Not A Good First Impression
"Very unfortunate that you had to rebel against me..."
Standing above a nearly-broken and ruined tower, a young adult woman with red hair and yellow swirly eyes, known as Makima, could be seen looking down at everything below, which was nothing more than a fallen city littered with thousands of injured or dead people, a sight that didn't even phase the woman.
"I was really hoping you could've been by my side as we made this world a better place..."
Makima seemed more focused on the orange heart with a string attached to it, and even showed more emotions towards it, in comparison to all the destruction and death that had been before her
"But don't worry Denji, in your honor, I'll be sure to protect and take good care of your friend..."
After letting out a sad sigh, while also giving the heart a gentle kiss, Makima put the heart in her mouth and swallowed it whole. She shivered as it slid down her throat and began fusing with her own body. She had to take a moment to regain control before slowly standing back up and looking down at the city again.
"Now then, what should I do first to start making any meaningful changes?"
"Your death would be a great start~"
Before Makima could do anything else, an unfamiliar voice managed to interrupt her thoughts and catch her attention, turning away from the ruined city and was now looking at a young adult man, wearing blue-black clothing, with spiky white hair, seeing such a man who acted with such confidence made the redhead frown slightly
"Satoru Gojo..."
Makima spoke with a clear dislike toward the young man, now known as Satoru Gojo, who couldn't help but laugh in response
"Good to know that someone as weak as the Control Devil can recognize the Strongest, truly, I feel so honored~"
Gojo continues to mock and act carefree around the so-called Control Devil, who didn't seem to react much to what he was saying, keeping her same unamused frown
"Of course I would recognize you."
Makima faced Satoru, fixing her white shirt and black tie, preparing herself for whatever might happen next between them.
"You were the next person I was about to visit after finishing up my mess here."
Ghostly chains suddenly shot out from Makima's back, lifting over a dozen humans in suits while carrying weapons. A halo made of her own brain matter floated over her head.
"Warms my heart to know I was on your mind~"
Gojo didn't seem worried about what the Devil of Domination was doing; if anything, he let out an excited and eager smile on his face. No doubt, he was ready and wanted to start the fight. The Manipulative Demon happily obliged.
"[Make him submit to me]"
With a simple command, all of the people in suits charged forward and towards the Strongest, weapons pulled and aimed at him. As they all jumped him all at once, ready to bring the fullest might of their power that they could. Though once they were in range, weapons were just a few inches away from reaching the target. They all just suddenly stopped and even paused in midair. This definitely made Makima raise an eyebrow in confusion.
"See, I knew you were weak, since if all you can do is send your goons after me, they don't even have Curse Energy or Techniques to bypass my Infinity~"
With a simple step forward, Gojo managed to speed-blitz pass all the goons that tried to attack him, appearing a few feet behind the Control Devil, whose head seemed to have been removed from its main body, which he looked at with a mocking expression
"Throughout Hell and Earth, you alone, are the dishonorable one~"
Thinking Gojo just had an easy win, he tossed the head aside and pulled out his phone, no doubt to call about his mission well done
"Now then, let's see if my students want to celebrate with me after another easy win victory, hehe, I'm so awesome~"
Though Gojo was making a phone call, while also thinking about having a party with his supposed success, he was unaware of a certain someone making a hand gesture with him at the center of it
In an instant, the Honored One was suddenly and instantly eaten by a large fox devil with no hesitation
"Ah, I see."
But just as fast, the Fox Devil suddenly exploded, and Gojo, realizing that he might have a much longer fight than he anticipated, looked up and noticed the Devil of Domination floating above him.
"Looks like I might have a little more fun than I thought~"
Gojo seemed to have gotten a little bit more serious than before. Now in a fighting stance, he seemed more prepared for combat, which made the Manipulative Demon smirk.
"Serve or die, either way works for me."
All that Makima had to say, as an angel devil, that was connected to her chain, floated behind and above her, as her brain halo expanded beside her, from which she reached out her hand to receive something.
"Usage: 1000 Years."
And what Makima was given from her brain halo was a very large twisted spear. Once she grabbed it, the Angel Devil suddenly popped and split into three heavenly hellish demons, forming and summoning together a hole of the night starry sky. Once that appeared, she threw the spear through it, making it shoot down and at Satoru like a falling shooting star, which forced him to jump up in the air to avoid
"Cursed Technique Reversal-Maximum Positive Cursed Energy Output: Red!"
