Chapter 13

[Monoceros Keep General Hospital 7:12 PM,
24th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

A tall blonde and bearded man who was cladded in dark blue scrubs and an apron. He was busily working for a post mortem report of a seventy-eight year old man who passed away from a severe pneumonia and sepsis. He examined the deceased one's left lung and wrote his observations when he heard a low singing female voice from nowhere. She seemed to be so melancholic and grieving in her acapella.

Si nos mains se souviennent encore
Qu'elles se sont croisées sur mon corps
Quand elles s'attardent ça et là

Je ne sais pas
Si dans les sourires qu'on ce fait
Je vois du bonheur le reflet
C'est toujours là
C'est toujours vrai

Je ne sais pas
Si dans la douceur de ses yeux
Je me retrouve encore un peu
Après nos siècles de combat

Je ne sais pas
Ce qu'il a pu dire de nous
Quand il raccroche tout à coup
Le rouge qui pointe sur ces joues...

Doctor Javelin Smitus slowly tuned his head when the echo stopped. He sighed in his mask and thought it was a radio playing around the corridor. He continued probing the cadaver's lungs and heart as the mysterious woman continued singing. Doctor Smitus paused for a while as he couldn't concentrate at his post-mortem examination.

Je ne sais pas
Ce qu'il a bien pu faire de nous
Quand le rendez vous s'éternise
Le même rouge sur la chemise

Je ne sais pas
Pourquoi je vois déjà la fin
Quand il me dit que tout va bien
Que c'est pour rire, que c'était rien

Je ne sais pas
Pourquoi en faire tout un secret
Quand on dit qu'on ne la pas fait?
Sait-il combien je le connais?

Je ne sais pas!!

Je ne sais pas!!
Je ne sais pas....

He moved his head around the morgue and heard the sudden loudly singing in high notes. The gruff medical examiner followed the source of that voice and opened the door, leaving his workstation and turning his head around. The area was too silent as no one was playing the radio. Dr. Smitus cocked his eyebrows in doubt and sighed, returning to the morgue and the deceased male patient. Suddenly, he heard the same singing female voice. But this time, it was lower than she did recently.

Et quand demain, c'est sur mon bras
Qu'une autre main s'attardera
Aura-t-il peur autant que moi?

Je ne sais pas...

The medical examiner was sweating and becoming apprehensive when he accidentally dropped his scalpel onto the floor. He instantly picked it up and placed it on the cadaver table. Dr. Smitus looked at the ceiling and huffed, immediately leaving the morgue for the second time. He was too afraid to remain and continue his work there for it was too eerie to hear a mysterious siren.

This time, he headed to a crowded area and panted heavily. Some attending nurses and physicians noticed him in his very apprehensive state. The hospital director who happened to be a hairy green skinned orc man was wearing a blue scrubs and a white lab coat and approaching the gruff examiner who was having an onset of anxiety attack.

" Smitus, ça va? (Smitus, are you okay?) " Dr. Hugo McCoy asked with concern.

" Z-zut a-alors! J'-jai l-le p-p-t@!n trac en ce m-moment! (Damn it! I am having a f₩[k!N+ jitters, right now!) " Dr. Javelin Smitus tremblingly and swearingly stuttered.

McCoy turned around and decided to talk with the medical examiner in private since it's not proper for anyone to see him panicking. The orc man hospital director gestured Smitus into his office as he nodded and followed. Smitus was still shaking and heavily panting while walking with the superior.

McCoy opened the door, entered with his subordinate from the morgue, and offered him a seat. Smitus nodded and sat down as his boss took a glass of water and handed it to him. The blonde medical examiner and nodded in thanks, drinking his cold glass of water.

" Prendre des respirations profondes. Inhaler. Prise. Exhaler. Veuillez le faire pendant 2 à 5 minutes. (Take deep breaths. Inhale. Hold. Exhale. Please do it for 2 to 5 minutes.) " he instructed.

Smitus obediently followed his superior's instructions for pacifying himself. The orc man waited and sat down on his office chair.

" Comment allez-vous? (How are you feeling?) "

" Beaucoup mieux, chef. Comment se fait-il que ce monstre de la nature ou un fantôme hante la morgue? (Much better, chief. How come that freak of nature or a ghost haunts the morgue?) " Smitus queried and placed the empty glass on the table.

" Certainement, j'ai entendu des histoires du docteur Allard et de certaines personnes au sujet d'un fantôme chantant dans un hôpital. (Definitely, I have heard stories from Doctor Allard and some people about a singing ghost within the hospital.) " McCoy replied.

