Chapter 29

[Montmartre Residence, Monoceros Keep: 1:40 AM, 6th of Before Witching, Year 426]

Doctor Glenda Montmartre woke up and sat up on the bed. She looked at her left side which her husband wasn't around in the wee hours of the mornning. The pregnant pediatrician sighed anxiously and became sleepless. Suddenly, she felt another kick from her large protruding abdomen when she frowned and moaned in pain. With that, Little Emie inside the womb was communicating to her mother by kicking.

" Emie, not now. You still have three days to be out of my tummy, " Glenda muttered and gently rubbed the womb. " I know you're excited to meet me and your dad. You're almost getting there. We'll see you soon, okay? "

The little girl listened to her mother and stopped kicking. Glenda sighed in relief, slowly stood up, and left the bedroom. She carefully descended to the stairs and headed to kitchen, looking and craving for a midnight snack. The blonde pregnant pediatrician took out a bread knife and sliced a piece of baguette, placing it on the plate. Then, she opened the refrigerator door, grabbed a bottle of milk and an empty transparent glass, and carefully poured it on. Glenda headed to the dining table and enjoyed her midnight snack.

" Bon appètit, Emie, " she happily greeted her daughter inside the womb and kept eating her slice of bread.

Suddenly, Glenda heard some footsteps from the living room and stood up from her seat. Becoming too suspicious, she headed to the laboratory and mini-clinic room which she took out of a scalpel from the drawer. The Elandric-Foranean physician wanted to make sure that no intruder would try to harm her and her daughter. Going further, she noticed an helmeted and armored warrior with a crimson cape who stood in front of her.

" Oh, Heavens! You almost give us a heart attack! " she exclaimed in shock.

" I didn't mean to scare you, Glen, " the Blue Knight emotionlessly replied. " And please put that scalpel away. "

" Oh, right, sorry. Just a sec," Glenda nervously laughed and returned to where the medical blade was placed. Then, she walked over to her husband who had just removed his helmet.

" Why on Iliad did you become so suspicious? " Amnon asked her with a concern.

" It's just for the past several months that you had been out of the country. I was starting to feel anxious that someone had stalked us before, " she admitted and sighed worryingly.

" Babe, the people from the Carnival in Aulia are no longer our concern. I suspected they would have been hunting you and mama, but it turned out to be a bluff. "

" It's not that it. Remember those letters which I have sent to you? I asked our friends and family members to visit me from time to time. Greg, Cynthia, Basil, Crispin, Wilma, Odette, Amèlie, like almost everyone had come and checked on me and our family. I really needed a diversion and kept busied myself working at our clinic while you were away. Still, I felt like being followed by someone else and had a hunch about this. "

" I'm sorry for leaving you that way and making you worried. "

Amnon passionately placed his lips on his wife and embraced her. Realising her husband's response and action, Glenda lovingly kissed him back and threw her arms around him. The spouses enjoyed their romantic moment and then sincerely looked at each other.

" Look I have forgiven you, " she calmly answered and warmly smiled, still placing her arms on her husband. " I'm glad you have returned home and focused at our family and work. Your heroic alter-ego exploit is just an addition to your motives. "

" I still owe you a lot, " he smiled back and held his wife's arms. " I mean, I just want a normal date for the two of us without being the Blue Knight, just Doctors Amnon and Glenda Montmartre. "

" You mean like the days from our Old Odyssea Academy to med school days? "

" Of course, ma chèrie! There will come a time Emie will be joining us, " Amnon cupped his wife's smooth and soft pinkish cheeks.

" Just a family date, then! " Glenda chuckled and kissed her husband's cheeks. " I really like what you're thinking! "

The armored physician nodded, looked at the dining table and noticed an empty glass of milk and a plate. Then, he turned to his wife and curiously asked, " You had a midnight snack, Da? "

" Yeah, Emie and I were both hungry. I think you would want to something to ingest after that tiring evening rounds on the streets, " she suggested.

" Right, my gastric juices seem to rant at me before getting to sleep, " he chuckled and nodded.

[Neforie Mansion, Monoceros Keep Outskirts: 4:13 AM, 6th of Before Witching, Year 426]

After a series of murder spree, Dr. Teridax Moreau had arrived when the female skaven maid let him enter the premises. The mad unlicensed doctor waited at the living room area and patiently waited for the senator to come down. He noticed an elderly man with a cane and dressed in a bathrobe and pajamas. He descended into the stairs and smiled at his guest.

" Moreau, what a pleasant surprise! " Senator Valfor Neforie happily greeted.

" So, you expect me to check your adopted son, senateur? " Moreau sternly asked. " I'm no longer a licensed physician to remind you. "

Neforie had let out a hardy laugh and said, " Of course, not! You don't need to tell me twice! " The elderly statesman ceased his laughter and asked, " So, how are your murderous sprees going? "

" Not bad, mon ami! I was able to ditch those two retired medical professors who were once my colleagues. Then, my people were able to threaten anyone on the streets. The last ditch we have done was the Church of Saint Isaiah. "

" Ah, those pesky Ouranists. They are nothing, but futile believers of those four arrogant and pitiful Heavenly gods, " Neforie sighed and took out a cigarette, offering him one. " Do you smoke, Teridax? "

" Bien sûr, sénateur. je ne le rejetterai pas! (Of course, senator. I won't reject it!) " Moreau grinned and picked one. He casted a spell by flickering his left hand and placing it on the stick.

Neforie did the same as the two men started to puff. They were like two evil dragons who were breathing in fire and exhaling nicotine smoke. The former physician turned mad ripper huffed and puffed with small grey clouds of smoke.

" So, I require your assistance, Teridax. "

" But I thought you have monsieur Itna who will help you in that party? " Moreau asked and held his cigarette.

" A change of plans that is, " Neforie replied. " I have been thinking about trapping the Blue Knight. Perhaps, you would give it a try, but in the sewers. "

" So, trapping him into his demise, you mean? "

" Oui. "

The mad ripper intently grinned and liked the idea from the Umbral cultist politician. He puffed and chuckled darkly.

" J'aime votre idée, sénateur Neforie. Peut-être m'épargnerez-vous les détails, plus tard. (I like your idea, Senator Neforie. Perhaps, you will spare me the details, later.) " Moreau replied and grinned. Then, he asked, " Alors, comment envisagez-vous de laisser les Chergariens entrer dans le pays? (So, how are your plans of letting the Chergarians entering the country?) "

Neforie smirked and puffed another smoke. Then, he replied, " Le chef suprême de l'empire Chergarian attend ma présidence ici à Foranea. Vous le verriez certainement, Teridax. (The supreme leader of the Chergarian Empire awaits for my presidency here in Foranea. You would definitely see it, Teridax.) "

" Et Madame Sheeva l'approuve? (And Madame Sheeva approves it?) "

" Je lui ai parlé hier. Elle et ses frères et sœurs sont prêts à voir cette nation en ruines alors qu'ils avaient prié les dieux Umbral. (I talked to her just yesterday. She and her siblings are ready to see this nation in ruins as they had prayed to the Umbral gods.) " he answered. " Au fait, je vais vous dire mes plans que j'ai besoin que vous fassiez. (By the way, I shall tell you my plans that I need you to do.) "

Moreau intently smiled at him and waited for what the senator would instruct him for the days ahead.

[Monoceros Keep General Hospital's Recovery Room 2023, Second Floor: 1:30 PM, 6th of Before Witching, Year 426]

Wilma and Odette had heard the news from Amnon during lunch that Olivia was found in Room 2023 where there were two female patients in recovery and observed by their gynecologist and attending nurse. They saw Annika Mercier the Leanan Sidhe nurse who had just left the room.

Coughing out lightly, the older retired doctor covered her mouth, and lightly tapped her chest, from the surge of weakness, Odette continued on walking with her wife." I can't believe she's been found, Snow flake, after all these years."

" Well, I know you haven't seen her in years, right? " Wilma asked." We just need to take it easy for her. "

" Docteurs Durand, " Annika politely called them out. " Would you like to see the two patients first? They are actually scheduled for interrogation with Inspecteur Sauveterre at 3:00 pm. "

Nodding in a single gesture, She'd managed a smile." This moment would be perfect. I wouldn't want to see the monster responsible, I only want to see my daughter, " Odette requested.

" You two come in, " the Leanan Sidhe nurse nodded.

Odette and Wilma saw a brunette woman who was still remaining on bed. The other raven haired woman remained catatonic and sat on the bed, looking at nothingness.

" Hi..." the younger woman greeted the older physician and her wife. " I'm sorry about my friend, Maria. She's been like this in a few days. She has never been responsive and just staring at the window. "

Saddened from seeing the condition her poor daughter was in, Odette quickly walked over, and hugged her." Olivia...I'm glad to finally see you, I wish I could've known...before all this happened." She wallowed.

Olivia remained in shock and didn't understand about what was happening. She couldn't speak up, but she started to process her thoughts. She rubbed the older woman's back to reciprocate.

