Chapter 51 Part 2: To Everyone's Recovery

[One week later: Streets of Monoceros Keep, 7:25 AM]

Torsten and Ilona could see people flocking around the streets while riding a bus to Monoceros Keep General Hospital. A multitude of crowd were yelling and marching all over the streets which they carried some placcards written in Franken. The policemen were monitoring the rioting crowd.

" My goodness. It's complete chaos on the streets! " Torsten said in disbelief as he saw the rioters.

" I know, this is getting radical..." Ilona sighed.

Just then, a rioter threw a gas bomb at the policemen, causing a sudden explosion and mist. The other protestors and cops were coughing and suffocating.

" Pokker (Damn)! " Torsten said with surprise at the rioter throwing a gas bomb at the policemen. " This is quickly getting out of hand! "

" Expect that we will be having more emergency cases at work anytime soon, " Ilona reminded.

An elderly elven man wearing a thick winter coat and a hat heavily sighed upon looking the riotus environment from the bus's window. He was sitting behind Torsten and Ilona and calling their attention.

" Mes enfants, it seems like one of the Umbral believers has taken their seats and control the government, " he said. " That's why the people are very furious of the sudden change. It will even be the worst. "

" An Umbral cultist as leader of the government?! What's happening to this country." Torsten said in disbelief.

A curly raven haired woman in her early thirties sitting on the right side chimed in, " Have you heard the news? Our people will be brought to Chergaria for a compulsory labor for 3 to 5 years? That means we will not be working in our own country and be separated from our families. "

" What's even worse? " a bespectacled Leanan Sidhe man in fedora hat added, held a newspaper, and explained. " The stock market will lose and our businesses will go bankrupt. The Neforie administration will support and tie to the Chergarian government. That means our economy will be tightly controlled. The normal routine of supply and demand will dwindle. Expect an enormous price increase and scarcity of commodities. Our politicians will be helping Chergaria for their foolish war and territorial expansion. "

" I believe some of us will take Neforie and the Chergarians' side, " an Elandric orc man sat from infront of Torsten and Ilona and replied. " They believe that the Neforie administration will be the game changer for this country's progress. I don't think that's gonna happen. "

Just then, the rest of the passengers saw another wave of rioters from different towns were holding a wooden baton. Some held a rock and empty wine bottles. They were ready to fight back against the police.

" Is this what you call a game changer for Foranea? " Ilona stressedly pointed out and saw them throwing and hitting the policemen.




" This isn't a game changer at all! It's complete chaos and madness! Is no one going to put a stop to this?! " Torsten stressfully said.

" Messieurs, mesdames, I believe we have to take a detour, " a dwarven driver answered. " Even we try to stop and persuade the crowd, we will end up in great trouble. "

" Foranea needs to be saved. We can't let the country destroy itself, " Torsten sadly said.

" There are some people who can save this country, but expect the worst..." the elderly elven man reminded.

[Monoceros Keep General Hospital, 8:22 AM]

The bus just stopped for a while as Torsten and Ilona left and paid the fare. Suddenly, you saw another crowd being admitted at the emergency room. They had come from the street riot. You could see the other doctors and nurses coming, going, and attending to the injured and wounded. The orc man hospital director Doctor Hugo McCoy was supervising a team of emergency physicians including Amnon and some assigned nurses.

" What happened here? " Torsten asked Dr. McCoy with concern.

" The riot in Monoceros Keep has grown an increasing number of emergency cases, " McCoy anxiously sighed and replied. " This is more staggering than the Kastronov Circus Incident. "

" Which is worsening due to the ongoing riots," Torsten theorized.

" Exactly, " he nodded.

" Is there anything we could do to help? " Torsten asked.

" I believe you need to assist us in the emergency area before you get to extraction and lab duty, " McCoy replied. " We have a multitude of patients right now. "

Torsten nodded in understanding, " Okay, me and Ilona will get to work right away. "

Ilona nodded at the hospital director and gestured her younger cousin to start assisting the patients and the other doctors.

[Nine Hours Later: Laboratory Area]

" L'émeute totale a laissé Monoceros Keep dans le chaos alors que la police a lutté pour maintenir la paix et l'ordre dans les rues ce matin. Selon les autorités locales, la plupart de ces émeutiers venaient de différentes villes de Foranea. La police enquête toujours sur l'origine de ces protestations. (The all out riot has left Monoceros Keep in chaos as the police have struggled to keep peace and order on the streets this morning. According to the local authorities, most of these rioters have come from different towns in Foranea.The police is still investigating with the origin of these protests.) "

" Par ailleurs, l'Assemblée nationale et le Sénat ont des avis partagés sur les agendas du gouvernement Neforie. 39 pour cent sont en désaccord avec la décision du Président selon laquelle Foranea est un allié de l'Empire souverain. 61 pour cent sont d'accord avec le nouveau régime. (On the other news, the National Assembly and the Senate have mixed views of the Neforie administration's agendas. 39 percent has disagreed of the President's decision of Foranea being an ally of the Sovereign Empire. 61 percent has agreed of the new regime.) "

" Umbral cultists caused these riots to happen in Foranea. Now a lot of people are okay with this regime. This is unbelievable," Torsten said with frustration.

" We don't really agree with the changes under the new administration, " Dr. Javelin Smitus seriously said, crossed his arms, and listened to the radio newsbroadcast.

" Un groupe de militants syndicaux et sociaux opposés au travail obligatoire et au transfert à Chergaria. Les professeurs de l'Université de Foranea et l'Assemblée nationale du travail ont mené une enquête auprès de tous les salariés. Selon l'enquête, 95 pour cent étaient en désaccord avec la nouvelle réglementation tandis que 5 pour cent étaient d'accord. (A group of labor and welfare activists opposed of the Compulsory labor and transfer to Chergaria. The University of Foranea professors and the National Labor Assembly conducted a survey to all the people within the workforce. According to the survey 95 percent disagreed of the new regulation as the 5 percent agreed.) "

" Une augmentation des taxes de 30 pour cent sera ajoutée à tous les produits de base, y compris la nourriture, les médicaments et les services publics, ce qui a entraîné une augmentation massive des prix. (A tax increase of 30 percent will be added to all basic commodities including food, medicine, and utilities which lead to massive price increase.)"

" Tout cela et bien plus encore sera détaillé. Connectez-vous à Radio Foranea News à 19h00. (All these and more will be in detail. Tune in Radio Foranea News at 7:00 PM.) "

" This is outrageous! " Torsten angrily said.

" Merde..." Dr. Smitus frowned and lowly cussed. " It seems like we are in a crisis. "

" The whole country is now in chaos and is falling apart slowly. No one is doing anything to stop this, " Torsten said with frustration.

