Chapter 29

Arriving at the restaurant, Magnus can't help but admire the decor. Everything that he and his mother picked out looks amazing, but not as amazing as the man standing next to him. Isabelle did a fantastic job on designing and making their suits. Alexander is wearing a black dress shirt, black dress pants, a midnight blue blazer with black silk lapels, and a tie that matches the blazer. When Magnus saw Alexander in his suit, he wanted to rip it off and have his way with him.

Magnus' suit coordinates with Alexander's perfectly. Magnus is wearing a royal blue blazer, tie, dress pants, with a thin paisley pattern embroidered in the blazer and tie. Underneath that he had on a simple black dress shirt. His hair is chalked in blue, set in his signature spikes along with glitter gel to give him more flare. His makeup is a blue smoky eye shadow, lined with black kohl and glitter. Magnus also used a nude lips gloss.

They make their way into the dining area, following the maître d' to their table. Magnus notices Alexander glancing around. "Are they here yet?" Magnus asks, knowing exactly who Alec is looking for.

"Not yet, or at least not that I can tell." Alec replies. At this moment, Ragnor comes into view.

"Magnus! Pretty Boy! Good to see you two." Ragnor greets them with a hug.

"Hey old man!" Alec huffs out a laugh and a genuine smile. "Where's your better half?"

"Ah, pretty boy's got jokes." Ragnor looks around, "Catarina is over near the Morgensterns' talking about... well... whatever it is that doctors talk about."

"Alec?" it isn't a voice Magnus recognizes, but he knows it came from behind them. Before Magnus can turn to look, suddenly there's a man rushing towards his boyfriend, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"My boy! I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." Magnus hears the man whispering, his face buried in Alexander's neck. "I should have fought her. I never should have let you go."

The man - who Magnus now presumes to be Alec's father - pulls out of the embrace with eyes red rimmed as he continues, "Words can't describe how much I've missed you son."

Alexander, who had clearly been stunned in silence up until now, snaps out of his haze. "I've already been over this with Maryse, it's taken you six years to contact me! Tell me, Robert. What's changed? Why are you and Maryse suddenly ready to let me back in with open arms?" Alec says angrily. He moves closer to Magnus, and Magnus automatically wraps his arm around Alexander's waist in comfort and support. He also notices that Ragnor has made himself scarce.

"I'm sorry Alec. I wish I could go back in time and change everything. Ever since your mother kicked you out, we've been fighting more and more. I confess that I was a coward. I knew how she felt about homosexuals, and I still allowed her to treat you the way she did, and for that, I am sorry. I will spend the rest of my life making that up to you." Robert takes a noticeable breath, "When I found out that you nearly died, that's when I gave your mother the ultimatum."

Now Magnus is confused, Alexander didn't say anything about an ultimatum. He glances at his boyfriend, and realizes that Alec too knows nothing about this.

"What ultimatum?" Alec says incredulously.

Magnus turned towards Robert, who looks like his face is going to explode. It's an alarming shade of red, and there's a vein popping out in his forehead. "You mean she didn't tell you!?" Robert asks in a strained voice, Alec shakes his head. "When I found out about the shooting, that was the last straw. I told your mother that I had already lost one son, and I'd be damned if I would lose another. I was tired of her constantly dictating what goes on in our family. I wanted you back. I told her that she needed to contact you and set things right." The anger faded from his voice as he continued. "Son, I don't care that you're gay. I just want you to be happy, and I know you haven't been for a long time."

"I don't know about that," Alec mumbled.

"But my point is, my best friend, Michael Wayland, is gay. He came out to me when we were in college. Shortly after your mother and I married, she told me that she wanted nothing to do with him. And even though I stop talking to my best friend because of her, I never truly realized how homophobic she was until you came out to us. I've spent the last six years in counseling, trying to figure this all out. It really has helped me come to terms with my own issues, and has been helping me resolve them."

"I still don't understand where this ultimatum plays in." Alec says. His entire demeanor seems more relaxed.

"Right, sorry. I digress." Magnus realizes with much amusement that Alec must have gotten his rambling nature through his father. "The ultimatum I gave your mother is that she make amends and welcomes you back into the family, or I was going to go through with the divorce. I was never the one who disowned you, you still have all of your inheritance, and I've never written you out of the will."

Magnus tightens his grip on Alexander's waist when he hears Alec suck in a sharp breath. Hell, the news they've just received has knocked the air out of Magnus. He doesn't have to know Robert Lightwood in order to see the truth in his eyes, and Magnus hopes that Alec can gain a relationship with at least his father. Magnus' relationship with his own father is something that he cherishes. He hopes and prays that Robert is sincere with his intentions of wanting his son back in his life.

Alexander clears his throat, "She didn't mention any of that to me."

