Chapter 2

[Montmartre Residence, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 1:45 AM, 8th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

Glenda slowly opened her eyes as she sat up and held her protuding belly. She noticed her husband was still in his slumber and slowly stood up. The 8th month pregnant pediatrician stepped into the bathroom and realised it was her 4th time to urinate in the wee hours of the morning. She opened the bathroom door and closed it. Amnon woke up and heard the door was shut. He took his glasses into his face and noticed his wife had gone into the bathroom.

" It's her 8th month with Emie, " he sighed and thought. " I hope she or they could get more sleep after this. "

Glenda stepped out of the bathroom and noticed her spouse got awakened from his slumber. Amnon stood up and aided her to walk and sit on the bed as she was lying down.

" Amnon, I'm fine, " she slightly smiled and said. " I can do this. "

" You know what I am concerned about? You can't function at work like this, " he reminded. " Glen, I'll take your half-day shift later at the clinic. I am requesting you for an early maternal leave starting from today. "

" But..."

" Glen, you said you're having contractions and easily getting fatigued. You spent working at the clinic for 2 to 3 months without me. I don't want you to risk Emie and yourself from working. You're already in the third trimester. "

" I know what you're getting from, " she sadly sighed. " I don't want to lose her and myself and reach pre-term labor. It's just that you have been absent in the past several months. I managed the clinic all by myself. I am sorry that I had to take it all in. When you left for Odyssea Academy, I wished I could have stopped you from taking the opportunity. I know that having a better salary and opportunity from working there could help you pay off the entire expenses. I never realised you have put yourself in danger in exchange of money. Money can be gained and accumulated, but your life is important. I understand that our lives are more important than anything else. "

Amnon had let out a deep sigh and heard his wife's sentiment. He gently held her right hand, sincerely looked at her, and calmly said, " We both suffer from separation anxiety. I felt the same way too, back up there and elsewhere in my missions before. If you're worried about me for my safey, I'm also feeling the same way when you overwork and carry a child inside you. " He gently held her large belly with his right hand, smiled and continued, " We still have our chance to catch up those lost days and have a child to raise. "

" Amnon..." Glenda hugged her husband as he hugged her back.

" Now, we still need to get some shut eye before I take over your shift. "

[EIGHT HOURS LATER: Clinique familiale et diagnostique Montmartre, Monoceros Keep]

" Veuillez ouvrir la bouche. (Please open your mouth.) " Amnon asked the young male patient and snapped his left fingers for his bioelectricity spell to spark and illuminate like a flashlight as the brunette boy followed.

The general practitioner held his tongue depressor using his right hand and intently eyed at the yellowish-white patches on the red swollen tonsils from the boy. He snapped his fingers as his bioelectric spell ceased. The child's mother in her late thirties looked at Amnon. Then, the boy covered his mouth with a handkerchief and coughed.

" Y a-t-il quelque chose qui ne va pas avec la gorge de mon fils, docteur? (Is there something wrong with my son's throat, doctor?) " the mother curiously asked.

" Madame, votre fils a une amygdalite causée par la grippe ou un rhume. (Ma'am, your son is having tonsilitis caused by influenza or common cold.) " Amnon replied and looked at the mother and son.

" Amygdalite? (Tonsilitis?) "

" C'est une inflammation des amygdales due à une infection virale ou bactérienne. (It's an inflammation of the tonsils from a viral or bacterial infection.) " the doctor explained and turned to the boy. " Avez-vous attrapé un rhume de vos amis à l'école ou mangé trop de chocolats pendant les pauses? (Did you catch a common cold from your friends at school or eat too much chocolates during breaks?) "

The brunette boy shyly nodded at the doctor and felt embarrassed at his mother who heavily sighed and shot a glare to her son.

" Jean-Pierre, qu'est-ce que je t'ai dit pour modérer ta consommation de chocolat? (Jean-Pierre, what did I tell you to moderate your chocolate eating?) " she sternly asked.