" En avez-vous entendu un? (Did you hear one?) "

" Quand je pratiquais ma résidence, ici il y a trois décennies, jusqu'à ce que j'effectue des chirurgies cardiaques auparavant. C'était la même voix qui semblait très maternelle et terrifiante. (When I was practicing my residency here, three decades ago until I performed cardiac surgeries before. It was the same voice which seemed to be very motherly and terrifying.) "

" Qu'as-tu fait avec ça? (What did you do with that?) "

" Je l'ignore et continue à travailler. Bien sûr, j'ai prié les Hôtes Célestes pour avoir du courage et de la détermination. (I ignore it and continued working. Of course, I prayed to the Heavenly Hosts for courage and determination.) " McCoy answered and reminded. " Eh bien, au cas où vous entendriez encore cette voix, faites-le moi savoir pour que je puisse désigner un autre médecin légiste ou pathologiste pour vous aider à la morgue. (Well, in case you hear that voice once again, just let me know so I can assign another medical examiner or pathologist to help you at the morgue.) "

Smitus nodded and thought of a suggestion, " J'ai une suggestion cependant, chef. (I have a suggestion though, chief.) "

" Qu'est-ce que c'est? (What is it?) "

" Est-il possible que le Père Agapov de l'église ouraniste soit invité ? Peut-être pourra-t-il chasser les démons et les mauvais esprits dans tous les coins de l'hôpital ? Vous savez ce que je veux dire. (Is it possible if Father Agapov from the Ouranist church to be invited? Perhaps, he can cast out daemons and evil spirits in every corner of the hospital? You know what I mean.) "

Dr. Hugo McCoy nodded in agreement and smiled, " Je pense aussi à la même chose, Smitus. Peut-être que je vais consulter cela avec lui et nous verrons comment cela se passera. (I am thinking of the same thing too, Smitus. Perhaps, I shall consult this with him and let's see how it will go.) "

[The Streets of Monoceros Keep: 7:43 PM]

Torsten and Annika were done eating at the restaurant and walking around sidewalks where they were street performers who sang and played an instrument. They were discussing and exchanging thoughts about their future plans. Suddenly, they paused their conversation and saw a colorful street poster with images of animals and performers on the wall.

La troupe du grand cirque itinérant Kastronov en direct au parc Bonaparte du donjon de Monoceros! (The Great Kastronov Travelling Circus Troupe live at Bonaparte Park in Monoceros Keep!)

Les billets sont disponibles pour tous les dépanneurs et épiceries. (Tickets are available to all convenient stores and groceries.)

Les spectacles ont lieu tous les Tax-Day to Start Day de 13h00 à 12h00. (Shows are every Tax-Day to Start Day at 1:00pm to 12:00mn.)

" Torsten, do you think this circus show is very interesting? " the raven haired female Leanan Sidhe in a long velvet dress asked.

" Well, I have seen Kastronov's circus back in Palgirlund when I was a child, " the human medical technician replied and commented. " They're quite fun and thrilling. "

" Really? What is the most favorite part of the act? " Annika made a follow up question.

" Let's see..." Torsten scratched his chin and deeply thought. " They do have some trained animals and some people who perform wild stunts and magic tricks. "

" I have never seen the circus when I moved and grew up here in Foranea. "

" I guess I can plan for our next date. "

The Leanan Sidhe nurse cheerfully smiled at him and looked forward for what he could say. Then, she replied, " I know where you will be taking me very soon. "

" Oh, that! " Torsten chuckled and blushed. " Well, the circus watching date can wait, Annika. Perhaps, we will be anticipating for the first day of work in Monoceros Keep General Hospital. Duty always comes first. "

" Right, " she nodded.

Suddenly, they heard screaming from a distance when Annika became apprehensive. Torsten held his date's shoulders when they saw a mob of dark elves terrorizing a crowd and casting a void energy portal spell to make them disappear. She slowly turned her head to Torsten, implying him to leave this place. He nodded back at her and grabbed her right hand. They both hurriedly rushed away into their safety.

One of the dark elves chattered in their own language when their leader asked everyone to follow them. The two quickly followed the other couple. The Palgish medical technician and the Leanan Sidhe nurse kept running as fast as they could, but they could hear the sinister voices from the Dark Elves.