In retaliation, Gojo used one of his abilities, which summons a red ball of positive cursed energy at the tip of his finger, he aimed it and shoots it through the hole of outer space, not only does it make the attack go faster, but hit the Control Devi, who was behind the hole, with enough power to turn her into blood red rain, unfortunately for the Strongest, it didn't kill her as she managed to reform and return back to normal, but unfortunately for her, it was at the cost of her Angel Devil, who popped into a shower of blood and guts
Though Makima didn't let it bother her, as she continued her assault against the Strongest, summoning the Whip Devil to have all its whips wrap around its Infinity shielding, seemingly not interested in attacking but more focused on trapping and making sure he didn't escape
The purpose of such a daring strategy seemed to be Makima summoning the Flamethrower Devil and using him to shoot his intense hot flames at the tied-up Honored One, hoping to guarantee a direct hit. It did land, but unfortunately it seems to have done nothing, judging by how he easily broke out of the bonds and grabbed onto the Whip Devil, pulling him up towards him. Not only did he use the Whip Devil to block the fire, but also used the burning body to slam it hard against the Flamethrower Devil, sending them both down crashing into the ground with a splat.
"[Spear And Bow]"
But once they were defeated, Makima summoned two more to take its place: the Spear Devil, which stood on the ground and threw a spear; and the Bow Devil, which jumped above Satoru, aiming her arrows at him. The Strongest simply dodged them both and let both attacks hit each other instead of them hitting his Infinity.
"[Longsword And Katana]"
But as soon as the Honored One landed back on the ground after dodging, Makima had already sent the Longsword Devil and the Katana Devil, who tried to speed blitz him as they swung their blades faster than the human eye could see, but speed wasn't enough to bypass the Infinity barrier, and to add insult to injury, Satoru grabbed both of their sword heads and made them stab each other with their noggin blades without them being able to move or resist due to moving infinitely slower to even fight back
But the strongest had to stop his slow torture, as he heard Makima in who she was sending next. He quickly looked up as he saw the Bomb Devil starting to fall from the sky, using her explosions to go faster. While also preparing multiple explosives all over her body, no doubt intending to make a big "BOOM" when she hits her target.
"Keep throwing your toys at me! I can take them all on!~"
Gojo was most definitely up for the challenge; he let go of the katana and sword devil, and quickly started preparing his own attack to use against the bomb devil that was getting closer to him.
"Cursed Technique Lapse-Maximum Cursed Energy Output: Blue!"
And once Gojo finished setting up his technique, he launched at not only the Bomb Devil, but everyone else as well, unlike "Red", which was used almost like a blast attack. "Blue", on the other hand, acted more like a sun or black hole, using its gravitational force to suck up everyone and everything that came across it, including the Devil of Domination, and crush them all into a bloody paste in the process. Mixing this with the Bomb Devil, you get yourself a large firework explosion filled with fire, debris, and blood.
Though as the Honored One was admiring his own handy work and popping bodies, he once again heard Makima's voice, not only that, but also felt something touching his legs, which honestly startled him to feel such a thing, quickly he looked down and saw the Zombie Devil, with a bunch of Zombies included, phase out through the floor and all started grabbing onto his body with a very tight grip
'Are these ghost zombies?...'
Gojo was shocked to see anyone bypass his Infinity, but shook his head and got over it. Summoning some Cursed Energy, he was about to exorcise some zombie ghosts that were about to bite him.
But before Satoru could do just that, he immediately noticed Makima's brain halo above him, which seemed to act like a portal, so the Punishment Devil was starting to crawl out of the portal and grab onto the Zombie Devil, and his Zombies, who were still attached to the Strongest and started to bring them back into the "Halo Portal", which made him go wide-eyed behind his blindfold once he realized what was happening
"Falling Blossom Emotions!"
And after finding out what was going on, Gojo unleashed a special technique that not only killed both the Zombie and Punishment Devil, but also destroyed the entrance to the domain that was about to suck him in
"What else you got, Princess?~"
Gojo, who had landed back down on the ground after freeing himself, was starting to get a little bit out of breath, panting softly and wiping away some sweat, but despite that, he still seemed confident and even eager to continue on with their fight
Though these feelings didn't last long, as Makima uttered a single word and the Honored One suddenly became a human reversed pin cushion, blades made out of his own blood shot out of his body, mostly destroying his clothes in the process, which was the first time he had ever been injured in such a way, no doubt leaving him speechless with wide eyes.
And the one responsible, besides the Manipulative Demon, was none other than the Blood Demon herself, who laughed loudly and acted as if she had accomplished something amazing.
