Crossover Christmas

"And I thought Little Homeworld got busy over the holidays." Connie 'Heartberry' Maheswaran stated as she went through the city shopping center and her two cohorts. Her black eyes taking in the Christmas decorations and the center patrons, "I mean, they do, but."

"Your world is not as wild." Steven 'Violet' Diamond offered in his classic wispy voice as he hovered behind the two women, smirking at HB's excited glance drank in everything; it was adorable to the purple wisp.

"We don't have Christmas. Instead, we have Blessmas."

"Nor do you have Demon malls." Connie 'Witchy' Maheswaran's dark brown eyes looked teasing at her older sister before turning to Violet, " so where are we going?"

"Turoks." Violet smirked, " Gotta pick up my gift for this secret Santa."

"Who you got again, Vio?" HB asked with a grin.

"Wouldn't be a secret if I told you, traveler." Violet gave her a teasing wink.

"Is it one of us?" Witch gave him a teasing glance, "you can tell us." She playfully scratched the demon's chin, "Right, Vi-Vi?" 

"Now, Boon." He purred under her touch, "that's unfair." 

"Is It?" HB played with his hair," you can't give us a hint, Vio?" She hummed in his ear.

Violet felt his resolve weakening, melting under the flirtatious duo investigation when his eyes spotted their destination.

 "We're here!" He all but yelled as he flew out of the grasp and onto the store.

The girls looked at him, then at each other, smirking with identical shrugs, before following him in. 
"That is a good-looking tree." Steven "Mister" Universe whistled as he sat down a naked pine in the middle of Dapper's greenhouse. It stood a good nine feet with a three feet width. The leaves were fresh, and the scent was tingling, " hard to believe something like this was grown for a year."

"It was assisted by magic, Bro." 

Mister turned to see his younger brother, Steven, 'Dapper' Diamond, walk in with a box of ornaments and decorations. "Little demon magic-based arboriculture and horticulture makes for successful and swift trees and plants." He teased as he set the box down," Thanks  for bringing it in though, didn't you have any problems?"

"Nothing a construct ax couldn't cut." Mister assured, "though I do wonder if we have enough room for a party in here." 

Dapper smirked as he stamped on the greenhouse floor, revealing and activating a sigil. With a bit of innocent vanity, he watched his expression as the greenhouse stretched and expanded on the inside. 

"Ok, well, that solves that concern." Mister stared as the greenhouse now looked able to fit at most thirty people.

Dapper chuckled, "come on; we gotta get ready; doubt the girls and Violet are gonna remain in the city too long."

"Heartberry might keep them a bit." Mister admitted as he followed Dapper out, "You know how curious she is when it comes to this world."

"True. That's good, and we can finish making the meals and Snacks for the party. Not to mention getting the music selection."

Mister smirked, "You're taking advantage of Sis not being around."

"Yuuup." Dapper chuckled, " outside of the tree, cause she loves decorating that together. I got the chance to set this up as I want; I'm taking it."

Mister nodded, "you know what, I'm with you, bro. Let's give them something to shock them…." He agreed as the two walked into the kitchen from the back.

 Meanwhile, back at Turoks, Witchy was looking at some of the items on the sales floor. "Hmm..." She kissed her teeth as she scanned item after item, 

"What to get for sis?"  She muttered as she looked at HB, who was looking at what could be a standard sword..or one that could be holding a spirit. I can never tell with the demon side of the city...

"ah, So your HB's Secret Santa," Violet smirked, seeing his boon nod.

"And I have no idea what to get her." Witchy frowned.

"I thought you'd be worried about my other." 

"Boon.." Violet sighed as he nuzzled her shoulder from behind," such a kind, sweet witch my boon is."

"Blame the holiday spirit," She chuckled, "Now help me."

"Well, she's into demonology and spells," Violet suggested, "maybe a tome on theories and techniques." Violet suggested, " would help with the whole demon hunting. And you know how she likes to compare gem magic and tech to demonology."

