled to work through. Her staccatos were leaving their mark on his cover and he wasn't going to get in range soon. Melodie watched as he placed himself at the base of the ice cream mound. He crouched as low as he could nearly hiding his entire body behind the makeshift shield.

She skidded to a halt then smiled, "Perfect." She began sending note after note his way. Most met their match against the cracker cover but enough made contact with his exposed limbs charging up her defensive spiral of high hats.

But why cut a good song off before the beat drops? She continued to rain down her storm of notes and taunted him while she sang, "You're a B-List snack with a C-Rank taste."

In one of her volleys, she barely aimed too high missing him completely. At least she should have missed, but Otis lifted his shield upward snatching the note out of the sky. Melodie followed her path and saw that the statue was just behind him.

She showed a wicked smile behind her dripping mascara. She threw away her attack on Otis and shifted upward. An action that let loose an alarmed, "NOO!" from the cookie monster's mouth. He jumped up and smacked away all the notes with a mixture of hands and feet. An action that only charged up her tight musical defense.

Melodie's smile grew three sizes, "Pitch Perfect." She inhaled and sang a sharp note that lifted her feet. Then she dashed forward aiming to catch him just as he fell to the ground. From below she could see his body twisting in the air like the calm beginning of a tornado. As he picked up the pace he somehow slowed his descent by making his arms into a copter's blades. Then came a massive cracker chunk.

Melodie screeched and backpedaled just as quickly as she had dashed ahead. The chipped shield lodged itself into the white chocolate floor. With a close inspection, she noticed that the chopped chips looked a little too uniform. The wind turbine above suddenly halted. Otis' arms were holding onto chips of wafered deliciousness covered in what looked like ice cream.

First comes the wind next falls the rain. Baseball-sized projectiles crashed from above as Otis gave his best pitching machine impression. Melodie's feet flashed about as she danced around the crashing starlets. The distance she'd gain was immediately lost and Otis had landed with a powerful thud. He took off another chunk of cracker and tossed it in between his palms.

The rocky jawline and lifeless raisin eyes taunted her to approach. An idol such as herself being looked down on cannot go unanswered. She let loose a high note and flew ahead. Otis stopped playing with his food and crushed the cookie to dust. Just as she came in range he threw it forth, blinding her just like the spotlights on a starless night.

Finally, he'd gotten his opening. He was well-versed in hand-to-hand combat. Such is required of a guardian of Nessy. So it was no shocker that he would dash ahead once Melodie's eyes were shut. Unexpected was for her lips to purse with a sharp retreating whistle to follow. She sucked in a low note and backpedaled on the soundwave. Otis narrowly dodged one of the notes that were encircling her only for two stiff shots to catch his cheek. It stung like the razor-sharp bite of lemon pups. Their baby-sized teeth were sharpened needles of candy corn. Then came something worse.

It was an angelic tune. Like the songs of Valkyries in myth. It was accompanied by the site of rapidly approaching sentient sound. He was sure he'd kept his distance, the rotating protection ring seemed to have a dedicated range. He was certain he'd bypassed the zone of influence. Yet here he was bracing for repeated impact. Each note flew through his chest and burst from his back. Like a tow truck had its cable hooked on his spine and kept pulling. It was numbing his mind yet lighting his senses ablaze.

Then there was her irritating response, "What's wrong? Too much pop for ya?" She pushed her hair aside as the tornado ramped up, "That's what you get when you cross an idol!"

His frosty shoulders slumped though his arms kept against his chest. He couldn't stand here any longer. If he tried to approach now she'd retract the ring again. He needed to escape. So he ran back to the melty mound and dove within.

Melodie gave a smarmy smirk, "What's wrong? Stage Fright?" She carefully paced around the outer perimeter before suddenly breaking into a sprint. With the subtle hushed bubbling of the moat behind her she inspected the southern side of the mound. Seeing a hole of matching proportions to the first she knew that he'd escaped to the water behind her.

He must think she's as dumb as that robot from before. Her little servant might fall for simple tricks but she wouldn't be caught off guard. She backed away from the water until she was at the ice cream's base. She watched all her corners and paced slowly around. She wasn't sure if he needed oxygen but swimming around in that milk wasn't going to save his precious statue.

So she waited and she watched. Any subtle changes in the flow. Or a potential bubble. He'd have to reveal himself soon. When she made it back to the northern side she was certain that she'd missed him somehow. So she turned around to return to the southern quarter.

Then her heart stopped. Something new had entered the arena. The vanilla extract had come to life. A sloppy creature with a wingspan like an eagle. It stood a foot higher than her and loomed overhead. Then like a Venus flytrap, she was caught. She could feel a solid core at the center that tried to squeeze her intestines out her nether entrance.

"It's just like I said." The monster's voice was familiar. She looked past her smushed bangs and stared into the eyes. As the creamy exterior melted away she noticed the rough carapace, chiseled biceps, and raisin-brand pupils. "For attempting to deface Nessy," Otis shook away the excess and glared into her soul. "You will die."

