Strike First

The next day, Miguel and Rita both stand in front of Johnny to begin their first karate lesson, who is wearing a karate gi, with their hands behind their backs, as they waited for their instruction. Even though Rita already knew some karate, she still like to learn a bit more from her dad.

(Rita's Training Outfit)

"So are we going to get the karate pajamas, too. . ." Asked Miguel looking at Johnny.

"Quiet!" Shouted Johnny causing Miguel and Rita jump a bit. "The student only speaks when spoken to. . . Is that understood?"

"Uh, yes." Said Miguel looking at Johnny and he look at him like he was expecting them to say something right and Rita snicker quietly. "Yes, sir?"

"You will always address me as "Sensei," is that understood?" Asked Johnny looking at Miguel and Rita.

"Yes, Sensei." Said Miguel and Rita together.

"These aren't pajamas, this is a gi, and you'll get one when you've earned it." Said Johnny looking at Miguel and Rita. "All right, are you two ready to begin your training?"

"Yes, Sensei." Said Miguel and Rita looking confident.

Johnny nods his head, then at a quick flash, he hits Miguel by the stomach and flips him over the mat, causing her him to fall on his back hard, then he tried to strike Rita, but she was able to block his attack and strike him by the shoulder, he nodded in approval and Rita gets down to help Miguel.

"Ow. . . What the. . ." Said Miguel groaning in pain.

"Lesson one, strike first." Said Johnny as he look at Miguel. "Never wait for the enemy to attack."

"You could have gave me, like, a warning." Said Miguel as Rita helps him up.

"Quiet!" Shouted Johnny looking at Miguel and began to circle around him and Rita.

Miguel took out his inhaler and as he shook it, he took one deep breath from it, Rita got concerned a bit as she help him calm down and rubs his back, and Johnny still circles around him and continue to speak.

"We do not train to be merciful here. Mercy is for the weak. Here on the street, in competition, a man confronts you, he is the enemy." Said Johnny looking at Miguel. "An enemy deserves no mercy. What is the problem, Mr. Diaz?"

"Yeah, are you okay Miguel?" Asked Rita as she looks at Miguel.

"There's no problem, Sensei. . . You punched me, and I have asthma, so. . ." Said Miguel in a scratchy voice and Johnny took Miguel's inhaler and throws it to the wall, causing it to break, shocking Miguel and Rita.

"Not anymore, we do not allow weakness in this dojo." Said Johnny looking at Miguel. "So you can leave your asthma and your peanut allergies and all that other made-up bullshit outside, is that understood?"

"Yes, but those are real medical problems so. . ." Said Miguel looking at Johnny till he gave him a look. "Yes, Sensei, understood."

"Dad, if he dies, it's on you." Said Rita glaring at Johnny and he rolled his eyes.

"Cobra Kai isn't just about Karate, it's about a way of life." Said Johnny as he points to the wall with "Strike First Strike Hard No Mercy" written on it. "Take that first lesson. Striking first is the initial step towards victory. Okay, like when you're at a party, and you see a hot babe, you don't wait for some other guy to go talk to her first, do you?"

"I mean, I've never been to a party, so. . ." Said Miguel looking at Johnny and he rolled his eyes.

"Big surprise, alright, look, striking first is about being aggressive, alright?" Said Johnny looking at Miguel. "If you're not aggressive, then you're being a pussy, and you don't wanna be a pussy, you wanna have balls!

"Don't you think you're doing a lot of genderizing?" Asked Miguel as he look at Johnny.

"What?" Asked Johnny as he got confused.

"Oh, sorry, don't you think you're doing a lot of genderizing, sensei?" Asked Miguel and Rita giggled softly.

"No, what the hell are you talking about?" Said Johnny as he still look confused.

"Oh, uh, my guidance counselor says that certain words can perpetuate the sexist world view that can trigger. . ." Said Miguel as he tried to speak.

"QUIET!" Shout Johnny making Miguel and Rita flinch in shock. "From now on, you two won't listen to your guidance counselor, you're gonna listen to me! Is that understood?"

"Yes sensei." Said Miguel and Rita looking confident.

"Good." Said Johnny as he look at Miguel and Rita. "Now both of you give me 50 push-ups on your knuckles."

"Yes sensei." Said Rita as she starts doing push ups.

"Uh, okay, yeah." Said Miguel as he goes down on the floor.

Rita began to do some push-ups as she's already up to fifteen, while Miguel tried to do a push-up on his knuckles but was struggling and he fall on the ground.