Jean-Pierre coughed and sadly spoke in a hoarse voice, " Je suis désolé, maman. Je ne peux pas m'en empêcher. (I'm sorry, ma. I can't help it.) "

Amnon wrote his perscription to the parent and child and cheerfully mused in warning him, " Il semble que Jean-Pierre va arrêter de manger du chocolat pendant un certain temps. S'il ne peut pas s'arrêter d'en manger, j'ai peur qu'il se fasse enlever les amygdales. Pire encore, il aura un diabète de type II s'il vieillit. (It looks like Jean-Pierre will stop eating chocolate for a while. If he can't stop eating it, I'm afraid he will have his tonsils removed. Even worse, he will have Type II Diabetes if he gets older.) "

The boy widened his eyes in shock and immediately clung to his mother's arms upon hearing the doctor. Amnon handed the parent a perscription paper to her son's treatment. She glanced the instructions and looked at him.

" Le paracétamol et l'antigrippal doivent être pris toutes les six heures pour la fièvre et les pastilles pour le mal de gorge sur le même intervalle. Demandez-lui de se gargariser avec une tasse d'eau salée tiède, ce qui pourrait être fait au réveil le matin et avant de dormir. Votre fils a besoin d'un alitement complet pendant une semaine et d'un apport plus hydrique. (Paracetamol and anti-flu should be taken every six hours for fever and lozenges for sore throat on the same interval. Have him gargle with a cup of warm saltwater which could be done upon waking up in the morning and before sleeping. Your son needs a complete bed rest for a week and more fluid intake.) "

" Merci, docteur. Nous achèterons ces médicaments après cela. (Thank you, doctor. We'll buy these medications after this.) " the mother smiled and nodded.

" Doc, êtes-vous un mage? Pourquoi as-tu une main pétillante? (Doc, are you a mage? Why do you have a sparky hand?) " Jean-Pierre curiously asked in his frog-like voice.

" Jean-Pierre! "

" Laissez-le demander, Mme Gusteau. (Let him ask, Mrs. Gusteau.) " Amnon reminded the mother and turned to his son. He emotionlessly replied, " Non, je ne suis pas un mage, mais un homme éclair devenu médecin. (No, I am not a mage, but a lightning man who became a doctor.) "

The boy raised his eyebrows and became confused at what the doctor had said. Amnon slowly grinned and loudly laughed. The mother and son slowly understood the joke and smiled at him.

" Plaisanter! (Kidding!) " he playfully added. " Guéris vite, Jean-Pierre. (Get well soon, Jean-Pierre.) "

The boy silently laughed and nodded at the doctor as he and his mother left the room. Amnon checked his checklist as he was done with his third patient. He stood up and stepped out of the room.

" Monsieur Maverick Verne, " he called out the fourth patient's name.

A fat Elandric man in his early forties with a long silvery-white ponytailed hair and a goatee stood up from his seat and walked over to the doctor's room. He was slightly shorter than Amnon in height.

" Just a heads up, I can't speak Franken, Doc Montmartre, " Verne mused and grinned. " I've been lost in translation when I first got here since three months ago. "

" No worries, monsieur. We can communicate in Neo-Ydrassi, " Amnon assured and gestured him to take a seat.

" Oh, yeah. Thanks, " the middle aged Elandric patient sat down and handed him the results of the blood and urine results. " Doc Rousseau asked me to do some guinea pig tests two weeks ago. She said that I need to find it out. So, I did it here on the Baking Day. "

" Guinea pig tests? "

" Yeah.. ya know, Blood and pee samples? I'm thinkin' I could be very damn sick..."

Amnon intently looked at Verne's lab results and crossed his eyebrows. His blood cholesterol and sugar were above normal levels. Then, there were high traces of glucose from the urine sample. He checked the patient's records and medical history prepared by Dr. Amélie Glenat-Rousseau, indicating that Mister Verne has symptoms of frequent urination, major headaches, weight gain, neck, and chest pain. Doctor Rousseau also wrote the patient's increased heart rate and shortness of breath.

" Mr. Verne, mind if I could take your blood pressure? " he asked.

" Yeah, sure..." Verne nervously chuckled. " Just not too tight, Doc. Doc Rousseau almost killed me with that...what do ya call? "

" Cuff and sphygmomanometer..." Amnon continued the thought and gently placed the cuff on the patient's left arm. " Just take it easy and hold still. "

" Right..Ow..Too tight!! "

Verne moaned in pain as the cuff got increased pressure. The doctor pumped until the gauge pointer reached at 280 mmHg. He slowly released the air which the pointer dropped to 160 in systolic level and gradually reached 120 in diastolic.

