Chapter 5

[Montmartre Residence, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 1:39 PM,
18th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

After eating lunch and discussing with the Montmartre family, the Knightfalls enjoyed a hearty and delicious meal. This time, Dr. Glenda Montmartre was taking vital signs first to Celine who was also her pregnant just like her. Then, the pediatrician placed her stethoscope to the lady visitor's protruding belly, looked at her watch for sixty seconds, and had her stethoscope down.

" How are we, Glenda? " the brunette woman asked.

" Your vital signs are normal so far as well as your baby's heartbeat, " the pregnant pediatrician replied. " We're both already in the third trimester to the full term pregnancy."

" Third trimester? What's that? "

" This is when a child grows in weight and height inside the womb as well as the internal organs are fully developed. Definitely, this is the phase when we start to feel extremely tired, have contractions, and urinate and breath too much. If we reach the 40th to 42nd week, that's the time our labor pains will induce us to give birth, " she answered. " Possibly, you'll expect a painful normal delivery anytime soon. "

" It seems like I'm having a medical science lesson refresher from my older brother, " Celine smiled and recalled.

" You mean Smolder, my husband's friend? "

" Yeah, " she chuckled. " He has been lecturing and warning me about health risks when I visit his home. He's too strict when it comes to my health and safety. "

" Doctors like him, my husband, and I are so strict as we scrutinise everything within you. So forgive us when you find it that way, we are very concerned for your well-being, " Glenda softly and seriously spoke.

" Sure. "

" By the way, have you been taking your vitamins and eating nutritious meals as well as sleeping adequately prior to your last check up? "

" Yes, I have been doing those even we travel from town to town. "

" Good, " she nodded and smiled.

Celine thought of a question to ask to her doctor which it took time for her to compose. Glenda waited and placed her belongings into her doctor's bag.

" Glenda, I am wondering what name will be fitting to our child? Does it something to do with gender or anything we can find? "

" Had you gotten your pre-natal check before me? " Glenda replied. " That check-up can tell you of your child's gender. "

" Yes, at Monoceros Keep General Hospital two months ago. My husband brought me to Smolder when we all found it's a baby girl. "

" Well, let me think of your child's name, " the pediatrician mused. " That can be easy. How about 'Callisto'? "

Celine brightened up and heard the name suggestion for her upcoming daughter. She felt pleased which she found the perfect name. Celine held Glenda's hands in joy and appreciation.

" Glenda, this is perfectly fitting! " she happily exclaimed. " I think it means a huntress companion! I love it! "

" Basically, what I have heard from the elven tribes is they migrate in groups and inhabiting and visiting from town to town. You guys tend to hunt, " Glenda deduced.

" It is spot on! Thank you, Glenda! I am going to tell this husband. "

" You're welcome, " she cheerfully smiled at her and changed her topic." Celine, I wonder what our husbands have been talking about? "

" I would tell that Chris is talking and boasting about his hunt in the wilderness, " Celine surmised and kept listening to the conversation of the two men.

" Obviously, my spouse is attentively tuning in to him as well as he has shared his work at the clinic. Let's join and listen to them. "

" Right. "

The two wives stood from the living room couch, headed to the dining area, and took their seats. Amnon and Christopher turned their attention to them.

" Glen, what brings you two here? " the general practitioner asked.

" Celine and I are intrigued on what you have been discussing about, " his wife replied.

" Our trips and exploits in hunting the goblins and Umbrals, of course, " Christopher interjected and scoffed. " Even Amnon also mentioned his adventures along with the late cousin Kintor and our niece Valeera with Odyssea's secret order aside from his most recent works at the clinic. "

" Honestly, it was enjoyable, " Amnon added and nervously chuckled. " I'm too old for those kind of wild things in human terms of age. I'm planning to sell those weapons and earn money for our savings and deal with further baby expenses. "

" Age doesn't matter, Dr. Montmartre! " the elven man laughed and gently patted his new friend's shoulders. " If something happens to you, your family and your patients, you really need to fight and defend them! "

" It depends to what scenario it may be, but it's better to focus on everyone's physical well-being, " he replied.

" Oh, you mentioned earlier that you want to develop your hospital in the future, right? "

" That's one I have been writing and planning those days when I was in my employment at Odyssea Academy and witnessed in seeing people from my previous missions. Those experiences inspired me to build an accessible hospital with an affordable, effective, and efficient healthcare service and consider and support everyone's welfare where anyone can go to. Monoceros Keep General Hospital has been established for so long, but not all people can afford to pay such bills and expenses for such services being rendered. I'm not saying this to give it a bad reputation, But I noticed that in my internship and residency days, there are people in hardship and need such priority. Their needs are never addressed and left no choice, but to pay for those treatments and procedures without any financial aid. They resort to such alternatives as some would ignore their condition and die. That needs further improvement for them. Definitely, I will initiate this change for the new institution. "

" More like a charitable hospital? " Celine asked.