"We both do." Witchy smiled," but do we wanna make a mistake and give her more power." She joked.

"You Joke, but Amethyst is still very cautious of her."

"I mean...she does scare demons..."witchy signed, "so you think the text is a good idea."

"Yeah...I mean, why not? Even if she can't use spells, studying would make her happy." 

"That's true...' Witchy considered that.

 As she was about to pick up the book, an eerie green glow came over the store.

It seems like there was a spirit in the sword. 

"Oh, come on, it's Christmas.." Witchy groaned, annoyed at what most likely will be an impromptu demon hunt.

"So exactly who is supposed to be coming to this party?" Mister asked as he brought a literal food table into the greenhouse as Dapper set up the decoration over the walls using magic.

"The Crystal Witches and some of our allies, but that later. We're gonna have our party before then with Witchy, HB, and Violet." Dapper answered, taking a look around at the trimmings, " Looks good?" 

Mister looked at the lights, the ornaments, and tables of food and drinks, "Yeah, we just need to get the music set up, and we're set."

"You know what?" Dapper smirked, "we need to get some mistletoe hanging around this place."

"got a certain someone you like to kiss under it."

"just my witchy lady." Dapper grinned, " Don't act like you're not planning the same with sis."

Mister gave his brother a smirk, "Oh, I'm getting my kisses, Heartberry. Best to believe that, You hear me." He chuckled, "though we might end up...Disappearing after a few kisses."

"Expected from you two."  Dapper laughed out loud," Nothing to worry about. I'll have to make sure to position the mistletoe above your hiding spots.

"That's what I'm talking about, bro-bro." Mister nodded, fist-bumping Dapper, "wait, how the.."

"This is my house."

"That is true."

"If you and Sis did what you do...Just don't forget the rest of us or the fact that we do have company coming." Dapper reprimanded with a smirk.

"Get you..but You know how me and my Heartberry get once we get into the mood." Mister laughed, "Don't worry, we'll behave."

"I don't trust you two will." Dapper knocked his arm playfully, "Go set up the Mistletoe around the place; they're in the living room. I'll take care of the music."

Mister nodded before running off in a pink blur.

Heartberry, Witchy, and Violet watched the green blade with different interest levels as it pulsated slightly in HB's hand.

Just then, the sword spoke in a regal yet haunting voice.

"I am the champion of the forest and the protector of the trees. I am the sword of the forest lord and the guardian of the forests and their children, but I must be given a name. I have been named. I am the guardian of the forest and the trees. I am Rameses. Now I must choose a wielder, so a name and a true wielder I must have. I choose you, Connie Maheswaran-"

"Which one?" Heartberry asked.


" There are two of us." Heartberry said in smirking while motioning to Witchy.

"I do not have an answer for this." The sword acknowledged

"Well.." Heartberry looked back at Violet and Witchy. "I'm..not from this Universe." She told the sword, "So, Merry Christmas, Witchy."

"Does it matter which universe they are from, Rameses?" Witchy asked quickly.

"It does not. All that matters is the existence known as Connie Maheswaran."

"Welp, look like the blade is yours, sis." Witchy grinned at Heartberry, who was kissing her teeth discreetly.

"I believe we would make a formidable alliance." The sword complimented. 

"We can get on that...Tomorrow." Heartberry sighed, sheathing the sword, "you two done with your shopping." 

" Just gotta pay for something I picked up." Witchy grinned as she ran to the counter, taking the sword as well, "I got this for you, Sis."

"Sooo." Heartberry looked at Violet, who gave her a bit of a flirtatious smirk. "Who you picked that up for, huh?"

"I'm not gonna tell you, traveler." He chuckled at her pout, " Just gonna have to find out with everyone else; that's how secret Santa works."

"Let's go!" Witchy smirked, coming back to the duo, the items paid for and bagged.

