Chapter 19

She grabbed her phone and sat straight and began texting him back, I could tell because Rainbow literally has texting fingers, you can tell when she's messaging someone.

Pp: " Oof. " Pinkie mumbled, I could still hear her though.

Sunset gave Pinkie a look to shut her up and Pinkie instantly read the look and shut her mouth. I just let out a sigh before speaking up, obviously trying to hide my upset feeling.

Aj: " How about we play a different game? " I gulped, hoping the others would agree.

Twilight and Sunset agreed, and so did Rarity and Pinkie, Fluttershy left out with a shrug and as for Rainbow, she wasn't even listening, she was smiling and laughing at her phone, that really pissed me off.

Tw: " Rainbow? " Twilight said calmly trying to get the rainbow haired teenagers attention.

I gave Rainbow a nudge with my elbow which was enough because she looked up at me with a confused look in her pale cyan face, then she shook her head falling back on track.

Rd: " Oh sorry, yeah. What game? " She nervously chuckled.

A sigh escaped through my mouth before turning on my phone to check the time that sat on the top on my phones screen.

Aj: " There's enough time to go to the park and play grounders? " I suggested.

The other girls agreed and we all got up off the floor and walked out of Rainbow Dash's room and down the stairs. Her mom stopped us before we could even make it out of the door, the most of us rolled our eyes and sighed but the rest just had a smile plastered on her face, Twilight.

" Where are you girls going? "

It pisses me off when her mother pretends to care where her daughter is going off to, she's just acting because of the rest of us who are present, if it were to be just Rainbow I bet she wouldn't even care to ask where she was going if she was walking towards the door.

Rd: " The park. " Rainbow Dash replied in a dry tone.

Her mom nodded her head and walked back into their kitchen, probably to go drink and shit. Rainbow took a deep breath before turning around and looked me in the eyes, she also had a white, fake smile plastered on her face.

Rd: " Let's go. " She smiled an even faker smile then before.

I wanted to say something but decided to not say anything to her in front of all our friends, and out the door we went.


When we made it to the park Rainbow immediately dashed to the swings and started swinging, I sat beside her, as the two of us pump our legs our swings were moving together until Rainbows swing started to get up higher. I thought she was starting a little competition, like she always does, so I began to try and get higher until I noticed the anger in her face, so she was probably going higher out of anger.

I tried calling her name a couple of times but nothing would work, I heard her breathing picking up and I could see the struggle in her eyes.

Aj: " Rainbow! " I yelled loud enough for the other girls to hear.

All the attention was now on both Rainbow and I which caused her to go even more quiet because she obviously didn't want to tell the all of us. My rainbow haired best friend then stopped moving her legs and waited a while for the swing to stop moving.

When it stopped she jumped off and grabbed my arm after mine stop, and she dragged me far from the park and closer to the field, probably to tell me what's up.

Rd: " I'm sorry. It's just, I'm still angry about my mom and I know right now isn't the time to rage out. " She managed to choke out as she was almost about to burst out into tears.

I sighed before hugging Rainbow and brushing down her hair.

Aj: " No, it's okay Dash. Ah understand why yer upset, Ah would be to. " I tried to sound as comforting as I can.

Rainbow was now quietly sobbing into my shoulder while I was softly rubbing her back and trying to calm her down. I felt so bad she was still affected by all this, and I don't blame her it would be pretty hard to sink in.

Rd: " It's just, I don't want this to ruin our time at the p-park. " She mumbled very lightly to the point where I couldn't hear her.

Aj: " Sorry, Ah didn't get that. "

Rainbow looked up in my eyes with her red, broken and teary eyes. I could see them filling up again, which was heart breaking.

Rd: " I don't want this to ruin our time at the park. " She shouted a bit.

I clenched my teeth hoping that the others didn't hear Rainbow Dash shout, but that was too good to be true because Pinkie, the big mouth, overheard. She came running towards with a shocked expression in her face.

Pp: " What happened? Why is Dashie crying?! " Pinkie gasped.

I could feel my anger rising inside of me, mainly because I'm still not over the fact that Pinkie went ahead and told everyone about Rainbow's mom.

Aj: " Don't worry about Pinkie, Ah got this. " I managed to say through my clenched teeth.

The party planner stared deeply into my soul with a serious look on her face before speaking up.

Pp: " Fine. I'll just go home. " She sounded so dramatic, it was like I was talking to Rarity.

After Pinkie left Rainbow and I, I went back to comforting Rainbow who was crying into my shoulder, I felt awful. I started rubbing her back while whispering the words, let it all out.

It's been about three minutes and Rainbow Dash was still letting out tears, and I still couldn't believe that none of our friends have notice we were gone, they didn't call our names, or ask where we were.

Another three minutes went by and Rainbows cries were calming down and we were now sitting in the sand, her head was resting on my shoulder and she was taking deep breaths.

Rd: " Thanks Aj, I really needed that. " She admitted while sounding very relaxed.

Aj: " Anytime, Dashie. " I teased after wrapping my arm around her.

I seen a smile appear on her face, it wasn't big and didn't show much happiness but it was still a smile, and it really did make my day.

It was so quiet and peaceful, it was just Rainbow and I, and the soft wind and birds chirping, until we were interrupted by her phone buzzing. She looked at the message and her eyes widened.

Aj: " Are ya alright? " I removed my arm off her shoulder, and of course I sounded worried.

Rainbow instantly looked up at me with panic in her eyes, I could see them starting to fill up more.

Rd: " I have to cancel the sleepover, I'm sorry. "

That being said she got up and began to walk away but I got up as well and grabbed her wrist, looking into her worried, teary eyes broke me.

Aj: " Rainbow, what's happening? " I kinda shouted at her, feeling bad afterwards obviously.

She pulled me in for a hug then kissed my cheek, I could feel my face burning up and my heart was beating faster and faster, did that really just happen? Could Rainbow like like me? No, that's ridiculous, she likes Soarin it's quite obvious.

Rd: " My door is opened, go in and grab your stuff. " She said while starting to walk away.

Still stunned by the kiss I watched her walk away until I quickly snapped back into reality.

Aj: " But what's happ- " I was cut off by her harsh, raspy voice.

Rd: " No time to explain. " She hollered back, with her voice sounding like she was crying?

Dammit Dash, what's going on?


Phew! Finally got updating to this story, it took a while but it's posted now hehe.

Anyways, I also wanted to say that I might not be posting as much anymore as I'm going through a lot at the moment, don't give up on me though because I promise I'll still continue the ongoing stories!!

Love you guys,
Stay safe~ 💗🤗

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