➵ I'm a Unicorn

Of Wolf and Man -Metallica

What am I supposed to do now? All of that hard work to get here and putting up with those funny crazy people for nothing. I sighed deeply. What's a girl gotta do in a time like this? I looked around the area to see that it was stranded. Not a person in sight. I guess this only results to one thing. Taking a deep breath in, I brought my index finger and my thumb into my mouth and gave a good New York whistle.

The whistle pierced the air, making it echo throughout the block. I grinned knowing that Angel Lili was on her way. I made my way to the edge of the sidewalk to wait for her. A few minutes later, a silhouette of a flying horse came into my view.

What's up doc? Angel Lili quoted as she landed behind me. I had to refrain myself from face palming.

"Hey Angel Lili. Sorry to disappoint yeah, but no donuts." I pouted, turning to face her.

Not even a sugar cube!?

"Nope, sorry. But, I do have a very interesting story and news to tell yea. Apollo visited me earlier in the woods. Looks like we have to stay in this weird town."

Heya, boss lady? Angel Lili cautiously said.

"What did I tell you about calling me that?" I sighed. "What is it?"

There's weird people walking over here. Okay, never mind. One looks like he his stomping over here.

"Wait, what?" I quickly turned around to see Scott, Malia, and a stomping Stiles heading our way. My eyes widen in realization. "Oh. Oh! We better go. Let's go!"

I mounted onto Angel Lili in record time, lacing my fingers through her mane. The weird kids started running towards us, calling out my name. Scott and Malia picked up their speed. Angel Lili was about to fly away, but Scott and Malia cut her off. Scott being in front of her, while Malia got behind us.

Tell these lunatics that I'm not afraid to knock them into the next state. Angel Lili angrily said. I snorted.

"What the hell is that thing?" Stiles stumbled up next to us, trying to catch his breath.

"What does it look like?" I hesitantly questioned. Can they see through the Mist?

"A flying horse." Malia bluntly said. Guess they can. Malia had her arms crossed against her chest. Stiles spastically waved his hands toward Malia, clearly agreeing with her.

"Why do you have a flying horse?" Scott asked. I smiled awkwardly.

"Uh, there's a reason for that." I sheepishly stated. Stiles perked up an eyebrow.

"Go ahead. Tell us this reason." He waved his hands. I glared at him and sighed.

"Okay, fine." I grumbled. I got off of Angel Lili, the three circling around me. Knowing they could all see through the Mist, I did the only thing I could think of. I snapped my fingers, putting as much power in it as I could. Thalia tried teaching me how to use the Mist. Hopefully this works. "You do not see a flying horse. Instead, you see a car."

A car? Really? Angel Lili sassed. I sent her a stern look. Which, she rolled her eyes at.

"What? No, we see a Pegasus." Scott furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why did you snap your fingers?" Stiles mockingly snapped his fingers.

"It didn't work, damn." I mumbled. Angel Lili snickered at me, baring her teeth in a horse-like-smile. I sent her a glare.

"Is that horse smiling?" Malia asked. Angel Lili, being the smartass she is, nodded her head. The trio paled.

"She understood you, Malia." Scott whispered. He looked over at me and sniffed the air. What in the Hades? What is he? Some sort of dog? Why would he sniff the air? "What are you?"

"What?" My hand immediately went to my black thick threaded bracelet that held a large bronze charm in the middle of it. The charm showed a Greek sword, Parapótamos or Tributary, on it. If I pressed the charm, it would grow into a celestial bronze sword. I stared at the three of them with narrowed eyes. If they make any sudden moves, I'll tap the charm to activate it.

"You smell weird." Malia sniffed. She tilted her head and looked at me. "You smell like the ocean, but there is this other smell that's overpowering it. It's-it's like some sort of stench."

"Well, gee, thanks." I rolled my eyes. "I have always been told I stunk. It's such a nice feeling."

"Hey! What really stinks right now is your attitude missy." Stiles glared, pointing a finger at me. I shook my head and stuck out my tongue. He scoffed. "Oh, real mature."

"I'm not telling who I am until you guys tell me who you are." I reasoned. My hand twitched closer to the charm. Scott looked at Malia and Stiles. He sighed and nodded.