" How did you know me? " Olivia asked and looked baffled. " Why did you say those? I feel like you're related to me. Who are you? "

Wilma looked at her wife with concern as she heard the woman's question. Lightly touching her daughter's face, Odette cried out." Because I'm your mother, my sweet flower! " She held her wife's hand." And She's your stepmother, who've always grieved for my lost daughter, and now seeing her alive..."

" You're my mother?! I don't understand... Why did you tell this to me? "

" Why wouldn't I? When having been revoked the right of motherhood...with my daughter alive, and being right here." Odette stroked her cheek." I've believe you were gone...taken away from those Cultist bastards..." She wept.

Olivia widened her eyes in shock and wept, hugging the old woman.

" Tu es ma mère! (You're my mother!) " she exclaimed and wept for joy.

Smiling happily with weeping eyes, Odette hugged her daughter." Under these circumstances, the reason doesn't matter, when I have you back, Olivia."

" This has been so long to see you, but why?! I am freed after all these bondage, but I feel so scared! " Olivia anxiously spoke. " Those Umbral cultists have done a lot of things to me. They forced me to do horrible things to harm people and even raped me and my friend! The doctor says I still have an Umbral fluid inside my bloodstream. Maria and I won't be living too long! This is the curse which I will live until I die! Maman, j'ai tellement peur de mourir! (Mama, I'm so scared to die!) "

" Odette, do we expect someone from the police? " Wilma asked with a concern.

" The demon himself, the one who'd defiled Maria and my daughter..." Odette said out of spite." He's deserving of a reckoning."

" Do you know who you are referring to? "

" Speaking his name is vile from the swath of destruction and pain, " Odette replied with malice for the killer." Moreau the Ripper is the one they're interrogating."

" Moreau..." Wilma sternly replied. " Thèo was indeed right. He continued his crimes. "

" Are you going to tell the police? " Olivia asked anxiously. " They might catch us since I have been involved with crimes before! "

" Olivia, you're under treatment and custody here. You were forced to do things without volition. You can testify as witness for investigation. "

" Will they even listen? "

" Of course. "

Suddenly, the three of you heard a knock on the door. Maria didn't seem to respond and kept staring at the window. The Leanan Sidhe nurse, Annika turned to the other women.

" Mesdames, we have someone from the police, " she reminded. " It's Inspecteur Sauveterre and his lady subordinate. They are here for the interrogation of the two patients. "

" To justify my daughter's innocence, I'll testify for her...regardless of the weight of those crimes, it wasn't really her, " Odette nodded on bringing the inspector in.

" Oui, d'accord. "

Annika left instantly and conversed in Franken to some two people from the outside. Just then, she had let them enter. A tall male phooka in his humanoid form stood along with his bronze skinned female human subordinate in her thirties with curly locks. They were wearing in formal attire and showing their badges and IDs. The Leanan Sidhe nurse managed to smile at the two serious looking people.

" Bonjour, mesdames, " the phooka police officer greeted and introduced himself and his colleague. " My name's Inspecteur Tier Sauveterre and my subordinate, Lieutenant Stella Alexandre. "

" We are here for the interrogation of the two rape victims, " the policewoman added.

Holding onto her daughter's worried hand, the older woman winced and would reply, " My daughter Olivia is active, the other remains in a comatose state. "

Tier heavily sighed and looked at Maria. He seriously said, " More like she's in a catatonic state, madame. "

" Mesdames, we are about to start our interrogation as my supervising officer is observing us, " Stella said and looked at Wilma, Odette, and Olivia." However, is there one of your fellows who can help the other patient to regain consciousness? "

" The main medical staff is outstretched with other patients, from the disastrous spewing around the city, " Odette looked back to her wife." Can Glenda or Amnon assist? "

" Glenda is under maternity leave. Perhaps, Amnon can help, but he's with the outpatients or the inpatients right now, " Wilma said.

" Mesdames, Monsieur, I think Docteur Montmartre is scheduled for the in-patient rounds. The attending gynecologist had mentioned the problematic case of Madame Griffith to him, " Annika said.

" It seems you found an answer, " Tier interjected. " We just need the catatonic one to gain her consciousness. "

" So, Docteur Montmartre is a psychiatrist? " Stella asked Tier.

" No, he's a general practitioner and emergency doctor, " he answered. " Remember the case of his lost clinic? "

" Oui, inspecteur. "

" I think I should get him, " the raven haired Leanan Sidhe nurse nodded and left the room.

Odette turned to her wife and whispered, " Any fellows from the Dread Wolves tribe, that can help out, Snow flake?."

" I believe Amnon and Glenda are now part of the Dread Wolves, " she replied. " Annika will be getting him, right now. "

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door as everyone heard a familiar tenor voice with an interesting combination of smooth Franken and heavy Luski accent.

" Quelqu'un m'a-t-il affecté ici? (Did someone assign me here?) " he curiously queried. " Bonjour? Privyet? "

" That must be him, " Wilma said.

" The Akrovian-Foranean doctor is here, " Tier nodded and opened the door. The blonde bespectacled and moustached man was seen wearing his scrubs and a white coat. " Bonjour, Amnon. We require your assistance to this catatonic patient. "

" Bonjour, Inspecteur et tout les monde, " Amnon smiled and politely greeted them. " I'm sorry I didn't expect to be assigned here. I have just come to check on the Akrovian bedridden patient with kidney failure who has been in dialysis. "

" So, you have been conversing in Luski before coming here, oui? "

" Da. " Amnon nodded at Tier and looked at the two female patients. " I thought Deschanel handles them this time? "

Smiling with gratitude, the old retired doctor patted her former student's shoulder, " You have humbled you've picked up this call, Amnon."

" Well, how can I help with the other patient? " he asked.

" Inner scar's are difficult to heal, Amnon, " Odette replied with rubbing her daughter's shoulder." Both of of them are traumatized after the terror inflicted on them and maybe you can help them come around."

" I see. Any indication for a possible Umbral branding? "

" I believe Olivia just mentioned it before you arrived, " Wilma said.

" I see. I could have taken some blood samples, but I can tell their faces about feeling of dread. The other patient has catatonia, " Amnon explained.

Maria remained silent and just blankly stared at the window. Olivia kept holding her mother's hand. Tier and Stella shared glances which they were listening at the attending physician's statement.

" So, docteur, will you administer the treatment? " Stella asked.

" Let's see if I can do two treatments before your interrogation with them, " Amnon replied and took two syringes containing 20 ml of Photis's Blessing. " This one is for the physical treatment: Photis's Blessing: Anti-Umbral. The two patients will experience slight fever for 37.8°C to 38°C and frequent urination to flush out the antibody."

Motionless with only the echoes of torment clouding her mind, Maria blinked twice, and wouldn't register the newcomers in the room. Only the playback of the psycho that had driven her into this nightmare.

" And the other? " Tier asked.

" Neural Bio-Shock for 12 volts. This will also regain and rejuvinate the entire nervous system to normality, " the doctor added. " It's proven effective and humane. "

" Thank goodness, " Wilma sighed.

" Docteur, please do as you must, " Olivia broke her silence." I don't want to die soon. "

" The Heavens give you hope and a new life, mademoiselle. I'm just doing what they ask me to do. Now, hold still, " Amnon smiled and assured and held the first syringe, jabbing at Olivia's arm. Then, she winced and moaned in pain as the new serum entered her bloodstream. Then, he applied cottonballs with alcohol and taped it onto her arm.

" Docteur, how about her? " Stella turned to Maria who had been catatonic.

The doctor nodded and did the same procedure to the other patient, but he had another syringe to jab on her arm. Then, he looked at the two physicians and the two police officers and said, giving a precaution, " Everyone, step out for a while. I will do the second procedure. This may stun you if you remain here. "

Odette took her wife's hand and nodded to her. " Should we take Olivia with us, Snow flake? " She winced when asking.

" Just wait for the treatment and interrogation, this needs to be dealt with first, " Wilma said.

Once the four people went out of the room, the general practitioner casted 12 volts for the two patients. Maria and Odette suddenly felt a mild zap, but flushing out the fear and nightmares coming from their mind. Every part of the nervous system was rejuvenating.

" What is this? I felt so warm..." Olivia said curiously.

Maria shook her head from the sudden feeling of calmness, and looking over to Olivia." What's...what's going on? "

" Maria, it's Doctor Montmartre, " she said. " He just gave us the treatment from our illnesses. "

" Last thing I remember...was." Maria took in her surrounding in confusion and turned to the physician with a moustache. " Doctor Montmartre, how did I end up here and Olivia? How long was I out? " She stacked him with her questions, regaining a mind of clarity.

Amnon heard her and composed his thoughts as he was careful not to disclose his alter-ego. He recalled the day when the Blue Knight and his group found the two friends on the streets. He cleared his throat and readied himself to speak-up.