The middle aged Elandric man sighed in relief and apprehensively commented, " Oh Lady Photis, have mercy! I could have a heart attack on this! "

" It's a possibility that you may experience it, " Amnon replied and held his stethoscope, placing it to the man's chest for sixty seconds. He counted the rapid heart thumping for102 beats per minute. " You have been tachycardic. "

" Tachy- what?! "

" Tachycardia. Fast heartrate. You're obese as your results tell you of having Diabetes Type II and Hypertension, " the doctor sternly spoke and requoted a statement from the Shuffler. " After all, what is a man if not willing to take Fate into his own hands at times? "

" Doc, you're scaring me, aren't ya? "

" If you want to preserve your Fate than taking it, I'm giving you a perscription of maintenance medicines for diabetes and hypertension for a scheduled intake, " Amnon began writing his perscriptions and additional input into the patient's medical records. Then, he handed the perscription to Verne.

" Doc Montmartre, this is gonna take a lot of pill popping to deal with these..." Verne complained, scratched his head, and read it. " And I can't eat my cravings like I used to?! "

" Like I said, what is a man if not willing to take Fate into his own hands at times?! " the general practitioner shot a glare and stressed his words to his patient who nervously gulped. Amnon sighed and intently smiled at him. " Simple. Change of diet, exercise, enough sleep, and abstaining from alcohol and nicotine. You'll lose weight and start a healthy lifestyle which will add into 15 to 40 years. "

" Yeah, right. Gotcha, doc. "

" Also, I need your another complete 'Guinea Pig Test results' after three months. It's either me or Doctor Rousseau who will monitor and check your improvement. "

" Sure, doc, thanks. "

" You're welcome. "

The patient Maverick Verne smiled at him and left his room. Amnon took out his list, headed out, and called the fifth patient, " Chandresh Ibrahim Patel. "

A coming out of age Darsani man with a turban, a green sherwani, and a pair of white pants walked over into the room. Chandresh intently looked at the doctor and recognized him.

" Doctor Montmartre, it's good to see you again! " he happily greeted and asked, sitting down on a chair. " I thought you were still in Asclepius? What happened? "

" Long story, " Amnon smiled back and commented. " What brings you here? "

" Eh...I quit Odyssea Academy as my parents decided for me to study at the university in my country as an engineer and help the family business. The tuition fee up there is really sky high. "

" Financial constraints, I take it? "

" Yes, doc. How about you? "

" Restarting my career and waiting for my child on the way. "

" I see. We've left there for some reasons. "

" Then, that makes the two of us, " Amnon held Chandresh's current vital signs and Odyssea Academy medical examination records and reviewed them. " So far, your concern is the pneumonia vaccination before your transfer and return. "

" Yes, Doc. I am not allergic to medicines and such, but..." Chandresh nodded and became shaky.

" What is it? "

" I....I....I..."

Amnon impatiently cocked his eyebrows and waited for him to answer. He stood up and took a syringe and a small bottle of pneumonia vaccine. He carefully prepared the dosage at 20 ml and brought a cotton ball and a band aid strip. Chandresh became more anxious than ever and sweating.


The doctor calmly assured, " Look, Chandresh. This is your lifetime pneumonia vaccine. The needle won't hurt you that much. Imagine this as if you're bitten by ant. Now, relax and take a deep breath. "

" But what if the needle will reach to my heart, I will surely die! "

" But for a young cowardly man such as yourself, with an intense fear of needles, what I'm about to do might be worse than death! " the doctor sternly spoke and ordered. " Now, please close your eyes and take a deep breath. This will take a few seconds. "

The young Darsani man with a turban closed his eyes, took a deep inhale, and frighteningly moaned in which felt being pierced and jabbed. Amnon instantly wiped the injection wound with a cotton ball of alcohol and povidone iodine. Chandresh slowly opened his eyes and saw his left arm had a cotton ball and a band-aid strip stuck into it.

" See? I told you, it's like you were bitten by an ant, " he grinned and wrote his recommendations and perscription, handing it to his patient.