But before Satoru could start removing the blood blades from his body and deal with Blood Devil that did this to him, he was immediately stopped when he noticed a large shadow that managed for cover him, momentarily looking away from the Blood Devil and up at a very large Gun Devil that floated in front of him, he was the size of the tallest buildings in Japan, with multiple guns that covered his body that was also in equal sizes, Makima, who stood on the shoulder of the Gun Devil, smirks at the Strongest and simply pointed at him, resulting in the Gun Devil aiming all of his firearms at the Honored One and started shooting all of them all at once at the man, his Infinity managed to stop most of the bullets, but after suffering the injuries that was made by the Blood Devil, was starting to lose some focus and let a few bullets fly pass or through him, because of this, he was forced to jump away and avoid the bullets that was raining down upon him, and with quick thinking, he stood behind the Blood Devil and used the blood blades that was still poking out his body to pierce her body, not only to injure it, but keep her still as he started using her body as some kind of meatshield, she wasn't even given a chance to say anything before getting shot to hell by the Gun Devil, once he had some proper defense now, he took this chance to start running up and towards the Gun Devil, again using the Blood Devil to shield him from most of the blows, while using whatever focus he had left to use Infinity to only protect his most vital spots, this unusual way of defending himself managed to last just along to get himself above and infront of the Gun Devil and the Control Devil
And once Gojo was in the right place, he immediately summoned his most powerful attack, which was a mix of Red and Blue called "Purple", and used it against both the Gun Devil and the Devil of Domination, which destroyed them nearly instantly as soon as it touched them. After the deed was done, he allowed himself to fall back to the ground. He clumsily landed on the ground, though he avoided any further injuries. He was covered in so much sweat; he was breathing fast and heavily. No doubt this took a lot out of him, especially when he was injured from the Blood Devil attack.
"I must admit, that nearly cost all of my lives to just survive that."
Unfortunately, he couldn't catch his breath because Makima was back again, even though she had been hit by his most powerful attack yet. This made him frown and glare at her a little.
"I-I guess that means this fight is almost over~"
But it wasn't enough to actually stop Gojo, especially now that he knew he was close to victory. So after having a moment to catch his breath, he quickly stood back up to his feet and started charging forward toward the Manipulative Demon, clenching his fist and channeling power into it, no doubt planning to deliver a mean right hook
And when Gojo was close enough, he was able to deliver it, sending his fist deeply into the stomach of the Control Devil, with enough power to absolutely ruin her entire inside of her body, burst her internal organs, shatter all of her bones, and make her vomit a large amount of blood and guts, seeing this made Satoru let out a very large twisted smile, as he thought he had finally won
"Luckily, I still have one life left~"
The strongest didn't even get a chance to process what Makima had just said, before suddenly suffering the same injuries that he had given her, much to his horror.
Makima, back to her normal form again, lets out a smirk, evil, maybe slightly insane, as she aims a finger at the Honored One's chest and shoots him with an invisible force that not only damaged him even further without killing him, losing his arms and legs in the process. But also sends him flying back into a nearby wall.
"I like to think of myself as a calm and reasonable person."
Satoru was about to fall forward, but Makima's ghostly chains shot into his head, which not only prevented him from falling but also destroyed the blindfold that he wore over his eyes
"So I will give you one last choice to choose from."
Makima calmly walked up to the Strongest who had been stuck in the wall, tightly holding onto the chain wrapped around her arms.
"Serve under me, and lend me your strength, so that we can change this world into a proper utopia."
Once Makima was completely in front of the Honored One, she used her free hand to lift up his chin and made him face her with a small smug smile and devilish swirly yellow eyes.
"Or die, again, I'm fine with either or."
A moment of silence fell between the two after Makima gave Satoru a choice to choose from. She was patient and waited for him to say anything, though she had her finger aimed at his chest again, ready to use "Bang" if he said something she didn't like.
"I... I..."
Gojo, still coughing up some blood, managed to finally say something, but he was still struggling to put some words together
Makima leans in close, wanting to hear what the Strongest has to say to her
"I-I choose option 3."
But what Gojo did say only confused the Devil of Domination, as she then saw him open his eyes fully and look at her with his blue eyes, which were filled with a sense of victory and pure arrogance.
"Domain Expansion: Infinite Void."
The Manipulative Demon wasn't given a chance to reply, but was suddenly trapped in a pocket and forced to experience the concept of "INFINITY". She could only go wide-eyed in Lovecraftian horror and dread.
"I-I have to admit, you definitely backed me up into a corner, which is definitely a new experience for me, so good on you for almost being as strong as me."
And while the Control Devil experiences existential doom, Gojo took this chance to finally use his "Reverse Cursed Technique", which allows him to heal all of his injuries that he has suffered from throughout the fight, including regrowing his lost limbs
"But unfortunately for you, even with your damage being transferred into me, I am actually immune to at least this attack of mine."
After fully healing, Gojo managed to get out of the wall he was stuck in, once out, he had a moment to stretch his sore muscles while getting used to his newly fixed-up body.
