Pups Save the Sea Turtles

One day, Rocky, Zuma, Connor and Deadpool were all at the where Rocky practices on Zuma's kite-surfing surfboard, while Katie makes a sand castle while Connor uses his psamokinesis to play with sand.

Rocky: Look, Everyone, I'm a total kite-surfing pro.

Zuma: Maybe not total, Rocky.

Connor Williams: Zuma's right, you're not actually in the water.

Deadpool: But he sure knows how to picture himself surfing for real.

Katie: (laughing) It might be more fun if you actually get into the water, Rocky.

Rocky: And get wet? Nuh-uh. I'm more of a dry-land surfer.

Connor Williams: I don't know why you don't like getting wet, Rocky, but it's fun getting wet.

Alex Porter: Watch out! (chasing his volleyball) Excuse me. Sorry.

Rocky: Whoa! Whoa! (send flying into Katie's sandcastle, but Connor stretches his arms and catches him)

Rocky: That was close. Thanks, Connor. (licks his face)

Connor Williams: (chuckles as he places him on the ground) Anytime.

Everyone: (laughing while Connor just chuckles lightly)

Alex Porter: Oh, hey, Rocky. Want to come out and play volleyball with me? (grunting while hitting the ball)

Deadpool: Okay, I'm game.

Connor Williams: Thanks, I'll pass.

Later, they were all playing (except of Connor) as Alex hit his volleyball far ahead.

Zuma: Nice serve.

Katie: Wait, Alex!

Zuma and Rocky: (barking)

Katie: Look both ways before you cross the road.

Soon, a car came as it honks allowing them to pass.

Rocky: Okay.

Connor Williams: The coast is clear.

Zuma: (as they crossed the road) Ball, ball, ball.

Rocky: (sniffing) Hold on. I smell something.

Zuma: (barking)

Deadpool: What's up, Rocky?

Just then, they started to hear a scratching sound.

Zuma: Sounds like something's scratching in there.

Rocky and Zuma: (gasping as a baby sea turtle popped out)

Sea turtle: (cheeping)

Zuma: Whoa. A baby sea turtle.

Connor Williams and Deadpool: Heh, cute.

Soon, there was more scratching sound coming from under the sand.

Zuma: Huh?

Alex Porter: (laughing)

Katie: Aww, how cute.

Just then, more baby sea turtles hatched from their eggs.

Sea turtle: (cheeping)

Zuma: (laughing)

Alex Porter: Wow, super mini dinosaurs. Cool.

Connor Williams: Ugh! Those are turtles, not dinosaurs!

Katie: Careful. We don't want to accidentally step on them. Aww.

Alex Porter: (laughing)

Katie: Alex!

Alex Porter: Whoops. I'm going to fall! (as Rocky helped him regain his balance)

Connor Williams: You okay, Alex?

Alex Porter: I'm good. (spotted the volleyball) There's my ball. (laughing and running towards it)

Rocky: I'm worried about these turtles getting stepped on.

Katie: I'm more worried about them getting out to the water. Especially with that road and all the Hungry seagulls around here.

Connor Williams: (pulls out his rifle and shoots in the sky, scaring seagulls away and smirks) Works everytime.

Seagulls: (squawking as they fly away)

Zuma: Ok, but don't you think it was a little too far, Connor dude?

Connor Williams: Nah, not really.

Zuma: Ok then. But how can we help these little sea turtles get across the road?

Katie: We shouldn't carry or even touch the turtles. They need another way to the water. I know! You pups and pets go get Ryder and I'll keep an eye on the turtles.

Alex Porter: Whoo-hoo! Yay!

Katie: (laughing) And Alex.

Everyone: (laughing while Connor groans in annoyance and facepalms)

Deadpool: No problem, Katie.

And so, they set out to go get Ryder at the lookout.

Meanwhile, Ryder, and the other pups were getting the pup houses, even some of Connor's vehicles and Deadmobile clean.

Ryder: Okay, Marshall, enough water.

Marshall: What's that, Ryder? (as he pointed the hose up)

Rubble: (getting wet) Whoa! Turn off the water!