Violet nodded and grabbed the two by their waist before vanishing with them in a wisp of purple smog.

"Looks like we're all ready." Mister started looking around. 

The jazzy music playing, the holiday lights are nice and dim enough for ambiance, giving the decoration an almost romantic glow.  

There were gifts already underneath the naked tree. The food table held Christmas cookies, eggnog, soda, juice, and various cooked foods.

"Just need to get ready yourself, Mister," Dapper said, walking in dressed for the party. The demon's usual purple-themed suit was substituted for a green button-up with white tie and vest, and red suit jacket and slacks with matching shoes. To top it off, he wore a Santa cap as well.

"Well, well. If it isn't the Christmas Dapper demon."  Mister clapped, looking at him.

"You know me." Dapper pulled on his jacket, "gotta keep up to a certain level of fashionable expectation." He joked, giving a smug look at Mister.

"I see you. I see you, but now that you're here, I'm gonna go get ready myself." Mister tapped on his shoulder before heading back to the house.

Dapper sighed as he sat down, taking a cookie as his eyes closed, and he allowed himself to relax to the music, accidentally dozing off.

He didn't know how long he was asleep but the gentle pressure and weight on his lap and ever-familiar warmth of soft lips on his opened his purple eyes.

"My lady?" He muttered, looking at his mischievous Witchy smiling at him, hand one hand on his shoulder and another holding mistletoe over their head. "Caught me off guard."

"You had a good nap... my dear Dapper Demi?" Witchy asked, "or..maybe Santa Demi is more appropriate?" She giggled, " quite the festive look."

"You should talk, My flame." Dapper complimented, "you weren't wearing that when you left today." He started, looking over her outfit. "Very Christmas-gift-like." He whistled.

Witchy looked down at her outfit. She was wearing a green Christmas dress with red bows on the sleeves and a red and white skirt. Green heels boots, green earrings, and a necklace with a purple star hanging from the chain.

"Sis and I got something a couple of days ago when we got you, boys, your gifts." Witchy smiled, "You like?"

"You know it's always a gift to my eyes when you dress up, my lady." Dapper smiled, kissing her gently but deeply, making her swoon just a bit.

"Wow.." Witchy breathed out, "Now, that's a gift, Demi."  She leaned on his chest, holding him close, "Put a little Christmas demon magic in that kiss?" She joked.

"Holiday spirit and my admiration for you.." He flirted as he held her close, folding his hands on her right hip, "Plus, I missed you today." 

"Darling Dapper Santa Demon." She gave him a peck. 

"Santa Demon." He chuckled, "Is that why you are on my lap? Have you been a nice Witchy this year..or a naughty one?

"Santa, my dear." Witchy purred," I've been very nice." She moved closer to his ear.

"Hmm.." Dapper ran his hand down her leg, "that so?"

Witchy blew in Dapper's ear, "yesss~sss." she hissed heatedly, telling him trembled under her.

"Connie?" He blushed a deep purple.

"I'm just feeling extra nice, Dapper. Which is why I'm wearing my 'nice' outfit." Witchy smirked, "I could feel your magic all over my skin, especially when you got close to me." She said while giggling.

"The mistletoe might come with a bit of magic, from what Violet said." Dapper smirked, "Witchy. I never knew you'd be this forward."

"Well... I'm extra nice, Santa." Witchy smiled, looking into his eyes. "And we are alone right now."

"Witchy..." Dapper's arms squeezed her into a hug as she rested her head against his chest.

"I love you," She whispered, "and these little moments of ours."

"I love you too.." Dapper pulled a little away and stared into her eyes, "My flame."

"My Gem." She chuckled accordingly, "you also have been a very nice Santa..." She kissed him one more time," and as I said, this is my nice outfit..." She bit her lips, looking at him.

"I might get to see the naughty outfit.." He asked hopefully 

"If you're good...I'll get extra naughty for you tonight." Her eyes glowed purple as She blew her demon partner a purple flamed kiss," call it an extra Christmas gift." She giggled while teasing him.