Magnus can feel his eyes water at how vulnerable and small Alec's voice sounds, though not enough to spill over. Magnus chances a glance around the room, wondering if he can find Maryse Lightwood, but Maryse is only a few feet away from Robert. Just far enough away to give the illusion of privacy, but clearly eavesdropping on them. Upon further inspection, it seems that the entire party is listening in on the conversation. Maryse seems to realize this as well, and strides up next to her husband.

"Robert, can we please not air out our business to a room full of people we don't know." She says angrily. Robert doesn't seem to be fazed.

"No Maryse, I want everyone to know why you turned our son away at his most vulnerable moment," Robert sneers at his wife, then adds as an afterthought. "Alec seems to know just about everyone in this room anyway." In Magnus' peripheral vision, he sees Alec's face reddening in embarrassment.

"Actually, why don't we take this out to the patio?" Magnus butts in. "Just because you two have issues, doesn't mean you have the right to embarrass your son."

"And you are?" Maryse asks condescendingly.

Magnus raises an eyebrow, completely unimpressed by the woman. "Magnus Bane. I'm Alexander's boyfriend, and you are currently making a fool of yourself in my father's establishment."

Magnus sees Maryse visibly pale. She gives a turse nod, then he leads them to the outdoor patio. His arm never leaving Alec's side. Once outside, Alexander turns to face his mother so quickly, he nearly knocks Magnus over.

"What do you really want Maryse? You obviously didn't contact me out of the kindness of your heart, if you even have a heart!" Alec yells, causing both Robert and Maryse to flinch. It doesn't seem that he's going to hold back now that they're outside and away from prying eyes. Magnus doesn't blame him.

"I want my children and my husband back!" Maryse shouts. It doesn't seem like that's a sufficient enough answer for Alexander. Magnus sees that by the look on his face, Alec is becoming even more angry.

"You mean your heterosexual children, or all three of us?" Alec's voice is calm, cold, and detached. Oh shit! Magnus thinks. He knows that voice well. It's the same tone that Alec used the night after Magnus' screw up. Alexander is beyond furious, which Magnus can't blame him. It's taking all of Magnus' energy to not blow up on Maryse himself. There's a long pause before Maryse speaks.

"If it means that I can get my family back, then fine. I want you back in my life. I don't understand your choice, but I guess I can learn to deal with it." Maryse finally says.

Alexander stares at his mother for a moment, then suddenly his shoulders slump forward and he lets out a resigned sigh. "Fine. But I'm not doing this for myself, or for you Maryse. I'm doing this for Jace and Izzy. I know what it's like to be alone for years at a time, and I'm not going to let that happen to them."

"Thank you." Maryse says, then steps back inside. Robert on the other hand lingers.

"I am truly sorry son. But I am sincere when I say that I do want you in my life." Robert says, seemingly a little sad.

"I want that too dad. I'll be happy to get to know you again." Alec replies. Robert walks up to his son and pulls him into a hug. They exchange numbers, then Robert excuses himself to join the party.

Once they're alone, Magnus pulls Alec into an embrace, trying to give as much love and comfort as he can provide.

"I'm so sorry I ruined your dad's party Magnus. I'll apologise to both of your parents before we leave tonight." Alec says as they pull apart, looking down at his feet.

"That won't be necessary, Alec." For the second time that night Magnus found himself turning to face the new speaker, though this time he recognized the voice. "You weren't the only one who invited your parents. They're my new attorney's."

Asmodeus was standing in the doorway. It looks like Alec was going to make a rebuttal, but Asmodeus cuts him off. "If we had known the names of our new attorney's, one I would have fired them, and two, I never would have put you in the position you were in tonight. And for that, I am truly sorry son."

"It wasn't your fault Asmodeus, when I spoke to my mother on the phone, I was so hopeful that I didn't notice her decete. If I hadn't mentioned them coming here tonight, it would have happened somewhere else." Alec says.

Asmodeus steps towards Alec and pulls him into a hug. He whispers something in Alec's ear that Magnus couldn't make out, then steps away leaving the two of them alone.

Magnus steps up to his boyfriend, wraps him in his arms to give him the comfort he knows Alec needs. Magnus is sure that tonight is not the night to ask Alexander to move in with him. He's been put through enough stress, and Magnus doesn't want to be the cause of even more.

Alexander pulls away from the embrace first. Magnus looks into his eyes and sees resolve settling in. Magnus knows that they are going to be discussing this further when they get home tonight. He doesn't want Alec bottling everything up.

"Are you ready to go back inside, or would you like to stay here for a while longer?" Magnus asks.

"I'm ready to go back. I can't stay out here forever." Alec says, sounding just a resolved as he looks.

They enter the dining room, and Isabelle immediately pounces on Alec.

"What did they say? What do they want with you? Why are they even here? I could kill them both for hurting you. Are you alright?" Her questions come at rapid fire, and Alec looks like his anxiety is raising.