A dark elf quickly jumped in front of them and his partner was standing behind. The one in front was summoning a spell of void energy portal in making them vanish. Annika anxiously looked at Torsten and remained non-talking. Torsten sternly glared at the despicable beings and slowly turned at the barrels of water. He casted a spell to form a strong water pressure, gushing out from the container, splashing the elves, and making them wet. The two mad elves angrily muttered in gibberish and turned their attention to Torsten, as their subject of their retaliation.

Remembering Dr. Montmartre's ultimate bioelectric act in the clinic, Annika drew an inspiration from it and stood in defense to her fellow medical co-worker and boyfriend.

" Annika! What are you doing?! You're going to get vanished! Please, don't do this! " Torsten angrily exclaimed. " Are you out of mind?! "

" Trust me, Torsten, I can do this..." she confidently replied and smiled.

The two dark elves were slowly standing up despite the slippery and wet ground. They had all eyes on the Leanan Sidhe nurse. She evilly smirked and approached them, grabbing their hands and draining their life force. Torsten curiously watched her act when the attacking duo became terribly weakened to do their spells.

" Utrolig! You just sucked their life force! " he exclaimed in shock.

" You're right. I could have done that to the hostage taker before. Nevermind, " Annika simply replied and sighed.

Suddenly, a dark mist appeared and surrounded the couple when a tall figure slowly walked over to them. It revealed to be a pale skinned woman who was cladded in a long black gown. She had visible black veins on her face. Torsten and Annika barely could see her when they coughed.

" What did you do to my children?! " she calmly asked with a hint of anger from her tone.

" Look, dame! You had let them make other people disappear, " Torsten indignantly responded and used his right pointer finger at her. " We will never let you succeed on it! "

" I have never realised a young male brave human like you would dare to confront me and my children. I wish they include you into your instant disappearances. "

" Why did you do this?! The Heavenly Gods will punish you from this! "

The elven woman frowned and angrily gritted her teeth, clenching her fists. Then, she indignantly glared at the two and replied, " They never cared for me at all and you never knew about it. Embracing Lord Milo is the only resolution for me to survive and making your useless gods pay. "

" Look, madame. Maybe we can help you, you just need to listen to us, " Annika replied.


She casted a dark spell to make Torsten and Annika suck all their life force away. Suddenly, a ravenous wolf angrily growled and barked at her, readying himself to attack the leader and mother of the dark elves. Just behind him, there were police officers arrived from the scene. Torsten and Annika turned their attention to the authorities. The elven woman failed to retaliate and felt surrounded by them. She casted a void energy portal and immediately vanished in front of them. The wolf barked at his dismay and slowly morphed into his middle aged humanoid form with pointy ears.

" Inspecteur Sauveterre, thank goodness you and your people arrived just in time, " Annika sighed in relief. " Are you all right? "

" I'm okay, but we should have caught that damn elven witch, " Tier deadpanned and heavily sighed.

" Umbrals, I take it? " Torsten mused.

" Of course, Docteur Montmartre was indeed right! They are real and everywhere. They are truly responsible for such series of crimes! " the phooka police inspector furiously proclaimed and regretted in rant. " Oh gods, damn stupid me! I should have believed or even listened to him! "

" It's fine now, monsieur inspecteur. Perhaps, Torsten and I will be helping for this investigation or we will check those who are injured. "

" Ça va bien, " Tier nodded. " You two come with me. "

[Molto Auliano, Streets of Monoceros Keep: 8:23 PM]

The scarlet haired elven man, dressed in a white long sleeved shirt, a pair khaki pants, and a navy blue jacket along with his lovely blonde date, enjoyed their time eating with a pasta dish and listening to a classical Aulian song. The couple enjoyed the relaxing ambience and appetizing meals. A balding and bearded middle aged looking dwarven man singing in tenor heartily performed as he was doing this in his home back in St. Essa. Neil Ingrid Carter and Marie Svetlana Montmartre watched him along with his string band.

Che bella cosa 'na jurnata 'e sole
L'aria serena doppo 'na tempesta
Pe' ll'aria fresca pare già 'na festa
Che bella cosa 'na jurnata 'e sole

Ma n'atu sole cchiù bello, oi ne'
'O sole mio sta in fronte a te
'O sole, 'o sole mio, sta in fronte a te
Sta in fronte a te

Quanno fa notte 'o sole se ne scenne
Me viene quase 'na malincunia
Sotta fenesta toia restarria
Quanno fa notte, e 'o sole se ne scenne

Ma n'atu sole cchiù bello, oi ne'
'O sole mio sta in fronte a te
'O sole, 'o sole mio, sta in fronte a te
Sta in fronte a te!