" The Blue Knight and his group brought you here a few days ago, " the doctor broke his silence. " Your friend was with you in this room for two days now. "

" The Blue Knight?! He's saved us from, " Maria paused from mentioning his name." Is he here, right now? "

" No, he's not here right now, " Amnon nonchalantly spoke. " I'll tell him and the others and thank them for bringing the both of you here. I understand you want to see them. "

" I've got so many even difficult to comprehend..." Maria rubbed her forehead." The experiments the Umbra fiend was doing to the others were twisted."

" I have to let Inspecteur Sauveterre and Lieutenant Alexandre to speak to you both. I'm not even sure if I'm required to stay during the interrogation as long as I am needed to stay."

Maria lowered her gaze, then contemplating what best suited her, " I'd rather prefer you stayed, doctor, and the other two come back in. It's helpful in seeing welcoming faces..."

Tier and Stella entered along with the Durands and the Leanan Sidhe nurse. Then, he said, " Amnon, we need you as another witness and observer for this interrogation. The Durands will also join you along with mademoiselle, Mercier. "

" Oui, d'accord Inspecteur. "

" So, mesdames, my name is Lieutenant Stella Alexandre and this is my superior, Inspecteur Tier Sauveterre. How are you two? " the curly haired woman introduced herself as she and Tier took a seat. " I have heard from Docteur Odette Durand that you two were abducted in your younger years. Is this true? "

Olivia looked at Maria as they heard the question. Amnon, Tier, Annika, Odette, and Wilma awaited for their answer.

Maria nodded instantly and looked at them." Olivia and myself were heading to a friend's home, before everything fell around us..." She paused." This man...was stalking us...from every block we'd turned to."

" It happened back twenty years ago, madame," Olivia replied. " We saw an elderly man in a suit who was offering us a ride home, but we refused. "

" So, who was this man, mademoiselle? " Stella asked.

" His name is Valfor Neforie as far as I can remember. "

" Sounds familiar..." Tier crossed his arms and looked at the others.

" Then, he brought some men who abducted us. They forced us to be part of the Umbral Spheres Cult which consisted of Sheeva and her devotees. We became one of them and did horrible things. Then, they forced us to be members of the Ordrè de Damokles, " she continued.

" Do you happen to know people who became part of the Ordrè and Sheeva's cult? "

Olivia turned to Maria to answer the question from the female police lieutenant.

" Abominations with no mural of humanity in them, they melded into the monster's collection of soldiers, the devoted are horrendous, " Maria shook her head." They're gathering under one banner of Valfor Neforie. "

" For how many years have you been staying the extremist side of the Umbral Cult? " Tier asked.

Reminiscing of flooding images in her mind, Maria clutched a fist and breathed in deeply, " Far to long...for all these years...we've seen the worse of them, inflict pain on those captured by them. Moreau, he'd taken us...and wrought upon his cruelty. "

" What did he do to you? "

" The Ripper defiled us by forcefully allowing himself to take us, each...except, Olivia was supposed to be spared...I wasn't so lucky..." Maria sadly wept.

" Maria's husband was killed by Moreau and turned him into one of his offerings to the Umbral gods. Then, I was also raped by his associate, Jack Skinner, " Olivia added.

Amnon looked concerned upon hearing and remembering Father Agapov's experience with those two men who harmed him a few days ago. Then, he turned to Tier who let out a deep sigh. Annika was listening and feeling uncomfortable and sorry for the two patients. Stella remained silent and composed her thoughts, thinking of any questions for them. Odette and Wilma shared glances and heard everything.

" Are there any other motives aside from these? " the lieutenant asked.

" Darkness swirls inside of the Ripper's brethren and sisters, it's all unnatural to even label them as human anymore, lieutenant, " Maria shared further on." These Makutas, they've called within their ranks are the real danger. "

" So, they called themselves ' Makutas', " Tier replied and crossed his arms. " Moreau called himself the 'Ripper'. "

" Inspecteur, should we expound further and revive about this long cold case of Moreau? " Stella turned to her phooka superior.

" Oui, once the evidences were gathered against them, we need to apprehend him and his associates. "

" D'accord. We know what to expect. " she nodded and asked another question to the victims. " Do you still remember where is he located? "

Groaning from the mere haunting thoughts, Maria answered the policewoman and her superior and then looked to Amnon with a deep worried glance, " About 20 miles outside of the city, in an old ran down church, underneath there's an underground catacombs."

" Near Place Loggen? " Amnon blurted out in query.

" Amnon, how did you know of this? " Wilma asked.

" Well..." the physician thought of his words and said. " The Blue Knight told me he has been doing his evening rounds within the city. He might have spotted the place, oui? "

" Right, " the oncologist nodded and remained dubious at her cousin-in-law's response.

" So, an old ran down the church near Place Loggen. " Stella wrote down and looked at Tier. " Inspecteur, this is it. "

" We'll make a search and arrest against Moreau and his associates one of these days, " the phooka police inspector nodded at his subordinate and turned to the two patients. " Mademoiselles, rest assured that we will find them. We have received multiple cases related to their crimes and grew a numerous reports from other victims within the cities and other towns. "

" Inspector, we do have a comatose 42 year old male Beirunese patient aside who we might suspect he could be one of Moreau's victims, " Wilma spoke. " You might ask Dr. Matisse and Dr. Halsey anytime. He's been in the ICU for 4 weeks now. His Foranean wife is still looking after him. "

" When did this happen? " Tier asked.

" Four days after Amnon and Glenda's clinic got attacked and burned. "

" Merde! "

" You don't understand! They'll be wanting this! " Maria cried out frantically." In order to drive a dagger...straight into the Blue Knight's heart or even burn him alive! "

Stella widened her eyes in shock and comforted the patient by rubbing her back. She turned to Tier and the others with a concern. Amnon remained silent and nervously gulping. Odette turned to her former student.

" Amnon, are you alright? " she asked him.

" I'm fine, madame. I'm fine, " he nodded and managed to smile, inhibiting his anxiousness. " I just need to warn him once I see him. "

" Amnon, we make sure that we cannot let the Blue Knight having his solo-exploits, " Tier seriously warned. " We have to be with him at all costs. "

" But Inspecteur, he works alone...."

" One of the patients warned that he's one of the targets. We wont allow that to happen. "

" Oui, je comprends. (Yes, I understand.) " he relented.

" You've only captured one of them, so far, Inspector? " Maria wearily asked.

" Non,madame. We have encountered so many victims, not just only you, " Tier replied.

" Well, that's why we need to find a way how we can apprehend your detractors, " Stella added.

Odette crossed her arms, and exchanged glances with her wife, " Requesting help from the Dread Wolves can be fruitful, they are excellent trackers and hunters. "

" Well, we will be getting help from them, " Tier said and turned to Odette and Wilma.

" They'll be enough for this coordinated cult? It's sounding like they're prepping for a war? " Odette commented with worry.

" I'm afraid we have politicians who are backing-up with the Umbral cult and the Chergarian officials, " the police phooka inspector explained. " We can't break down anyone from the higher-ups. "

" A rag tag team is able with the rightful members chosen to undertake on crushing this threat, " she replied." The Dread Wolves are unlisted, and so is the Blue Knight."

" Well, I guess I have to remind him of that too, " Amnon hesitantly spoke. " I hope he understands and becomes aware of it. "

" Any others who are part of the police department, are possibly among the Cult, " Odette shrugged." It's the only valid option."

" Inspecteur, do you think you can use your sense of smell to find an Umbral Cultist or not? " Stella suggested.

" Are you implying me to do a lie detector test in my animal form, Alexandre? " Tier sternly asked.

" Docteur Durand has suggested some of our colleagues are part of the cult. You are a phooka with a military background. Why not take it an advantage as a police officer? "

" Considering who's on either side, anyone of the hospital staff isn't excluded...on who's a mole...or a ticking time bomb for the Cult, " Odette noted. " Staying vigilant is our best shield."

" I am very suspicious of my fellow nurse, Cheshire, " Annika broke her silence. " She has been eyeing some patients and the medical staff. "

" Even, my Aldernian patient named Tsirhc Itna, " Amnon added. " I am still having a bad feeling about him. "

" Merde, Itna the conman?! " Tier raised his voice. " What on Iliad is he doing here?! "

" He had a check-up, Inspecteur. "

" Amnon, take a look at the newspaper I kept six weeks ago, " the phooka police inspector said and handed him the newspaper. " Now, look at the third page at the bottom left. "

The Akrovian-Foranean doctor obediently nodded and kept flipping the pages. He saw an image of his patient and a slogan of the Ordrè de Damokles recruitment ad which it seemed very enticing and convincing to join.

" Croyez au pouvoir de la révolution et du changement à Foranea!' (Believe in the Power of Revolution and Change in Foranea!) "

Amnon showed the recruitment ad to Odette, Wilma, and Annika and heavily sighed.

" Repugnance, the words are all poison, " Odette shook her head." They're only working the innocence to become expendable...and ruin everything."