" The late Senator Montmartre once said, ' There are unbearable times and events that will happen, but we have the power to bring change. We will start within ourselves.' "

" You're right, " Torsten heavily sighed." I just don't want this country to end up being another Robania."

The blonde gruff pathologist and laboratory head gloomily bowed his head and calmly spoke, " Only the Great Mother and Her Siblings can help us in times like this. "

" Ja. They're the only ones who can, " Torsten sadly said.

Javelin nodded and looked at the clock, " I think I have to do some work at the morgue and prepare for some post mortem report. I'll see you tomorrow, Torsten. "

" Be careful out there. The riots are still going, " Torsten said with concern.

" No worries, I can still handle that myself. You too. "

Torsten nodded at his colleague, " Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then."

The raven haired Palgish medical technician had left the laboratory area and headed to the hospital lobby. He noticed and heard Ivo talking in Franken to Amnon, Wilma, and Sophia and wondered what was going on with them.

" You three okay? " Torsten asked with concern.

" I didn't expect this to happen...." Ivo sadly spoke and sighed. " My father was found in the village and got confined and diagnosed with leukemia. "

" Your father? You mean Senator Montmatre? I thought he was dead." Torsten asked with confusion.

" He was my distant uncle from the Montmartre and Augustin side, but I considered him as my father. My biological father, Samuel Jakob Fischer, has returned, yet terminally ill. "

Torsten recalled the blood tests which Amnon and Wilma had ordered him three days ago. It was true that Ivo's father was ailing. He had abnormal levels of white blood cells and abnormally low red blood cell or platelet counts. He looked at the two physicians and agreed with them.

Sophia turned to her boyfriend and held his left hand, comforting him. She understood what he was feeling right now.

" All these years and your biological father showed out of no where. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now, " Torsten said to Ivo.

" Honestly, I don't even know what to say to him..." the ginger haired Chergarian blacksmith and mechanic sadly replied. " I just heard from Herr Arthas about this and asked me to see him. "

" Ivo, I think you need to confront him before his condition worsens, " Wilma calmly spoke. " Amnon and I have discussed to your father about his treatments in the future. "

" Wouldn't confronting stress him out and make his condition worse?" Torsten asked with concern.

" I have talked to monsieur Samuel, " Amnon replied. " He wants to see my brother before he undergoes chemotherapy. That's what he wished for since he's under Stage III going to Stage IV. "

" Is there anything you want me to do? " Torsten asked Amnon.

" We might consider to have his blood counts monitored after his first cycle of chemotherapy, " he replied.

" I'll see what I can do and give the result as soon as possible, " Torsten said.

" It's just that we need to rule out if the chemo will be taking such improvements to Mr. Fischer, otherwise we will consider other options for his treatment, " Wilma added as Amnon nodded in agreement.

Torsten nodded at Wilma and Amnon. " I understand."

" The first cycle will start tomorrow, I presume, " Amnon turned to Wilma.

" Yes, " the platinum blonde oncologist nodded. " At 4 in the afternoon."

" I will make sure monsieur Samuel is ready, " Sophia turned to the two physicians and looked at Torsten. " Perhaps, you can be there once the cycle is done. "

" Ja. I would like to examine the tests further to see how bad Mr. Fischer's leukemia is." Torsten said with agreement.

" Thank you, Torsten. We'll see you tomorrow then, " Amnon replied.

Torsten nodded and smiled at his friends. " All of you stay safe. The riots are still going on."

" Ja, we will, " Ivo nodded.

As Torsten left the hospital, Ivo you, Sophia, and the two physicians headed to the second floor when they all headed to the elevator. You reached room 2025 where there was a name labeled as S.J.Fischer. Doctor Wilma Sinclair-Durand gently knocked on the door to call the patient's attention.

" Who is it? " an elderly male voice echoed.

" Mr. Fischer, it's Doctor Sinclair-Durand. We have Doctor Montmartre, Nurse Sophia, and your son to see you, " she replied.

Ivo slowly walked into the room and is in disbelief to see his biological father after all these years.

" Come in...."

Wilma opened the door and gestured her companions. Ivo could see his father became bedridden. His left arm was attached with an IV tube consisting dextrose. Samuel gave his guests a weak smile and sighed.

" I thought you were dead, " Ivo said with disbelief.

" Ivo...I'm so glad you have grown...I'm sorry...I have missed out those years..."

" You walked out on my mother when she was dying of her illness. You disappeared without a trace. I was alone. if it wasn't for Senator Montmatre taking me in, I would've been dead as well," Ivo said with frustration.

Amnon, Sophia, and Wilma shared glances as they had heard Ivo had vented out his frustration. For Amnon and Sophia, he felt sorry for him. For Wilma, she recalled her younger days in Elandris about her father being cold hearted and absent one. She heavily sighed and looked at him with concern.

Samuel deeply thought of what he could respond as the memories had struck him. He silently wept before he could speak.

" I got reenlisted in the Heer to support Hetland and scout against the Syrvanians before the Second Leersog War happened. I told your mother that I will be away on a mission. You were sleeping as a boy and whispered to your ears. If you could remember what I had said that evening. I never came to Hetland. I was deceived and being experimented by Dr. Mutran Günther and Ehlek Sorge. I became their first Chergarian werewolf using forbidden Umbral magic as my body got altered. Now, here I am suferring from a dreadul illness and waiting for my deathbed..."

" You joined the Umbral Cults?! The very same people who killed Senator Montmatre. Amnon's father. The same ones who kidnapped Sophia and turned Foranea into chaotic ruins?! I don't even know what to say to you now, " Ivo said with frustration but also with sadness.

" Ivo...please..." Amnon looked at his older brother and then to the ailing father.

" Mes dieux! He's hyperventilating and having a high fever of 39.5°C! " Sophia checked Samuel's vital signs.

" Sophia, prepare for nasal intubation and paracetamol, STAT! " the Akrovian-Foranean doctor ordered.

Wilma turned to Ivo and sighed. The elven nurse followed the general practitioner who guided her and prepared for the oxygen tank and nasal respiratory tube, carefully inserting to Samuel's nose when he inhaled. Then, she elevated his pillow and took a glass of water and a paracetamol tablet which he drank.

" Monsieur Fischer, I don't think it..." Wilma paused.

" Nein, Frau Doktor Durand, please let me confront my son for the last time before my time has come. I have awaited for this...I want to die peacefully once I see him. I don't want to continue my chemotherapy tomorrow... I want to sign that waiver. I no longer require medical assistance.....I don't want to be a burden to all of you..." he wept and turned to his son. " I have so much to tell to you and Herr Doktor Montmartre. I'm sorry...I'm afraid I can't do this anymore.... If this is what you wanted, I want to end my suffering for good...You don't need me, right? If you don't consider me as a father, just let me see you for the last time as a person...not as a werewolf...Besides...I deserve to die because of such grievious mistakes....Only death can redeem me...You can go on with your life. " Then, he turned to Amnon and said, " Please discontinue everything you have done to me, Herr Doktor Montmartre. Let me sign that waiver..."