" Exactly, " Amnon nodded.

" Such a very noble dream, you have there, Amnon. Perhaps, with your much effort and determination, Lady Photis and Her Hosts shall support and guide you for that fulfillment, " Christopher commented. " You will get there very soon. "

" I'm in full support on that too, " Glenda nodded in agreement and suggested. " Thinking our clinic will be our future hospital. "

" Great idea, " the general practitioner remarked. " I'm still waiting for such results and recommendations from the public health department since the Levy-Day last week. I'm looking forward of what needs to be improved and continued from the health inspector. "

" And? "

" Let's see the outcome, but the health inspector just suggested to me to transform our clinic into a full-pledge public hospital second to the Monoceros Keep General when it comes to health care services and facilities we have. We really need an ER bay for emergency cases. "

" That sounds good news! " his wife agreed and cheered.

" We hope and pray for this development to come true, " Celine added.

" Surely, it will be, my friend, " Christopher smiled sincerely and assured. " The Heavenly Hosts know of your goal and may provide to those undeniably faithful and compassionate with the strength, wisdom, and determination to continue at all times. Who knows? We will visit the future site of your hospital very soon! "

" Thank you, Christopher. Oh, Another thing..." Amnon changed his topic and turned to his pregnant wife, sincerely smiling at her. " Also, I'm still feeding my wife and upcoming biological daughter with my utmost love and care. "

Glenda softly laughed and blushed harder than ever, " Cheesecake, you have been a big bag of sugar since our Odyssea Academy days! "

" He did remind me of Christopher's flirting as well, Glenda. " Celine added.

" Then, that makes the two of us. "

" Well, would you two like to know how we first met? " the elven man asked and placed his right arm at his wife's back.

" Of course, " the physician spouses nodded in unison.

Christopher looked at his wife, cleared his throat, and recalled, " My wife and I met three years ago. It was on a rainy day when I immediately snuck away from the caravan and avoided the duties which they would make me restless. I sought on finding entertainment somewhere on the woods. "

" Like avoiding to get noticed and catch up with such responsibilities? " Amnon commented and snickered.

" Really, spot on! " he laughed and continued. " Going farther, I heard some soft faint waves of water. With my extreme sensitive and heightened hearing, I immediately climbed a tree and glimpsed down the lush wilderness, seeing a ripple water, reaching high in the air. "

" What happened next? " Glenda curiously asked and drank her cup of water.

" I was very perplexed by what I had seen. Was it a large fish or a river flowing from the dam. I had nothing else to do and went off to investigate, bringing my bow and blades to my side. I continued walking and encountered a mound of dirt, following the trail going to the lake. When I arrived there, I was seeing a maiden in blue robes, " Christopher answered and turned to his wife who was smiling and holding his hands. " I was intensely blushing and looking at her having them removed. Strange as I was realizing on what I had walked into it and instantly hid behind the tree before she noticed me. Thinking, the woman was bathing all the way out there? I slowly peered out from behind the tree and ventured when I tried to sneak away. Only a twig had snapped, the woman turned and casted a spell of rushing water into the bushes, hitting the elf and knocking him into the clearing. "

Celine snickered and clearly remembered that story, turning to her husband. Glenda softly chuckled and covered her mouth. Amnon tried not to laugh upon hearing it at first, but he couldn't stop smiling and joining at the laughter of those two ladies. Christopher nervously grinned and then laughed loudly.

" It's pretty awkward, right? " he asked.

" Yeah, I would never do that if I were you! " the general practitioner yelped. " If it's on me, Glen would cast a spell to amplify and louden her scream like an ambulance or a police siren! That would absolutely break my both eardrums for good! "

" At least, you never attempted to peek on me, Cheesecake, " Glenda evilly smirked and winked.

" Men are naturally curious and naughty beings, Glenda. I'm glad your husband hasn't done that to you, " Celine grinned to the pregnant pediatrician.

" I can cast spells to amplify, imitate, and manipulate sound and create echoes. I would have done that if he dared to do it back in our younger years! " she followed with a hardy laugh and teased her husband. " He would have been using a hearing aid in his lifetime. "

" Glen...Babe...I love you...." Amnon deadpanned and kissed his wife's cheeks.