" Itna has a history of swindling and stealing back in Alderny, madame, " Tier replied at Odette. " He escaped his homeland and got here to claim himself as a leader of the Ordrè. Honestly, he is just an acting leader. No one knows who really runs the extremist side of the Umbral cult. "

" These Makutas aren't sounding like the mastermind either," Odette implied. " The phantom is somehow overseeing everything, perhaps."

" There will be more criminals who are part of the Ordrè and the main cult. Moreau is just an agent, " Stella added. " The main source must be investigated and scrutinised. "

" To find the base, is the disturbing portion..." Odette winced." These zealots won't reveal it that easy, if this recruiting location is a false."

" Well, Docteur McCoy will need to hear more about it later since 85% of our medical cases comes from incidental crime scenes and riots, " Amnon replied. " Basil and Crispin Sinclair, then these two, and the other comatose patient, they deserve recovery and justice. "

" Back in my youth, I'd be standing with the fighters and giving my all, " Odette sadly sighed. " I can only believe there's a spark of hope of this shadow dissipating."

" No worries, madame. As a former Foranean Army Captain from several decades ago and current policeman, I will continue your exploits in fighting and investigating, " Tier replied and secretly glanced at Amnon. " Of course, Docteur Montmartre and his mysterious aide, the Blue Knight will be with us. "

" And to all those fighting beside them, in these dark is the only value we'll hold altogether, " Odette replied.

" Maman, I hope so, " Olivia nodded.

Meeting her daughter's arms, her mother nodded back, " Miracle's don't happen, unless we'd force it, and that's what heroes do." Odette hugged her warmly.

" I wish the Blue Knight and his group can hear us. I should have thanked them, " she sighed and hugged her mother back.

" Wilma has a special friend inside the Dread Wolves, she'll contact him. In turn, the Blue Knight will arrive, Sweet flower, " Odette assured her.

" Maybe so. "

Nodding in a single gesture, Odette looked to her wife, " You'll be staying with us, regardless of what occurs, Olivia, and she's your stepmother. "

" I will. Thank you. "

" Inspecteur Sauveterre, Lieutenant Alexandre, are they not facing crucial charges? They weren't complicit with the chaos that's ruining this city, an act of clemency would be fair, " Odette said to the inspectors.

" Well, they clearly mentioned that they acted without volition, " Stella spoke. " We will let them go and live as civilians. "

" If anyone of those cultists gets after them, give us a call, " Tier added and looked at Wilma, Amnon, and Annika. " I think we should meet along with the other medical staff who are involved with the Sinclair Brothers and the two women. "

" Oui. " Wilma nodded in agreement.

[Laboratory Area, Monoceros Keep General Hospital: 5:25 PM, 6th of Before Witching, Year 426]

" Une série de meurtres et de terreur dans les rues de Monoceros Keep avait transpiré avec trois morts et moins d'une centaine de blessés. La police a enquêté sur les allées et venues du suspect et ses motivations, qui restent floues. (A series of murder and terror on the Streets of Monoceros Keep had transpired with three dead and less than a hundred people injured. The police has been investigating of the suspect's whereabouts and motives which remained unclear.) "

Approaching the end of shift, Torsten and his fellow medical technicians at the laboratory heard the radio newsreport which you were all alarmed of what happened last night. The others murmured and anxious of staying late at night. Some, they thought of requesting for an early leave and not proceeding to any overtime work or nightshift.

Torsten sadly sighed, " This isn't good at all. "

" I'm going to ask our supervisor Docteur Smitus to give us an early leave, " a blonde male medical technician sighed. " You know a lot of hell is happening these days. "

" Oui, I'm worried about my children and my wife, " the dark skinned one added. " It's not really safe to stay beyond our usual hours. "

" But I'm worried about my brother who will take the graveyard shift, " the dwarven lady medical technician said anxiously. " He leaves home at 6:30 pm and gets his supper here. "

" Toru-kun, do you think we can request to have an early leave for us and early start for the night shift workers? " the Beirunese elven lady asked. " I hope they will listen to us. "

" Ja, I hope so. I'm worried about my family. I'll need to check if they're okay, " he said.

" I haven't seen Ilona today, " the dark skinned man reminded. " She, Annika, and the other nurses are frequently submitting some tests to our patients. "

" Ilona must be on a leave, I guess, " the ginger-haired man shrugged.

" This early? It's not like my cousin. She dedicated to her job as a nurse at this hospital, " Torsten said with concern.

" Do you still remember where she has been since yesterday? "

The others remained puzzled and shared glances at each other. Torsten reminded something of what she had said to yesterday morning which he and Viktor constantly teased her.

" Ja, Ilona was going to meet with her colleague and best friend after their shift. Claire was going to help her with finding a potential husband, " Torsten answered.

" Ilona-san is getting married, you say? " the elven one intently smirked. " Sugoi ne! Omēdetou! (That's great! Congratulations!) "

" Megumi, don't be so assuming! Perhaps, Ilona is dating and finding men here in Foranea! " the dwarven lady sighed.

Listening to anyone's taunts and laughter, Torsten suddenly reminded himself in seeing Annika which he looked at the laboratory clock. It was 5:30 in the afternoon.

" Åh for pokker! (Ah damn it!) I'm going to be late in seeing Annika! " Torsten said in disbelief.

" You can see her now, it's end of shift, oui? " the ginger haired one named Michel grinned and mused. He laughed and joked. " Maintenant, va-t'en et va la chercher! (Now, go and get her!) "

" Tak guderne. (Thank the gods.) " Torsten said as he gathered his belongings. " I'll see you all tomorrow, be safe." He then went to timeout of his shift.

" Au revoir! "

Torsten nodded and smiled at his colleagues before leaving the hospital to go see Annika. His fellow medical technicians waved at him. Reaching the hallway, he could see at the boardroom where Inspecteur Tier Sauveterre and an olive skinned female human colleague who was in her thirties. They were talking to Annika, the Elandric head nurse Alice Anderson, Gynecologist Doctor Marie Deschanel who dealt with the two rape victims at room 2023 and Doctors Montmartre and Sinclair-Durand for the Sinclair brothers. It seemed to be a very serious discussion about the patients linked to a series of crime cases. The orc man hospital director Hugo McCoy was listening and stating his opinion.It took time for them to conclude. Any moment now, the meeting was adjourned. Dr. McCoy was the first one to leave along with the others.

" Bonjour, monsieur Jørgensen. Are you seeing someone in the boardroom? " McCoy asked and sadly sighed. " My apologies, it took time to discuss some important matters along with the police. "

" It's okay. I was supposed to meet up with her Annika. Why? Is everything alright? " Torsten asked with concern.

" I think you need to speak to her, " he replied. " You will find out what's happening. You know crime cases correlate with medical cases, but this is another problematic one aside from the Kastronov Circus Incident. "

Torsten nodded at McCoy. "Jeg vil (I will), thanks." He then went toward Annika to talk to her.

Doctor McCoy, Head Nurse Anderson, and Doctor Deschanel left the boardroom. Then, the female lieutenant also stepped out and waited for her superior at the lobby. Torsten entered the board room and saw Doctors Montmartre and Sinclair-Durand along with the Leanan Sidhe nurse. Tier and the other three looked at him.

" Torsten, it's good to see you, " Dr. Wilma Sinclair-Durand slightly smiled at him. " I know you're waiting for Annika. I'm sorry this is a very important discussion that we took so much time. "

" Oui, I just need to tell my observations about the two female patients at room 2023, " Annika nodded and sighed. " This is a lot to take in honestly. "

" Did something happened, Annika? " Torsten asked with concern in his voice.

" Torsten, Amnon, Annika, Tier, I'll leave you guys, " Wilma said.

The four people waved at her and left the boardroom. Annika looked at Torsten and said, " They were raped by the same madman two days ago. "

" What's wrong? " Torsten asked.

" Well, the other patient is catatonic while her friend is lucid. Inspecteur Sauveterre and his colleague were able to interrogate the conscious one, " she answered and turned at Tier who nodded.

" Monsieur, it all boils down to the same suspect, " the phooka inspector sternly spoke. " The two retired doctors, a deceased nurse, and a kidnapped one, they were all victims since last night. Then, the whole congregation of Church of St. Isaiah were also involved."

" The Sinclair brothers were also one of them, before last night's incident had transpired, Inspecteur. " Amnon reminded Tier. " Also the Monets were threatened by the suspects. "

" Et eux aussi. (And them as well.) "

" I haven't seen my cousin much today. I hope she find with her best friend, " Torsten said with concern.

" There's something you should know, monsieur Jørgensen, " Tier replied. " Those two nurses from last night, a deceased one was identified, her name was Claire Frossard. She had passed away at the age of 34. "

Annika widened her eyes in shock and disbelief as her colleague was no longer in existence. She watered her eyes and covered her face.

" Ved Guderne, nej (By the gods, no.) " Torsten said in disbelief. " I don't know how I'll tell Ilona about this. "

" Oh Dieux non! Claire est partie! (Oh, Gods no! Claire's gone!) " she sobbed.