Amnon heavily sighed and didn't know what to say. He turned to Wilma as she remained indecisive and baffled. Both of the physicians didn't want to let him sign the 'Do Not Resuscitate' waiver. Sophia hugged her boyfriend who was weeping and hearing of his ailing father's death wish.

" Please let me sign that damn waiver! " Samuel desperately begged and loudly yelled at them. " Ihr vier, bitte, ich gehe! Worauf wartet ihr alle?! (The four of you, please me go! What are you all waiting for?!) "

Ivo silently wept and heard of his father's desperate cries for death. Instead of getting even angry at him, he recalled those days in the Umbral Cult and understood of those hardships of being deceived and manipulated. Somehow, this confinement reminded of himself in that scenario when his younger brother found him.

Amnon and Wilma were looking at each other and thinking of the next step of what would happen to Samuel if he would discontinue his treatments. They knew the outcome and decided to speak up.

" Ivo, you have already understood our conversation twenty minutes ago. Your father could reach the end stage of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. It highly affects the blood and bone marrow which the cancer cells increase their progress. Amnon and I have thought and planned of some other options for treatment aside from chemotherapy. We really need to conduct some tests. This could improve his quality of life and even gain a remission , but you have heard your father has declined any medical assistance. We are contemplating to let him sign the Do Not Resuscitate waiver for cancer patients. We're sorry, it's just we have to do this out of your father's desperateness to die," she explained and sadly turned to Amnon.

" We have decided to schedule his chemotherapy's first cycle tomorrow. I'm afraid your father refused any treatment due to his age, physical condition, and emotional stability. It will even decrease his chances of survival from 9% to 2%. It's his decision to be untreated and wait for his death bed. To put it this way, he may have two to three months to live, " Amnon seriously added and heavily sighed. " We're sorry, Ivo. We have to put him in an end of life or hospice care. It's upto you if you give him a consent to die with dignity or convince him to get treated in adding more years for remission. "

" I want him to survive. I don't want my father to die at all," Ivo sadly said to Amnon.

Samuel wept and heard his son. He didn't know what to say. Sophia comforted the old man as she rubbed his back. Then, she said calmly, " You heard him, Monsieur Fischer. He doesn't want you to die. You have to undergo these treatments. "

Amnon looked at the elven nurse and turned to his brother, " Our only option here is to be under palliative care as he will undergo and continue his treatment. Let's see if there's a chances of survival. "

" My father can redeem himself just like I have. I want to him to fight and survive. Even if he has a year or maybe few years left. That's enough time for me to spent with and know him better, " Ivo said to his brother.

" If that's the case his chemo will resume, oui? " he turned to his fellow.

" Oui, " Wilma nodded. " I guess we'll reject this DNR waiver as he requested. I'll see you guys tomorrow. "

" Danke, " Ivo gratefully said to Amnon and Wilma.

" You're welcome...." the platinum blonde oncologist smiled at Ivo and Samuel and left the room.

" I think I should go to my next duty. I will leave you all, messieurs, " Sophia added and kissed Ivo's right cheek. " A-bientót, mon amour. "

" Stay safe, " Ivo said and smiled at his girlfriend.

Sophia smiled back at him and left. Samuel broke his silence and turned to the two men, " There is something I need to tell you..."

" What is it? " Ivo curiously asked his father.

" Several years ago, I returned to our home in Kernsitz on a secret mission and found letters from your mother before she passed. I held it and followed your trail to the Augustin family in Harhaan. They told me that you have gone to Foranea. Then, I travelled to Monoceros Keep and found Herr Jean Meir and Frau Karola in their house. I have delivered the box of letters which ìt had something to do with your elven heritage with the Montmartre and the Augustin side, " Samuel replied. " The Augustin family has never tapped their true ability of harnessing the earth. "

" You delivered the letters? I didn't know that. Also I already know about elven heritage through my ancestor and the Knightfall family," Ivo said to his father.

" So, you knew of our elven side? " Amnon asked.

" Through my wife Marina, " Samuel replied and turned to Ivo. " Ja. You were very young at that time. I assumed that you would not understand about magic coming from you. Your late mother could imagine and envisioned as the one who could harness the earth. I wished I have more time to meet your ancestor from the Knightfalls. "

" Her name was Arielle. She aided me in gaining my geomancy. I also met Kintor Graveheart through a dream, " Ivo explained.

" I'm glad that you have met people who could harness magic. "

" Danke, " Ivo smiled at his father.

" Bitte, " he nodded.

" Is it okay if I could call you, Oncle Samuel? " Amnon asked.

" Ja, it's okay, Herr Doktor. Indeed, you are my son's relative. I should have called you in your first name. If it's fine? "

" Ja... " the doctor smiled back.

" You reminded me of Herr Jean Meir, Amnon. You are becoming like him. "

" Danke..." he nodded. " I'm trying to learn Chergari a bit. " Then, he changed topic and asked. " I was wondering, how come did you think of that waiver? "

" Amnon, Ivo...I was their first experimented werewolf and assassin. I had my darkest years..."

" You were another of Tucker and Günther's victims?" Ivo asked with concern.

" Ja, I recently have met this young Tucker. It was Günther and Sorge who experimented me. "

"Tucker was possessed by the Umbral god, Xiven. He's now on his way to recovery." Ivo said to his father.

" I believe some people who left the cult have returned to their normal lives, " Samuel commented and sighed. " I wish I could return to who I was before. Like your younger brother and his colleague have said, it's a terminal illness. " Then, he admitted, " The first time I transformed as a werewolf, I felt invulnerable and formidable. I had never realised this mutation would bring me to a slow and painful death. "

" There was a Tallish werewolf named Sigurd Nystrom. He saw how awful the Umbral Cults were and he defected to do the right thing for his family. If a werewolf like Nystrom can redeem himself so can you, " Ivo optimistically said to his father.

" Ja, I remember Nystrom. That young man full of hubris, I believe a fellow Chergarian has convinced him. "

" Who was this Chergarian? " Ivo curiously asked.

" I believe I met a young assassin who happened to be the closest friend of yours. Ja? "

" Chirox Friedrich. He's a good man who redeemed himself to be with his family and is also quite the comedian too, " Ivo smiled.

" I see. He was supposed to be a candidate for becoming a werewolf assassin, but I guess he had forbidden it. It's better for him to be reunited with his family rather than to suffer a long term illness out of mutation, " Samuel spoke.

