A While to Catch our Breath (Vol 5 Extra)

*(Y/N) POV*

Things are finally starting to calm down in Mistral. After the White Fang was stopped from destroying Haven's CCT tower, the Faunus of Menagerie began returning to Menagerie with Dereck and Kali, Blake's mom leading them back. Ghira, Blake's dad and Blake herself stayed behind to finish cleaning up the mess and speaking with the authorities. News of Lionheart's death reached his staff and his students, though the details about his demise and his connection to Salem were kept under wraps. Luckily, with all of the chaos, no one was really digging to learn everything about it. When we got back to the house, we informed Blake about the situation with Salem and the Relics. She also met... Alice. Let's say it was hilarious at first but now Blake calmed down after a while. We're currently in a room on the first floor, discussing what to do now that we have the Relic of Knowledge in our possession

Ryze: "We're taking the Relic to Atlas?"

Qrow: "Yes. Right now, Atlas is the safest place to take the Relic. General Ironwood may have closed the kingdom's borders and recalled his forces, but he didn't recall all of them. At the northernmost part of Anima is a town called Argus. It serves as a connection point between Mistral and Atlas. There's a military base there, and there's no way they would leave that place unguarded. So, in a few days, we'll take a train to Argus and, if we play our cards right, we can get a ride right to Atlas. We'll figure out what to do next after that when we speak with Ironwood. So, what do you guys think?"

Upon hearing 'Argus' I get a sad frown for a while to later return to normal expression

'Argus... Sanctum Academy and... Pyrrha's parents...'

Sam: "I'm not exactly happy about that"

Weiss: "Me too. After all of the trouble me and Sam went through to get out of Atlas, we now have to go back. Makes everything I did to get here be for nothing"

Ruby: "Don't worry Weiss. It wasn't all for nothing, because we're together again. And we won't leave you. We'll do this together" she holds Weiss hand

(Y/N): "Let your father touch you again, I will rip his head off with his spine" I smile at Weiss as she smiles at me and Ruby

Weiss: "Thanks, you two"

Mako: "Okay, so what do we do for now until it's time to leave?"

Qrow: "Well, the next train to Argus won't be ready for at least a week. They're still cleaning up the mess at Mistral right now. Luckily, with things still tense right now, and having already kicked their butts, Salem's forces won't try anything... for now at least. For now, let's just relax"

Then Alice entered the room

Alice: "What're you guys talking about?"

Ruby: "Well, we were wondering about what to do since we'll still be here for a few more days at least"

Alice: "Ooh, if you're looking for something to do, there's a festival starting later this evening. The people thought it would be a good idea after thwarting a second Fall of Beacon incident by the White Fang. There's going to be food, and games, and a bunch of other stuff. I was actually planning to go there"

Ruby: "A festival huh? That actually sounds like fun"

Jaune: "I wouldn't mind going"

Sam: "We all need a while for ourselves"

Ryze: "Goldie, you wanna go?"

Yang: "Of course!"

Mako: "Sure, but not going crazy over stuff, Alice"

Alice: "Sure, big brother!"

Ruby: "Then I guess it's settled. We'll all go to the festival, right Cookie" I imagine Ruby in yukata and blush a little

'Sooo cuteee!'

(Y/N): "Sure"

Nora: "Then, let's go to the festival!"

Alice: "Hold on, you can't go to a Mistralian festival without the proper attire"

Ruby: "But... we don't have anything else than what we got now"

Alice: "I thought about it" she smiles and throws me my card "Thanks for letting me use it (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "You only asked for a card to buy groceries... Oh for..."


We get to the where festival takes place, after getting into hakamas, either black or gray with uwagi in our respective colors. Cerulean for me, rusty red for Ryze, sentaicar for Sam and mustard yellow for Mako to which we made fun off again. On a bench near us sat Oscar and Sun. Oscar have both uwagi and hakama in different shades of green while Sun wears hakama and his usual while shirt, unbuttoned of course

Ryze: "Anyone else feel weird about these things?"

Mako: "To be fair, yes. I really wish to get back to my usual clothes"

Sam: "Don't be so ignorant. We are experiencing different cultures"

(Y/N): "I can't believe little Alice lied to my face..."

Mako: "She planned us to go here. That little..."

Oscar: "I don't know how I should act with something like this on"

Sun: "Come on guys, no need to feel all down about this. It's a festival!"

(Y/N): "For once I can agr-" I saw cut off by shouts from behind us

???: "Hey, we finally found you guys!" we turn around, only to freeze in our tracks

Before us stood our girls, each in a beautiful kimono. Ruby is wearing a red kimono with black rose petals coming from one black rose sewn on her sleeve. Weiss is wearing a light blue kimono with white snowflakes on it and a white flower in her hair. Blake has a black kimono with purple flower petals, her hair tied in a bun and Yang has on a yellow kimono with sunflowers on it

Yang: "So, what do you guys think?"