The restaurant patrons cherfully applauded and whistled the dwarven performer and his band. Marie and Neil were pleased at them.

" Gratzie! Gratzie! " the Aulian dwarven singer bowed.

" Neil, this is a wonderful place. Thank you! " Marie smiled at her elven boyfriend.

" You're welcome! " he blushed and smiled back at her. " Blimey, Marie! Have you never been into this place?! "

" My parents occasionally took us out for lunch and dinner like this, " the senior year law student sighed and answered. " It's just that they..."

" Politicians don't have their privacy. I know, " Neil continued the thought. " I take it, life wasn't easy for you and your older siblings? "

" Oui, " she nodded. " After Papa passed away and Mama got ill, Amnon became in-charge and decided to cut-off any political ties in the family. "

" Oh, why is that? "

Marie recalled what her eldest sibling had said to her and answered, " It's just we deserve to continue our normal lives as it should be. Papa had done his best, but pursuing politics is too risky. After all what transpired, it's better to be in a quieter life than a chaotic one. "

" You're breaking your brother's vow? "

" Yeah, but he respected my decision to finish law school and supported it. Although, I decided to become lawyer instead. Not sure if I can follow Papa's footsteps. "

" If it's your dream to be a lawyer, why not pursuing it? It's upto if you want to be a senator or the first Foranean lady president, " Neil smiled and gently held his girlfriend's right hand. " My parents wanted me to become an elven knight and continue their exploits at the Dread Wolves Tribe. I may be a member of the tribe, but my true calling is to write the stories and publish them into the newspaper. I never pursued myself to study at Odyssea Academy and returned to Alderny where I studied to become a newsjournalist. "

" So, you have found your true calling and followed it, " she commented and held his boyfriend's hand.

" Yea. Besides, I can go around this country and across Iliad to get a scoop and write it on paper. "

Suddenly, their conversation was instantly halted when a loud woman's scream was echoing from the kitchen. She was rushing away along with the chefs and staff. The waiters and waitresses along with the musicians and patrons turned their attention to the kitchen door. It revealed to be a seven feet tall reptilian man growling and wreaking havoc. Neil and Marie were both terrified from what they had witnessed.

" Oh bloody hell, what on Iliad is that?! " the Aldernian Elven journalist exclaimed in shock.

" Sacré bleue! Neil, let's get out of here! " Marie yelled and instantly grabbed her boyfriend's hand.

The two rushed away from the restaurant along with the others. The remaining people became seriously injured at the lizard man's attacks. Marie and Neil kept running as they could. Suddenly, they spotted Shemlock Homes and Lt. Liere Costa along with the policemen. Neil recognized the two and instantly rushed towards them along with his human girlfriend. Marie paused, held her knees, and huffed.

" Shemlock! Liere! " the scarlet haired elven man called their names as the two investigators turned their attention. " You won't like what you're seeing right now! "

" You don't need to tell this twice, monsieur Carter, " Liere reminded and held his camera. " You two need to go before it attacks us. "

" But the story! "

" It can come later! You'd better leave now! "

Marie looked at her boyfriend, implying him to flee away. Neil relented by giving off a heavy sigh. They had no choice, but to run away for their own safety as the police made their way to confront the mad attacker.

[Lestrade Residence, Aveline, Foranea 9:20 PM]

Dr. Gregorius Lestrade spent working at his study and searched for his notes and files of his patient observations. He kept flipping the pages and skimmed reading about their profiles and backgrounds. He found patient names with Robanian origin and wrote them as a list on his small notebook.

He sighed and thought, " I hope they are still alive and recovered. Amnon and I will conduct an interview from this group someday. Oh Lady Photis, please grant me success to help my younger friend in finding his roots. "

Just then, he saw his wife Cynthia approaching him in the room and looked concerned at her. She stood infront of him and said, " Greg, I need you to come with me. "

" Why? What's wrong? " he asked.

" I heard a noise from the outside. Will you follow me going there? "

" Fine, I'm coming, love, " Greg relented and stood up from his seat.

" Thank you. "

Greg and Cynthia walked out of the house and headed to the grassy backyard. The Aldernian psychiatrist held out his flashlight, pointed at the spots, saw nothing, and exasperatedly sighed. His wife cocked her eyesbrows.

" I did not see anything, Cynthia, " he objected.