" I believe monsieur Friedrich became a part-time hospital volunteer to his initiative aside from being a police asset upon his recovery. I saw and heard him visiting, talking, and comforting the patients and their families. I got surprised upon hearing the rumors of visiting and clowning around at the pediatric ward which he confirmed. The first time we met him in prison, he was in a depressive and suicidal state. Now, he has become the man of hope, compassion, and joy to almost everyone, " Amnon replied. " I'm pretty sure Chirox will be discharged on three days from now. You would want to meet him. I suppose. "

" Perhaps he could cheer you up as well, " Ivo smiled at his father.

" I definitely want to meet him, " Samuel nodded.

" He told me that he has made a long term commitment to visit and volunteer the hospital in his free time. I believe you could be one of the patients to interact with him. "

" Danke, Amnon, Ivo. "

" Bitte, " Ivo sincerely smiled.

" I feel much better, thanks to the both of you, " Samuel answered. " Amnon, you and your fellow old me that chemotherapy may be very painful to endure, but if this will help me gain my survival and remission. I'm not so sure if I can be healed totally, but I still want to see Ivo and the rest of you to fulfill your dreams despite this bleak situation. I am willing to recover by all means. "

" Merci, Spasibo. "

" I'm glad you'll be fighting for your survival. I can finally catch up with you after all these years, " Ivo emotionally said.

" Die Große Mutter Photis hatte uns erlaubt, dich und deinen Bruder kennenzulernen. Was auch immer nötig ist, ich werde die verlorene Zeit mit dir aufholen. (The Great Mother Photis had allowed us to meet you and your brother. Whatever it takes, I'm going to make up the lost times with you.) " he sincerely replied at his son and turned to the blonde doctor. " Amnon, I would like to thank you and your family to include my son even I had not seen him for a long time. "

" Dè rien, Oncle Samuel. Ivo is also a Montmartre and you do deserve to be one of us, " Amnon replied giving him a warm smile.

" Danke..."

" Perhaps you could meet the rest of the Montmartre family as well, " Ivo happily added.

" Really? Fascinating! "

Samuel sincerely smiled and nodded, " I guess I will be in good hands now. It's better than I am being chased by someone else. "

" You're also reunited with family, " Ivo smiled at his father.

" Ja, " he sadly sighed and admitted. " I have chased by one of our fellow Chergarians who are still part of the Umbral Cult. Have you heard of Oberst Spiriah Leopold Reinhardt and Vultraz Klaus Schulz? "

Amnon looked at Ivo and curiously turned to Samuel.

" We had. They're the worse kind of Umbral cultists, " Ivo answered.

" I assume you have met them in the Heer before your exile, I took it? "

" Ja, " Ivo nodded at Samuel.

" That's the reason why you were in hiding and finding refuge in the Dread Wolves Tribe Village? " Amnon surmised.

" Ja. " Samuel nodded. " Two of those elven people found me hiding in the bushes and profusedly bleeding. "

" Do you know their names? " Ivo curiously asked.

" Fraulein Byleth Knightfall und Herr Ivan Dimitrov, " Samuel answered.

" Dimitrov? The newly hired emergency nurse and paramedic? " Amnon asked.

" Ja. He brought me here a week ago. "

" If you weren't found by them, you would've been dead. They both your heroes, " Ivo said to his father.

" I am gratefully for them including that village elder and leader. "

" You met Merrill as well? She's a kind person and helped me in contacting my ancestor and gaining geomancy as well." Ivo added.

" Ja. I met her too..." Samuel replied recalling what happened that evening. " Before I got there, I was attacked by a fellow werewolf around the forests. I recognised his scent and voice. He told me that he wanted me to meet my demise. "

" Was this werewolf, Vultraz? " Ivo asked his father with concern.

" Ja, he chased me a week ago in the forests. I was on my way to Monoceros Keep to find the Montmartre family and asking for help, " Samuel recalled. " Schulz attacked and injured me to death. I didn't want to fight him, because I was too old to transform. He said, ' I will break the curse of becoming a werewolf and wait myself to be rotten by the wilderness. ' "

The elderly Chergarian man wept as Amnon gave him a tissue. He carefully wiped his face. Ivo implyingly looked at his brother and also thought of protecting his father as well.

" I learned that I would die instantly if I transform again..." Samuel sadly sighed. " Die Ärzte warnen mich, dass ich weniger als drei Monate zu leben habe. (I am warned by the doctors that I have less than three months to live.) Ich will Schulz nicht wiedersehen! (I don't want to see Schulz again!) "

" Nein. You showed him that you're not as evil as he is. Also that you're ain't a wild animal." Ivo said to his father trying to reassure him.

Ivo heavily sighed as his father saw his terrorist and turned to Amnon who was becoming contemplated.

" Do you think it's the right thing to reveal my other self to him? " the Akrovian-Foranean doctor asked the ginger haired brother in sign language.

" You sure he should know, Amnon? " Ivo asked his brother in signs.

" It's just I have understood that he has been chased by anyone from the Umbral Cult. I'm feeling contemplated to disclose it verbally. "

" Was? (What?) " Samuel became contemplated at Ivo and his younger physician brother's conversation in sign language. " I'm sorry, I can't understand talking in hands. Are you two hiding secrets? Look, I have been keeping secrets from the Ordrè too. My own mission to Foranea was one of them. I can understand. I will keep my mouth shut until I die. "

" You should tell him, " Ivo said to his brother.

" D'accord, mon frère..." he replied back and cleared his throat, asking him. " Oncle Samuel, have you heard of the Blue Knight before? "

" Ja, " the elderly Chergarian cancer patient nodded and curiously tilted his head on the pillow. " Why did you ask that? "

" Well...It's just...." Amnon reluctantly spoke. " I...can protect you along with Ivo..."

" Amnon, obviously, you are a doctor. You can save lives by diagnosing anyone's illnesses and treating them including injuries. "

" Right...not only that...I am the mysterious hero called...the Blue Knight. "

Samuel inhaled and exhaled heavily from his nasal respirator and couldn't believe in what the attending physician had said. He found him very ridiculous and cocked his eyebrows in doubt. Then, he looked at Ivo and Amnon.

" Dein Bruder macht Witze, nicht wahr?! Oder ist er nach dem Umgang mit mehreren Patienten sehr müde und vergiftet? (Your brother is joking, isn't he?! Or is he very tired and toxicated after dealing with several patients?) " he asked suspiciously while looking at Amnon.

" Er sagt die Wahrheit. Amnon ist der Blaue Ritter. Derjenige, der gegen die Umbral-Kulte kämpft. (He's telling the truth. Amnon is the Blue Knight. The one who fighting against the Umbral cults.) " Ivo said to his father.

" Wie ist das überhaupt möglich?! (How is that even possible?!) "

Amnon sighed and casted Bio-Shock on his left hand for 12 volts of Bluish-white bioelectric spark. Samuel widened his eyes in shock to see the same magical powers of the Blue Knight and Amnon.