Ryze: "You girls... look awesome..." he said with mouth agape while Yang walks to him and close it for him

Yang: "Glad you like it, hon" she winks at him

Ruby: "I think I need my boots and hood back" she again has some trouble walking, just like in her high heels back at the dance. She almost falls over but I catch her in time "Thanks Cookie" she blushes

(Y/N): "No problem, Petals. You look beautiful in this kimono" she blushes and giggles

Ruby: "Oh, thank you. You look good too" I then put a rose hairpin in her hair as she blushes a little more

(Y/N): "And now it's perfect" I smile at her as she hugs me "Hehe, I knew you'd like it"

Ruby: "I love it!" Meanwhile Sam walked to Weiss who is eyeing him up and down

Weiss: "You look... nice"

Sam: "And you look, um, you look... I'm sorry, I can't find a word right now" Weiss giggles

Weiss: "You will be fine, love. Thanks for the compliment"

Yang: "Alice has a fashion sense for sure" she twirls around and then winks at Ryze "Wouldn't you agree, honey?"

Ryze: "I don't have an option, but to agree, Sunny Dragon" Yang walks up to him and kisses him on the cheek

Yang: "You're too sweet"

Blake: "You could've worn a uwagi, you know" she notes to Sun

Sun: "Not my style. You're looking good though" Blake blushes

Blake: "Thank you"

Ruby: "Hey, anyone seen the others?"

Mako: "Knowing our friends, Nora is trying to eat everything they have here to eat, and Jaune and Ren are making sure they don't get kicked out. Qrow is probably out drinking somewhere and Alice should be here just-"

???: "There you all are!" we turn around to see Alice in a light pink kimono, with antirrhinum design. Oscar blushes a little on the sigh

Alice: "You all look so good!" she looks at Oscar and blushes a little

Sun: "Well, now that the gang's all here, for the most part, what do you guys says we get this celebration on the road and have some fun?!"

Mako: "Festival food, here I come!" and he drags Alice and Oscar with him somewhere. After that we decided to split up, each couple somewhere else

*Sam POV*

After leaving the rest of our group, me and Weiss went to walk around the stalls

Sam: "Snowflake, are you hungry?"

Weiss: "Not right now, maybe later"

Sam: "Very well" I decided to get a little bold and take Weiss' hand in mine. Us both blush "Is... this okay"

Weiss: "I-I suppose I could allow it"

Sam: "If you're not then-" she hugs my arm

Weiss: "It's fine. It's... fine, it's just *sigh* I'm taking a while to get used to being in a relationship. Back home, my father tried to set me up with suitors; sons of business partners. He even tried to set me up with (Y/N) when we were little. Except for him, each and every one of them were pigs, dogs, and egotistical jerks that never truly cared about me. I never really had a thought about boys because of that, even after I came to Beacon"

Sam: "And then Neptune came on the stage, huh?"

Weiss: "I told you already, he is a jerk, a hopeless womanizer focused on a lot of girls. You, on the other hand focus only on one" she smiles at me and I return the gesture

Sam: "I still can't understand fully why you went after him when you deserved better"

Weiss: "And I'm glad you think that way. You care about me for me. Not for my looks, or for name, or for my money. Me. And I will always love you for that, Sam" we stop to sit on the bench under a tree

Sam: "And I will always love you for you, Weiss. I have my own name and my own money. I don't need those things from you. I love you just for who you are" We close our eyes and lean towards each other until our lips connect. We separate after a while and smile at each other. I offer Weiss my arm and she happily accepts it before we continue walking around, enjoying each other company

*Ryze POV*

Me and Yang went to a park nearby. We're currently sitting on a bench, eating cotton candy watching some magicians doing tricks

'Now or never Matoi'

Yang: "Having fun, babe?"

Ryze: "Of course I do. I'm just not so much of a person to wear these fucking pajamas" I look down to my outfit "I swear how can anyone walk in these" Yang giggles

Yang: "I'm sure you do, Vacuo Vagabond"

Ryze: "How do you know how they called me on the streets?" I thought for a while "Sun, right?" she nods "*sigh* Yang, listen, I want to leave my past in the past. I was a hard kid to deal with. I stole, I beat down people, I even killed someone before last week accident with Lionheart" she kisses my cheek

Yang: "It doesn't matter. You want to become better. You want to become a Huntsman to help people like all of us do. You're not a 'Vacuo Vagabond' anymore, you're Ryze. A dependable, loyal, carrying person who is also a great fighter. You had a choice to go with (Y/N) and Ruby to Mistral, and I know you wanted to go, but deep inside you, you felt like staying with me in Patch is a right thing to do"

Ryze: "I'm sorry..."

Yang: "For what?"