" Claire's companion was declared missing, " the phooka police inspector continued. " My colleagues mentioned of a Palgish nurse. Her identification card was found on the alleyway. "

Amnon sadly sighed and felt sorry for his fellow medical staff, bowing his head. Tier took out the ID of the missing nurse and showed it on the table. Annika paused sobbing as Torsten saw his cousin's ID, Ilona Katherine Jørgensen, RN.

" Our apologies on this, " he answered.

" Ilona is missing?! Where is she?! What happened to my cousin?! Tell me! " Torsten said and started to freak out. He was becoming concerned for his missing cousin.

" Torsten, your cousin was one of the victims from last night, " Amnon explained. " There were three unidentified Chergarian hitmen along with an Akrovian Leanan Sidhe and a flying Aldernian tiefling. They were on the streets when the terrors happened. I know this is a lot to take in. "

" I have a suspicion that they are indeed responsible for the kidnapping and an accomplice for mademoiselle Frossard's murder, " Tier added.

Annika listened, but she was still covering her face and weeping.

" Is Ilona dead?! " Torsten asked in disbelief.

" No, it's Claire who died! " the Leanan Sidhe nurse wailed. " Ilona's missing! Claire's gone! I don't know why they have done those things along with all the victims they harmed! This is so much for me to take in! "

" I'm sorry, Annika..." the general practitioner calmly spoke.

" I want to see Claire's body, please! " she loudly wailed.

" She's at the morgue under Docteur Smitus's autopsy report, " Tier replied. " Her immediate family will be taking her body to a funeral home very soon. "

" Do you want me to accompany you? " Torsten asked Annika.

" Oui..." she nodded and wiped her eyes with her handkerchief.

" We'll let you two be for now, " the phooka police Inspector said and looked at the Akrovian-Foranean general practitioner as they left the boardroom and started to communicate in sign language from a distance. Then, Lieutenant Stella Alexandre came to see her superior.

Torsten accompanied Annika and returned to hallway, going to the morgue. A tall blonde gruff medical examiner shot a glare at the two newcomers.

" What are you two doing? " Dr. Smitus asked. " Are you two supposed to leave early? Don't tell me you're going to visited those two retired doctors or the nurse herself? "

" The nurse was a friend of Annika and my cousin, Ilona, " Torsten answered .

" It's Claire. D'accord. May the Heavenly Gods rest her soul..." he gloomily sighed and bowed his head, gesturing them to enter.

Doctor Javelin Smitus pulled out the deceased nurse's cubicle door and saw her body covered with a white blanket. He unveiled her blanket and showed her cold pale skinned body. Her long dark chocolate locks were flowing. Claire's skin was full of bruises and deep stab wounds.

" Claire doesn't deserve this! Ilona needs to be spared, Torsten!" she bitterly wept and said. " If only someone could bring their justice aside from those victims! "

Torsten went to put a hand on Annika to comfort her and rubbed her back.

" Claire doesn't deserve this! Ilona needs to be spared, Torsten!" she bitterly wept and said. " If only someone could bring their justice aside from those victims! "

" The police will find Ilona and bring her back home safely Torsten sighed. "I'm sorry about Claire."

" I hope so, Torsten... I wish those suspects will pay for what they have done! This is really unacceptable! "

[Montmartre Residence: 7:00 PM, 6th of Before Witching, Year 426]

Tier arrived at the general practitioner's home when he was pressing the doorbell and brought an offering for dinner. Suddenly, he saw a blonde man who was three years younger than Amnon. He seemed to be a military personnel and stared at you.

" Bonsoir, " Tier said and left out the dinner offering in his hand for Amnon to take.

" Oh, are you looking for my brothers, monsieur? " the Foranean Army captain asked and somehow recognised the phooka. " Captain Tier Sauveterre, is that you?! My! It's you, a policeman! I have read and heard of your efforts in the Army before the year 407! What had gotten to you in joining the police? "

" Oui. Your brother invited me to dinner, probably for an important discussion. I believe his friend, Shemlock Homes is still living with him. I left the army, afterwards. I decided to join the police force. You seem to know quite a lot about me from army records. There were times I missed fighting enemy forces and defending my country. But fate showed me, I was meant to solve crimes, even the most difficult cases. But you seem you to be fanboying, garçon, " Tier smiled at Pierre. " How's the army these days? "

" I lead a joint military exercise back in Ithis. We were supposed to support some refugees and aid the Darsani people against a corrupted Elandric Navy admiral and his troops for oil. Well, we dropped that mission as my troops heard a group of contractor guild mages from my alma mater. And guess what, my older brother was there. So, the people gained their freedom and returned home doing some paperworks and military exercise for the new recruits. forgot to introduce myself, monsieur. My name's Captain Pierre Gabriel Montmartre, Enchantè! "

" Hmm, doesn't sound like a bad mission. At least you safely complete and brought back home, " Tier said and shook hands with the current Foranean Army captain.

" Yeah, but Amnon has lost his right hand from his mission back in Aulia. Too homesick to be with my sister-in-law and niece, " Pierre sighed. " That's why he resigned from work and returned home. "

Tier sighed in sadness at what happened to Pierre's brother, " Mes sincères excuses (My sincere apologies), I didn't know."

" Merci. " Pierre smiled sincerely at the phooka Inspector and turned to the door being opened which it turned out to be a pregnant blonde Elandric woman. " I think they knew we're here. "

" Pierre, welcome home! " Dr. Glenda Montmartre happily greeted at the two men and opened the gate." Bonsoir, Inspecteur Sauveterre, my husband expects to see you. My name's Dr. Glenda Joy Sinclair-Montmartre. It's good to see you. I believe I've met you back at the medical mission in the Dread Wolves Tribe village. "

" Oui, I've seen you and your husband before. It's a pleasure to meet you again, Madame Montmartre. I mean Docteur Montmartre, " Tier said as he held out a hand for Glenda to shake.

" My husband has mentioned to me about you ever since you interrogated him almost a month ago, " the pregnant pediatrician also shook hands with him. " Come in. "

" Merci, " Tier said and entered the Montmartres' home.

Tier could see the portrait of the late Senator Jean Meir Montmartre and his surviving widow Karola Danilovskaya-Montmartre at the left side of the living room. With his phooka senses, he smiled at the food from a distance and brought some bottles of red wine and fruits.

Marie and Nirvana were both cooking at the kitchen. Amnon prepared the dishes on the table as he was still wearing his scrubs. They smiled at the newcomer along with Karola and her carers.

" Bonsoir, j'ai apporté du vin rouge et des fruits (Good evening, I've brought red wine and fruits). Cela devrait bien se passer avec le dîner (It should go well with dinner), " Tier said in Franken as he placed the red wine and fruits on the table.

" Ah, merci beaucoup, Inspecteur. Nous attendons de vous voir. (Ah, thank you, Inspector. We are expecting to see you.) " the Akrovian-Foranean doctor greeted him.

The phooka police inspector smiled at Dr. Montmartre, " De rien (You're welcome). Merci, for inviting me to dinner. "

" Ah, you're just in time to discuss a few things with Shemlock later. Knowing we are having a problematic case these days, " Amnon nodded and looked at his Aldernian detective friend who busied himself writing and deceiphering the clues and pieces at the study room. He sighed, " I'm sorry about him, Inspecteur. He has been like this ever since he lives in this household. Everything has gone topsy turvy in that room. "

" Ce n'est pas un problème (It's not a problem). Perhaps Shemlock could join us in dinner later, " Tier said.

" Oui, bon appètit. " he smiled at the phooka police Inspector and turned to everyone.

[Moments Later]

After eating supper and learning about every family members of the Montmartre household, Tier, Amnon, and Shemlock were discussing a couple of things: evidences and some gathered clues which they had discovered from the entire weekday.

" Basil and Crispin Sinclair, entrepreneurs. Maria Griffith and Olivia Durand, rape victims and former Umbral cultists, Adelle Monet..." the Aldernian detective read the names and received the papers from his physician friend. " Who else are involved? "

" Docteurs Jean Philippe and Ophelia Baudin, my professors in University of Foranea medical faculty. A registered nurse named Claire Frossard, " Amnon replied and kept writing notes, giving them to Shemlock. " Then, Père Mar-Vell Agapov, his congregation, and the Paladin Knights. We have already encountered them a few days ago. "

" Then, a nurse named Ilona Katherine Jørgensen who was kidnapped. I have been to other Foranean towns this week and found cases of the deceased and the abducted. "

" Do we have any leads on finding the nurse, monsieur Homes? " Tier asked with concern.

" This one... some smears of blood found on her bag, " Shemlock answered and showed the bag with blood markings and lettering as Amnon and Tier looked at it.

" Perhaps, we can use the blood to track down the suspect, " Tier answered.

" Well, there's another letter written in Chergarian with the same blood, " he answered.

" Shemlock, don't tell me they're offering..." Amnon paused.