" Unglaublich wunderbar! (Incredibly wonderful!) " he remarked in awe. " You are the heroic mage in Foranea! Look, I understand you keep your alter ego and make it separate entities. You as a dedicatedly responsible doctor and caring family man. Then, the other was sternly stoic, strong, and no nonsense armored mage and protector. I know you have reasons why you keep that secret. Whatever they are, I respect you."

" Merci... I mean, Danke, Oncle Samuel. "

" Also I help the Blue Knight with some missions in stopping the Umbral Cults, " Ivo added.

" So, you fulfilled your ancestor's true power of the Earth. Marina would have seen this if she were still living, " Samuel smiled at his son.

" Ja. She would be amazed at my geomancy. I'm starting to manipulate metal now as well, " Ivo gratefully said.

" I think I will witness them on your mother's behalf. "

" Danke, " Ivo smiled at his father.

" Bitte, " he sincerely smiled at the two men. " I am now in good hands with the both of you. "

[Dread Wolves Tribe Village, 16th of After Witching, 427 4:30 PM]

Matthijs was collecting firewood from the forests since his father asked him to do for creating a campfire for the evening before going to sleep in the tent. Just then, he heard some conversations from the settlers that the town of Martinnois was still under rehabilitation and reconstruction since he has learned a week ago. He was wondering if it would be safe to return.

" Martinnois is being rebuilt? " Matthijs curiously asked as he continued collecting firewood.

" It seems like it came from a brilliant mind of that young geomancer and blacksmith along with his lot had worked for it, " an elderly blind Beirunese elven man answered. " That large crack of land that became a basin connecting to the canal which was named after him. "

" Ivo? He's a good friend and a member of the Dread Wolves Tribe." Matthijs said.

" Hai. "

" Did the poisonous fog cleared as well? " Matthijs asked.

" Well, the Elandric and Aldernian sleuth made a fog into ice and water. Then, there was another elven priest who blessed the project and also a doctor who removed the poison from the water by casting a spell. Ivo-san casted some spells creating fissures to make the water flow into the canal. "

" He'll be remember as a hero and a great builder for sure, "
Matthijs smiled.

" Surely, he is starting to regain and fulfill his dream as an engineer, " a male voice echoed which he happened to be a blonde moustached and bespectacled physician who had arrived.

" Amnon! It's good to see you again. What are you doing here? " Matthijs happily asked.

" Bonjour, Matthijs! " Amnon cheerfully greeted. " I have just come from my hospital duty. "

" I heard that your brother is rebuilding Martinnois with his geomancy after the incident there, " Matthijs said to Amnon.

" Ah, oui, " he nodded. " I was there in filration phase. "

" I'm happy Ivo is finally achieving his dream as an engineer. Sounds like he's also a great architect as well, " Matthijs sincerely said.

" More like, it's his inclination to be one. If he studied in Odyssea Academy, he would be a full geomancer- engineer. It seems like he settles here. "

" I think he's just want to be close to his family by staying in Foranea, " Matthijs said.

" He grew up with us and of course, he wants to catch-up the things he has missed, " Amnon answered and reminded. " So, would you like me to ask anything? "

" How did the endless winter in Hurroka ended? " Matthijs asked Amnon.

" Just a few months ago, my teammates and I were there to stop the knights and warlocks. That mission was not that easy. It's about to break the curse of winter. "

" Knights? Did they gone rogue or became criminal? " Matthijs curiously asked.

" They have cursed your country by unknown means. We needed to stop them in order to let your country see sunshine and warmth, " Amnon sadly sighed, bowed his head, and silently wept, removing his glasses, picking up his handkerchief, and rubbing his eyes. " I lost my dear friend Kintor Graveheart. He was killed by an Alkaid Knight. As well as my other friend was put into coma, Sypher Maximillian Yggdrasil. I failed in saving them, Matthijs. I could have done something..."

" I finally found people who saved my homeland from the curse. I'm sorry about your friend. We should honor him somehow, " Matthijs said to Amnon as he put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

Amnon wore his glasses into his face and sadly spoke, " Spasibo, tovarishch. (Thanks, comrade.) "

Just then, Ivo and Christopher arrived to see the two. Amnon and Matthijs looked at the other newcomers.

" Sorry for interrupting, you two ," the long silvery-white haired ranger elf spoke. " Merrill and the others have waited for you. "

" Ja, " the ginger haired Chergarian geomancer chimed in and nodded. " We'll be going to the cliff and seeing his grave. "

" Kintor's grave? One of the saviors of my homeland? " Matthijs asked.

" Yes, it is, " Christopher confirmed and sadly sighed, gesturing. " Come with us. "

Matthijs nodded at Christopher before following him to the late hero's grave. Amnon joined his two relatives and the Hurrokan pyromancer which they had gone their way to the cliff. They walked into the forests and followed the other people's trail. The ground was snowy, yet you could walk. The destination was overlooking the river as the sun slowly kissed it. The dark skies was coming and greeting the sun, 'good evening.'

Matthijs could see on the left Glenda carrying Little Emie who smiled and greeted him. Just beside her, the elven nurse Sophia stood beside Fiona, Valeera, Thorian, and Azure. Then, Merrill was at the middle. Catherine, Celine carrying Little Callisto, and Byleth also stood on the right side of the cave. The tombstone of the beloved elemental mage was uncovered from snow.

Amnon stood beside his wife and daughter and placed his left arm on Glenda's back. Ivo rejoined with Sophia and held her right hand. Lastly, Christopher stood in-between his mother and wife.

Matthijs slowly walked over to the tombstone and lay a hand on it. " Thank you for saving Hurroka from the curse of endless winter. You'll be remembered as a great warrior and hero. "

" My son, Kintor will be always remembered in our hearts," Merrill calmly spoke and wiped her face with a small white cloth.

" Now we must keep Kintor's memory and legacy alive. It's what he'll want us to do, " Matthijs said to all his friends.

" Thank you for remembering my late husband, " Fiona answered.

" You're welcome, " Matthijs sincerely smiled at Fiona.

" My late cousin will be honored, Matthijs. Merci. " Sophia added and looked at her nieces and nephews. " I'm sure he will be watching and hearing us. "

" He will be proud of us, Aunt Sophia, " Valeera replied. " All of us will honor him and continue what he had left and supposed to do. "

" We'll make Foranea a safe place again and remove it of Umbral influence for him and his family, " Matthijs sincerely said.

" As he had spoken to me about fighting the Goblins, we make sure we will fight the Umbral cultists for his honor, " Christopher replied.

" And spare the victims from them, " Ivo added.

Matthijs nodded at Christopher and Ivo with agreement. " Ja, we will."