"All right, just do some crunches." Said Johnny as he look at Miguel. "Don't you have gym class or something, I mean look at my daughter, she's already up to twenty-five push-ups now."

"Yeah, but you already taught Rita a bit of karate." Said Miguel as he flips over and do some crunches.

Rita giggle a bit as she's up to thirty-nine push ups, while Miguel's starts doing his 50 crutches, then they all hear the bell ring and saw a man in a business outfit coming in and Johnny looks at him.

"Howdy, there, Mr., uh, Lawrence?" Said the inspector as he look at Johnny.

"It's Sensei." Said Miguel correcting him while doing some crutches.

"Miguel, shut up." Said Johnny as he goes to the man. "What brings you in. . . Looking to lose that gut and learn how to kick some ass?"

"No, I'm from the city health department." Said the inspector as he look at Johnny and hands him a paper. "This is a list of requirements needed to open up an exercise studio."

"This isn't an exercise studio." Said Johnny as he correct him. "This is a karate dojo."

"Yeah, same deal. . . Wow, this place needs a lot of work. . . You're not open for business, are you?" Asked the inspector as he look at Miguel and Rita. "You two, are you guys customers here?"

"No, that's my daughter, and he's just an illegal I picked up this morning." Said Johnny looking at Miguel and Rita. "They're helping me set up."

"I don't need to know about all that." Said the inspector as he look at Johnny. "My job is just to make sure this place is up to code, you don't want a scabies outbreak like that hot yoga place over on Tujunga."

"Wait, so I have to do all this crap before I even open?" Asked Johnny as he look at the paperwork.

"No, you need to do all that to get the certificate that's required to get the insurance you need to open." Said the inspector as he correct Johnny. "But you knew that when you signed your lease, right?"

"Right, yeah." Said Johnny even thought he didn't know but act like he does.

"I'll drop in next week for another inspection." Said the inspector as he was about to leave till he saw the cobra painting. "Huh, cool rattlesnake."

"It's a cobra." Said Johnny as he corrects him.

"Oh, right, duh, I'm such an idiot." Said the inspector as he reads the words. "Cobra "Kay."

Johnny and Rita both rolled their eyes as the man have misread the sign and left, after Rita finished her push up's, she helped Miguel by holding his feet as he continues his crunches, while Johnny took the paperwork to his office.


After the exercises, Johnny ask Miguel to scrub the mats clean, while Rita organize the boxes, and he left to buy some beer in the mini-mart. Then he came back and saw them doing exactly he told them to as he carries some bags in his hand.

"Looking good." Said Johnny as he look at Miguel and Rita. "Make sure you get both sides and make sure those boxes are put in the right place, and after you're done with that, you can take care of these exposed wires, that's going to be a lot of work."

"It's a lot of work when you don't do the work at all dad." Said Rita placing down the boxes next to Miguel.

"Yeah, what does any of this have to do with karate, Sensei?" Asked Miguel as he keep scrubbing the mats.

"Do not question my methods." Said Johnny as he open up a bottle of beer. "Just be thankful you're not a sumo wrestler, those guys have to wipe their Sensei's asses."

"Okay, that's so gross in so many ways dad." Said Rita as she cringed in disgust.

"It's the truth Rita." Said Johnny as he look at Rita.

Rita shook her head in disgust as she place another box on the floor, then as Miguel got up, he saw some karate trophies inside the boxes and got really impressed.

"So, I, uh, see you were a karate champion, Sensei." Said Miguel as he look at the trophies.

"You don't have to call me "Sensei" every time." Said Johnny as he look at Miguel.

"I'm sorry, Sensei." Said Miguel as he realized his mistake and Rita giggle a bit. "I, um, sorry, I'm sorry."

"Yeah, I won a couple All Valley tournaments." Said Johnny as he explains about the trophies and Rita smile at her dad. "Didn't lose a single point my junior year."

"What happened to your senior year?" Asked Miguel as he look at Johnny and Rita cringed a bit.

"This isn't 20 questions." Said Johnny as avoid that question. "Get back to scrubbing."

"Okay." Said Miguel as he continues to scrub.

Rita knows her dad doesn't want to talk about his senior year of karate because he obviously didn't win, he told her many stories of how he used to be a karate champion until he lost his senior year and quit. As they were about to continue cleaning, till Miguel's phone began to ring in an electronic pop music and Miguel had to answer it, while Johnny look around as he heard the music like he never heard it before.