" Oh, sorry. I love you too, Cheesecake! " Glenda yelped and kissed him back on his cheeks. " Anyways, let's move on! "

" Right, " Christopher nodded and continued. " After I had awoken, I found myself at the camp and met the same brunette I'd seen earlier was watching me with a stern look. She asked me on I was there. I quickly shook and said that I had not been watching her bathe. It was only from a sense of curiosity of such unnatural works of water magic. I was only fascinated and interested which I wanted to see closer. "

" Did you guys resolve this? " the pregnant pediatrician asked and got interested.

" Well, she huffed lightly, before canceling her spell. She'd lowered her hand helped up the one man who became her future husband, " the elven man with silvery-white locks smiled and looked at his wife, continuing his story. " With that, I was taking a bath to rinse out the muck, from a cave troll while searching for a rare gem for the Odyssea Academy. Currently, it's still deep inside the cave. Although it might increase my chances, If I continue my venture. But Celine and I both agreed from this point on that we would work together. Finally, we joined Odyssea Academy until we finished our studies and graduated. We fell in love afterwards. Right now, we are expecting a child just like you two. "

" Interesting backstory of how you met, " Amnon commented and asked further. " How did you manage studying and training yourselves there? "

" Mind if I could answer his question, l'amour? " Celine asked.

" Of course, " Christopher nodded no furiously.

" We got enrolled there as my husband and I agreed to work in unison as Light and Water, " the brunette water lady replied. " Like any university students, we experienced campus life such as studying so much subjects, practiced our combat skills, and trained smarter and harder as mages. There were so much challenges along the way at Odyssea Academy, but we never got to be part of secret order at its Kosmos Building. Chris became talented in using twin swords, to wielding the light as well, giving him a new talent of power to make arrows out of light. In my case, I trained myself in skills for hydrokinesis. So, I gained my name as the Water weaver as my husband still keeps the Silver Wolf. "

" So purely academics and combat and mage training? "

" Exactly, Amnon. We achieved so much until our graduation, " she nodded and curiously asked the physician spouses. " How about you two? How did you first meet? "

" Ladies, first, " Amnon turned to his wife and intently smirked.

" Okay, got it, chief, " Glenda affirmed to her husband and turned to the Knightfalls. " Originally, I'm from Elandris, but my relatives and I had exiled to Foranea after learning from my older cousin's demise. I spent my adolescence and studied in all girls highschool, trying to keep up learning a different language. My other cousin Wilma and I got enrolled at Odyssea Academy. I was taking biochemistry major in alchemy as Wilma took a course in biology which she met Amnon as her classmate. As usual, my cousin and husband are both natural bookworms and nerds. Me, I may be a nerd, but I was a trickster in the class. I liked to combine two elements and formed an explosive compound. I made the whole classroom and laboratory in smoke of clouds and sometimes, nitrogen or hydrogen gas! I was being reported to the headmaster's office and received such warnings. "

Amnon loudly laughed at his wife as Christopher and Celine were both joining at the laughter. Glenda left them a confident grin and shrugged, " If you're a peeping tom in the forest, Chris. In Odyssea Academy, I was a headmaster's pet troublemaker! "

" Yet, I wonder how your husband caught your attention, " Christopher mused.

" I lately discovered when he was taking a biochemistry class in the sophomore year, " she replied. " As you were asking, I suffered from diarrhea and stomach flu which I spent absent for a week and headed to Asclepius when the head physician handled me. I met this long-haired ponytailed blonde handsome dude who happened to be a student nurse. He looked after me for a week in Asclepius. He's too strictly overprotective when he frequently kept taking my vital signs on me. I was thinking he's perfectly fit to be a doctor in the future. I got well afterwards, but I just want to know him more as my best friend. "

" Were you and him living in the same dorm? " Celine asked.

" No, he lived at 221B with his dormmate Shemlock Homes from Alderny. I lived at 123A with my dormmate Umiko Kuroshio from Beirun, " Glenda explained. " I could only see Amnon in his biochemistry class, we were entirely taking different courses, subjects, and schedules. I heard him winning some matches in Spartacus and I usually saw him at a library in Homer Building reading some very thick medical textbooks and healing magical arts. I didn't want to disturb him from there, but I had a clear idea on how he could notice me so I could get closer to him. "

" In what way? "

" I started to search and stalk him in every classroom and campus grounds. When I spotted him, I casted a spell to disguise my voice as my professors and classmates, a loud fire alarm, a buzzing bee sound, a chirping bird, and a meowing cat. He grew attention on the sounds I made and got him tricked. I was silently laughing, hiding behind the tree, and watching him being a victim of my practical jokes. The next thing I did was pretending to be sick when I found him in Asclepius. I was complaining to him about my frequent stomach ache and fever. With that, it was my chance to meet and know him further. Unfortunately, Amnon took my vital signs only to find out I faked it. Then, he gave me a death stare to kill me to my extreme embarrassment. "

" I didn't realize Glenda had done bad and funny things just to see and meet her future husband, " Celine laughed upon hearing the pediatrician's story.