Amnon nodded at them and placed a small piece of rock beside the tomb. Then, he sincerely said, " We will never forget you, tovarishch...camarade. "

[Room 2032: Monoceros Keep General Hospital's Intensive Care Unit, 17th of After Witching Year 427, 9:30 AM]

Kasius woke up after a bone marrow surgery since five days ago as he could see himself receiving his older brother's blood flowing to an intravenous tube being attached to the pole. The silence of this room made him curious of what happened after the surgery.

" What happened? " Kasius weakly asked as he woke up from the anesthesia.

" Monsieur Tucker, you have been in coma for 5 days, " the Leanan Sidhe nurse answered and checked his vitals. " The bone marrow transplant is a success. Your older brother, Francois, has donated his blood yesterday as it is now infused to you. "

" Francois? He returned from the army? " Kasius asked.

" He was informed by your attending physician, Docteur Montmartre, " Annika nodded and finished writing the patient's vital signs on her clipboard, except for the blood pressure. " Francois paid for your medical expenses. "

" And was in a coma for five days? How did end up in that state? " Kasius asked with confusion.

" Your whole body is recovering according to your hematologist, Docteur Descartes as Docteur Montmartre infused you with the Vitality Serum after your transplant surgery, " she explained and reminded.. " I believe you are scheduled for your first therapy session with Docteur Lestrade. "

" Right. What about my heart transplant? When will that be scheduled? " Kasius curiously asked.

" Docteur Severin also did the same procedure to you after your bone marrow transplant. That took 12 hours to receive a new heart. Docteurs Montmartre, Neige, and Descartes were also there. You are now using the late Docteur Baudin's heartand bone marrow. They did also have another recipient for his skin. I believe it's other patient who got recently discharged since yesterday. "

" I don't know what to say. Thank you, " Kasius gratefully said.

" De rien, monsieur Tucker, " Annika sincerely smiled and replied. " You should thank them as well. "

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door as the Leanan Sidhe nurse caught her attention. She stood up and opened the door. He turned out to be an elderly bearded Aldernian man in a business suit and holding a suitcase. He removed his hat and smiled at the nurse and the patient.

" Good morning, mademoiselle Mercier. Is this the patient? " he asked.

" Oui, Docteur Lestrade. Bonjour, " she replied and introduced the patient to the psychiatrist. " This is monsieur Kasius Tucker. "

" Ah, I see, " the newcomer smiled politely and turned to the patient. " My name's Doctor Gregorius Lestrade. I believe Doctor Montmartre and Mister Friedrich referred me to you. It's nice to meet you, Mister Tucker. "

" It's good to meet you. You wanted to check on my mental state? " Kasius asked.

" Of course, " Greg took his seat and took out his pen and journal. Then, he asked, " So, how are you today? "

" I'm still exhausted from waking up from a coma, " Kasius said.

" How long have you been in the unconscious state? "

" Five days. "

" So, I know you were unconscious at that time. Is there a chance that you happened to be stuck inside of a dream or seeing some flashbacks from your past experiences? "

" Yes. It felt like a forgotten memory but in the form of a dream. I honestly didn't want to revisit my past being possessed by that fiend, Xiven, " Kasius sadly said.

" I'm sorry to hear that. It seems like you have seen a lot of forbidden things that have caused you some mental distress. If you don't mind, I want you to focus on the pictures that I will show you. Then, please describe to me what you are seeing. "

Greg picked up a file of dark inkblot images in random shapes, sizes, and forms. He handed it to Kasius and waited for him to respond. Kasius started focusing and pondering those images and carefully imagined what they were.

" A chain, cloud, tree, and river, " Kasius said as he tried to guess the inkblot images.

" Kindly rotate them individually. "

Kasius slowly rotate the inkblot images to get a better look at them and heavily sighed, knowing what they look like. " Strange figures. They look like human animals. The bigger one is Xiven."

" So, were they the ones which you saw in coma? " Greg asked.

" Yes, " Kasius nervously said.

" Can you tell me what they were telling you? "

" They're telling me to continue those mutation experiments. But keep on telling them I won't and to leave me alone already." Kasius stressfully said.

" I see..." Dr. Lestrade sadly sighed and wrote his assessment. Then, he asked, " Have you experienced sleeplessness, troubled in thinking, erratic behavior, and excessive crying before Doctors Montmartre found you? "

Kasius nodded at Dr. Lestrade, " Yes. Sometimes uncontrollable anger too."

" I might assess this is a prolonged post traumatic stress disorder. If this is untreated, you have chances to develop chronic schizophrenia due to Umbral influence, " he seriously warned.

" But I was treated, wasn't Xiven expelled from my body? " Kasius asked with confusion.

" According to Doctor Montmartre, you are treated physically as the Umbral antibody was removed entirely from your body. Xiven's possession were also removed, however, what has remained is your memories and negative thoughts about experiencing those episodes. To put you in layman's term, your body is healed, but the mind needs to healed as well. That is why I am here to help you recover mentally. This is also a requirement by the Foranean police to lessen your charges, because we considered you as mentally disabled and ill. Honestly, it was also your father and your brothers' request to let me see you, Mister Tucker. It's for your own good to recover your sanity and regain your life. "

" You're right. I want to get better both physically and mentally. But I don't how I'll readjust into society after what I did under Xiven's control, " Kasius sadly said.

" You know, I had a discussion with Mister Friedrich a few days before his hospital discharge. It was his last day of psychotherapy, " the Aldernian psychiatrist sincerely smiled. " When he first met you, he reminded you of himself being a prisoner and slave under Umbral influence. His life changed when he reunited with his family despite of his injuries. He is still recovering physically and mentally, but he wants to share such joy and hope he has learned and experienced within the four corners of this hospital. Truly, that former Chergarian Army captain has immersed and adapted himself which he is courageously helping his fellow patients and their family members by empathising and uplifting their spirits. That develops his readjustment into society. What he also told me about you was that you missed your family very much. I am very sure that your new friend, Chirox will visit you as a hospital volunteer. "

" I do miss my family a lot. But I don't think my sister will forgive me for what I've done to her while under Xiven's control. It's been on my mind for the longest, " Kasius said to Dr. Lestrade.

" The effects of PTSD will take a long time to heal in your case, " Dr. Lestrade answered. " I believe I can only give you some sets of special assignments aside from perscribing you some medications. This will require writing your experiences in a journal. " The Aldernian psychotherapist brought a new journal and a pen and handed them to him. " You can write them a letter of how you feel and let them read your thoughts. It will be a good start for you to recover mentally. "

Kasius nodded as he took the journal and pen, " Thank you. This is a start to rebuilding my life."

" I suppose. I shall give you your first assignment. Start writing about your younger years before you have gotten yourself into the Umbral Cult. What was your most cherished moments, your dreams, and aspirations when you were a child. It is like your meeting with your pre-adolescent self and talking to your inner child, " Lestrade suggested. " I will wait for you and read it, before I wrote my observations. "

" I'll be sure to do my first assignment before our next session." Kasius sincerely said.