"Where the hell is that garbage coming from?" Asked Johnny as he look around. "You hear that?"

"It's Miguel's phone dad, sheesh." Said Rita as she look at Johnny like he was crazy or something. "You really need to get in touch with new electronics."

"That's me, sorry, yeah." Said Miguel as he answer his phone.

Miguel: Hey. . . Yeah, I'm okay, debate is running a little late. Uh, okay. Love you too. (Hangs up)

"Don't tell me you have a girlfriend." Said Johnny as he look at Miguel. "And if you do, you better not tell her your are hanging out with another girl, cause my daughter here can be a boy magnet."

"Excuse me?!" Said Rita glaring at her dad and Miguel chuckled.

"That was my mom, actually." Said Miguel as he chuckle a bit. "Um, I told her that I joined the debate team because she doesn't approve of violence, so. . ."

"Yeah, what about your dad?" Asked Johnny as he look at Miguel. "Is he okay with you getting your ass kicked up and down Reseda Boulevard?"

"Oh, I never, uh, really knew my dad, so. . ." Said Miguel as he look upset.

Johnny and Rita both look at Miguel he feels bad for them, as Rita understand what it's like to have one parent since her mother died, while Johnny understands what's it like to not know your father.

"All right, well, stop standing there." Said Johnny like he doesn't but shows it in his eyes. "Get back to training."

"Okay, yeah, sorry." Said Miguel as he began to scrub the mats.

"And change that ringtone." Said Johnny as he look at Miguel. "Get some Guns N' Roses or something."

"What's Guns N' Roses?" Asked Miguel looking confused and Johnny and Rita look at Miguel in shock.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that." Said Johnny and Rita together as Johnny goes back to the office.

"Don't worry Miguel, I'll show you some Guns N' Roses songs after this." Said Rita as she smiles and Miguel smile at her. "Miguel, I know that your mom doesn't like violence, but how long are you going to keep this a secret, she'll eventually find out."

"That's what I'm waiting for the right moment, I just need to learn a few more lessons, and I will tell her." Said Miguel as he look at Rita.

"Do you promise?" Asked Rita looking at Miguel.

"Yes, I promise I'll tell my mom." Said Miguel smiling at Rita and she nodded her head, hoping Miguel will tell his mom that he's learning karate.


The next morning, Rita got ready for her first day of sophomore year, she got her school stuff in her bag, and got dressed as she gets ready.

(Rita's Outfit)

After Rita got change and had her breakfast, she say goodbye to her father, and went outside to see Miguel waiting for her, and when he saw her, he blush a bit at how Rita dressed, and she smile at Miguel.

"Good morning Miguel." Said Rita as she smiles.

"Good morning Rita, you look amazing today." Said Miguel as he blush a bit. "So are you ready for the first day of school?"

"Yeah, my friends texted me saying they'll be here any second." Said Rita as she smiles.

As Rita and Miguel both went out to the front of their apartments, a red Toyota Corolla car came in front of them over the road, and Rita see's Luna waiting for Miguel and Rita to get in, and they both got inside the car.

"Hey Luna." Said Rita as she and Miguel fasten their seatbelts.

"Hey Rita, I see that this is the new friend you were talking about." Said Luna smiling at Miguel.

"Yep, this is Miguel." Said Rita as she smiles. "Miguel, this is my best friend Luna."

"Nice to meet you." Said Miguel as he smiles.

"Nice to meet you too." Said Luna as she smirks. "You know Rita, you never told me that he's cute."

Miguel blush a bit as Rita giggled at his reaction, and Luna starts driving them all to West Valley High School. After a few minutes later, they all arrived at the school, saw many students all enter for their first day, they got out of the car and start to go inside. Then they all went to the principals office to get their class schedules and look to see what's their first class is and what other classes they have.

"Okay, so I got Algebra I first." Said Rita as she look at her class schedule. "What do you guys get?"

"I got Music first." Said Luna looking at her schedule.

"I got Algebra I." Said Miguel smiling at Rita.

"Well, looks we got our first class together." Said Rita smiling at Miguel.

Then as the first bell rings, Miguel and Rita both head to their first class while Luna go to hers. After Miguel and Rita's first hour of their first class, it went pretty great and they don't see Kyler or any his goons, which is good for them, then it was time for their next class, Rita see's that she has Creative Writing while Miguel has English next, they both went to their separate ways, but promise to sit with each other during lunch.