" But I heard something earlier Greg, I am not really mistaken, " she replied. " I am having a feeling it can be something. "

" It must be the stray alley cats roaming..."

" No, they're not! Why don't you look closer?! "

" Alright, " Greg dismissed and sighed for the second time. He pointed his flashlight from a distance. Just then, he saw a male figure lying down on the grass and gasped in shock, " Oh my gods, Cynthia! You're right! "

Cynthia nodded and followed her husband. Finally, she widened her eyes and trembled in seeing a long haired man dressed in black. He was conscious and heavily bleeding. Greg raised his eyebrows and checked the stranger's pulse and breathing.

" Greg, is he..." she paused.

" No, he's still alive, but in a critical condition. "

" Should we treat his wounds? "

" That can help for now, but we need to bring him to the hospital after this. "

[Montmartre Residence, Monoceros Keep, Foranea 1:15 PM,
25th of Umbral-Tide/Darktide, Year 426]

" I have done it, " Nirvana broke her silence and showed to everyone what she had written down on the pieces of paper. She was sitting on the chair and patiently waiting for Shemlock and the other members of the Montmartre family to read them.

The Aldernian detective-mage intently read the pages and learned the Foranean Umbral Spheres cult members and plots. He could imagine how those diabolical underground goons operate and attack the innocents. He finished reading the pages and passed them to Pierre, Marie, Amnon and Glenda.

" And you were once involved of this cryptic criminal group? " Shemlock seriously asked.

" Yes, sir, " Nirvana admitted.

" Then, someone from there plotted to kill you, Am I correct? "

" Yes. "

" Nirrie, you could have asked me for help, " Pierre said with concern. " I'm willing to protect you when they try to hunt you down. They can be anywhere. "

" Thank you, Pierre, " she humbly spoke. " At times like these, I need to fight and protect your family as well. This is how I pay back your brother and sister-in-law's kindness and hospitality. "

" Nirrie, we don't want you to get involved. Please let us handle this for you. It's for your own good. "

Nirvana sighed and relented, " Fine, I'm warning you that the Cultists aren't easy to trifle with. I have been there and doing bad things to this city and anywhere in Foranea. " Then, she looked at Shemlock and said, " Mr. Homes, if you need to call the police, please tell them to arrest me. I am considered myself as a criminal. "

" No, " the detective sternly replied.

" You don't understand! I harmed those innocent people and used forbidden magic to destroy. "

" Nirvana, you are being manipulated by one of those cultists, " Shemlock deduced. " You have done horrible things, but you tend to break away from them. From your redemption, they try to take your life, but you found refuge and recovery, thanks to Doctors Amnon and Glenda Montmartre. "

" But..."

" Nirrie, your case is complicated to understand, " Marie explained. " Even the police won't comprehend it, you're under psychological manipulation through Umbral magic. Your written testimony is considered as an evidence. We just need more witnesses to support your claim against those cultists who try to harm you. " The future lawyer turned to the Aldernian detective, " Shemlock, are you gonna continue investigating this? "

" Yes, your brother's clinic and the other related incidents can be connected until we find the relevant source and the main suspect, " Shemlock replied.

" Thank you, Mr. Homes, Marie, " Nirvana replied and smiled at them.

" You're always welcome, Nirrie, " Marie nodded and smiled back at her. Then, she turned to her eldest sibling and sister-in-law. " So, perhaps, you guys are looking after Nirvana's physical well being while she's here? "

" As long as she has to recover, she needs to stay here for her safety, " Amnon answered. " Unless, the Dread Wolves Tribe has to help her during her exile. "

" I agree, " Glenda nodded and interjected. " If those cultists find her here, we will do some measures to protect her and call Valeera and her uncle for support. "

" Doctor Amnon, Doctor Glenda, you're part of the Dread Wolves? " Nirvana asked.

" Yes, " the physician spouses spoke in unison. " As attending doctors of the village. "

" See, Nirrie? " Pierre smiled and stood beside her, holding her right shoulder. " You're in good hands. We'll do everything to keep you safe from those goons. Just learn to trust us. "

" I trust you, all. Thank you. "

(Javelin Smitus and Liere Costa belong to valorithsaga)

(Torsten Jørgensen, Tier Sauveterre, and Neil Ingrid Carter belong to BjornGamR27)

(Lasher and Nirvana Felsong belong to Knightfall077)

(Je ne sais pas by Zasie)

(O' Sole Mio by Luciano Pavarotti)

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