" Sacrifices to Damocles, Koalemos,and Dianoitikós, the Chergarian hitmen offered the two women. "

" Right, Père Agapov did mention about them. "

" Do we know the locations of these Chergarian hitmen? " Tier asked.

" I have a feeling that they come from Place Loggen. We might go underground, " Shemlock replied.

" I see, " Amnon nodded and showed the invitation letter to the party this coming Tax Day. " I believe I have met a patient who brought me this, an advanced celebration of Valfor Neforie as the future president of Foranea. "

" Amnon, this might be a cover-up to divert the public attention from the Ordrè's schemes or a suspicious propaganda recruitment. "

" Shemlock, is this true? " Amnon asked in disbelief.

" Ask the Inspector who handled your late father's murder case. "

The general practitioner looked at the phooka police inspector and thought to ask him.

Tier sighed as he remembered the case, " By the end of your father's murder case. We couldn't figure out how the cyanide came into the murderer's possession after we arrested him. It's still a complete mystery. "

" Wait, I thought this was case closed?! " Amnon asked in shock. " You sent me a letter when I was working in Odyssea Academy before. The murder has not been solved or did you find some further developments? "

" My apologies I didn't told you this sooner. But I found out who the political detractors were. One of them was being connected with Neforie, " Tier said as he revealed the truth.

The Akrovian-Foranean doctor sadly sighed in Luski, " Eto uzhasno. Mne prosto nuzhno vyyasnit', otkuda vzyalsya tsianid Mne ne sledovalo uyezzhat' v Akademiyu Odisseya. (This is horrible. I just need to find out where the cyanide came from. I should never left for Odyssea Academy.) "

" The other detractors are Michel Bernard, Andrè Roche, Carolus Leroy, Alexandre Bachelot, Charles de Voyd, and Jean-Pierre Bacri. They're Foranean politicians who were Chergarian sympathizers and supporters, " Tier truthfully answered.

" I believe the six of them are still in office, " Amnon seriously spoke. " That's why I cut ties with them. I don't want my family to be involved in politics. "

" I am thinking they have Umbral connections with those six men, " Shemlock said. " They are Neforie's league. "

" That means my late father was their prime target. With that, they might be after me, but why? "

" Amnon, did they have knowledge of Jean Meir and the Blue Knight were the same person? "

" It may possible, but my father never discloses anything about that mysterious armored crime fighter. He had busied himself in the political affairs and supporting the Robanians back then. "

" Did your father encounter Moreau in the past? "

" Not that I was aware of, I was younger back then. Shemlock, that series of murder cases was long time ago. I was recovering from coma and going to Odyssea for the first time. "

" We need to uncover who gave your father's murderer related to the cyanide." Tier insisted.

" I agree, " the doctor nodded.

Suddenly, the three men noticed the mirror was moving like ripples of water. Then, it formed an image of an elven tribe leader who was dressed in red. They bowed at her with respect.

" Doctor Montmartre, Inspector Sauveterre, and Mister Homes, " Merrill called them in greeting. " Good evening, my apologies for this intrusion. "

" Bonsoir, Gozposha Merrill, " Amnon politely greeted her back. " We are in a middle of culmination of the Ordrè de Damokles and the Umbral Cults along with their involvement. Do you wish to hear more, Da? "

" It's alright, doctor. Your geomancer brother and my niece may be in trouble anytime soon. "

" What you mean in trouble? " Tier asked Merrill with concern.

" Quoi?! Sont-ils à nouveau chassés par eux?! (What?! Are they being hunted by them again?!) " Amnon raised his voice in shock in Franken and Luski. " U menya plokhoye predchuvstviye po etomu povodu! (I'm having a bad feeling about this!) "

" Those same Chergarian men are after him and Sophia, " Merrill replied." I believe the Blue Knight needs to intervene. "

"I'll assist the Blue Knight in saving them." Tier answered.

" I'll stay here and ask Nirvana for other information, " Shemlock added." Your game's a foot, you two. Good luck. "

"Merci, Shemlock." Tier said.

" I'll just talk to my wife for a while, Tier, " Amnon said. " I'll be right back. "

[Place de Salmonelle, Monoceros Keep: 8:30 PM]

Ivo and Sophia had supper in a restaurant and gone walking her home on the streets. There were people coming and going. Just then, they noticed a lady street singer and a band who were singing and playing music.

" This is a beautiful night and we had a great dinner, " Ivo happily said to Sophia.

" C'est magnifique, Ivo! Merci beaucoup! (It's magnificent, Ivo! Thank you!) " the elven nurse smiled and cheered, quickly kissing his left cheek and making him blush harder. " Ah...jè suis dèsolè! (Ah, I'm sorry!) I didn't mean to..."

Sophia blushed in red to her embarrassment and became hesistant. Ivo just stared at her and remained silent as he was also blushing. He was waiting for her to continue the thought.

" We have been friends for days and...I...Ivo, I didn't mean to do it! " she hesitantly exclaimed.

Ivo embarrassingly chuckled, " Nein, it's fine, Sophia."

" It's okay with you?! I mean..." she paused and relentedly sighed." It's just I feel so happy to be with you which I can easily relate to you. Maybe, you remind me of my late cousin Kintor. It's just...nevermind! "

" Je l'ai maintenant. (I got it, now.) " he smiled at her. " It's fine with me. I just wasn't expecting it is all. "

" D'accord. " she nodded. " It was nice that you have just come from work to the hospital to see me and eaten dinner together. Now, you are walking me home. That's so thoughtful of you. "

" Danke, your kind words mean a lot to me, " Ivo happily said.

" De rien, I know. "

Sophia suddenly heard murmuring from a distance which she felt apprehensive and tightly held Ivo's left hand. The elven nurse with pigtail braids moved her head from a distance and looked around.

" Sacrè bleue! " she muttered lowly.

" What's wrong? " Ivo asked her with concern.

" Ivo, I heard someone mentioned your name, " Sophia replied. " I can feel bad vibes from those people. "

" Fischer ist von den Toten auferstanden, nicht wahr?! (Fischer has returned from the dead, hasn't he?!) " a low female voice echoed.

" Wie hat er das nur geschafft?! (How did he do that?!) " a taunting male voice replied and laughed.

" Er ist jetzt einer dieser Magier! (He's now one of the mages!) "

The voices became nearer and more audible than before as the couple kept walking away.

" I don't like the feeling of this either. Let's keep walking away from this area, Sophia, " Ivo said with concern.

" Oui, " she nodded.

Approaching to Sophia's apartment just six blocks away, the two got cornered by men in dark trenchcoats. Then, another couple stood behind them. Ivo and Sophia got startled to see them.

" Der Verräter und seine Elfenliebe, wie wunderbar! Ich würde gerne sehen, dass Ihre Körper als Werke von Moreau enden! (The traitor and his elven love, how wonderful! I would like to see your bodies end up as Moreau's works!) " a dark haired Chergarian man taunted and held his pistol at them.

" Ivo, les connaissiez-vous? (Ivo, did you know them?) " Sophia whispered in Franken at her boyfriend's ear.

" Je ne connais pas ces hommes en trench-coats. (I don't know these men in the trench coats.), " Ivo replied to her in Franken.

" Mais pourquoi nous poursuivent-ils? (But why are they chasing us?) "

The trenchcoated men pointed their pistols at Ivo as Sophia widened her eyes in shock. Seeing her boyfriend being a prey for the hungry Chergarian wolves, she thought of defending him and kept looking for bodies of water. Then, a white haired woman pointed her gun at the nurse's head.

" Don't move, elven or else your boyfriend will die in seconds! He will end up as Moreau's offering to the Umbral gods! " the Chergarian woman sternly spoke." You will also join with him! "

" What do you want from us?! Who are you?! " Sophia anxiously asked. " You're the ones who killed Claire! What have you done to her?! Where's Ilona?! "

" Shut up! "

The woman instantly slapped Sophia's face and left a mark. She loudly moaned in pain and angrily shot a glare to her. Ivo wanted to retaliate and defend his girlfriend, but the hitmen kept pointing their weapons on him.

" Why do you use guns if you're Umbral Cultists? You should be using magic! " Ivo sternly said before gently stomping his foot to the ground to release a shockwave to knock back the hitmen.

Sophia got widened her eyes in shock as she couldn't believe in what she was seeing this time. The woman and the hitmen tumbled down after receiving that shockwave spell. Ivo then casted another spell to immobilize the hitmen in hard rock. The hitmen angrily mumbled in Chergarian and loudly yelled. Just then, he grabbed Sophia and ran away.

" Sophia, are you okay?! " Ivo asked with concern as he continued running with his girlfriend.

" I'm okay, " she nodded. " I got surprised of how did you get this earth elemental magic. I thought you were just an ordinary human. "

He sighed in regret, " It's a long story. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my magic, beforehand. "

" You can explain that to me, later, but right now. We just need to get out of here, " she worryingly spoke and looked at the stoned Chergarians breaking the rocks by magic. They were chasing the couple.

