Chapter 23
As Alec wakes from his nap, he can feel Magnus' fingers gently moving through his hair. Alec keeps his eyes closed, but sighs in content as he snuggles closer to his lover.
"Did you sleep at all?" Alec mumbles the question, basking in the comfort of his boyfriends arms.
"I slept a bit." Magnus murmurs as he continues to stroke Alec's hair. "I can't stop thinking about what Valentine said... about you flatlining on the table."
Alec slowly sits up so he can see his boyfriend's face. "Magnus," he says, cupping Magnus' cheek, "Sleep, don't worry about me. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."
Magnus turns his head and kisses Alec's palm. "I know, it's just... when I found you, I thought I was going to lose you forever. As I was treating you, it was like this out of body experience. I knew I was going through the motions, but it just didn't seem real."
Alec looks at Magnus, then pulls him in for a kiss. It's slow, filled with love and sorrow. He never wants Magnus to feel that way again. When they pull apart, Magnus looks like he's going to cry.
"Lets not think about that right now, okay. Instead I want to talk about our fight," Alec says, but Magnus is shaking his head no.
"Yes," Alec says firmly. "Our communication sucks! We need to talk about this, and we need to tell each other how we feel. Otherwise, the same thing is going to continue to happen over and over again."
"Alexander," Magnus sighs. "I was being an ass. I didn't think about you, and I was being insensitive to your past. I know you have a hard time trusting people, and I pushed you. I overreacted, and for that, I am so so sorry."
"But that's the thing. I didn't know you felt that way. I thought everything was going great, maybe even better than before. I had no idea that you were harboring all of those thoughts. Before our breakup, it took us months to be ready to meet each other's families. It didn't occur to me that we were going to pick up right where we left off. I assumed that we were starting over."
Alec paused for breath before continuing. "And yes, I did have some reservations about meeting your parents. I know I've met your father already, but that was in a social setting. Meeting them for a family dinner is completely foreign to me. I've never done the whole 'meet the parents' thing before. Then there's Ragnor. That man scares the shit out of me! And I've been a coward about going out with the two of you. I know I broke your heart when we broke up, and I felt like I couldn't face him. And as far as my family goes, yes I've let you meet and spend time with my siblings, but when it comes to my parents... uh, the Morgensterns', I felt that if I had you join in on our dinners, I was setting myself up for further disappointment for when you eventually end things with me." By the time Alec finishes his speech, Magnus is looking at him with wide eyes which doesn't lessen Alec's fears.
"Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry that I didn't speak to you about this before I blew it up," Magnus says as he rests his forehead against Alec's. "First, let me just say that Ragnor was totally Team Alec. He gave me the same riot act that everyone else did." Magnus chuckles and Alec can't help but smile. "I also didn't know about your insecurities around meeting my parents. Hell, when I told them about what happened with us, they told me that I was an idiot. But at the same time, had I known how you were feeling, I would have done all that I could to ease your fears. The same thing goes for joining your family dinners. And finally, if you haven't noticed yet, I'm completely in love with you. I'm not going anywhere."
"I love you too. So, so much," Alec gives Magnus a chaste kiss on the lips. "But from now on, can we please start communicating better? I promise to voice my fears and insecurities, and I hope that you will tell me if I'm doing something that bothers you. I kinda don't like feeling like a confused idiot." Magnus laughs at that, then agrees.
"Now! Moving on to other subjects. I can't believe you wanted to marry Officer douche nozzle!" Magnus exclaims, causing Alec to double over in laughter, then immediately double further forward in pain. "Shit! Crap! God! I am so sorry, Alexander. I didn't mean to make you laugh!"
"It's okay baby. I know you didn't mean to." Alec sees the worry on Magnus' face but continues, "I'm a little surprised that he said anything to you."
"Well he asked how long we've been partners, I automatically assumed he was referring to our work relationship, then he clarified and asked how long we've been together. Then he introduced himself to me and I got pissed! Here I was, wondering what the hell was going on with you, and he's just talking like we were having tea! But it took me a minute to realize who he was, and I think I said something along the lines of 'how's your wife, are you still fucking men on the side' and then I think I broke him, because he couldn't form a coherent sentence after that." Alec is trying harder than he ever has before not to laugh at his boyfriend's story. The only thing keeping him from losing it is the fact that he knows it'll hurt like hell if he does.
"Well, he is a douche. I still can't believe that his wife, married him." Alec says shaking his head, then pauses for a moment. "So, tell me what's up with the hostility my nurse has towards you."
Magnus looks pained before sighing. "Well, that's Camille... the one I kind of cheated on you with."