"Witchy.." He chuckled, "I'll do anything for you," He hissed as he dragged his tongue across her neck, "if you let me."

"Anything, my gem?" She smirked, rubbing her hands through Dapper's hair.

"Yes...My Lady." Dapper growled, making Witchy's body shiver against him. 


They turned to see an amused Heartberry and Mister walking into the greenhouse smirking.

"And you two talk about us being Handsy." Heartberry teased, despite being held by Mister from behind.

"Just having a little moment." Witchy snuggled more, "Following your sage advice, Sis."

"Also, her footsteps." Mister teased, "I told you you're a bad influence." He told heartberry before kissing along her neck. 

"Hhh~mm! The woo~oorst." Heartberry purred as she melted in Mister's mouth, "Definitely on the Naughty list.." She added while giggling.

"Mmmm.." Mister groaned in a masculine pitch, "you sooo are the naughty list." 

"So are you." Heartberry smiled, kissing her Mister tenderly but passionately before affectionately nuzzling each other.

"Ahem!" Dapper and Witchy teased their older counterparts, making the two blush.

" know how we are." Mister and Heartberry said with a blush before he turned to witchy with a smile."That being said, Witchy?"

"Yes, Mister?" Witchy from as she stood with Dapper.

"Looking like the Christmas fairy there, Witchy."

"Right?" Dapper said, twirling her around slowly, giving them the complete profile.

Witchy twirled gracefully, extended her arms out to show off her outfit.

"And Dapper, you're making the holidays more stylish," Heartberry said, taking in his appearance. "You two are the definition of a nice couple."

"Have to live up to the name you gave me, sis." Dapper teased with a wink. "That being said, you two...I see you decided to be naughty with your outfits."

Witchy nodded, looking at their outfits in approval" Definitely more naughty ​and bad influence worthy.

"Definitely too hot not to be on the naughty list,"  Dapper added with a grin.
" We wanted to be sexy but subtle," Heartberry smirked as she and Mister each gave a pose showing off their complementary outfits.

Mister wore a black suit and red bow tie with a green shirt underneath and black dress shoes. His hair was in a small ponytail held by a pink bow.

Heartberry was wearing a red sweetheart dress with a black bow on the chest area. Black knee boots, her hair was in an updo bun bow combo, and her choker was a green bow with Christmas shine.

"But what took you so long to come down." Witchy smirked, " you went to change an hour ago, Heartberry." 

"Well... We had a little.. moment." Mister stated.

"So much," Heartberry added before giggling, rubbing at the hickey on her neck.

"Naughty-naughty."witchy and Dapper teased.

"Being all lovey-dovey and flirty while we gotta decorate the tree." Witchy played as she pointed to the naked pine tree.

"And that's why we're on the naughty list." Heartberry said before wrapping an arm around Mister's waist, grinning at Witchy, "As are the two of you."

"I'm an innocent demon." Dapper smirked before putting his hands on Witchy hips and kissing her nape, "unlike this devilish witch."

"My demon." Witchy smirked, leaning to kiss his cheek, "I love you."

"I love you too, Witchy," Dapper looked at her smile, "But you're still on my naughty list." He teased with a wink.

"Luckily, I got an outfit for the occasion." Witchy kissed him gently before making a saunter over to the tree, bending down a little to get the box of tree decorations.

"Mmmm." Dapper watched Witchy walk away as she wiggled her hips mockingly.

"Witchy." Heartberry giggled as she and Mister approached Dapper, who couldn't help but stare at Witchy hips swaying back and forth, "I taught her well." Heart giggling grew as she looked at Dapper, entranced by Witchy's swaying hips. "You guys get a drink or something while Witchy and I take care of the tree." 

She kissed Mister tenderly on his lips,  giving him a suggestive smile, seeing his melted expression.