" So do I, " Christopher yelped. " I thought I was the awkward elven, even humans can be one! "

" Definitely, she is, " Amnon kissed his wife's cheeks.

" Okay, now you guys know my side of my story. Do you want to hear more? " Glenda smiled at her husband and asked the other couple. "

" We want to hear more, " the Knightfalls answered.

" Right, " she nodded and continued. " In that scenario, I ended up being scolded by my own father. Amnon told me not to do with those pranks again as I humbly apologised and explained to him that I wanted to be friends and get along with him. I told him that I studied at an all girls highschool in Foranea and never had a boyfriend before. Finally, he understood me and decided put me to work as an additional assistant nurse at Asclepius every afterclass. We became study buddies and partners in combat and mage training. Of course, we joined in a school band where Amnon played the acoustic guitar and I played the piano as we both sang in duet in every jamming sessions and practices. In the Odyssea Academy music festival, we gained our performing duo name, 'The Asclepius Lovebirds' as some called us 'Lights and Sounds' and 'Strings and Keys'. "

" The Asclepius Lovebirds sounded a fitting name for a musical duo and future doctors like you both, " Christopher commented.

" That's true, " Amnon interjected and agreed. " Like the both of you, Glen and I worked, trained, and studied there despite the challenges and such, but our friendship blossomed into a serious romantic relationship. We both share with common interest in music and medical arts and science. Our differences are Glen could cast spells through sound as I could summon light or bioelectricity. She can create mixtures and compounds. I'm more on application of her works and combat training specially target shooting. "

" After our graduation, Amnon and I were enlisted at the Foranean Army during the series of Chegarian onslaughts. Even on active duty, we got married. We left the Army for some reasons and decided to continue our pursuits for post graduate medical studies at University of Foranea. Now, we are licensed physicians and expectant parents of Esmeralda Joanna Sinclair-Montmartre, " Glenda concluded.

" Very interesting that we learned from each other despite of different backgrounds but studied in the same academy, " the elven man remarked and leaned on his chair.

" We are all Odyssea alumni, but Glen and I graduated there around 12 years ago, " the general practitioner replied and drank his cup of tea.

" I see. "

" Speaking of an expectant child, " Celine chimed in. " Glenda gave me a perfect name for our daughter. It's Callisto Knightfall. "

" She did? "

" Yes! "

" That is a really perfect name for our daughter! Brilliant! " he happily exclaimed.

" You can give her a nickname, ' Callie ' or ' Cal ' if you want, " Glenda added.

" That will be nice too, " Celine remarked and felt pleased to the nickname suggestion.

Just then, they all heard a sudden knock on the door. Glenda slowly stood up from her seat as her husband joined her. She reminded the other spouses and left. Amnon walked beside his wife and saw her feeling exhausted, assisting her to walk.

" Babe, you might get tired on this one, " he said with concern.

" No, Cheesecake. I'll be fine. It's just I heard someone knocking on the door. We're not even sure who it is, " she replied.

" Let's start asking first who's really knocking, " Amnon nodded and asked. " Qu'est-ce? (Who is it?) "

" Greetings, I am looking for Doctor Amnon Joseph Montmartre and his wife, " a female voice answered, echoing from the door.

" Oui, c'est nous. Peut-on savoir de qui il s'agit? (Yes, it is us. May we know who is it?) " Glenda added.

" I am one of his colleagues back in Odyssea Academy's Secret Order and my late father happened to be his patient and friend, " she replied.

Glenda looked at her spouse and curiously raised her eyebrows. Amnon exactly knew who the person standing and echoing from the door. In the dining room, Christopher knew who it was and smiled. Celine turned to the spouses and waited for them to let the person in.

" Cheesecake, shall we open the door for her? " she asked.

" I know who she is. We'll just let her in, " the general practitioner lowly replied and slowly twisted the door knob.

Opening the door, the person revealed to be a lady paladin elf with long blonde locks. She was wearing a knight's silver armor, holding the Morn-Blade, and smiling at the physician spouses.