Ryder: Marshall!

Marshall: Oops. (barking off his hose) Sorry, Rubble.

Rubble: Brr! (spitting) Thanks, but my bath day was yesterday.

Just then, Connor runs up to them with his super speed while carrying Zuma and Rocky in his arms as they were howling and barking their way to see them with Deadpool catching up to them.

Deadpool: (runs as fast as he could) Ryder! Ryder! (as Woody) Thank goodness! We got trouble!

Marshall: Trouble? (barking)

As the water was turned on again, it accidently sprayed Rubble, soaking him wet.

Rubble: Whoa!

Marshall: Oops. Sorry, Rubble.

Rocky: Ryder, baby sea turtles hatching at the beach.

Deadpool: And now, the seagulls are going to eat them. Although Connor scared them away, there will be more coming.

Zuma: We gotta save them from the scooters and cars and seagulls and stuff.

Ryder: Let's go, PAW Patrol. No job is too big, no pup is too small.

Connor Williams: Time to join in, Wade.

As for the rest of the pups, they ran in as the others were having fun

Chase and Skye: (laughing while playing volleyball)

Chase: (grunting as he gets it by the ball)

Ryder: PAW Patrol, to the Lookout!

Chase: Ryder needs us!

Skye: Let's go!

Chase: (howling)

As soon as they got here, Marshall was being silly again

Pups: (barking)

Marshall: Whoa! Ow! (hit the elevator glass) Made it.

As soon as they went to the top of the lookout, they all lined up present and accounted for.

Chase: Paw Patrol ready for action, Ryder, sir!

Ryder: PAW Patrol, there's a bunch of baby turtles that need our help. They've just hatched, and they need to get to the water without getting run over by bikes, scooters, skateboards or cars.

Deadpool: Then let's do it. Who do you need?

Ryder: Chase, I need you to direct traffic so the turtles can safely cross.

Chase: These paws uphold the laws!

Ryder: Rubble, we need to build some way for the turtles to get to the water without crossing the road.

Rubble: Rubble on the double!

Connor Williams: Me and Wade are gonna keep the seagulls away from turtles and look for any villain that may show up.

Deadpool: You got it, Connor!

Ryder: All right! PAW Patrol is on a roll!

Pups: (barking and howling)

With that, Ryder, pups and Wade get into their vehicles while Connor gets into his Ford Taurus Police Interceptor and they all drive away.

As soon as they got to the beach more of the seagulls were still flying around.

Seagulls (squawking)

Alex and Katie: Shoo, shoo!

Connor Williams: (shoots from his shotgun, scaring the seagulls once again) Turtle pecking won't be tolerated on my watch!

Ryder: Turtles on the road! Chase, Connor, the cars!

Connor Williams: We're on it!

Chase: Connor and Chase are on the case!

Connor Williams:(brings out the megaphone) Sorry about the detour. This is an emergency turtle-crossing zone.

Chase: (gasping) That's it, Turtles. Stay together. Keep it moving.

Alex Porter: Why did the turtles build their nest all the way over here?

Katie: Turtles usually nest in the same place every year. They must have built nests here even before there was a road.

Ryder: Or maybe the turtles went through this grate, under the road, and came out here through this tunnel. Now it's all filled up with sand. Can you clear that, Rubble?

Rubble: Does a belly scratcher make me flop on my back and wriggle like a worm? You know it does. (barking)

With no time to lose, Rubble were standing by for Ryder's signal.

Ryder: Once the tunnel reopens, the turtles will never have to cross the road again.

Rubble: Let's dig it!

As Rubble started digging the sand out of the tunnel, the sea turtles were at the beach.

Alex: Oh, no! A storm! The ship is going over! (noticing the sea turtles) Uh-oh. What are these turtles doing down here by the water? (gathering the turtles in the bucket) Look, I saved them.

Katie: Why'd you bring the turtles back here?

Alex Porter: They were going into the water.

Ryder: That's where they belong.

Alex Porter: In the water?

Ryder: Yup. Sea turtles spend most of their lives in the water. That's why we're digging them a tunnel under the road, so they can get there safely.