" Yes, indeed, lad. We will discuss this thoroughly, " the elderly Aldernian psychiatrist nodded.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door. Greg heavily sighed and stood up. Kasius curiously tilted his head and wondered who was outside his room.

" Oh, goodness...who could it be this time? " he sighed.

"Who's that?" Kasius curiously asked.

" It might be your attending physician or your nurses, I suppose. "

The elderly Aldernian psychotherapist was contemplating to open the door as his hands became sweaty. He became uneasy and turned to his patient. He anxiously said, " I am having a bad feeling on this one, Mister Tucker. I really doubt if this is Doctor Montmartre or any of the nurses. "

" Is it the Umbral cultists? " Kasius nervously asked.

" I cannot say..."

" Bonjour, monsieur Tucker! " a sweet sounding female voice called from the outside. " It's me, mademoiselle Cheshire La Violette. Do you remember me? "

" It's her! She work for the Umbral Cults and Günther! She's probably here to kill me!" Kasius anxiously said to Dr. Lestrade.

" Heavens! I'm afraid we have to get out of here! " Greg alarmingly exclaimed and said. " Whatever happens, I'm planning to take you my home to Aveline. My wife and I will take care of you. I need you to be away from the city at least. I will remind Inspector Sauveterre and your family that you're in exile and under my wing for your psychotherapy. "

" Thank you. We need to leave now here before kill us both or worse be their next test subjects, " Kasius warned.

" Not only that, but I'm having a feeling that the Chergarians....Nevermind! " the Aldernian psychiatrist heavily sighed and noticed that the blood transfusion was completed. He carefully removed the tubes and apparatus from the patient and carried him out of his bed, bringing him into the wheelchair. Kasius took some deep inhales and exhales to pacify himself.

" Are you taking a very long time there, oui? I don't want to waste much time. You and your therapist cannot escape. You have two options for your special procedure, messieurs? Getting murdered in the hospital or being eaten alive by the Pale Mother, herself? Which one would you prefer? " she echoed and followed by a mad woman's laughter.

Kasius and Dr. Lestrade were anxiously contemplating the door and exchanging glances. He recalled of Amnon's secret identity as the Blue Knight and wondered where he would be right now. Yet, he didn't want to disclose or even blurt out his secret to anyone.

" Mister Tucker, I think this is not a good idea to bring you out of here. We have to wait for someone to come through, " the Aldernian psychiatrist whispered to his ear. " We might be getting in trouble for this! I don't even know how did they even get here in the first place! "

" Come out, come out, wherever you are..." a male voice with an Elandric accent calmly chimed in and gently knocked on the door. " Little pigs...little pigs... let us come in..."

Kasius picked up an empty bedpan on the floor to defend himself and his psychiatrist.

" Not by the hairs of your chinny-chin-chin...Then, I'll huff...I'll puff...And then I'll blow your house in! "

The door was suddenly being violently knocked which it was like chopping wood with an axe. Remaining inside the room, the two remained terrified.

" Oh, Bloody Hell...NO!! " Greg loudly yelled and broke in silence.

The door was being crushed and forming a hole out of it. From that large hole, there was a hand with sharp and strong claws appearing. Then, it removed the wooden fibers and remnants. The two men loudly yelled in fear upon seeing it. Then, a mutant man's head just popped out of the door's hole and evilly grinned at them.

" Here's.......Barry! " he happily exclaimed and extended his hand to twist the door knob.

Then, he and his female cohorts entered the room. Cheshire evilly smirked at the patient and his psychiatrist. She crossed her arms and softly chuckled. Barry and the brunette woman stood beside her.

" Ah, that was so easy...Barry just broke the door for the both of you, oui? " the purple haired nurse chuckled.

" I had enough of your damn schemes, " Kasius casted a spell to create a powerful burst of air at Barry and Cheshire to knock them back.

Barry, Cheshire, and Rosemary were being pushed back onto the wall and feeling a slight pain. Greg widened his eyes in shock and cleared his throat as he wheeled Kasius away from the room. The two noticed that the people inside the hospital seemed to be frozen in time. It was like they were unmoving since two hours ago.

" My goodness, will you look at that?! " Lestrade exclaimed in shock.

Kasius widened his eyes with surprise at the people frozen in time. "What did they do to these people?"

" As another Odyssea Academy alumnus myself, I believe one of them were doing forbidden magic...Chronomancy. Well, nevermind, we'll see any of your doctors who can talk to us. "

The two men headed to the elevator reaching the third floor of the outpatient area. They still saw the same unmoving people around the hallway and reached at Amnon's office which it remained empty. There were no patients. Greg wondered where his younger friend and fellow had been.

" Where is Dr. Montmartre? Did he make it out of the hospital? " Kasius asked with concern.

" I think, he did, but how? " Lestrade got astonished. " We'd better find him before something..."

Suddenly, he picked up a letter from Amnon which it was not written in either Franken nor Neo-Yddrassi. It was written in straight Luski.

" What did you find? " Kasius curiously asked.

" Nikakikh meditsinskikh zaklyucheniy zdes' net. Pozhaluysta, begite tak bystro, kak tol'ko mozhete. V bol'nitse proiskhodit magicheskiy sabotazh. Vozmozhno, oni vypuskayut etu «shtuku» pod zdaniyem. YA poproshu pomoshchi u Sinego Rytsarya, prezhde chem chto-nibud' poydet ne tak."

A.J. Danilovsky-Montmartre, M.D.

" Can you understand Luski? "

" Yes, " Kasius answered. " Dr. Montmartre said run and escape as fast as we can. A thing was released in the hospital. The Blue Knight will help before anything goes south. "

" I hope he has come to see the Blue Knight anytime soon, " Lestrade sighed in relief and reminded. " Mister Tucker, we need to leave now before those trio would find us. We can meet Doctor Montmartre elsewhere. Rest assured, he will be safe wherever he is. "

" Agreed. Let's hurry to the exit of the hospital, " Kasius said.

The two men left the outpatient area as they headed to elevator. They were pressing the buttons going down. Two of the lifts were malfunctioned as in they couldn't open the door nor ascend and descend. Kasius anxiously kept pressing the button going down. Yet, it was still not working.

" Do you even think you can escape us..." a long haired brunette woman dressed in black sternly spoke and appeared along with Cheshire and Barry. " Your doctor friend might die in the clutches of the Pale Mother herself..."

" Yes, I do think I can escape from you, " Kasius said and moved his attention to Dr. Lestrade. " Hold unto something." He then casted his spell to created a powerful burst of air into the floor for the elevator to descend.

The woman casted out a spell to undo the spell from Kasius. The doors from the elevators were instantly shut. Cheshire released her long monstrous tendrils and tightly grabbed the two. Dr. Lestrade and Kasius couldn't break free from her clutches. The purple haired Umbral Spy loudly and maniacally laughed. Barry had evilly grinned and slightly snickered.