Ryze: "If I wasn't too focused on helping Mako and Sam, if I wasn't too much of a hothead I could've saved your arm. I let my confidence drive me and in the end it got you hurt" I hang my head down but Yang get her prosthetic arm under my chin and make me look up at her, smiling

Yang: "It wasn't your fault. Mako told me what happened after I lost my consciousness. You tried to fight Adam off, only for him to nearly cut your arm too... If it wasn't for you buying Blake time, me and her would not make it out alive. You did more than enough"

Ryze: "I just... I don't want to lose you, Yang. I was hurt, waiting for you to wake up after the Fall. You can say I turned into a Qrow Jr. for a week" I snicker and she giggles "That's why I want to ask you something"

I pass her my cotton candy and get in front of her on one knee. She covers her mouth with both of her hands, dropping cotton candy down in the process

Ryze: "Yang, you and me are eighteen. We're still young, but... Those nearly two years together with you make me understand something. You are the only girl I want in my life. Yang Xiao Long, will you marry me?" Yang get some tears out of her eyes

Yang: "Yes! Of course I will!" She then hugged me tightly and after we broke the hug we got into a passionate kiss lasting a minute while people around clapped, congratulating us. After breaking the kiss I get the ring out and put her on her finger as she inspects it

Yang: "It's so beautiful! How did you get Lien to buy this?!"

Ryze: "You can thank (Y/N) for it. He offered to buy it yesterday"

Yang: "How do you plan to repay him?"

Ryze: "I don't. He said to repay him with our happiness"

Yang: "Ruby really knows how to pick'em" she looks at her ring again "Yang Xiao Long Matoi. Well, I will get the longest last name in the history of Remnant but I like the sound of it" we laugh a little as we sit back on the bench and Yang leans her head on my shoulder "I love you"

Ryze: "I love you too, my Sunny Dragon" we continue to watch the magic show

*Mako POV*

I slump over a tabletop, with Oscar and Alice hands on my back, trying to cheer me up

Alice: "There, big brother, it will be alright"

Mako: "It's not fair, you know"

Oscar: "What's not fair?"

Mako: "Everything!" Then I hear Nora and Ren approaching us

Nora: "What's with him?"

Oscar: "We got here and he started to drink and now he is in some kind of depression"

Mako: "I don't know what's wrong with me"

Ren: "Maybe try telling us what's wrong. We can help"

Mako: "Everybody has a pair, while I have to babysit Oscar and Alice. I tried to ask out some girls here, but to no effort"

Alice: "First, I don't need a babysitter. Second, maybe you weren't their type"

Mako: "Mom said I have to watch over you. And not their type? I guess a single's life is ahead of me" I slump even more while drinking the sake

Nora: "Oh don't be so grumpy! I'm sure you will find someone!"

Mako: "Yeah..."

*(Y/N) POV*

We walk through the park down the same route we took on our date before. Ruby tries her best to walk in her sandals

(Y/N): "Having trouble, Petals?"

Ruby: "Shut up, you know better I don't usually dress like this, okay!" she holds onto my left arm

(Y/N): "I know. I hate this stuff too. I really wish to get back into my jacket... and cape to be honest" she smirks at me

Ruby: "'I'm more like a leather jacket type of guy'. Yeah, right. Once you get the cape, you can't live without it anymore"

(Y/N): "Don't be a pest, Petals. I really appreciate your gift. It's just too comfy to take it off"

Ruby: "I know, right!"

(Y/N): "Yet, it's nice to see you wearing something else than your combat skirt. This kimono really suits you" Ruby blushes slightly

Ruby: "Thank you very much, Cookie" We get on the hill with a single cherry tree on it and sit under it, leaning against each other in silence until "You never told me about that girl you fought in Haven"

(Y/N): "All I know is her name is Tick, she is a crocodile Faunus and that she is insane"

Ruby: "Weird. Doesn't matter now. All that matters is we saved Haven and got the Relic"

We close our eyes as Ruby returns her head on my shoulder as I lean mine on hers. We sit like that until we hear explosions. Upon opening our eyes we see fireworks going off in all kinds of colors and designs

Ruby: "Oh wow... That's so pretty!"

(Y/N): "Yeah... just like you, my Rose" Ruby blushes again

Ruby: "Flatterer..." we look at fireworks in awe for a while "You think we'll get to see something like this again, someday?"

(Y/N): "I hope so. And when we do, I will be sure to take you to see it with me" Ruby smiles

Ruby: "If it would be with you I'd love that. Then it's a date for the future"

I smile and take her hands in mine. We lean forward, close our eyes and share a long loving kiss while fireworks go off in the background. We break it after a while, while slowly backing our faces away and opening our eyes

(Y/N): "I love you Ruby"

Ruby: "I love you too, (Y/N)"

We share another quick kiss before returning to leaning against each other to watch fireworks

A/N: Some wholesome moments for couples from Team CRMS and Team RWBY. And a sad one for Mako. Well. I hope you enjoyed this little filler chapter. I will see you on the Monday

Punkie out!

RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth

OCs Belongs to me

(Y/N) belongs to you

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