Melodie struggled and kicked her legs the best she could. How could she have predicted that play? He'd somehow made a perfect exit hole and hid inside the hill. He was waiting that entire time for Melodie to get within range. She can only bring her musical defense so close to her body. Did he account for that as well?

It didn't matter now. Her notes melted away with horrific squeals. Those petering cries were replaced with her voice reaching the ceiling. She was screeching at the top of her lungs as her ribcage threatened to snap like graham crackers under a child's thumb. All the while Otis coldly stared down as he executed his diluted sense of justice.

She felt the glassy shift of her iris. Her head grew lighter. In her fading vision, she saw a beam of shimmering blue light pierce the cave's dome. It smashed down next to the pink rock creature's stagnant body. Then with a flash, it was gone. Left in its place was the S.O.S she'd been not so silently hoping for.

His kneeling position shifted into a confident stance. His right hand retrieved a burgundy firearm from its holster. Deep black LEDs with yellow lines in the center sputtered to life. A thin bolt of lighting could be seen jumping about inside his midnight maw. The panels smoothly slid apart with rhythmic rolling of his bright red epaulet.

"YOU," his voice made the walls shake. A dark artificial overture of bass fabricated to make a suspect halt at its arrival. "You have broken the law." His hand flared to twirl the blaster in his palm. Then it snapped shut as he focused ahead, "For your crimes... now-" his eyes were sharper than Leon's razor blades- "You'll face the bad-"

The robotic colleague known as Lawrie finally registered his surroundings. He seemed confused as the world he'd fallen into was oddly brown. Milky smooth walls ahead of him. A mixture of ice cream and chocolate between his feet. Cookies shaped like stones and an odd noise just behind him.

"The Bad Cop?" He openly questioned. He turned around after finally adjusting to his surroundings. It was odd what was before him. There was some strange formation of beige cookie conglomerate standing within the confectionery cavern. It was almost breathing- no. It was breathing. Almost panting. And was that grunting he was picking up on? Groans? Pained stutterings for help?

The voice was oddly feminine which didn't match the shoulders he was observing. Though he didn't care what this thing sounded like, only what he was doing here.

He spun about two or three times looking for his less-than-serious twin. The goofball only called on him when there were perps too outrageous for him to tackle alone. So why was he here all alone? And what was this weird purple crystal sculpture? Or the shattered orange remains of what must have been another statue recently rubbled. Was that cookie creature the one that made this? Did he bash the other statue that was originally supposed to go with this purple one? It was impressive, though a little rough. And his assumptions were unclear. Like why would this creature bash another statue? Was he angry with how they came out?

Despite the uncertainty, he nodded along with his hypothesis adamantly. No matter how absurd the idea the next step in the scientific process was to seek validation for your theory or find something that disproves it. So he shifted toward the only other entity he could find, trying his best to sound approachable despite his intimidation protocol. "Citizen. I seek knowledge of my brother's whereabouts."

The rock formation continued to breathe and shuffle its feet. Larry continued to approach, "He looks just like me... but not as handsome."

As he finally grew closer he noticed something in his hand. A body being tightly squeezed like he was trying to smash a log within his biceps. Pink hair, golden fur accessories, bright pink horns, and eyes threatening to pop out their sockets, "Melodie?"

The pop star struggled to turn her head over the rough pectorals of her captor. She couldn't muster a word before more wails of anguish ripped through her throat. A piercing screech accompanied by the sound of bones crunching.

Lawrie didn't need to see anymore. He immediately pulled out his pistol, "Drop the lady now!" Otis' vice seemed to relax for a moment. Melodie's relief was visible though her squirming attempt at escape was still useless. "Drop her!" Lawrie's pistol could be heard charging up. The laser shotgun needed to get a bit closer for effective usage but he didn't need Otis to know that. Instead, he stood his ground and ordered, "Put her down. Final warning."

Lawrie didn't take his peripherals off of Melodie either. He noticed that her head was moving around a lot more than her legs. Like her plan had shifted from whole body wiggling to top-half turning. Then her chin kept pointing in a particular direction. Up a mound just shy of them. Atop was a chocolate statue of a beautiful woman. Lawrie looked back now understanding the signal. Larry had told him that they were going to an island to find some grand chocolate confection for Mandy's Rainbow Candy Shop. Was that what she was clueing him to? Is that somehow more important than saving her? Or is it that getting it would solve their problem?

He looked again one more time. There was a small smile on her face as she winked at him to confirm the signal. Right. There's no more questioning. He lowered his arms and began a mad dash up the mound. The ice cream beneath his feet was impossible to get a foothold in. Yet he clambered up all the same.

Turning back, the cookie monster was still keeping Melodie locked down. He could just barely see what looked like raisins locked onto the girl in his grasp. He was clear to keep going.

After another few seconds worth of clunky climbing, he finally reached the summit. The long, luscious legs. The tight, taunt waist. Her face slim yet plump and captivating. He wasn't even attracted to women, or men for that matter. His only draw was the enforcement of justice. Yet this sculpture forced an unnatural pause. Like I need to admire just the opportunity to be in her presence.