" Ehehehe...right..." Chandresh wearily chuckled and read the paper. " Thank you. "

" The side effects will be numbness of your left arm, headache, and fever for 24 to 48 hours. Please monitor yourself and drink paracetamol or asperin. More fluid intake and bed rest before going home. "

" Yes, doc. I will, " he slightly smiled and sighed in relief.

" Bon voyage! "

Chandresh waved in goodbye and left the doctor's room. Amnon stood up and opened the door as he looked at the patients in queue and readied himself to call out for the sixth one.


After dealing with the twelfth patient and a short meeting with the other medical staff, he was about to leave the clinic when he saw a woman with a bun of platinum locks. She was wearing a white lab coat and a floral dress underneath. Just beside her, she was escorted by an elderly blonde woman who was wearing an off-white trenchcoat holding hands wih the younger doctor.

" Amnon, it's good to see you again! " the younger doctor happily greeted him.

" I'm back in action, Wilma, " Amnon smiled. " I missed this workplace setting. "

" Indeed, it is that you have returned. How's Glenda? "

" I asked her to have her leave starting from now. Her health and the baby's safety is a priority before her due date comes. "

" I understood that. She's been so busy for the past eight to nine months carrying the child. I'm glad you're in time to be with her and taking charge on her behalf. "

" Well, she's better off resting for now, " he answered and turned to Odette. " It's good to see you again, Professor Durand-Sinclair. "

" Oh, Montmartre, I'm no longer part of your medical school faculty. I'm retired, " Odette softly chuckled. " You still call me 'professor' until now. Just call me in my first name. "

" I still have my respects to you, madame, " he mused.

" Anyways, I have just come to drop off my wife in your clinic to take over your shift, " the retired doctor and professor replied. " My kind regards to your wife who is in her third trimester. "

" Merci beaucoup, madame. "

" Amnon, perhaps you and cousin Glenda will be coming tomorrow night, " Wilma reminded and gave him an invitation letter. " It's our second wedding anniversary dinner party. We have a lot of guests coming including your therapist friend, Doctor Lestrade and his wife. "

" You mean Greg and Cynthia will come? " Amnon curiously raised his voice and held the invitation letter.

" It will be the best opportunity for you to rekindle and reunite with our fellow physician friends and some notable people here in Foranea and other neighbouring nations, " Odette answered. " You may require to wear elegant attire. "

" Party? Elegant attire? I haven't wore anything like that in the past several months. I had never have a time for myself after all, " Dr. Montmartre deeply thought and crossed his arms. " Healing my group was good aside from those outpatient works. All I did was to fight a multitude of perilous and wretched idiots from my previous missions before including that damned bastard who cut off my right hand. "

" Amnon, you okay? " Wilma noticed her cousin-in-law's long silence and curiously called him out. " Did the cat get your tongue. "

" Oh, nothing, " he chuckled and made a sweatbead, brushing off his recollections. " Look, Wilma, madame, you all know I have been up and out for several months. Definitely, it's a great opportunity to be involved in socializing just for once. Glen and I will be pleased to be there. Perhaps, I shall make the clinic in half-day operation tomorrow. "

" Good thinking, " the lady retired doctor nodded and turned to his wife, touching her face and kissing her cheeks. " Wilma, I'll be waiting for you to finish your shift and help the events planner later. The three of us will be putting the Devil Into Hell tonight after that. "

" Of course, my dear, " Wilma passionately kissed her.

" What on Iliad are they talking about?! Oh for Gods's sakes, I'd better not listening to them, " Amnon thought, grimaced, slowly stepped away from his fellow physicians, and heard the statement which he found it very awkward and cringy. He looked at his watch, showing it was 1:25 pm and cleared his throat. " Look, Amélie's here taking my shift. Wilma, you take charge for now along with her. I shall see you tomorrow. I need to go to the bank and buy some groceries and baby stuff. Au révoir! "

" See you tomorrow then, " Wilma greeted and waved her hands to him.

He waved back at them and left the clinic, entering his car and driving away onto the streets.

