Kingdoms- Lore Part 1

These are all the kingdoms that might be mentioned in the roleplay. It's not necessary to read through this page, only for the roles you claim. Not all will be a large part so if there's one you like specifically, please mention it!

Also, tell me how many roles you think you're going to take so I can get a headcount

Caling Protected Park:

A heavily mountainous and forested region, taigas, tundras, and ice caps are found alike in this landlocked area. Most towns only survive on the borders where the elevation is lower and the temperatures are bearable, and for the longest time the nations left the area well alone. In the last century, the many kingdoms came together to designate the Caling Mountains as a protected area, with new regulations being put into place. The free towns alongside the borders aid travelers with rules and supplies, and now more than ever people from all over are aware of wildlife. One thing very few people are aware of, however, is a castle hidden in a valley deep in the mountains: The Noble Academy of Caling.


    Adley is rich in natural minerals, and other minerals. While forests grow along the main river, which is also used as a shipping lane, the rest of the country is mostly barren fields or rocky hills. At least, that’s what it looks like from above. Underground, a complex yet sturdy maze of tunnels have been built under the country, where a decent percentage of the population lives, and where Adley makes their fortune mining and selling precious minerals, ore, and stones. The above ground cities tend to be smaller, built in relative closeness to each other around the border of rare patches of fertile ground. Underground, the cities are built in large echo-ey caverns, stretching across the floor and up into the rocky walls, where many inhabitants work in the tunnels leading out to the mines. Recently, however, there are rumors that Adley is starting to build their tunnels under Lirania land, which the royal family fiercely denies. This, however, has caused tensions between the two previously friendly countries to grow. 


    Arethen is a stunning landscape, fitted with hills, fields and meadows, along with plenty of rivers flowing towards the extensive coast. Arethen has all four seasons, which includes a full winter, something not many kingdoms have, and an average summer. The northern kingdom is known for raising animals, and is often considered to have the best stock. Each noble in the land has their own estate filled to the brim with livestock and animals, and each of the six dukes of the land tend to specialize in a specific type of animal to raise. The current queen of the kingdom is in her mid-thirties, the oldest of her family, having gone to the academy over a score ago and her siblings having finished a decade behind her. However, many children of the current Dukes have come of age.


Although not the largest, Aubian is the most populated of all the kingdoms. Many cities are built along the two main rivers, the coast, and the trading route through the kingdom, and the cities have kept growing and growing. Aubian has both forests and fields, but neither are particularly abundant or stunning, being a more production and trade focused country.In the North area the forest becomes a taiga and tundra mix, but that entire side of the country is untouched and dismissed, having little use in the eyes of the production focused Aubian family. Almost being the opposite of Lirania, the country is rich, but the working class has no reason to be paid much. For this reason, the two countries don’t get along much. 


    War has stricken the kingdom, but it’s not fighting anyone else. The old king refused to step down before his death, and he died four years ago without naming either of his twin sons as a proper heir. The two princes never got along, and the desire to be king sent them into a fight against each other, evolving into a civil war. Shockingly, both princes sent their eldest child to the Academy this year, despite the fact neither were king, and they were both at war. Daesyn used to be a pretty kingdom from afar, mostly marsh and swamp, with patches of dry land and spots of forests. No one has been able to enjoy that beauty since the civil war began, the war that has no soon sign of stopping. Perhaps the children of the princes can fix that, or perhaps they will just make it worse. 


    Dephan used to be one of the strongest nations in the world, rivaling Zubria in population and renown and Luchin in nationwide pride. However, a plague struck the kingdom 15 years ago, killing the young queen. While most of the population either died or recovered fully, the king was left with a lasting illness, which has only gotten significantly worse in the last five years. Despite his illness, the king was a good father to his young daughter and son, and he eventually remarried as well. The kingdom kept the illness under wraps for as long as possible, but as the king is becoming increasingly bedridden, it is becoming increasingly clear his second wife has no idea of politics. So far Dephan has kept the peace within its own borders, even if there is discontent brewing among some of the nobles, but its exterior image is now one of disarray.


    Everyone in Gilor is rich as can be. What started as a small country quickly evolved into something more when independently wealthy citizens of other countries realized that the land in Gilor was significantly flatter and less forested than elsewhere on the continent. Soon, they all flocked that way, and even the locals became richer after all the work they got from the newcomers. The country’s landscape is open plain for the most part, dotted with castles and manors, with tall white cliffs along the coast. Most everyone in the kingdom is snotty and spoiled, with few exceptions, as they’re all very old money unused to discontent, or brand new wanting to spend the money they have. However, the fact that most of them are independently wealthy and not nobility means few know the details of politics. 


One of the smaller kingdoms, Lirania is both heavily forested and has plenty of mines. Most of its population is of the working class, but the working class of Lirania is more well-off than any other working-class on the continent, and is coming close to being better off than some of the other kingdom’s middle class. Lirania has some of the best labor laws around, and very few of their population complains about the country- at least not when it comes to work. Outside of the cities, mines, and lumber yards, the surrounding area is pretty as well. The only problem, however, is that Lirania is not as scientifically advanced as some of the others, and the nation as whole is not rich enough to move forward, preferring to spend its money on the betterment of people rather than planning for the long term. The recent rumors of invasion by Adley has caused the government to begin saving programs, in order to have stronger defenses. 