He shook away these cobwebs quickly. He had a job to complete and a brother to find. He readied his weapon placing the two nozzles just between the slickly trimmed brows of the chocolate goddess.

Then suddenly an arm latched down from above. Another hand snapped his left arm as well latching them down to his sides. The rough exterior of the forearms grinding against his stomach was accompanied by a soft brush of air passing over his audio receptors.

"You blinked."

Lawrie didn't know when it happened. How did he close that gap so quickly? He was at the bottom when Lawrie made it to the summit. As he continued to question the reality of this predicament he was forced to look up at the ceiling. He saw the stalactites and noticed a single drop bouncing off the statue's carved follicles. Then he came crashing down atop his neck. His body was turned upside down by a vicious German suplex courtesy of Otis the oatmeal cookie guardian.

He thought that his landing would be softened by the softserved confection but it was like slamming against a concrete floor. Then he felt Otis' body roll over him. As if he was using Lawrie like a medicine ball mid-workout. Yet the crunchy creature didn't let go. Instead, he lifted him once again for a second suplex. Slamming his head further down as they descended the mound.

The first one hurt. The second stung. A lasting pain and deafening ringing now permanently engrained into his mind. Yet the worst was to come. Otis had a final grandstand attack planned. Lawrie was a slave to his captor's chain as he was lifted once more and then sent flying into the air.

The guardian had his hands firmly locked around Lawrie's waist and rotated mid-air until they were both aiming their heads like a lawn dart. Lawrie looked back and noticed that Otis' face didn't show any sign of emotion. Not enjoyment or frustration. Just a robot with an objective much like him.

Though he shouldn't hold any reservations against this creature for completing its task he did wish he could pay this monster back. Especially after Otis shifted suddenly in mid-air once more. Letting go of the bot for only a moment so that now they were facing opposite directions. He put a foot under Lawrie's chin pushing it further down as the ground approached rapidly.

It felt unnecessary. It felt targeted. It felt like... the end. The sound of his skull shattering through the floor made the world quiver. Otis had planted him like a shovel into the ground with a meteoric seismic slam. His body went limp with sparks visibly shooting out of the hole he'd been buried into. Otis took his foot out and shook off a bit of red shrapnel from his heel.

The titanic terror stared over the crevice he'd created like a disgusted father. He shook away the ice cream on his shoulders and wandered off toward a nearby jawbreaker. The multicolored orb was twice as big as him and embedded into the floor.

He flexed his fingers and stabbed his hands into it until his knuckles were buried. With a powerful grunt, he uprooted the orb showing that it was only the tip he'd been standing beside before. "I tried to tell you." He lifted the orb over his head like Atlas carrying the heavens. His somber walk was accentuated by his solemn speech. "My job is to protect Lady Nessy." He held the massive boulder overhead, staring down at the body he'd just paralyzed.

"Anyone who tries to harm her," he lifted it overhead before grunting out, "MUST DIE!" Then with a heavy slam, he shattered the jawbreaker on the floor. The jagged pieces crumbled against one another effectively burying this new invader. He made note of how familiar this one looked. He swore that Plymouth had captured him but now he wasn't so sure.

He looked back toward the crystals on the ground. He approached them to inspect the parts. A single shard caught his eyes. It had a blue eye trapped in yellow-orange time staring back at him. Yes, he was certain he'd finished him. So who was that just now?

He moved the warm gemstone around his palms. Inspecting the potential of this ornamenting the cave walls. Then in the reflection, he saw movement. Something pink was shifting back and forth. He walked past his wreckage to inspect this new addition.

The woman from before had begun moving again. Somehow she'd arrived on the other side of their clearing. She was doting over the robot he'd just crushed. But how was he still alive? Was he alive? From his distance, he could tell he wasn't damaged enough. How did he survive?

Melodie had used the last burst of energy she had to dive in. She'd slipped under the orb just before impact. Snatching up her rescuer so she could properly scold him, "Get up you bolt-head! You're supposed to be the tough one!" She inspected his head noticing a massive dent in his helmet. Alongside the flickering light threatening to burst within his left eye. "Why is it that I'm always helping the help?!"

She continued to give hushed shouts trying to wake him. Then a chill ran down her spine. She could sense it. There was no need to turn around. She quickly leaned forward trying to pick Lawrie up and dash away. Then her ribs punctured her lung. The damage he'd done in his initial grapple had taken effect.

She fell coughing up blood between her desperate screams. A noise that Otis had grown tired of. He reached down taking a different body part into his fist. Her neck was constricted shut by the power of his unnatural grip.


Her choking fit caused her face to burn bright blue. The kicks of desperation continued. Bashing against a chest thicker than oak.


Her coughs flung blood into Otis's face. She began to cry as a soft plea escaped, "*cough* P- *cough* Please..."

Otis continued to stare on unfazed by the red goop she was unintentionally flinging into his eyes.






Then suddenly she stopped.

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