" Please to meet you again, Doctors Montmartre, " she cordially bowed at them with respect. " I have come to visit you all. "

" You must be? " Glenda curiously asked.

" I am Lady Valeera Graveheart from the Dread Wolves Tribe and the Paladin Brothers. "

" I'm Doctor Glenda Joy Montmartre, a pediatrician and Amnon's wife. It's also a pleasure to meet you, " Glenda sweetly smiled and shook hands with the paladin elf.

" You are such a very fine and lovely woman, Glenda, " Valeera replied. " You are so fortunate that you married a fellow doctor who is very loving, kind, and understanding. I am so pleased that he has returned in order to attend to your needs before your child will be born. "

" Thank you, Valeera. Amnon and I have been doing some countdown before Emie comes. Why don't you come inside? "

" That will be very kind of you, " the paladin elf nodded.

" Valeera, your uncle and aunt are here as well, " Amnon reminded and pointed at the other two spouses who were waving at the newcomer in greeting.

" Yes, they ask me to come and visit to your house as I would like to have a discussion you both. "

" It will be nice to have a cup of tea and snacks, " he reminded and gestured her to the dining room. " Please a have a seat. "

" Thank you, Amnon. "

Valeera took a seat at the dining room and sat beside Christopher and Celine when Amnon and Glenda headed to the kitchen and prepared another cup of tea and slices of fruits and biscuit to the new visitor.

" It seems you're just in time to catch up with us, " Christopher told his niece. " We enjoyed our discussion together. "

" The spouses have an interesting time back at Odyssea, " Celine added. " Just like us, they remain loving at each other. They were called 'The Asclepius Lovebirds' in their time. "

" I never knew that story, my dear aunt. I wished I could have arrived earlier, " Valeera sighed.

" It's all right, Val. Perhaps, you have some time to share other things to all of us. "

" Surely, I have as I have a gift to my upcoming cousin and their daughter. "

" That will be nice. "

" Also, I would like to give the spouses my late father's Tome and journals. Perhaps, they would help and add for their healing arts, " she nodded.

The physician spouses arrived with a tray of snacks and pitcher of citrus tea with some cups. Christopher and Celine had emptied theirs as they would be needing another serving of tea.

" Thank you, doctors, " Celine said.

" You're welcome. I believe you three had come from a long journey, " Amnon replied and sat down on the chair along with his wife. " Knowing that the elven tribe came from place to place. "

" We rarely meet generous and hospitable humans like you, " Christopher answered. " I wished there were like you in the past. "

" There are good and bad humans in my encounter at Odyssea's secret order, " Valeera said and changed her topic, looking at the physician spouses. " I must say I have accomplished my missions in Aulia and Beirun on my late father's behalf. "

" You graduated? " Amnon raised his voice to his query. " As well as the others? "

" They did, " she replied.

" Wow, congratulations! "

" Thank you. "

" But what did you do from the last mission? "

Valeera recalled, " At first, we went to Rin's house in Beirun and met her family. Then, we headed to deal with the last case. The Wanderer had just appeared when we found out that the lone man named Yamato worked for him. We were contemplating to fight or flee. Mother Superior Glenda warned us not to pursue the fight for she knew Yamato was a very dangerous man and had the ability to take down our lives. Rin tried to convince him to leave the Wanderer, but he refused to listen to her. "

" So, you guys never pursued him? "

" Yes, we left that man alone for good as we ended the case and had our separate lives. "

" So, what are you currently doing right now aside from rejoining your uncle and aunt? "

" I have recently joined the Paladin Brothers, " Valeera replied. " We are hunting for Umbral cults everywhere in this country. "

" Umbral cults, did you say? " the general practitioner raised his eyebrows and became alarmed. His pregnant pediatrician wife held her spouse's left hand and looked concerned at him and everyone.

" Yes, have you encountered one in your clinic, Amnon? "

" Just a possessed old woman with Umbral influence which I spared her from further physical and mental issues, " he replied. " Is this something to do with Umbral cult or any of their activities? "

" I am not certain, but it could be one, " she replied.