    The military and nobility are one in this nation. Noble titles are given to anyone who can achieve a high enough rank in the military, and are only passed down hereditarily if there is a member of the family on track to earn the rank by the time the current holder retires. New noble families rise and fall all the time, and there are only a handful that consistently remain a key member of the military. The land itself is quite boring, devoid of many natural resources and has few exciting sights, besides the mountainous hills to the south west and the river smack-dab in the middle. The population generally entertains themself by customs of the old, like tourneys, jousts, and races, more so than any other nation. Recently, Luchin has invaded Wixethia, claiming that the neighboring country has deeply insulted them, but refuses to say how. Some scholars and experts believe Luchin, even if they don’t condone war, while others claim that the nobility in the country simply became too bored, and wanted to have something interesting to do.


In Nidor lies a thick tropical rainforest, home to many rare species and powerful plants. Most of the land is neither fit for planting or for hunting, making cities on the island few and far between and villages mostly small. One exception exists on the island, the east coast. Here, the rainforest naturally gives way to fields, and though only certain crops are fit to grow, they can grow more crops here than anywhere else on the island. The entirety of the east coast fields, as they’re commonly referred to, used to belong to the neighboring country across the channel, Rustenith. Tensions had been growing between the two for years, and it all came to a head two years ago when Nidor attacked and claimed the east coast fields. No combat action has been taken by either side in almost six months, but neither side trusts the other.


Rholyn is located in a large valley at the edge of the Caling Mountains. All four sides are directly bordered by mountains located in Zubia, but to the west and north there aren’t more than two mountains before descending into hillside and countryside. Rholyn itself is filled with lush farmland, with the surrounding mountains having thick forests ripe for hunting. The nation is almost entirely self-sufficient, and the royal family that currently sits on the throne of Rholyn were once nobles of Zubria, living in the same area as they do now, left entirely to their own devices. By the time the ancestors of the Rholyn family started calling themselves king and queen, there was no pushback, as they were a long established and self-ruling area. 


Rustenith kingdom is filled with plains, grasslands, and savannahs, sprinkled with patches of harsh desert and lush farmland. Along their inland borders, the plains gradually give way into a deciduous forest, but it is such a small area it is hardly considered by the crown. Most of the population exists on the west coast where the most farmland exists, or the north coast where there are plentiful rivers, but they rarely have people living in the center of the kingdom away from the rivers, where the patches of desert are the largest and the harshest. The country is currently living through a drought, which makes the loss of land to Nidor even harder, but with the end of summer and the bringing of more rains, more rain then the previous year (though still not much compared to years past), there is hope for the country yet. As long as Nidor doesn’t cross the channel.


The Thrader are trade lords. No one knows how they do it exactly, but they’ve managed to turn their country, with so few natural resources, into something to be proud of. Instead of the traditional dukes, counts, and earls that many of the other kingdoms use to govern, they’re fond of trade lords and ladies, each family having a specific product or area that they manage trade for, and all report back to the Queen. As no one is sure quite how the kingdom is making their money, no one quite trusts them either. Rumors fly around the noble courts of almost every single kingdom, ranging from that Thader simply has natural resources hidden in their kingdom kept secret, to that the trade lords are stealing from everyone they do business with. 


    This kingdom is a food lovers’ haven. While Verilli is a mixing pot of biomes- having cliffs and beaches, hills and forests, the whole country has one thing in common. The food there is widely considered the best around, and no one in the country doesn’t love to cook (or so they say). Despite the fact that Verilli is the second or third most visited kingdom for vacations, it never seems incredibly crowded or over-populated. Everyone there is treated as if they’ve always been there, and it is one of the most loved countries. They have delicious meats, mouth-watering desserts, and abundant fruits. With the loss of their island territory, Verilli now has reduced access to one of their more popular fruits, and it seems tourism might be taking a bit of a hit for it. While Verilli would not yet attack, it is believed the royal family are scheming on how to get their old island on Zatar back. Few consider this seriously, as Verilli’s foods are constantly improving, but connections between Verilli, Zatar, and Zubria are no longer as friendly.


    Home to farmers, gardeners, hunters, and gatherers, Wixethia is a simple kingdom, where the nobles are just a step above the commoners, and there isn’t a long and complex hierarchy like other countries are fond of. Most nobles govern their land themselves, with one noble family chosen as the leader every decade, known as the Archduke for that period, or more often in case of emergencies. Walking through the country, it is one of the most peaceful, idyllic countries seen, as Wixethia is not a threat to anyone. Approaching the northwest border, however, the sounds of steel upon steel ring out, as forces from all noble families work together to defend against Luchin. They claim they did nothing to anger the militaristic country, but perhaps there’s a reason the previous noble family stepped down beyond not wanting to lead the nation through a war… 


Zatar is perhaps the newest kingdom of all of them, as its current royal family is its first. The low lying island exists right off the coast of Zubria, and it was not even ten years ago that the island, previously home to three separate territories from Zubria, Dephan, and Verilli, united under one family to become its own nation. The fight for independence left Zatar on bad terms with Dephan and Virilli, though the shadow of Zubria over the young nation has so far kept the other two away. The island has few notable features besides the fact that it is just that, an island, having plentiful beaches and more palm trees than you can count just by looking in any one direction. 


The center of the kingdom is highly mountainous, an extension of the Caling Mountain Range that has lied far within Zubria’s borders for longer than anyone can remember. In a few spots, this has led to beautiful oceanside cliffs, but for most of the kingdom’s coasts, the elevation so rapidly declines that there are plentiful beaches along every side of the kingdom. Zubria’s past leaders have earned the country a reputation of being one of the most peaceful ones, allowing and even assisting with Zatar’s succession, and allowing Rholyn to exist completely inside their borders without a second thought. The kingdom is quite well off, and though it always chooses peace when able, it has a surprisingly well kept army.

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