[Two Hours Later: Terrain du campus de l'Université de Foranea: 3:30 PM]

After encashing his final paycheck and depositing some funds into the bank and buying some goods at the grocery, Amnon thought of visiting an old friend as his wife asked him to do after his shift. He parked the car near the sidewalk and walked to the university campus grounds. The leaves had fallen onto the ground as the orc-man gardener busied himself to sweep. There were students coming and going as Amnon felt such nostalgia and reminisced his days of medical school.

He continued walking and thought of looking for someone familiar. Suddenly, he noticed a bearded and bespectacled middle aged man with short wavy raven locks, sitting on the wooden bench and writing his lectures. The man paused writing, turned his attention to him, and stood up from his seat.

" Amnon! " he smiled and called out the younger physician. " Amnon Montmartre! "

Amnon looked back at the older man and tried recalling him from his memories. He approached the blonde man and placed his right hand infront of himself.

" Ryliea...Smolder Ryliea, " he introduced himself. " We were in the Army together. "

" Ah, yes, Smolder. I mean Major Ryliea, Bonjour! " Amnon smiled and shook hands with a fellow war veteran. " I can remember now. "

" I know! I got fat! " Smolder grinned and responded at his younger friend's gesture. " It's Professor Ryliea, now. "

" Oh..."

" I'm glad to see you again after all these years. You're now a doctor just like me. It seems you have really followed my footsteps. "

" I know. "

Smolder intently looked at Amnon's right prothestic hand, looked concerned at him and asked, " Goodness, Amnon! What happened to your right hand? "

" It got cut off back in Aulia, recently, " he seriously spoke.

The fellow former combat medic turned medical school professor was astonished and anxious of what had occured to his friend. He remained speechless for a while and thought of talking to him further. Just then, he bought and treated Amnon a cup of coffee as they were drinking and discussing with each other.

" I never realised something bad happened to you, " Smolder held his cup. " I remembered that day when you ended up wounded while saving your wife and your troops. Now, you have experienced that again. "

Amnon sadly bowed his head, sipped his coffee, and replied, " That was my turning point in leaving my previous work. Danger has taken a toll of me after those five to seven missions with the contractor guild. "

" Did you have second thoughts to continue the final one? "

" No. I guess it's an endgame for me if I join them in going to Beirun. I just resigned. "

" Have you ever thought of recommending your replacement up there? "

" Not really, " Amnon seriously spoke. " The campus's administration can place a job hiring for a head physician at Odyssea Academy's Asclepius. They can choose and hire someone else. "

" You will just work at your clinic for now and budget that paycheck. "

" Sort of, I will be expecting more expenses to deal with it. "

" Knowing that a baby will be on the way for you. How's Glenda? "

" She's now in her third trimester and resting as I have told her, " Amnon smiled and sipped his cup.

" Félicitations Amnon ! Vous serez un père fier maintenant! (Congratulations, Amnon! You will be a proud father now!) " Smolder happily beamed and gave his younger friend a gentle pat in the back. " I might say, ' Welcome to the parenthood club!' "

" Parenthood club? "

" We're both army vets, doctors, and fathers, " he explained. " Since I'm only two decades older than you, I would like to share some experiences of being a parent of two children like Shadra and Enenra even they have grown up. "

" Interesting, I would like to hear those, " Amnon nodded and asked. " You can even juggle your time as a professor, I take it? "

" Fair and manageable enough. "

The younger blonde doctor deeply thought, emptied his cup of coffee, and said, " Smolder, I would like to invite you and your wife for dinner, if you don't mind. "

" My! That would be generous of you! But I need to pick up my wife from the city government office, buy some food for the both of you and check my two children at home since they will be coming from school. "

" Thank you, I shall meet you later at 7:00 pm. "

[Montmartre Residence, 7:40 PM]

The Ryliea spouses and the Montmartre family spent discussing and sharing their experiences while eating. They were enjoying a hearty meal while hearing some stories and jokes to one another.

" Remember what Colonel Pascale did to Amnon after losing a game of blackjack? " Smolder laughed and asked.

" Tell me, more about it, " Pierre intently grinned and looked at his brother and then to the professor.

" Your brother's punishment was 50 push-ups, 40 jumping jacks, and then he danced like a chicken! "

Amnon slowly lowered his head to his embarrassment and cringed. Travelling through train around Darsan, he recalled an evening game with Sypher and Rin which they both lost. Rin asked them to dance like a chicken which they did. This time, his family and the two guests loudly laughed at him. He felt melting and facepalmed as Smolder and Pierre had brought it up.