" Goodness..." Glenda anxiously muttered. " I'm not so sure if we are going to be involved on this one, I can't risk myself in meeing them. "

" Glen, I won't let any Umbral get you and anyone. I'll ask Father Agapov, Christopher, and Valeera for help on this one, " Amnon assured his wife and turned to the three visitors. " Look, we'll keep an eye on things for now. It's just that I have pregnant wife which I need to focus aside from work. I don't want to be involved in fighting after what happened in Aulia. "

" We understood that, Amnon, " Christopher nodded. " We will remain in Foranea and aid my niece's exploits. Celine is also expecting a child. "

" In relation to that, Father Mar-Vell has predicted the coming of two children despite the darkness lingering around, " Valeera replied. " I hope I can aid to defend both families for this one. "

" Perhaps, you will be, Val, " Celine commented. " We just need to anticipate what's next. "

" I agree with her, " Glenda added. " Remember, innocent lives are important. "

[TWO WEEKS AGO: St. Samuel's Orphanage, St. Essa, Aulia]

" I'm sorry for my actions, you need to consider this. All of these foul beings won't be hesitating on taking your lives, whether child, or a full grown adult, they're gonna kill you. If there's no other methods left, " Valeera said.

" This is a complicated matter, Valeera. Everything needs to take a consideration, " Dr. Montmartre explained. " You can't just punish everyone. "

" Consideration, you say?! Two minutes ago, you would've been a thrall, Amnon. "

" Look, if you were a victim like that child. How would you act or feel? Tell me..."

" I would fight Amnon, plain and simple, to stand for the innocents lost here, there's always the one you can't save, that endangers the others. "

" Now, what if anyone is being controlled? What will you do? "

" Go after the one pulling the strings, and sever them. it'll be the only right thing to do. "

" Good..."

" Which I done exactly that, if you think I'd regret my actions, it's a quarter full of regret, to save Maevir, and all of us. It had to be done! so don't blame me for doing what needed to be done, it was the lesser evil."

" Because I value life ever since I became a doctor. Your late father could have been proud of you. I understand your actions. Please Valeera always remember the children. They need more saving..."

" Amnon, these children, the men and women are already gone, there's no life here...even the child was long gone, take that into consideration, it's a tomb here! " Valeera furiously pushed her finger to his chest.

Out of his frustation, Amnon wept and hugged her, instead of arguing with her. The Paladin elf heavily sighed and felt guilty of this senseless and pointless argument. The doctor took a deep breath and tried to compose himself.

" This entire place, will be cleansed, " she replied and used her holy light, to spread forth across the entire orphanage.

" Perhaps, I shall join you..." he wept, wiped his tears with his handkerchief, and snapped his fingers for his bioelectricity spells.

" Yeah, let's do that..." Valeera wiped her eyes, and slowly continued on trying to muster her power.

Since this was the attic, it was isolated from the rest of the building. None of what they did spread beyond past it. Amnon let out a deep sigh and realised it was not the right to do it and turned to Valeera.

'' Actually, no...I want to leave this place, " she sighed.

" Let them rest....." he calmly spoke and bowed his head in sadness.

" Someone else will save them, I can't do anymore miracles. No matter how impulsive my actions were." Valeera beckoned him to follow her, as she went down the stairs.

" Let Lady Photis give them peace and justice..."

" She'll have a clear path, with nothing to danger her life..." Valeera put aside the talking skeletons, and the image of the child sized skeletons." It's only dust and echoes in here..."

" I have nothing to say there..."

" That makes two of us, Amnon, and sorry for my rudeness..." Valeera didn't bother to look back, with her gaze only locked on finding the exit.

" I understand. You're forgiven. I don't want my child to learn of this story from me. "


Valeera looked intently at the pregnant pediatrician and recalled of Amnon's words back at St. Samuel's Orphanage which she debated with him and felt remorseful after the physician reasoned with her. Then, she looked at the Montmartre spouses and sadly sighed.

" Val, did I say something wrong? I'm sorry if I..." Glenda said with concern.

" Both of you are right. Your words reminded me of what your husband told me back in that doomed orphanage, " Valeera calmly broke her silence and lowered down her head. " He gave me a sense of mind to see past my rage. "

" Was this related to your mission in Aulia? "

" Yes. "

Amnon understood what the Paladin elf had meant and looked at his wife. Glenda turned to her husband and asked, " Cheesecake, do you mind if I have a word with her for a while? You know, ' a very serious girl talk'? No worries, we'll be right back. "

" Sure, Babe. I'll continue talking to them. You two can catch later, " he nodded and turned to the Knightfalls, continuing their discussion.

" Thanks, " she smiled and gestured the Valeera as they stood up and headed to the family's study room near to the living room.