"You're both looking more than a bit thirsty." She turned to join her sister, hypnotically swaying her hips as she did, leaving Mister in the same state as Witchy did Dapper.

"They are the definition of Nicely Naughty..." Dapper chuckled, shaking off his impromptu trance before he and Misters walked over to the Christmas tree to get the drinks.

"Tell me about it." Mister said, handing Dapper and himself a cup of eggnog, "I'm continuously surprised by them. Both have that uniquely fiery personality, that magnetism, loyalty, intelligence, valor... Not to mention their bodies." Mister whistled in appreciation, watching the two girls giggle as they outfitted the tree.

"You two are lucky to have such women in your life." The voice of violet said from behind the Diamond-hybrid and the demon hunter.

"Looking sharp, V." Mister greeted the purple wisp, who was dressed In a purple and black Santa outfit and a camera in his hand.

"Same to you two, Stevens," Violet acknowledged Mister and dapper before turning his gaze to Heartberry and Witchy, "Now that is a beautiful sight." He started taking pictures of the girls.

"Nice." Mister and Dapper started as they looked at pictures of the two Connies, smiling at each.

"You know you're on picture duty, right Violet?" Dapper told his purple other.

"I figured." Violet smiled.

"Hey guys, we need your shoulders " Heartberry looked at the boys, "Oh, Santa Vio." She giggled, looking at Violet.

"Ho-ho-ho." Violet chuckled, taking a picture of her laughing face, "A laugh to fall for."

"Send that to me," Mister told Violet, who gave him a thumbs up.

"Violet." Witchy turned, looking at the purple wisp, "my, you make for a  charming Christmas spirit, Vi-Vi." She smiled, blushing a bit.

"Violet was quick to take that shot of his Boon followed by taking her lips just for a quick tender kiss.

"You're gorgeous, My Boon." Violet told her, making Witchy giggle, "Both of you are." He turned to Heartberry.

"Thank you, Vio, you charmer." Heartberry kissed the purps cheek.

"Ok." Mister started as he ducked down in front of Heartberry, " you said you girls needed our shoulders."

Heartberry giggled as she salaciously sat on her Mister's shoulders, playfully squeezing his cheeks with her thighs, when he kissed her knees. 

"Whoa. Hahaha!" Heartberry laughed when he stood up, enjoying the feeling of being taller than she usually was and the security of being in his palms.

Witchy did and felt the same with Dapper.

"Easy there, ladies, those are your men, not a step stool." Violet teased as he took a picture of the Connies on their respective Stevens shoulders.

"They can multitask." Heartberry said as she crossed her calves across Mister's chest, giving him a happy little hug with her legs." right?" She kissed Mister gently, smiling lovingly.

"They can definitely do that," Witchy smirked as she held onto Dapper's neck, giving the same smile to the devil.

"Oh my." Violet whistled in appreciation, "cute-naughty."

"I'm gonna go with Sexy-naughty," Dapper added as he and Witchy wrapped their arms around each other, giving each other a passionate kiss.

"You two girls are dangerous." Mister teased the Connie duo as Violet took another picture.

"That's why we're the definition of nicely naughty," Witchy stated.

"Definitely." Heartberry agreed.

"I love you." Mister and Dapper said to their Connies at the same time.

"I love you too." Heartberry and Witchy told their Stevens at the same time as well.

"It's starting to snow." Violet looked outside, seeing the snowflakes start to fall.

"Let's hurry up and get the tree decorated, then enjoy the snow," Witchy suggested.

"Sounds like a plan."

It didn't take long for the five of them to finish the tree, with Mister, Dapper, and Violet on the bottom while Heartberry and Witchy sat on the shoulders of Mister and Dapper, respectively.

The two sisters were small enough to reach all the inner branches with their hands. In comparison, their men allowed them to get the higher parts of the tree.

It was a perfect balance of working together and enjoying the sites of the two Connies in their Christmas outfits, and not to mention their little kisses and touches.