" You ,futile messieurs, think can escape! My, how funny! " she hysterically laughed and intently glared at Kasius. " You and Docteur Günther chose me to be an agent of the Pale Mother, oui? But you failed and betrayed us! Now, we have no choice, but to feed you and your therapist friend, instead. This will be able to make her grow and released underneath! "

" You won't get away with this, mademoiselle! " Greg heatedly replied. " I swear, you will find your match someday! "

" I don't understand what you are saying, docteur, but we will surely feed you both to the Pale Mother herself! It's all your fault for letting our first victim go! That burned Chergarian man should be joining you both! "

" What will you be doing to Mister Friedrich?! Tell us!! "

" We will find our way to bring that dead Chergarian man joining with you, two, " Rosemary spat.

" I'm so excited to see so much blood and gore from you two and especially, Chirox the traitor! You three stoogies will just end up as skeletons! " Barry yelped like a madman. " By the way, Kasius, your experiments belong now to Dr. Günther. Besides you don't need them anymore, so we will make you a feed for the Pale Mother! "

" You'll never succeed. The Blue Knight is on his way here now to save, " Kasius sternly said to Barry.

" Oh, Blue Knight! Where art thou?! " the mutated madman taunted and laughed. " Why can't you deliver the traitor and his shrink from being eaten by the Pale Mother! Oh, yeah! Maybe he's so scared to see her from the underground! "

" Oh for Great Mother Photis's sakes, will you even shut up?! " Dr. Lestrade angrily spat at the insane one.

" No more whining, here! We are going to the underground! " Cheshire heatedly yelled in reply and tightened her tendrils' grip, making the two men suffocate.

Kasius weakly casted his self mutation spell to turn his hand into a bear claw and slashes at the tentacles to break him and Dr. Lestrade free.

" Barry, kill them! " Cheshire yelled.

Kasius quickly casted a very powerful burst of wind at Cheshire, Barry, and Rosemary to throw them across the room and injure them. The trio readied to injure them when a sudden streak of bluish white light flashed and zapped them.

" What was that? " Kasius curiously asked at he saw the bluish white light.

" It's the Blue Knight, Mister Tucker..." Lestrade muttered in fear seeing him approaching from a distance.

"Then we're safe now." Kasius said.

" Thank goodness, chap. You have just arrived. But where's Amnon? "

" He's safe. You don't need to worry for him, gentlemen..."

" These monsters are here to kill me, " Kasius said to the Blue Knight and pointed to Cheshire, Barry, and Rosemary.

" I understand. One of them has attempted to sabotage this hospital. "

Kasius nodded at the Blue Knight," Yes. They frozen everything in time except for us."

" Care enough to come to Doctor Montmartre's office? "

" Wait, how did you...." Lestrade paused and nodded.

" You were with us the whole time? " Kasius asked with confusion.

He gestured the two and headed to the outpatient area. Kasius went to follow the Blue Knight to that place.

They reached to the general practitioner's office as the Blue Knight closed the door. He removed his helmet and mask, revealing a blonde moustached man with green eyes. Greg widened his eyes to see his young fellow and former patient as the mysterious hero.

" Oh, goodness, gracious! BLIMEY! " the Aldernian psychiatrist loudly exclaimed and angrily scolded him like his own son. " Amnon, what on Iliad are you even thinking?! You vowed yourself to give up on fighting! Do you even realize you are putting yourself into the smithereens again?! You're a doctor, a father, and a husband for Photis's sakes! You have given up some bloody wars in Robania and your contractor guild exploits! Have you not understood what I have written to you before?! Then, what's next?! You'll end up having a memorial like the late vice president of Foranea?! "

Kasius saw his physician friend bowing his head in shame and the scolding therapist as you felt sorry for them. Greg heavily sighed and facepalmed. Amnon remained clammed up like he was being scolded by his own father.

" Goodness, I don't even know what to say on this..." Lestrade followed and turned to Kasius and then to the armored combat physician.

" Amnon wants to keep this country safe from evil like the Umbral Cults. He became the hero Foranea and Iliad needs and saved my life. How can you not see that? " Kasius said with disbelief.

" I wrote him a letter when he was in Odyssea Academy's Kosmos Building. He told me of the death of his friend Kintor Graveheart in Hurroka as well as his other friend who fell in coma, " Lestrade explained. " Days after the mission in Hurroka and St. Essa, he resigned from his previous employer and returned home. He was suffering from PTSD and had some alcoholic tendencies after losing his right arm in Aulia. Look, Mister Tucker, Amnon and his wife, Glenda were my patients after their tour in Robania. I knew them very well as they followed my advise to change their careers. I treated them like my friends and own children. I'm so sorry if I became so surprised about this revelation. I'm really concerned about my young fellow and friend's safety. "

" Greg, my apologies, I should have told this to you ever since I resurfaced my warrior side. After all what happened to my lost clinic, the Dread Wolves Tribe found me as the next successor of the Blue Knight, " Amnon humbly spoke and turned to Kasius. " Docteur Lestrade is not only my therapist. He's our closest family-friend as I considered him as my secondary father after my late father had passed. He's the one who helped to investigate my late father's demise. I truly understood why he was so surprised and agitated. "

" I understand. It's just that I owe you for aiding me in regaining my life, " Kasius said to Amnon.

" Merci, Kasius, " Amnon sighed in relief and sincerely smiled.

" This is a lot to take in, Amnon, " Lestrade relented. " You have your reasons why you need to defend Foranea, especially Monoceros Keep. If my son Thomas would visit this country and heard your story, he would be pleased to meet you. I just want you to stay sane and alive for your family. You're like a son to me. I'll keep your secret. "

" Thanks, Greg. "

" There is something I need to tell you, Amnon. I'm bringing Mister Tucker away from this mess in Monoceros Keep. Cynthia and I will take care of him. I have Lasher Ivy and his daughter who moved to Aveline and became my neighbours. Perhaps, Kasius will continue his psychotherapy. "

" But what about his family here and Inspecteur Sauveterre's orders for imprisonment? " Amnon asked.

" I will correspond with them over the phone and letter. I will invite them for visitations. I don't want Mister Tucker to remain here and resurface his mental distress towards his enemies, " Greg answered. " It will better off for him to live and recover in peace. Soon, you will present his copies of medical abstract along with your fellow physicians to send it to the police. I will write my observations as well. I hope this will lessen his charges. "

" Noted, " the armored combat physician nodded and turned to his friend. " You don't need to worry about them, Kasius. We'll take care of everything while you're recovering there and inform your family to visit you. "

(RP with BjornGamR27)

(OCs from BjornGamR27, Knightfall077, and BrandonToy)

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