Glenda offered the guest a seat as Valeera nodded and sat down. Then, she said, " Val, I'm sorry if I mentioned something triggering to you. It's just you told us a prophecy of having two children in this time of an unseen trouble: Emie and the human-elf hybrid, Callisto. I wonder what's wrong when I said it? "

" Glenda, it's never your fault of why you said it. I should have said that, " Valeera admitted and recalled. " I saw my friend Rin talking to an orphaned child who happened to be corrupted by the Carnival. I saw your husband and my other two friends being had been a thrall to the puppeteer. All I did was to release them under control and ended the poor child's life. "

" Goodness..." the pregnant pediatrician muttered in shock.

" I argued with them until your husband reasoned with me. If you were there, you would have tremendously wept as well. The place was dead as well as the people. "

" Val, I understood that. I received Amnon's most recent letter last week and read what had transpired in Aulia. One of his written vents was that argument with you aside from losing his right hand and sudden binge drinking. "

" I know. I really apologise to you as well for being the closest kin he has, " she calmly spoke. " I know that mission took a toll in him very much as you are so concerned for him. I could have done something right to him. Perhaps, I have learned a lot from him in a short span of time. With that, I went on to redeem myself on setting my path right and never do the same mistake again. As your husband mentioned to me, 'This is a complicated matter. Everything needs to take a consideration. You can't just punish everyone.' I reflected on his words and realised what I did was pure rage. "

Glenda deeply thought and let out a sigh. She was composing her words which it took time to ponder and respond. Valeera was waiting for the lady doctor's response.

" For doctors like me and my spouse, there are a series of ethical codes to comply and consider. One of them is the preservation of life to a brain dead or terminally-ill patient. It depends on the case, " she seriously opened up. " If the person wishes to live as his or her family members have requested, we preserve the patient's life until recovery. But if the patient is no longer deemed to be preserved, the family members have consented to discontinue his or her treament. "

" That's really complicated, Glenda. No wonder why Amnon said it about taking a consideration, " Valeera replied. " He was right about that. "

" Indeed, it is a very complicated matter. Definitely, the most considerations and decisions are very important before taking such crucial actions. Strictly, we have been avoiding such medical malpractices in our part. In your case, I describe it as 'do not resuscitate' method without consent due to sudden rise of impulsive negative emotions. "

" What do you mean by that? "

" The child would have been convinced to be redeemed, but he was already beyond saving. Then, you instantly terminated him. If I were you, I would have thought about the situation further and saved Amnon and the others. Then, I would banter in convincing the kid to start over and get rid of the Carnival. Therefore, it's a 'win-win' solution, " she explained.

" I have never thought doing of that. "

" I can't say your previous action was a good or bad thing. Besides, it already happened and you've learned from it. Your clear conscience can only tell you that. You have to reflect and pray about it. If you did it by pure rage, you might have a very deep psychological issue that needs to be addressed before it hinders you. "

" I get your point now. I might say it's a win-lose case on my part. "

" You know, what? " Glenda mused and smiled. " I agree on what you told me that you want to start over by redemption. You really need to do some small steps before going to the great leaps. "

" Thank you, Glenda. I appreciate your wisdom in our talk, but I have a question. "

" Go on. Do tell. "

" For you and Amnon, how do you feel when a very sick person approaches near death and refuses to be healed? " the paladin elf curiously asked. " What will you do about it? "

" Of course, we feel very bad and depressed about it, " Glenda sincerely said. " We have exhausted a lot of efforts in treating the patient. We honestly tell the family members of what will happen to him or her. It's either we win or lose, since which only fate can dictate everyone's lives into an endgame. If fate allows to have a second chance for the patient to recover and be treated, then we feel grateful in successfully saving someone's life. "

" Did you have some experiences about them? "

" Several times, Val. You can ask me or Amnon anything as we can tell you. The most important thing is to value everyone's lives and how you will responsibly deal it in a reasonable way, " she sincerely smiled and gently patted the paladin elf's shoulders. " By the way, you can always consult us for such second opinions and some advice. "

" Thank you very much, Glenda. I have learned so much from you. Like you and Amnon made such valuable teachings, I will truly honor and never forget them, " Valeera sincerely smiled back at her. " They will help me to improve as a paladin. "

" It may be a physician's perspective, but I hope those apply to you. I'm glad you have appreciated a pep-talk from me. "

" Indeed, it is. "

" I guess we should get back to your aunt and uncle, " Glenda carefully stood up and held her tummy.

" Glenda, do you need assistance in walking? " Valeera asked.

" No, I'll be fine. Thank you, " she nodded and wearily smiled. " Emie's getting heavy nowadays. "

" Is that a name of your daughter inside the womb? "

" A nickname. I approved of my husband naming her after our adopted daughter and your teammate, Esmeralda la Farceuse. With this biological one, it's Esmeralda Joanna Montmartre, " she said.