Rita arrived at her second class, which she has with Luna, and sits with her. As class starts, the teacher began to give the first lesson, then as a hour have went by, the bell rang and they all went to their next class. Then after two classes later, it was lunch time and the girl head towards the cafeteria to meet up with Miguel.


Meanwhile Miguel was in the cafeteria getting his lunch, and look around for Rita or Luna, but couldn't find them, realizing that maybe they might be a bit late. So he look around to find a table to sit at as he wait for Rita, he heard some voice coming from the vending machines, and he saw that it was none other than Kyler and his goons.

As Miguel looks around the lunchroom, he saw a table with two boys sitting together alone having lunch together, and the boys are none other than Eli and Demetri. They look up to see Miguel coming towards them, Eli look really surprised and nervous as he tried to hide his scar from them, while Demetri look surprised to see him.

"Hi, is it cool if I sit here?" Asked Miguel as he look at the two boys.

"Ooh, sorry, table is really blowing up right now." Said Demetri being sarcastic. "I can put you on the wait list, but it's probably next semester at the earliest."

"Oh okay." Said Miguel as he doesn't understand that he was joking.

"No, I'm kidding, you could sit with us." Said Demetri as he looks at Miguel and Miguel sits down.

"My name is Miguel Diaz." Said Miguel as he introduced himself.

"Demetri, this is Eli." Said Demetri as he introduced himself, Miguel wave at Eli, and Eli look away a bit. "He's a man of few words."

"Hey guys." Said Rita as she and Luna arrived at their table.

"Hi Rita." Said Eli as he blush a bit.

"Well Miguel, I see that you have found the best table in the lunchroom." Said Rita as she smiles.

"Ah, I see that you have already know are beautiful blonde maiden and beautiful brunette maiden." Said Demetri looking at Miguel.

"Yeah, Miguel is the new neighbor I told you about." Said Rita smiling at the boys.

Then Rita sits between Miguel and Eli, while Luna sits next to Demetri. As they all have their lunch, two beautiful rich girls walk past their table and Miguel look at them awestruck, while Rita look at him and roll her eyes, and Demetri notice Miguel looking.

"Dude, don't torture yourself." Said Demetri looking at Miguel. "Those are the rich girls."

Rita and Luna look at the table with all the popular and pretty girls that have very expensive clothes and bags as they all laugh and talk to each other, and they don't seem to like them. They may be beautiful girls, but they are not mean and they never want to hangout with the mean girls.

But Rita despises them the most, because Yasmine tried to force her to join them, but she refuse because she doesn't like to hangout with mean people and she look down a bit as she frown, Eli saw her and comforts her, by placing his hand on top of her and she smile at him.

"Do you ever talk to them or. . .? Asked Miguel looking at Demetri.

"Oh, yeah, all the time, we hang out after school. Make out, give each other hand jobs." Said Demetri while Miguel rolled his eyes knowing that it's not true and the girls giggled. "And Eli here is the homecoming king. Gets laid more than anyone. Isn't that right, Eli?"

Eli even smirk at what Demetri have said, Rita and Luna have found it a bit funny as their giggle a bit and also found a bit disgusting and look at Demetri with a smile on their face.

"Okay, first of all, that's kinda gross, and second of all, it's also a bit funny." Said Rita as she smiles and Demetri look at Miguel with a serious look.

"Talk to them?" Asked Demetri as he look at Miguel. "You realize what table you're sitting at, right?"

"The fun table?" Asked Luna as she look at Demetri.

"Wrong, you pretty much signed away all hopes of losing your virginity before college." Said Demetri as he explains. "Rita and Luna are the only one's who will lose their virginity."

"What do you mean?" Asked Miguel as he look confused.

"Take a look at these two, they are so beautiful and popular, even though Rita's so popular while Luna have a rich dad, but anyways to be honest, I didn't understand why they're friends with me and Eli." Said Demetri as he confess. "But apparently they are much more nicer than the other popular kids, they don't care about popularity, and to be honest, I will lose my virginity to one of them."

Rita Ana Luna look at Demetri with shock looks on their faces and smirk at him, while Demetri realizes what he had said and blush a bit.

"Oh. . . Oh, I mean. . . What I mean to say is that. . ." Said Demetri as he tried to clear things up.

"It's okay Demetri, we understand what you mean, we can be very attractive." Said Rita as she smiles and Eli looks at the popular table.