Deadpool: (offscreen) Like a subway train!

Alex Porter: Oh. I'd better put them back, then.

Ryder: Wait, Alex. Remember what Katie said? Handling the turtles is bad for them. No person or pup should touch them. They'll make it back on their own.

Alex Porter: Go, little turtles! Go!

Soon, Rubble was  almost done.

Rubble: (barking his shovel away and saw the sand under the rig) Ugh, that opening's too small for my rig.

Marshall: Then we can't finish the tunnel?

Rubble: I said my rig can't go through. I didn't say anything about me. (barking his shovel out)

So, Rubble started digging the tunnel to clear all the sand.

Just when Rubble  finished digging, Alex tries to scare away more seagulls.

Alex Porter: Go away, seagull!

Seagulls: (squawking)

Alex Porter: Cool. Zuma's kite surfer. (went on the Surfboard) Alex Porter, kite surfer champion! (as the winds pick up) Whoa! Cool! I'm flying. (until he realized he really is flying) Uh-oh. Help! I'm flying!

Katie: Alex?

Alex Porter: Whoa!

Ryder: Don't worry! We'll get you, Alex! (whistling) Skye, Penny, this one's for you two!

Skye: I'm on it! (barking here wings out) This pup's gotta fly!

Connor Williams: (hits his Ultimatrix and transforms into Big Chill) We're coming!

Alex Porter: Whoa!

Skye: Alex, steer to the beach.

Alex Porter: But I don't have a steering wheel!

Big Chill: Don't worry, Alex, we'll help you!

Chase: Poor Skye and Connor. (whimpers)

Deadpool: (scratches Chase's head) Don't worry, Chase. They'll be fine.

At last, Skye and Connor got Zuma's kite surfer and brought Alex to safety.

Ryder: Atta pup. I knew they'd do it.

Katie: Yay!

Everyone: Yay, Skye and Big Chill! Hooray! Whoo-hoo!

Alex Porter: (quietly) That's what I'm talking about.

Alex Porter: (laughing)

Skye: (barking her wings away)

Ryder: Yay, Skye!

Deadpool: (picks up Skye and lifts her in the air) Way to go, Skye!

Everyone: (cheering)

Alex Porter: Yeah. Thanks a gazillion, Skye. Thanks, Connor.

Connor Williams: (turns back to his human form) Anytime, Alex.

Skye: You're welcome. Just doing our job. Right there, that's it. (panting as Alex gives her a scratch on her head)

And not a moment too soon, Rubble came through the tunnel under the road.

Ryder: Rubble, you're through. Great job. Now the turtles will have a safe path to the bay for years and years.

Marshall: Hey, look.

Katie: They're using the tunnel. I knew you could do it.

Ryder: Whenever there's trouble, just yelp for help.

Pups: (barking)

Ryder: You pups and pets totally deserve some beach time.

So, the pups and pets celebrated their beach time.

Alex Porter: (groaning as his pants feels a tingle)

Ryder: What's wrong, Alex?

Alex Porter: There's something in my pocket!

With that, he pulls out a crab from inside of his pants

Alex Porter: And, ow, is he ever crabby. (got pinched by it) Ouch!

Connor Williams: (turns into angry mode) Hey! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, YOU STUPID CRAB?!!

Crab: (scared chattering)


Crab: (shakes his head no in fear)

Connor Williams: THEN GET THE HECK OUTTA HERE AND DON'T COME BACK!! (crab scurries away in fear)

Ryder: (places his hand on Connor's shoulder) Whoa, whoa! Whoa! Easy, Connor. Calm down.

Connor Williams: (inhales and exhales deeply, calming down as he turns back to normal) Sorry, guys. As I said earlier, I really have anger issues. I just hope I didn't scare you much.

Rubble: (calming down his fear) No problem, Connor. We understand that. Right, guys?

Pups, Deadpool, Katie and Alex: Right.

Deadpool: If we have that behind now, let's have some fun on a beach, shall we?

Everyone: Yeah!

And so, everyone had a good time at the beach.

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