"Isabelle, we will answer all of your questions, just not tonight okay. Please let your brother breathe and process the conversation before making him relive it?" Magnus asks, earnestly.

Isabelle doesn't seem happy about having to wait for answers, but she isn't making any protests either. She gives Magnus a curt nod, then heads back to her table.

"Thank you." Alec whispers close in Magnus' ear, sending shivers down his spine.

"You're welcome, sweetheart. Let's just try to enjoy the rest of the evening, shall we?" Alexander nods his head and allows Magnus to guide them back to their table.

They sit, and converse with all of their friends who are either sitting with them, or very close to them, while enjoying their meal.

Jace has outdone himself with the menu for tonight. Of course before the dinner, there were serves walking around offering various samples of their starters. They had bacon wrapped scallops, stuffed mushrooms, and stuffed clams with pancetta. The chosen salad was simple and light, baby spinach with fresh strawberries, dried cranberries, feta cheese and candied pecans crumbled on top, and a berry balsamic vinaigrette dressing. The main course was a seared tuna with pasta, and a side of grilled asparagus.

Once the dinner plates were cleared, Magnus sees his father standing with his glass in his hand and Jace beside him.

"May I have everyone's attention, please?" Asmodeus address the room then waits for everyone to quiet down before continuing. "I would like to introduce you all to my head chef for my new restaurant, The East River Delicacy, Mister Jace Herondale." Jace steps forward with a smile, and waves at the guests. Asmodeus waits a moment for everyone to quiet, once again.

"I originally hired Jace as a mentee. I had every intention of making Jace the sous chef for this restaurant and hire a more experienced head chef, but now I'm glad I went against my better judgement. Jace never once disappointed me. He quickly learned the business side of running a restaurant, then he wowed me with his cooking skills. Jace proved to me that he's not only an outstanding chef, but he knows how to take charge when needed, make difficult decisions, and has impeccable leadership skills. " Asmodeus says, looking at Jace who seems to be blushing, then turns back to the crowd. "One night I was discussing the opening to my beautiful wife. I told her that after many many interviews, I just couldn't find a chef that lived up to Jace's expectations. My darling, Annisa mentioned that I should just hire Jace as my head chef." Asmodeus turns back to Jace, "And someday, I would like to bring Jace on as an equal owner of The East River Delicacy. For he was the one who helped me build this place from the ground up. How about it kid? Do you wanna run this place someday?"

Magnus looks at Alexander, who's staring at his younger brother with a shocked but proud look in his eyes. Magnus also glances back to his father and Jace, Jace equally as shocked and surprise.

"I would be an honored, sir." Jace says, clearly thrilled and overwhelmed.

Asmodeus shakes Jace's hand, and everyone starts cheering and congratulating Jace.

Alexander looks at Magnus, eyes shining with unshed tears. "Did you know about this?"

Magnus smiles. "I knew dad was planning something tonight, but I had no idea this is what it was."

"I'm so proud of him!" Alec exclaims, smiling happily for his brother. "Thank you, Magnus. This wouldn't have happened if it weren't for you."

"Sweetheart, I merely mentioned him to my dad, and got him an interview. Jace did everything else." Magnus then pulls Alec in for a quick kiss.

"You know, I'm kind of glad my parents are here to see Jace tonight," Alec says. "I would have hated for them to miss this." Magnus follows Alexander's gaze, which lands on Robert and Maryse. They do seem proud of Jace. Magnus just wishes they would have been proud of Alexander too. But that's also one of the things that Magnus loves about Alec, the way he sets aside his own happiness and reservations for the happiness of others. Alec is the purest person Magnus has even had the privilege of knowing, and he thanks his lucky stars to be able to call Alexander his.

The rest of the night goes swimmingly well. For dessert they have creme brulee. It's the best thing Magnus has ever put in his mouth. Magnus is in the middle of a conversation with Ragnor and Cat, when someone clears their throat behind him.

Looking back, he sees Robert Lightwood, "I'm sorry for interrupting, but I realized how rude I was being earlier and wanted to properly introduce myself." He holds his hand out for Magnus to shake.

Stunned, Magnus tentatively shakes his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mister Lightwood."

"Please, call me Robert. And again, I apologise for not properly introducing myself. I was too focused on my son." Robert says, seemingly very nervous.

"It's understandable. You haven't seen Alexander in years. If the situation were reversed, I know I would have tunnel vision as well." Magnus says with what he hopes is a reassuring smile. He still has his reservations about the Lightwood's, he just hopes for Alec's sake, they truly are sincere.

"Thank you for your kindness Magnus. It is a pleasure to meet you, and I hope I can see more of you along with Alec." With that, he says his goodbyes, returning to his table.

As the evening wears on, everyone slowly trickles out of the restaurant, saying their goodbyes, and praising Asmodeus and Jace. Magnus and Alec do the same, and head back home for a much needed relaxing night in.   

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