"Oh, shit, Yasmine's looking at us." Said Eli as he look away. "Probably just making fun of me."

"I don't think she's making fun of you." Said Miguel as he tried to cheer up Eli. "I mean, just because they're hot doesn't mean they're mean."

The way that Miguel have said that, Rita rolled her eyes and look at the popular and rich girls table and saw that they are laughing and making fun at Eli's direction, and Eli tried to hide his face, then she place her hand on Eli's hand causing him to look at her and blush, while Rita smile at him, and Demetri looks at the popular table.

"I don't care if Yasmine is the meanest girl at school, I'd kill the two of you just to get her to spit in my face." Said Demetri as he look at Miguel and Eli, and looks at the girls. "I wouldn't kill Rita and Luna because they are way to beautiful to be kill, and they might help me get Yasmine jealous."

"Yeah, how charming." Said Luna rolling her eyes.

"You know Demetri, if you don't make a move, you're never going to have a shot with her." Said Miguel as he look at Demetri.

"True, but l'll also never suffer a humiliating rejection, I'm at peace with my depression, last thing I need to be is suicidal." Said Demetri as he poke his food.

"That's kinda understandable." Said Rita looking at Demetri.

Miguel rolled his eyes and looks at the popular table to see a brown hair girl and flush a bit at how pretty she is, then he remembered the first lesson that Johnny told him, so he felt like that it's the perfect opportunity to strike first as he started to get up from the table.

"What are you doing?" Asked Demetri as he look at Miguel.

"Yeah Miguel, what are you doing?" Asked Rita as she look at him.

"Striking first." Said Miguel as he goes to the popular table.

"Oh this should be good." Said Rita as she roll her eyes.

"Oh, shit, I hope we don't get hit with the shrapnel." Said Demetri as he rolled his eyes.

Rita saw Miguel walking towards the girls table and hope that he'll be okay, at first it was going okay till apparently she Kyler and goons sitting at the table and smirk evilly. And Miguel came back to his table while the other boys laugh at him and he sit down.

"So how'd it go?" Asked Demetri as he look at Miguel.

Rita look at Demetri as if she wanted him to not insult Miguel and Demetri stay quiet as she held Miguel's hand for comfort and Miguel smile at Rita as she was kind enough to cheer him up. Eli saw how close Miguel and Rita are and feels a bit jealous, but realize that Miguel must have a crush on Sam, and they continue having their lunch.

After they all had lunch, they bell ring meaning that it's time for their next class, so they all throw away their trash and went to their classes, Miguel and Demetri went in one hallway to their science class, while Luna went to her english class, and Rita and Eli both went to their social studies class.


Later that day after school, Rita and Miguel are at the dojo with Johnny, he's teaching them how to punch while demonstrating them with a dummy and they both watch as he punches the dummy.

"You can't strike first if you don't know how to strike, the cobra strike is composed of two parts. . . The lunge. . . Which requires the use of the whole body. . . And the bite, which is everything that happens after you make contact, all right?" Said Johnny as he explains while punching the dummy. "You don't stop here where knuckle hits the bone, you punch through the bone, like the guy you really want to hit is standing behind this asshole, all right?"

Miguel and Rita nodded their head as they listen to Johnny's lesson about punching, then he punch the dummy hard and fast, as he yelled loudly making Rita and Miguel flinch a bit, then he demonstrate different places to punch.

"All right. . . Strike here, you bloody his nose. . . Strike here, you break his teeth. . . Strike here, you could severely damage his trachea." Said Johnny causing Miguel and Rita to look at him with wide eyes. "Obviously, that's only for extreme situations. . . All right, Diaz line up, Rita, you go after him."

Then Miguel started to go in front of the punching dummy, while Rita stands behind Miguel, and then Johnny looks at Miguel.

"Focus, I want you to practice." Said Johnny and then his phone began to ring.

"Hyah." Said Miguel as he punch at the dummy.

"Keep practicing." Said Johnny as he goes to his phone as it kept ringing. "Punch through the dummy."

Then as Miguel continues to practice his punching at the dummy, Johnny answer his phone, and Aria goes to her father as she wants to know who's calling him.

Johnny: Hello?

Carla Jenkins: Is this Mr. Lawrence?

Johnny: Yes.

Carla Jenkins: This is Carla Jenkins. The vice principal at North Hills High. I have you listed as an emergency contact for Robby Keene.