"Though, since you are managing to transfer all this Infinite information out of your head, it won't won't leave you brain dead, or at the very least paralyzed for very long, so lucky you."
Feeling more comfortable and able to relax more properly, Gojo then bent over and got all up to the Devil of Domination, her face still filled with disbelief shock
"And since you still have a functioning brain, I want to make something clear with you."
A finger was placed under her chin, making Gojo then make the Manipulative Demon look up at him
"I would've been willing to kill you, at the cost of my own life..."
And what she saw was Gojo: any carefree arrogance was replaced by dead-serious sternness, and with a mix of the Domain Expansion, she managed to experience such an expression Infinite times over and over again.
"But I'd rather check my other options first before doing that, so just stay like that until I make a phone call again, don't interrupt this time."
Gojo put back his carefree smile on, as he then used her frozen body as support, leaning on her with one arm, while using his free hand to take out his phone and make another call.
"[P... P-P...]"
Although the Honoured One was doing so, Makima, trying her hardest to ignore the infinite information being dumped into her mind, was actually attempting to do something
"Hey, what did I just say?"
Gojo simply flicks the Control Devil, feeling it infinitely and making her struggle to speak even more so
But Makima managed to finally say what she wanted to say, and when she said it, a zipper started to open in the Domain, which confused Satoru at first, but then went wide-eyed in horror and realization.
Unfortunately, Gojo was too late to stop Makima. As soon as the zipper had finally opened, all of Infinity spilled into the real world. When it did, everything went white: no sight, no touch, no sound, even the act of existing seemed to be denied. There was nothing.
BAM! YOU THINK YOU'RE GETTING A NORMAL CROSSOVER?! WRONG! IT'S A THREE WAY, MAYBE MORE, MUAHAHAHAHA!~ Lol, but yeah, like I said, this is a crossover story, but with the main characters being the Control Devil: Makima and The Honored One: Gojo, these two wonderful people will be forced to visit another world unfamiliar to them and be forced to work together in order to survive, let see how long that will last, hehe, ALSO ALSO, I'm planning on giving them a Sibling like relationship, but I'm open to some romance if you'll like that.
(BTW, I hope I used Gojo and Makima's abilities correctly, it was a little hard for me to understand how they work since they could be vague at times, like if Makima's chains are ghost chains or if Gojo Purple erased someone from existence or simply destroy your atoms, among other things, so I hope you don't mind my interpretation on how their powers works)
/Where To Send Them First?\
Dragon Ball: I'm thinking this will take place around the end of OG Dragon Ball, before the final fight with Goku vs Piccolo Jr, Makima and Gojo will be one of the main people, not exactly replacing them, but you will see these two join the MC on a lot of things, like going to another planet, time traveling and fighting in tournaments.
(Shipping ideas, I'm torn between Makima x Goku/Gojo x Chi Chi OR Makima x Vegeta/Gojo x Bulma)
My Little Pony: A slice of life type of story, and because I thought it would be funny lol.
(Shipping ideas, Makima x Gojo)
Devil May Cry/Bayonetta: Dante and Bayonetta will be close friends and partners, and the DMC Shop will be mixed with Rodin bar, and I'm thinking that the order of things will be, DMC 3, Bayonetta 1, DMC 1, Bayonetta 2, DMC 2/Anime with Bayonetta elements, DMC 4 with Bayonetta elements mixed in, and finally DMC 5/Bayonetta 3 fusion.
(Shipping ideas, Makima x Dante and Gojo x Bayonetta)
Hellsing/Resident Evil: A zombie apocalypse, with only the Hellsing Organization as one of the few survivors fighting against those who caused it, main villains are Major and Albert Wesker.
(Shipping Ideas, Makima x Alucard and Gojo x Alice)
Marvel/DC/One Punch Man: Don't expect any crazy shit from this, like Superman punching Infinite universes or Hulk is some kind of demon, or Saitama can punch the author, this story will be simple but fun, I'm planning to use the MARVEL Movies as a guide, but I'll be adding a lot of things from Marvel/DC/OPM in this story, like cartoons, games, other movies, other shows, even some things in the comics/manga like Marvel Zombies/DCeased/OPM Terra.
(Shipping ideas, Makima x Klarion and Gojo x Captain Marvel)
Star Butterfly/Steven Universe/Gravity Falls: This is if you want a pure Slice of life story, where Makima and Gojo just mostly chill with simple adventures and maybe occasionally have some heavy moments and actions, obviously I won't be including everything, I'm not that crazy, but you know, the fun stuff, BTW, the main villains will be Toffee from Star, Diamond from Steven and lastly Bill Cipher as the final ending.
(Shipping ideas, Makima x Gojo)
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