" Du denkst, du kannst uns täuschen, Fischer! (You think you can fool us, Fischer!) "

Ivo casted his shockwave spell at the Chergarian hitmen again to slow them down. " We need to get of out here now! Some place they won't follow us to! "

" Over there! " Sophia pointed the crowded area of the street.

The couple rushed towards the spot where there were street painters and musicians gathered. They made sure that no one could find them while hiding and staying within the sea of crowd.

The white haired named woman Roodaka and her hitmen followed the couple and said, " Finde diese beiden und töte sie! (Find those two and kill them!) "

" Ja, gnädige Frau! (Yes, ma'am!) " they said in unison.

" We need to get to my brother's home. Stay close to me, Sophia, " Ivo quietly told his girlfriend as he continued to get through the crowd.

" Oui. " she nodded.

The hitmen instantly searched everywhere and eyed at the people. Ivo and Sophia were caught in an audience of a young raven haired dwarven man who was playing the guitar and singing.

" Do you think it's safe to remain here? " Sophia whispered at her boyfriend.

Ivo shook his head in disagreement, " Nein, Sophia It isn't. We need to get out of this crowd and fast."

Suddenly, one of the hitmen forged a spell in transforming the pistol into a tommy gun. It was targeted to Ivo, Sophia, and the audience along with the street musician. He released the bullets and loudly laughed.

" ATTENTION! (WATCH OUT!) " a curly blonde woman in her thirties loudly yelled.

Ivo casted a spell to create a harden wall of rocks to shield everyone from the bullets. They were all safe from being shot by the hitmen. Sophia intently looked at her boyfriend and became very reminiscent which the spell had come from her late older cousin. She was silently weeping and seeing him protecting everyone. She could recall exactly on how Kintor protected his daughter Valeera from the goblins.

" Tout le monde, mettez-vous en sécurité! (Everyone, get to safety!) " he shouted at the crowd of innocent people.

The rest of the crowd followed the Chergarian geomancer's order and rushed away from the hitmen. Without his knowledge, Sophia was quickly snatched by Chirox as she cried loudly.

" IVO!! AIDER! (HELP!) "

" Nein! Sophia! " Ivo loudly shouted and saw his girlfriend get captured. He then casted a spell to throw out a rock projectile at Chirox to knock him unconscious.

Chirox remained unconscious and lied on the ground. Sophia rushed behind Ivo as Nidhiki, Roodaka, and Antroz cornered the two.

" Gib jetzt auf, bevor es schmutzig wird! (Surrender, now before things get dirty!) " Roodaka indignantly spoke.

" Nein, werden wir nicht! (No, we won't!) " Ivo sternly yelled before casting a powerful spell to encase Roodaka, Nidhiki, and Antroz's bodies in harden rock.

Roodaka negated the spell by cracking the rocks from their bodies. Suddenly, Sophia heard a policecar from a distance and a galloping horse. She looked at the distance and knew they would be rescued.

" Ivo, help is on the way, " she assured.

" So, fraulein, do you even think the police and your traitorous boyfriend will rescue you?! Nein?! " Nidhiki taunted the elven nurse and maniacally laughed.

" There is no help, fraulein, but death of the two of you! " Antroz seriously added and darkly chuckled.

Antroz took a rock and forged it into a metallic spear, readying to pin the two down. Ivo instantly and tightly hugged Sophia to cover her. Tier shifted into a bear before charging forward with his claws at Antroz. He then started slashing at his legs.

" NEIN! NEIN! NEIN! STOPPEN! (NO! NO! NO! STOP!) " Antroz yelled in excruciating pain.

Roodaka and Nidhiki remained and thought of escaping as the Blue Knight arrived and blocked their way.

" I think, we are cornered, lieben. Ja? " Nidhiki chuckled nervously.

" You deal with him! " Roodaka angrily muttered.

Nidhiki released a shot from his tommy gun, aiming at the Blue Knight. The armored man instantly zapped the bullet into ashes. The Chergarian hitman wryly grinned and thought of running away. The Blue Knight stunned him with a Pulse Slam at 15 kilowatts of Bioelectricity, leaving Nidhiki yelling in pain.

Tier picked up Antroz with his bear paw before slamming him hard to the ground to knock him unconscious. Antroz was left unconscious and lying down along with Nidhiki and Chirox. Roodaka felt defeated as she got confronted by the other two men.

" Verdammte Scheiße! All of you will be suffering from wrath! You will all pay for this! " she angrily spat and instantly left.

Tier sighed and shifted back into his human form after Roodaka left. " Least, we got two of the hitmen. "

" Three of them actually..." the Blue Knight emotionlessly spoke and pointed at Nidhiki gaining consciousness.

" Ehehehee! " the awakened hitman awkwardly grinned and chuckled as the armored man threatened him with a bluish-white spark from his right hand. He was loudly yelling in fear. " NEIN!! "

Ivo looked at the three men being apprehended and sighed in relief. He was still hugging the elven nurse who was leaning on his chest.

" Sophia, nous sommes en sécurité maintenant. Tout bon. (Sophia, we're safe now. All good.) " Ivo sincerely smiled and assured her, while hugging her.

" Ils sont partis? (They're gone?) " she meekly asked and eyed at him.

" Oui. "

Sophia instantly threw her arms around him and felt very secured at her boyfriend's presence. Ivo gently touched her dark locks with shades of white.

" We should get you to a safe place, oui? " Tier said to Ivo and Sophia.

" My apartment is just nearby, but I think we get passed after being chased, " Sophia replied.

" How about we go home to my brother's house for now, ja? " Ivo suggested.

" Très bien (Very well), I'll drive you to your brother's house." Tier then moved his attention to the Blue Knight. " Want me to call my officers to take these hitmen into custody?"

" Yes. " the Blue Knight nodded at the three. " I have to go ahead with all of you. Until, we meet again. "

He hopped back onto his horse and rushed away into the streets.

" I wonder who's behind the helmet? " Sophia musingly asked.

" Perhaps someday you'll find out, " Tier said before calling for his officers to take the hitmen into custody.

" He prefers not to disclose his true identity in public, " Ivo replied and recalled reading a story when he was younger. " Just like the comic book hero, Great Might. "

" Ah, oui. "

" As soon as my officers come, I'll take the both of you home, " Tier said.

" I forgot to tell you his name, monsieur. " the Chergarian geomancer said. " Dr. Amnon Joseph Montmartre. "

" Ah, you're docteur Montmartre's brother! How come, monsieur? " Tier said with surprise.

" Oui, it's a long story, but I am related to the Montmartres through ancestry, " Ivo grinned and explained. " My maternal surname is Augustin who happened to be a Foranean and traced back to a Robanian earth mage lady from centuries ago. Originally, I was born and raised in Chergaria, but lived in this country twice. Let's say Foranea is my home next closest to me and my love. Je suis Ivo Matthias Augustin-Fischer. Ravi de vous rencontrer. (I'm Ivo Matthias Augustin-Fischer. It's nice to meet you.) "

" C'est agréable de rencontrer et d'entendre un chergarien comme vous qui pourrait parler notre langue. Je suis l'inspecteur Tier Sauveterre, au fait. (It's nice to meet and hear a Chergarian man like you who could speak our language. I'm Inspector Tier Sauveterre, by the way.) " Tier shook his hands and smiled at Ivo. " Je suis content que vous soyez content que Foranea soit à la maison, monsieur. (I'm glad you're happy with Foranea being home, monsieur.) "

Sophia smiled sincerely and held her boyfriend's left hand, leaning to his shoulder. Ivo smiled back at her, held her right hand, and turned to Tier.

" Oui, en effet, ça l'est. J'ai vraiment l'impression d'appartenir ici. ( Yes, indeed, it is. I feel like I truly belong here.) " he said.

[Montmartre Residence: 10:39 PM, 6th of Before Witching, Year 426]

As Amnon was found sleeping on the living room couch in his sleeping clothes, Dr. Glenda Montmartre sat beside him and thought of waking her husband up. She suddenly felt a slight pain on her stomach which Little Emie was being excited and playful once again.

" Emie, not now! " she muttered.

Suddenly, her husband woke up, sat-up, and said, " What? Emie's ready to get out?! "

" No, she's pranking me, again! "

" Do you need to go the hospital and check? "

" No, Cheesecake. I'm fine! Thanks! "

On the other side, Sophia was seen sitting at the chair and drinking hot chocolate which Ivo prepared for her. They were both tired after the sudden chase. Just then, the living room mirror formed another rippling movement as the elven man appeared. Amnon, Glenda and Ivo smiled at him in greeting.

" Bonsoir, Cousin Christopher, you're here! " Sophia happily greeted him. " How are you doing there? "

" I hope you had a safe journey here, " Ivo said to Christopher.

Waving cheerfully to his cousin and everyone, the white haired elf spoke, " Joining the festivites with humans is always exciting." Christopher greeted them back and held his wife close." We've taken a swim before coming here, and with her majestic water powers, it's a serene sight."