" I see, " the lady paladin elf chuckled and walked along with the pregnant pediatrician. " It's a clever distinction between the two Esmeraldas. I can imagine Emie will be proud and pleased to have her parents like you two. "

" That will take years for her to find out when she grows up. "

Upon reaching the dining room, the two ladies headed to the dining room as Amnon finished talking to the other spouses. Then, he turned and asked his wife, " How did it go? "

" It went well, " Glenda replied and smiled at her husband.

" Your wife is one of the good and wise people, " Valeera commented.

" So, you learned a lot from her? "

" Trust me, I know from talking to her, " the lady paladin elf smiled at Amnon and then to Glenda. " Her words makes clearly sensible to me, now. "

" Valeera, " Christopher called her attention. " Your aunt and I have decided to remain here before Callisto will be born. "

" Why is that, uncle? " she asked.

" If we return to the camp, it will take into a half an hour or more to travel. Then, we are very uncertain if those Umbrals will chase us since you mentioned they can be anywhere else in this country, " he answered. " If we remain here, we have two doctors who will look after us. "

" I see. It might be a good idea to remain here for the time being while I have more time to track them down. "

" We can return to the camp perhaps a month or two, " Celine added. " Like Amnon mentioned a while ago, I need a 'maternity break'. "

" Understandable, we shall help the household then, " Valeera nodded in agreement.

[Some Hours Later]

As the rest of the Montmartres and Knightfalls had finished eating supper and washed the dishes, they were all headed to sleep except for the spouses who remained downstairs. Glenda was talking and laughing to her cousin over the phone when Amnon sat down and busied himself reading Kintor's journals and flipped another page.

Upon reading them, he discovered the late mage's opinion and perspective of his trips and missions with the group. He saw some sketches of the contractor guild party and sadly smiled.

" I didn't know Kintor could draw very well, " he thought and sighed, intently looking them. " He just included all the places where we had been. If he were still living, I need his services to draw anatomy of every being and pay him. "

Amnon finished reading the page which he intently skimmed a paragraph from his late patient and colleague, describing the doctor:

" Dr. Amnon Montmartre may be a very meticulous, stern, and tough man from the outside. But in the inside, he is a very compassionate and sensitive soul which I found him very interesting to be with. He reminded me of my childhood friends from the human race which I met them some centuries ago. Amnon had inherited those traits from my dearest friends Eliah and Alina from Robania. I could have told him about them that would spark his interest of looking for his roots from centuries ago. I understood that he wanted to bring justice to his lost Robanian clan who were killed and exiled to Akrovia and Foranea when the Chegarian forces had invaded the lost country. This could help him uplift his spirit in the first place and eventually he could share the story about his ancestors upto his descendants. "

" Eliah and Alina from Robania?! " the general practitioner deeply pondered and sprang his curiosity of those mentioned names, scratching his chin. " Kintor knew them since childhood? My ancestors? Why did my parents never tell me about them in the first place? What did they have something to do with my strange bioelectric spells? I just really need to find more answers about them. "

" I hope you guys enjoy your trip until then. I'm glad you have seen the art museum and theater, " Glenda continued talking over the phone to her cousin. " Oh, by the way, Amnon mentioned to me about St. Samuel's Orphanage. That place was abandoned. If I were you, you should never come across there. Oh, I heard Odette's calling you right now. I'll see you next week. Enjoy and goodnight! "

The pregnant pediatrician ended the call, turned to her spouse, and approached him, " You seemed very puzzled in reading that journal, Cheesecake. Did you find something? "

" Glen, remember two nights ago when you felt such sudden warmth within me? " Amnon asked.

" Yeah, you told me about it back in Odyssea when you had an accident and fallen into a deep coma before going there, right? Was it something to do with your bioelectric spells? "

" Perhaps so. I have found the names of my two ancestors who happened to be Kintor's childhood friends some centuries ago. "

" It looks like he had given you an ancestry research to do! " his wife joked and chuckled.

" In some way, yes, " Amnon grinned and stretched his arms, letting out a yawn. Then, he stood up and held his wife's hand. " Perhaps in my free time or after Emie's birthday, I'll do some personal search about them. It's been a long day, Babe. We deserve some slumber. "

" Yeah, you still have work tomorrow. Let's call it a day and have a night together and sleep, " she nodded in agreement and held back her husband's artificial right hand, going upstairs where they could rest for the evening in their bedroom.

(Christopher and Celine Knightfall, Valeera and Kintor Graveheart belong to Knightfall77.)

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