When the lady mentions Robby name, it got Rita to get shock cause she haven't heard from Robby in a while, and Johnny continues to talk to Robby's vice principal.

Johnny: Uh, yeah, I'm his father. But you're supposed to call his mom.

Carla Jenkins: I already called her. She's not picking up.

Johnny: Right, big surprise.

Rita rolled her eyes that Robby's mother isn't answering the school, she knew that Robby's mother never seem to care what Robby does since she always go out to dinner with different man with money or drinking.

Johnny: All right, what did he do this time?

Carla Jenkins: We found him with Molly.

Johnny: Who's Molly? Is that some chick he's hooking up with?

Carla Jenkins: It's an illegal drug, Mr. Lawrence.

Rita got really shock and upset that her half-brother Robby is dealing with a dangerous drug and Johnny was also shock as well as he takes a deep breath.

Johnny: All right, put my kid on the phone.

Then Rita starts to hear another voice that belong to Robby and he sound annoyed than she ever heard him before.

Robby: What do you want?

Johnny: Robby, what the hell? You're doing drugs? You want to flush your life down the toilet?

Robby: Like you're one to talk. Don't try to play dad now. You're a pathetic loser.

Rita got heartbroken that Robby will say something awful to their own father, Johnny was also hurt by tried to stay calm till Robby pass the phone back to Vice Principal Carla Jenkins.

Carla Jenkins: Um, I think maybe I should keep trying his mother.

Johnny: Yeah, good luck with that.

As soon as Johnny end his call and puts away his phone, he turn to Rita has a few tears coming out of his eyes as she look upset.

"Why would say that about you, you're not a loser dad." Said Rita in a upset voice as tears come out of her eyes.

"It's not his fault Rita, it's just what his mom says, don't worry." Said Johnny as he hugs Rita.

Rita hugs her father back as she wipe away the tears from her eyes, then Johnny see's that Miguel is punching the dummy not the way he taught him.

"What the hell's he doing?" Asked Johnny as he rolled his eyes.

Rita see's Miguel punch the dummy softly, and she giggled at how silly and cute Miguel is, as she and Johnny go to him.

"All right, no, no, no, no, no, you're doing it all wrong Miguel, those punches are not strong enough to hurt someone." Said Rita looking at Miguel

"She's right, what do you want, those kids at school to keep dumping shit on your head?" Asked Johnny as he looks at Miguel. "You want all the girls to think you're a wangless dork, because you can stop your training right now and you can walk outside and let the whole world know you're a loser, or you can plant your feet, look your enemy in the eyes, and punch him in the face!"

The way Johnny yell cause Miguel and Rita to flinch a bit, but then Miguel start to realize that he needs to be tougher so he got into his fighting position.

"Picture your enemy." Said Johnny as he look at Miguel.

Then Miguel look at the dummy as he starts to picture his own enemy, and Rita saw that Miguel starts to get angry, realizing that he must be thinking about Kyler, as his fist were began to go harden.

"All right, you have a picture in your mind?" Asked Johnny and Miguel nodded. "What are you going to do?"

"HYAH!" Shouted Miguel as he punch the dummy hard causing Rita to flinch a bit.

"Again!" Shout Johnny.

HYAH!" Shouted Miguel as he punch the dummy harder.

"Are you a loser?" Asked Johnny as he look at Miguel.

"No, Sensei!" Shouted Miguel as he kept punching the dummy.

"Again!" Shouted Johnny.

And Miguel kept punching the dummy repeatedly as he yell in anger as he keep picturing his enemy, and of course Rita felt a bit scared at how angry Miguel is but calm down as he finished his punches.

"Good jog Miguel, all right Rita, it's your turn." Said Johnny as he look at his daughter.

Then Rita took a deep breath and calms down as she got into her fighting position. Then as Johnny tells Rita to punch the dummy, she punches the dummy hard as Miguel did before.

Rita kept punching the dummy repeatedly as she also yell in anger as she remembers the night those Kyler and his goons hurt Miguel and assaulted her.

Later that night, Rita and Miguel are both washing the windows, while Johnny is inside office working on the papers for the building, and of course Rita and Miguel were a bit annoyed about this.

"Hey, Sensei, is there any particular way you want me to wash these windows?" Asked Miguel as he look at Johnny.

"No, I don't give a shit, whatever's easiest." Said Johnny as he look at Miguel. "You know what, go clean the toilet, and we'll call it a night. And do that one on your hands and knees."

