Chapter 9
It's Thursday and Alec couldn't be more thrilled. This is the last day for a long while that he needs to get up at five o'clock in the morning for work. He's also looking forward to going out with all of his coworkers and having a good time.
Alec pulls into his parking space at the station, gets out, grabs his bag with a change of clothes in it, and heads inside. He has a feeling that today is going to be a great day.
Alec sees Magnus as soon as he steps into the locker room and gives him a wide smile. Magnus returns his smile accompanied by a chuckle.
"Someone's in a good mood this morning," Magnus bends down to reach for his own bag and places it in his locker. "Is there a specific reason for your good mood?"
"I woke up without wanting to destroy my alarm clock, traffic was smooth enough that I had time to stop by JJ's on my way in," Alec shows Magnus his to-go cup of coffee, "and, I get to hang out with you tonight." Alec looks around the locker room just to make sure the two are still alone, then bends down and kisses his boyfriend.
"So tonight, did you want to ride over to the bar with me?" Alec asks.
"Of course, I was also going to ask if you would maybe want to spend the night tonight?" Alec's eyes widen the size of saucers. This is the first time Magnus has ever asked him to stay the night.
"Y-yeah...absolutely. A-are you sure?" Alec can't help but to ask, mostly due to the fact that he's been waiting for this moment for a while now.
"I'm positive, Alexander. I'm ready now." Magnus then lowers his voice, "I think I've been ready for a while, but for the last two weeks, you've stopped any activities before they could get started."
"I just didn't want to do something you weren't ready for," Alec replies with a shrug. Yep, today is going to be a great day. And tonight, tonight I'm finally going to make love to the man that I'm hopelessly falling in love with. Alec thinks to himself as he puts his bag in his locker.
They walk out of the locker room, finding Aline in the common room talking to Jordan. Alec motions towards the doorway, and she quickly follows them out to the garage. Alec completes his inspection, and while he's on the radio to dispatch, Aline and Magnus finish up their beginning of the shift routine. With it being the end of their work week, today is also the day that they have to wash the exterior of the ambulance. Just as they finish rinsing off the ambulance, they get a message from dispatch that there was a call from a babysitter stating that an eight year old boy fell out of a tree house with a possible break in his left arm. They immediately climb in and head out to the incident.
Upon arrival, there is a young woman holding a crying boy sitting on their front porch. Alec immediately gets the splinting kit out of the ambulance and walks over to the boy.
"Hey buddy, my name's Alec. I'm going to be taking care of you and get you to the doctor okay?" He holds out the kit. "Do you mind if I take a look?" The little boy shakes his head but whimpers at the same time.
"What's your name?" Alec asks while he's palpitating the arm. He wants to keep the boy preoccupied while he does his assessment and splint the arm.
"My name's Tyler. Are you a doctor?"
Alec chuckles, but shakes his head no.
"I am a paramedic, it's my job to keep your arm from moving around too much before we can get you to see a doctor. Do you know what the doctor is going to do when you arrive at the hospital?" Tyler shakes his head no."He's going to take you to this really cool room, then put this awesome lead vest over your chest and stomach, kind of like a plate of armor. Then they are going to take pictures of your arm. Do you know what the pictures will show?"
Tyler shakes his head no again.
"These cool pictures that he's going to take will actually show the bones in your arm. That's how the doctor will be able to tell if it's broken or not," Alec tries to speak with enthusiasm so he can keep Tyler as calm as possible. At this point, he's finished assessing the arm, and is putting it in a splint. "Okay Tyler, I'm all done here. How about me, you, your babysitter, and my team take you for a ride to get those pictures taken? Aline over there will turn our cool sirens on." Tyler giggled and ran over to the ambulance. They pile in and head to the hospital, and, true to Alec's word, Aline turns the siren on. Tyler thinks it's the coolest thing in the world.
When they get back to the station, Magnus pulls Alec aside and kisses him with more ferocity than he's ever done before.
"The way you spoke to Tyler, and just handled him altogether was so sweet." Magnus kisses Alec more tenderly this time around. "I just wanted to let you know, plus, I didn't want to wait until I got you to my apartment before kissing you." With that, Magnus walks away. Smiling like an idiot, Alec follows Magnus to the common room.
As Alec is stepping foot into the common room, he can hear Aline talking about the call they just got back from.
"...seriously you guys! When I finally have my baby, I'm totally going to use him as my babysitter! He's a natural around children! I kid you not, he almost had me in tears, it was such a beautiful thing to witness," Aline gushes, causing the rest of the group to laugh. "Oh come on Magnus! Help me out here, you saw the same thing!" At this point, Alec is beet red and interjects Aline's appraisal of him.
"How about you go find out if those injections have started working, Aline. All I did was distract the poor boy while I poked and prodded at his arm. Nothing to get worked up about."
Aline sticks out her tongue at him and Alec dodges the boot she sends flying in his direction.
Once they get to the club, Alec automatically notices Kaelie and Brad at the bar making everyone's drink orders. Alec and Magnus are the last two to arrive due to the quick make out session they had in the parking lot, then they had to compose themselves enough to be able to actually walk into the bar without raging hard ons. Magnus grabs Alec's attention and points to the table that everyone is sitting at, and they make their way through the crowd.
"Hey man, I ordered a pitcher of beer for the table. Aline is only going to drink soda tonight, but I didn't know if you guys wanted anything different or not," Jordan tells them as they sit down.
"Beer is fine with me, what about you Magnus?" Alec asks.
"Beer's fine," was his only response. Alec is a little curious about Magnus' choice of drink, considering he doesn't really drink beer. Alec gives Magnus a curious look, but he just shrugs it off like it isn't a big deal.