" Of course... " Celine smiled. " It was a wonderful evening together. Oui! "

Sophia smiled and chuckled, becoming hesitant to tell. Ivo felt the same thing as he looked at her and then to the others.

" It seems, mon frère and Sophia have something to say? " Amnon chuckled.

" Everyone...I..." the elven nurse shyly paused and composed her thoughts, blushing harder. " Christopher, Celine...I...."

Ivo chuckled and blushed as well, remaining silent and becoming embarrassed.

" I just...." she nervously paused and turned to Ivo and her cousin. " It's...."

" Regale us, Sophia, there's nothing to hide from family, " Christopher smiled and nodded to her.

" Ivo reminded me of Cousin Kintor so much! I really missed him! I felt like he's with me through this Chergarian geomancer! It makes me think Kintor is still alive in a different entity! " Sophia admittingly exclaimed. " I'm starting to fall in love with him when he protected me from the hitmen on the streets earlier. It reminded me how Kintor had defended Valeera from the goblins! This is the man I have been longing and searching for! "

" I understand why you have become very close to me these days. I may be different from your late cousin, but I'm living his legacy in my own way, " Ivo said to Sophia. " I still have to explain on how I became a geomancer to you. "

" Really? " she asked.

He nodded and smiled at his girlfriend, "Ja."

" Tell me, sil vous plait? "

" I entered a strange place after falling unconscious. I met a weeping woman who felt great regret after accidentally killing or hurting people with her geomancy, " Ivo said to Sophia as he started to tell her the story.

" You mean Arielle? "

" Ja, Maman Arielle. I gave her advice and she felt better, happy even. She then showed me how to use the power of geomancy. First time I used this power, it felt peaceful and invigorating. Afterwards, I met Kintor as well, " Ivo continued.

" My, I just I didn't know..." Sophia paused in gasp. " No wonder how you have done so much..."

Celine smiled and looked at Christopher as she said, " Your half-brother Kintor and half-sister Arielle live on through Sophia's true love by magic. "

" Magic is indulging in many wonders, my lovely Water bender, " Christopher trailed a finger down her arm." Your water magic is mystifying to watch."

" Of course, " Celine chuckled, turned to Ivo, and asked. " How about you, Ivo. Do you love Christopher's cousin as the same way as we all are? "

Ivo deeply thought at the hydromancer and looked at Sophia. Somehow, he just recently met her, but he felt something's special in her. He turned at Christopher, Celine, Amnon, and Glenda which he composed his thoughts and cleared his throat.

" You okay, mon frère? " Amnon asked his older brother.

" Ivo, can you tell us what's in your mind? " Glenda added.

Turning his head slightly, Christopher smiled to his lover." Should we have brought Fiona with us, Celie to share in this moment? "

" Of course, " Celine smiled. " But can we listen to Ivo and Sophia? "

" Did I hear Sophia found someone? " Fiona asked.

" There is another thing I want to tell you, " Ivo said to Sophia.

" Yes, Ivo. Everyone's listening. " Sophia nodded. " Go on...."

" Sophia, it may be very fast. If you feel the same way for your late cousin as an admiration, I start to gain the same feelings for you, " the ginger haired Chergarian man sincerely spoke and lowly whispered in her ears, kissing her cheeks. " Je suis amoureux de vous! (I'm in love with you!) "

" Sacrè bleue! " Sophia exclaimed in shock. " Est-ce vrai? (Is this true?) "

Ivo nodded and lovingly smiled at her. The elven nurse placed her empty mug down on the table and hugged him. The Chergarian geomancer and mechanic hugged her back and passionately placed his lips on hers, making their first kiss. Sophia enjoyed kissing him as she had found her true love.

Amnon and Glenda shared glances and knew the geomancer's advances. They were pleased to see the other couple. Christopher, Celine, and Fiona watched their relative having her first kiss with her newfound love.

" Prematurity on confessing to her already, is elegant on revealing your deep feelings for her, Ivo, " Christopher said." And it's a golden orb of light, that's shining brightly in these dark times. I absolutely agree with your relationship. "

" Ja. Danke, mein freund. I guess earlier was just a quick spur of the moment! " he chuckled and lovingly looked at his girlfriend, cupping her smooth face. " Now, this is the next step for good. "

" Je suis d'accord, mon amour. (I agree, my love.) " she nodded and pleasantly smiled at him, also gently cupping his face.

" Ivo, you're a uniquely hard metamorphic rock that softens and falls in love quickly! " Amnon joked.

" Ja, I know, Amnon! Wunderbar! " Ivo snickered.

" Is there anything I should I know aside from this? " Sophia asked.

" I am related to your cousin Christopher and your attending physician by their ancestry. I came from maman Arielle's roots. " Ivo said and turned to Christopher. " I think your cousin deserves to know this. "

" Enlightening her with her roots, should be shared, " Christopher said with approval." As I've discovered about my half human roots."

" Is it from our dream, ja? " Ivo asked and turned to Amnon. " You still have news about maman Catherine? "

" Ivo, Christopher, Mama Catherine has kidney stones, " the Akrovian-Foranean doctor admitted. " I guess you two deserve to know. She's with the Hunter Brothers for her treatment in Foranea. "

" She's resilient, no mere kidney stones won't be troubling for her, " Christopher implied." After all, magic can rejuvenate her when rewinding back to her younger self."

" Well, I hope she gets better, Amnon, Christopher. She brought me to who I truly am and inspired the three of us to fight the darkness, " Ivo added.

" Definitely, she'll get recovered very soon, " Amnon assured.

" Perhaps, why not take her a visit to the Dread Wolves tribe while she's under treatment? " Glenda suggested. " You can consider that to let her see and meet more people. "

" It may be a good idea, Doctora, " Fiona agreed.

" Her knowledge in forbidden magic, has birthed a unique power within me, " Christopher hands sparked with white light." My light isn't normally like Val's." He shared. And returned back to the general topic, " That'd be perfect for her, Sunshine." He said to Fiona.

" Of course, it will be perfect, " the brunette elven knightess nodded.

" Reuniting the entire family, would feel complete and honouring Kintor's wish, " Christopher said." And a grandchild she's long wanting to meet, of my second water bender, Callisto." He rubbed his wife's hand, and smiled back to Celine.

" We are in full circle, aren't we? " Celine smiled and looked at the two other couples who were in-love at each other. " Amnon and Glenda will have their child. Sophia has found her true love who continued Kintor's earthly legacy. "

Christopher held onto his lover's hands and happily grinned." And an aqua ring that's around us, and everyone else, only Fiona...the two of us, we'll be there for her," he kissed his wife's forehead.

" Definitely, we will look after each other, " Celine smiled and kissed her husband's cheeks.

" Muy Buena! " Fiona also kissed him.

Ivo looked at his other ancestral relative and surprisingly exclaimed, " Das ist etwas überraschend! (This is a bit surprising!) You surely are ladies' man! "

" Within the tribe, Yes." Christopher took both women in his embrace, and smiled." I've widened my field and found my Water Bender, and a noble Knight, to share our lives together." He smirked." I can handle a duo."

" Cousin Christopher has been chasing for girls when we're younger! " Sophia laughed.

" Really? "

" Oui! For me, I would prefer meeting a Chergarian geomancer-engineer who always visits me after my hospital duty and takes me home. "

" It is a worth in doing it for you, ma chèrie! " Ivo flirtingly smiled and kissed the elven's nurse cheeks.

" Ivo, espèce de rocher énorme, romantique et méchant! (Ivo, you enormous, romantic, and naughty boulder!) " she softly chuckled and kissed his left cheek.

" Really, a duo?! Oh, well. I'm very happy to be married to my fellow physician spouse here! " the pregnant blonde Elandric-Foranean pediatrician laughed and gently pecked her husband's cheeks.

" Glen, I prefer to work and grow with a lovely resident doctor like you and of course a mother of our child, " Amnon wholeheartedly smiled and passionately kissed his wife.

" Cheesecake, we surely have extremely high levels of beta-endorphin, right now! "

" With such long term side effects of being madly in-love! Don't forget the serotonin, Babe! "

" Sure, I know! "

" My life with my two maidens of water and light, is an overflowing wave of a joyous future!" Christopher kissed his Water bender wife and the light bearer individually.

As Ivo and Sophia expressed their love for each other, the other couples enjoyed their amorous moments in the late hours of the evening.

(RP with Knightfall077 and BjornGamR27)

(Valfor Neforie and Javelin Smitus by BrandonToy)

(Tier Sauveterre, Ivo Mattias Fischer, and Torsten Siegfried Jørgensen by BjornGamR27)

(Maria Griffith, Wilma Sinclair, Olivia and Odette Durand, Antroz Weber, Chirox Friedrich, Nidhiki Hethiss, Roodaka Adder, Christopher and Celine Knightfall, and Fiona Graveheart by Knightfall077)

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