" Strike one for Smolder and Strike two for Pierre, " he furiously thought and sighed.

" Was it that day before Amnon and I got married? " Glenda chuckled and interjected.

" Yep, it was their version of the stag party! I was there! " Smolder proudly beamed and laughed. " I was one of the witnesses of your husband's peculiar eggsploit! "

" No, no, no...NO! Don't ask it further, Glen! " Amnon whined.

" Do you want an evidence? I took a picture of him! " the Foranean med school professor evilly smirked and showed the photograph of the former Lieutenant Montmartre posing in his chicken dance along with his fellow soldiers who lost a game of blackjack. " Pass this picture to anyone, so you all can see. "

He passed the image to Glenda, Charlotte, Pierre, Marie, the other two carers, and finally Karola. Most of them blurted and shrieked loudly. Amnon moved his plate on his right side and covered his face by his crossed arms in his total shame.

" Why was he posing like that? " the elderly woman asked and became confused.

" Ma, it's a stag party! " Marie laughed in reply. " Amnon had done it on purpose. "

" Oh...okay? "

" You know, what?! We all made good ol' Sparky dead to his embarrassment! " Pierre scoffed and slapped his older brother's back.

" Indeed, we are! " Smolder grinned and made a follow up hardy laugh.

" Ugh..." Amnon groaned and cringed. " Can we discuss more decent things than these? "

" Cheesecake, it's okay, " Glenda assured, cheerfully smiled, and gently rubbed her husband's back. " Everyone misses you. We can't help talking about you back in our Army days. You'll get used to it somehow. "

" Yeah, Bro, " Marie nodded in agreement and added. " It's quite a long time that you have been totally out. I know you're adjusting to your normal life until Little Emie comes. You will get a new chapter to your parenthood. "

" I'm sorry, did you say Emie? " Charlotte asked. " Is that a name of Amnon and Glenda's daughter? "

" It's actually named after from an adopted daughter, Esmeralda la Farceuse. But our biological little girl, she's named as Esmeralda Joanna Sinclair-Montmartre. Her nickname is Emie, " Glenda explained on behalf her husband and turned to him. " Isn't that right? "

Amnon nodded no furiously at his wife and asked Smolder and Charlotte, after drinking his glass of water, " So, how's Shadra and Enenra? "

" I would say, Shadra plans to go Odyssea Academy after her highschool graduation, " Charlotte answered. " Then, Enenra is still studying in middle school and focusing himself to be an athlete. He likes to get involved in marathon races. "

" Interesting. "

" Like anyone says, it's nice to raise a girl and a boy in the family, " Smolder interjected. " You can understand their differences. So, you might as well consider raising a boy in the future. "

" If Lady Photis permits me to procreate a child with XY chromosomes, then I will, " Amnon chuckled.

" You will, " the older doctor sincerely smiled and gently patted his younger friend's back.

" Speaking of having a kid on the way, " Charlotte reminded and looked at her husband. " We have kept some children's books and toys from the two which Emie and your future kids will read and play when they grow up. " She turned to Smolder as he nodded and stood up from his seat.

The raven haired medical professor carried a box and gave it to Amnon and Glenda. They opened it and shared glances as they were pleased to see some toys and children's books to treasure when their children would grow up.

" Do you think we can gain a sibling for Emie? " Glenda smiled and whispered at her husband.

" Let's pray about it, Glen, " he whispered her back.

" We will do it when she grows up in a few years. "

" Definitely. "

" Well, what do you think? " Smolder asked.

" Thank you, Charlotte, " Glenda said and felt pleased. " We will keep them as Emie grows up. "

" Perhaps, we will raise another child after her, " Amnon added.

" Surprisingly, Glenda couldn't bear children when I first assessed her, " Smolder sincerely smiled at the spouses. " I'm glad the tables have miraculously turned for the both of you."

" With Lady Photis's help, studying medical school, and some treatments I have taken. Overall, it's a miracle that we have gained an addition to the family, " she responded. " We will just wait for her arrival."

(Smolder and Charlotte Ryliea as well as Odette Durand belongs to Knightfall77)

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