"So Alec, are you going to pursue any conquests for the night?" one of the guys, Joshua, asks. Alec nearly chokes on the beer he's sipping.
"No man, I'm in a committed relationship now. In fact, I'm going to his place tonight," Alec replies. Sure, before meeting Magnus, Alec most likely wouldn't have declined someone's advances, but it wasn't like he made a habit of going home with a different guy every night. When Alec was in a relationship, he was loyal. "You do realize that was a one time thing, right Josh? Not to mention that was at least six months ago."
"Well forgive me for assuming. It's not like you joined us last time we went out," Josh replies slightly condescendingly. The rest of the guys look at Josh like he's lost his mind. The way Josh just spoke says a lot about the kid's character. Josh's insinuations have Alec fuming.
"Well the last time we did this, I had my best friends college graduation, which is why I didn't go with you guys." Alec doesn't really like Josh that much, and he doesn't know why he feels the need to justify his actions to this little prat. He reminds Alec of Sebastian, but at least Sebastian is a bit more tame and mature than this kid, not to mention that Sebastian is Alec's friend. "What about you? Are you going to find some random chick to hook up with?" Alec asks with a little more venom in his voice than he meant to. Josh looks slightly taken aback by Alec's blunt question.
"Naw man, I'm not like that," the kid stammers out. Joshua is the youngest guy they have working in the station. He just got out of Fire Training Academy. He's a pretty good firefighter from what Jordan says, but he's insanely immature.
Conversations break off into groups. Jordan, Josh and Bat are all talking in low voices; Shane, Tanner and Jamal are having a conversation amongst themselves. This leaves Aline, Magnus and Alec to their own conversation.
"Alec, don't let that little shit bother you, he's young and doesn't know everyone very well yet," Aline says, trying to cool Alec's temper down a bit. Alec nods his head, then feels a slight pressure to his knee. He looks over at Magnus and smiles.
"He does seem like a bit of a wanker. I've never had the desire to speak with him unless he asks a direct question," Magnus reassures Alec even more as his thumb caresses his knee.
Alec is about to say something else when a beautiful woman walks up. She's blonde, petite, and has green eyes. She's wearing a tight red dress that stops mid thigh, and her heels and lipstick match the color of the dress flawlessly.
"Hey there handsome, what's your name?" the woman directs her question at Magnus. Alec wants to laugh, because this woman doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell with his boyfriend.
"Hello darling, name's Magnus. And aren't you a vision to behold." Alec and Aline's jaws hit the floor.
Surely Magnus isn't flirting with this woman. He's just being polite, Alec thinks as his heart rate speeds up to the point where it feels like it's going to beat right out of his chest. "What's your name?" Magnus asks in a very flirtatious tone. In fact, it's the same tone he used with Alec the night they met at this very bar.
"Well handsome, come to the bar with me and buy me a drink, then you might very well get a name," the woman says. At this point, Magnus stands up without making eye contact with Alec or Aline, and gestures towards the bar.
"Lead the way." And with that, Magnus follows the woman to the bar, leaving Alec and Aline staring after the couple completely dumbfounded.
"Did that seriously just happen?" Alec breathes out, trying to fight back the tears that are threatening to fall.
"Is he that desperate to keep his secret that he would do that to you?" Aline whisper yells. Alec can't help but to feel like he was living some sort of deja vu, and Aline knows all about Alec's ex and the way he treated him. The only thing left for him to do is to just keep an eye on Magnus. Maybe there's a logical explanation for what Magnus is doing?
"Damn! I didn't realize Magnus was such a chick magnet. That woman is hot as fuck!" Jamal pipes in. It's definitely not helping Alec's mood at all.
"Uh yeah, I guess he is," Alec says without looking away from the bar. Magnus is smiling at the woman while the woman wraps an arm around his neck, pulling him closer to her. It's taking all of Alec's energy to not march up to where they are standing and pry that bitch off his boyfriend. He and Magnus are going to exchange a few words when this night is over.
Why couldn't he just tell that woman that he's not interested? Why is he going through this much trouble, just to hide who he is and what we have? Alec thinks as he's sipping his beer. Alec glances around the table. Most of the guys are laughing and joking around, but Jordan has this unreadable look about him. Alec can't seem to decipher it, nor does he care at the moment. He's just too focused on the fact that his boyfriend, the man who he's completely falling in love with, is out there flirting with a woman right in front of him. He looks back towards Magnus and sees that they are making their way towards the dance floor. At this point, Alec has had enough. He gets up and looks over at Aline.
"I'm going to go use the bathroom, keep an eye on them for me, yeah?" Aline nods and he walks off.
Once in the bathroom, Alec leans against the door and takes a few calming breaths to help keep the tears at bay. He is done with this night. All he wants to do is go home and curl up in his bed. His mind is going a thousand miles per hour, trying to figure out how everything has become so messed up in such a short timeframe. Alec is going over the events of the last three months in his mind, wondering just how he ended up screwing things up with Magnus so badly that instead of him telling that blond bitch - as well as the rest of the guys - that he's in a relationship, he just goes off with her as if one, he's not taken, and two, he's interested.
Maybe Alec was pressuring Magnus so much about coming out to everyone at work, that he felt he had no other options than to flirt with her? It's the only conclusion that Alec can come up with. No matter how hard he tries to justify Magnus' actions, it is a fucked up situation. Alec walks over to the sink, turns on the water, and splashes his face with the cold, sobering water. He dries himself off, then heads out of the bathroom.
He's almost reached the table when he hears everyone whistling, and catcalling. Looking up, Alec sees that Magnus is in a tight liplock with the blonde she-devil.
Once the shock wears off, Alec pulls out his wallet, throws a twenty down for his part of the tab, and walks away.
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