Violet, of course, took many candid photos of their flirty antics.

"Almost done." Witchy cheered, giving a little jig down onto Dapper, who gave a slight tremble of pleasure, "oops...Sorry, you ok, Demi?"

"Yeah..yeah.." Dapper smiled, looking, "just feeling nice with everything, My lady. You?" He stated, transfixed on the shoulder massage Witchy's backside was giving him.

"I'm with our friends, celebrating Christmas, decorating a fresh Christmas tree...With my beloved Steven and Violet," Witchy smiled  Dapper before kissing his crown, " You gave me the best Christmas I have had in years, my precious gem." She tacked on honestly, " seriously, our contract, our bond..our still my most invaluable treasure." 

"My flame." Dapper sighed, feeling the same flame of admiration and devotion in his heart for the Witch on his shoulder. It has been there since their first meeting and has only gotten stronger past the years.

"But don't forget." She teased, " You have to be a Nice demon now…." 

Dapper felt his toes curl in his shoes, feeling her hot lips kiss the base of both his horns.

"So I can be a Naughty witch later, Lover," She whispered with a surprising amount of fluid enticement; he did not know she had.

Dapper purred, feeling his core tighten at the thought of it, "I'll be a good boy." He flirted.

She poked his nose, full of mirth," Oh, I highly doubt that." She giggled, "not gonna make it easy for you."

Dapper gave her a cheeky grin, "Oh, I'm sure you won't, My heat." He said, " but I'm sure I can think of a way to reward you, if not." He smirked, making Witchy's eyes widen a bit.

"Starting to think we rubbed off on them." Mister teased Heartberry as he put his hands on her hips, and they looked on with slightly proud faces.

"We are definitely responsible for this, and I couldn't be prouder." She commented in a tone of amusement, kissing Her Mister, "Come on, let's finish the tree while they continue to flirt." Heartberry giggled.

"I mean, all that is left is the tree topper," Mister said as he reached down and pulled out a star tree topper...a pentagram star, tree topper.

"Huh, can't say I'm too surprised," Mister smirked. 

"No." Dapper, Witchy, and Violet agreed, "you really shouldn't."

"This is the home of a Witch." Witchy motioned to herself.

"And her two in one demon." Dapper and violet tacked on.

"True enough." The fighters announced in unison, handing the topper to Witchy.

"Wait... Mister, Heart... you are the guest, you two can put on the top." Witchy offered blushingly.

"Witchy, this is your home, your universe, and your tradition..." Heartberry said, handing her the topper, " top your tree."

Witchy blushed and looked at the topper, "Together, then?" She asked, looking at Heartberry.

"Together," Heartberry confirmed, as Witchy held the top with both hands.

"Okay, then." Witchy smiled as Heart took the left side of the topper.

 "Three, Two, One, Top it!" They counted down with a smile before topping the tree and surging it with the magic.

The tree sparkled with ornaments, gifts, and the glow of the many lights, but none as bright as the shine in the eyes of the Stevens and the Connies as they smiled, looking at the tree, the presents, and each other.

"Turoks?" Both Steven asked Violet.

"Turoks," Violet responded truthfully.

The men nodded.

"Everyone gathered around. We need to take a picture of this." Dapper stated as they sat the two ladies back on their feet.

Witchy, despite being taller than she was a few years ago, was still the shortest out of the five and was situated in the center. Violet was crouched in front of her with Heartberry and Dapper being to her left and right, respectively, and Mister, the tallest, was in the back.

"Merry Christmas on three," Witchy stated, getting nods all around.


"Merry Christmas!" Witchy and only Witchy yelled as the camera took the shot, and her chin, cheeks, and forehead was assaulted by the affectionately pressed lips of the other four.

The picture showed the scene and all its glory and was a very good shot. 