"Okay." Said Miguel as he goes to the bathroom.

"All right, and Rita I want you to wash the mirrors." Said Johnny looking at his daughter.

Then Rita nodded her head and went to grab a bucket and a cloth, as she filled up the bucket with water, she starts washing the mirrors. After a few minutes later, Rita finished washing the mirrors, and just as she went to dump the dirty water in the sink in the other room, she heard the bell ring meaning that someone is coming inside. And she see that it was none other than Daniel LaRusso.

"Oh hello." Said Rita as she smiles.

"Oh hello there." Said Daniel as he smiles.

"Hey, I know who you are, your Daniel LaRusso, from "LaRusso's Auto Company." Said Rita smiling at Daniel. "Your motto is "You kick the competition."

"That's right." Said Daniel as he smiles.

"Can I help Mr. LaRusso?" Asked Rita as she looks at Daniel.

"Yeah, I'm looking for Johnny Lawrence." Said Daniel and Rita nodded her head.

"Dad, someone's here to see you." Said Mackenzie calling her father and Daniels eyes widen in shock.

"Dad?" Asked Daniel in shock.

"Yes, Johnny is my father, my name is Rita Lawrence." Said Rita introducing herself and Johnny came out of his office.

"Welcome to Cobra Kai." Said Johnny as he got out of the office and saw Daniel.

"Some things never change." Said Daniel as he look at Johnny.

"Yeah, what are you talking about?" Asked Johnny as he got closer.

"I heard you beat up a bunch of teenagers in that parking lot out there." Said Daniel as he look at Johnny.

"Oh, that." Said Johnny as he remembered. "No, I didn't beat up any teenagers, I kicked the shit out of a bunch of assholes who deserved it."

"Wow, Johnny Lawrence calling someone else an asshole." Said Daniel as he rolled his eyes. "That's rich, man."

'Wait a minute, does dad know Daniel LaRusso?' Though Rita as she got confused.

"Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?" Asked Johnny as he look at Daniel.

"Look, I'm not here to rehash the past." Said Daniel as he tried to relax. "Just stay away from my daughter's friends."

"Wait, Mr. LaRusso, there's an perfect. . ." Said Rita trying to finish her sentence.

"Your daughter's friends?" Said Johnny cutting off Rita and laughs a bit." "Yeah, that makes sense, nice company she keeps."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Said Daniel as he look annoyed.

"It means those friends of hers were wailing on a kid half their size, and harassing my daughter." Said Johnny as he look at Daniel. "Now, maybe you don't know your daughter as well as you think you do. Get your house in order, LaRusso."

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" Asked Daniel frowning at Johnny.

"Mr. LaRusso, my dad isn't lying, Kyler and his goons really did hurt a kid half their size, and they did harass me, my dad was only trying to protect me and Miguel." Said Rita till Miguel came out of the bathroom.

"Bathroom's clean, is there anything else you need me to do?" Asked Miguel till he saw Daniel LaRusso. "Oh, I'm sorry, Sensei, I. . ."

"Sensei. . . Really. . . Oh, my God, look kid, I don't know what he's told you guys, but you shouldn't believe a word this guy says, or you're going to end up exactly like him." Said Daniel causing Miguel to get confused and Daniel look at Rita. "And Rita, you seem like a very nice girl, but you shouldn't follow his footsteps, or you will throw away your life."

"Don't you dare talk to my daughter like that!" Said Johnny as he glared at Daniel.

"You and I. . . This. . . We aren't done." Said Daniel as he look at Johnny.

"I'm right here, man." Said Johnny as he look at Daniel.

Then Daniel LaRusso starts to leave the dojo heading to his car, and Miguel and Rita were both a bit shock as Johnny glared a bit at Daniel as he leave, and Miguel looks at Johnny.

"l'm sorry if I interrupted anything, Sensei." Said Miguel as he look at Johnny. "Should I do 20 push-ups on my knuckles?"

"Right, like you could." Said Johnny as he chuckled.

"Is everything okay dad?" Asked Rita as she look worried.

"Yeah, everything is fine, we should call it a night, we better get home before Miguel's mom comes looking for him." Said Johnny as he look at Miguel .

Miguel and Rita nodded at Johnny as they grab their stuff and start to head back home. As they head back home, Rita couldn't help but feel what the tension between Johnny and Daniel, and how her father seems angry around him, little did she know is that a war will began and will have to fight to end it.

Cobra Kai belongs to Netflix

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