"Fine. But you have to tell us what you are. Promise?" I slowly nodded my head. "Okay. Um...should we show her? Just tell her?"

"Scott, just flash those bad boys and let's get this over with." Stiles remarked. Flash what? I scrunched up my nose in disgust. Stiles looked at me and then shook his head rapidly. "Ew! Ew no! Not like that!"

"Okay, Okay. Calm it you two." Scott softly chuckled. He took a deep breath in. "Okay, I'm just going to say it. I'm a werewolf and Malia is a werecoyete."

"A werewolf and a werecoyete?" I restated, tilting my head not quite believing them. I've heard about werewolves, since the first werewolf was made by Zeus. I have also heard that werewolves were bad news. Scott doesn't seem like bad news to me though. And what is a werecoyete?

"You don't believe us do you?" Malia asked. I slowly shook my head. Stiles nodded at the two of them. This made me get into a defensive stance. What were they going to do?

Soon, Scott and Malia were no longer humans. Fur sprouted from their cheeks, fangs elongated from their mouth, claws replacing their fingernails, and their eyes turned into non-human looking eyes. Scott's eyes turned into a bright blood red shade while Malia's turned into a chilling blue. I shrieked, pressing my charm out of instinct. A three foot celestial bronze sword grew into my hand. I placed it in front of me, trying to keep as much distance between us. Stiles swore and jumped back.

"Oh my God!" Stiles eyed the glistening sword. "Where in the hell did that come from!?"

"Woah...put that thing away." Malia put her hands up, taking a step back.

"Are you a hunter?" Scott asked hesitantly. I made a face.

"If I were a Hunter, I would have killed you already. Besides, they prefer bow and arrows over swords. I'm holding a sword. There's a difference." I pointed the sword towards Scott. "They also wear silver. Am I wearing silver?"

"No, you're wearing a hideous orange shirt." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Watch it." I spat at Stiles.

"Look, we've kept our end of the deal, now it's your turn. What are you?"

"I'm a unicorn." I sarcastically said. Stiles snorted. Scott glared at him and Stiles cleared his throat mumbling an apology. I sighed and slowly lowered my sword. They haven't shown any moves of attacking. This doesn't mean I will drop my defensive stance. If they do, a sword goes through them and turns them into a human shish kebab. "I'm a demigod."

"A demigod? You mean half human, half god?" Stiles rubbed his hand together, biting his lip. "If that is the case...then who is your godly parent?"

"Poseidon." I proudly said.

"Right, of course." Stiles pursed his lips together. He looked over at Malia and Scott. "Do you believe her? Should we even trust her, Scott? For all we know, she could be our enemy."

I scoffed and crossed my arms, making sure to point my sword at the three of them. Scott glanced at the gleaming metal and shrugged.

"I don't know much about demigods, but we can always look it up in the bestiary." He offered.

"Why are you here?" Malia inputted, staring me down.

"I was on my way to San Francisco to see my brother. But I have to stay here."


"I have a quest."

"Which is?"

"To help a pack." Malia and Stiles looked at Scott. He sighed, his shoulders sagging.

"I'm guessing we're the pack. If not, then it's Satomi's." I perked up at this.

"Really? So there are more of you?" Scott nodded to my question.

"Yeah, I'm the Alpha, Malia is a werecoyete, which you already knew. Then there's another werewolf, that Liam-"

"Liam's a werewolf? But he looks so innocent." I cut Scott off. Stiles scoffed.

"Innocent my ass!" Stiles exclaimed. Malia and Scott laughed.

"Then we have a banshee, her name is Lydia, and a kitsune, who's name is Kira." Scott finished. I let that sink in. Okay, so my quest involves working together with a pack of supernatural people. Awesome. "Wait, you said you were passing through right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Do you have a place to stay?" Scott considered.

"Does the forest count?"

**So some of the Pack knows what Nevah is! And Nevah now knows that this is the pack she is supposed to help. Things are going to start picking up in the next chapter and I cannot wait to start Nevah's friendships with the Pack.

How did you guys like this chapter?

Question of the Day

Who is your favorite character so far?

Mine - I honestly have to say Nevah, she is clearly something different from what the Pack has ran into so far. And not just from what she is. Just her personality in general.

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