Mister was kissing her forehead, Violet kissing her chin, Heartberry, and Dapper kissing her cheeks. All while Witchy, with her cheeks burning a hot purple and shock evident in her eyes, smiled. Not the smile she was going to give.

This one was smaller but shined brighter than any ornament in the place. A smile that spread throughout Witchy's entirety, despite never leaving her pretty face. It radiated affection, appreciation, adoration. All for the people and the gift of this moment they brought with their playful action.

For Witchy, The moment was too perfect to be real.

But it was.

It was real, the moment.

They were together, the five of them, and it was perfect.

It was so perfect.

"I love you guys." Witchy smiled, as a film of tears formed in her eyes, "Demi, Vi-Vi, Sisberry, Broster...I love you guys."

"We know...We love you too." Heartberry smiled, hugging her younger counterpart. "I love this place."

"I love this place too," Mister admitted, throwing an arm around Dapper and Violet. "I'm gonna miss it when we go."

"You know you can always come back, Broster," Dapper smirked, "Or we can come to your universe and spend, 'Blessmas.'"

"Which you should." Mister laughed, giving Dapper a noogie.

Violet smirked, "Whether it's by fate or by choice, the fact remains...We're family forever."

"That's right.." Dapper and Mister agreed.

"Violet's right, Sissy." Heartberry smiled, rubbing Witchy head, "We're only a spell or warp away."

"I know." Witchy cute muffled voices verberated from Hearts' chest, " It just been a while since I was able to do this…." She looked up at Heart and felt that sisterly wonder and connection she felt the first time they met those few years ago, "celebrating the holiday with someone with my family name. That looks like me...It means a lot to me."

 It would be an understatement to say the Witchy words touched Heart. The LHW R&D head kissed her found sister crown in sibling adoration. 

Witchy just snuggled more into her hold before feeling herself sandwiched.

"Hey now." Mister started as he hugged the Christmas witch off the ground, "hope there is some sibling love for me too, Witchy?"

"Of course!" Witchy exclaimed, hugging him around the neck, "How could I not love my Broster?" She gave him a raspberry on his cheek for good measure. Mister was important to her as Heartberry is, and while the inside joke is that flirty fighters are bad influences on The demon hunter duo… That couldn't be further from the truth.

For one thing, the concept of 'little moments' wouldn't even be considered without Heartberry's advice, but she mentally distressed. This was a joyous time.

As Witchy let go and got out of Mister's arms, she found herself sandwiched between her world, better known as Dapper and Violet. Her boys.

Her darling demon boys that made up her Steven. 

Sometimes it was hard to remember that, yes, they are at the end of the day; they are two halves of one same person, who share the same sensation, feelings, and memories (once Violet returns to Dapper during his rest, that is).

They are so independent of each other in terms of personality, in mannerisms, in taste.. hell in actuality- the idea of going on hunts( or any outing) with Violet alone while Demi is unable ( or vice versa) is nothing new to Witchy. 

As unattached, the human Dapper and The demon Violet were and could be. They were still the two sides of Steven Diamond. Her contractor, her partner, her best friend, her lover, her gem.
And she was happily in love with both sides, even if Violet could annoy her like no other.

"I love you, my Gem," Witchy said, kissing both of their cheeks and snuggling into their warmth 

"I love you too, my Flame." Both Dapper and Violet stated, kissing each of her blushing cheeks.

"That looks like fun." Heartberry teased as she leaned in Mister's arms, looking at the trio.

Mister chuckled as his gem glowed. In a flash of light stood Dai, the pink Steven...His gem side, right in front of Heartberry. Smiling at her wearing the same clothes as Mister, just in pink. 

Heartberry didn't even say anything, just pulled her two, her Mister and her Signor, close to her, nuzzling her cheeks with theirs as they held her tight.

It would be another hour till The Crystal Witches, Sara, Alicia, Biddy, and the few others would have questions about the two Connies' and Four Stevens.'

As of right now, the six of them would enjoy their very special Christmas moment.

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