"Nope! It wasn't cheating. You didn't kiss her, she kissed you, and she thought you were straight. We're passed that remember." Alec says quickly and Magnus gives him a grateful smile.
"And that's just it. She thought I was straight and single. She was pretty pissed off when she saw me here with you. She asked if you were the same boyfriend, and when I confirmed, she slapped me and told me that I don't deserve you, then she said that her parents raised her better than to become some 'two bit whore who messes around with unavailable men'. She also told me that she was going to tell you everything that happened because you deserve to know." Magnus runs his hands over his face, "When I told her that you knew already, it didn't make her less grumpy so she slapped me."
"She slapped you!" Alec exclaims. "Baby, I am so sorry. When she walked in here this morning, my first thought was to hate her, but I just couldn't do it. She didn't know what our situation was. Then she was so kind, and I kind of found it hard to hate her. I'll apologise to her as well."
"Why on earth would you do that?" Magnus asks.
"Because she was innocent in all of this. I don't even think she saw me that night at the bar. Even if she did, she had no way of knowing that we were together." In all honestly, Alec really doesn't know why if feels the need to apologise. Maybe it's just the fact that she seems like such a sweet, southern girl. She's living in New York, but he doesn't know what her story is. She just seems too sweet and innocent for the city. Maybe it's the brother in him that feels like he should protect this young woman.
"Darling, you can do whatever you want." Magnus says as he kisses Alec's forehead as if he's placating Alec.
"Mags! I feel like you're agreeing with me, just for the sake of it. Tell me the truth. We just had this conversation." Alec says exasperated.
"Mags... only my mother calls me that. It sounds weird when you say it." Magnus crinkles his nose in disgust. Alec can't help but find it adorable. "I don't know why you want to apologise, it obviously wasn't your fault, nor was it hers. But honestly, I know you, and I know you have a heart of gold. If you'd like to apologise, by all means do so."
"Thank you, baby. And I won't call you Mags anymore. I was trying for a pet name, but that even sounded weird to me." Alec kisses Magnus on the nose, because when his nose is all crinkled it's just too adorable for words.
Alec, still feeling tired, cuddles back up with Magnus and Magnus just chuckles and lets Alec get comfortable. They sit in comfortable silence for a little while, then there's a knock on the door, and in pops Camille's head. She has a smile on her face as she asks if can can come in, and Alec waves her in. He knows it's time for his next breathing treatment and he's not looking forward to it.
"Ready for some more treatment, sweetie?" She asks in her cheerful voice. Alec groans, but nods anyways. "I know it's painful, but we need to strengthen that lung again."
"I know. It just feels like I'm breathing fire when I take deep breaths,and when I laugh, it feels like someone is stabbing me in the gut." Alec whines. Camille laughs but agrees with him. At that moment, Magnus' phone rings.
"That's my mom. I'm just going to step out and take it." Magnus says as he heads out the room.
"So... sweetie, I'm not sure if you know this... and I don't mean to upset you, but I want to let you know that I am sorry... " Camille starts, but Alec, knowing what she's apologising for, interrupts her.
"Don't worry about it. Magnus was partially in the closet at the time, and he just tried a little too hard when he was keeping his secret. Did it suck to sit there and watch him walk away with you? Yes, it actually hurt like hell. He also took it too far; I won't tell you his backstory, because it's not mine to share, but Magnus went through a lot at his old job. He panicked, but none of that was your fault. I'm not upset with you." Alec says. He does feel better after getting that off his chest. "Just go easy on him, yeah? I forgave him, and we've moved past it. Please do the same."
"Well Alec Lightwood, you're just sweeter than cherry pie!" Camille exclaims happily. Alec has no idea what that means, but he thinks it's a good thing... he also can't help the blush that rises in his cheeks. "I'm just gonna take your advice and let bygones be bygones."
"So where are you originally from, Camille?" Alec can't help but ask because of her accent, and the weird phrases she's using.
"I'm born, bred, and raised in Savannah Georgia, honey." She says as she starts working with him on his breathing treatment.
After he catches his breath he asks, "What made you decide to come to New York?"
"Well sugar, I came here with my fiancé, then he cheated on me and broke my heart." She suddenly looks like a kicked puppy, "If I didn't love working here, I would move back home. But I just love New York too much to leave."
"I'm sorry that happened to you, Camille." Alec understands what she's going through. He also understands why she was so upset with Magnus. She didn't want to cause someone else the same heartache that she is going through.
"It's okay sweetie, I'm getting over it. I told him to take care of his eyes because they are the only balls he has." She says with such sass. Alec can't help but to like this feisty woman more and more, but he mustn't laugh. He has to keep clutching his side when he fails to stop himself from laughing.
At that moment, Magnus walks back into the room. He sees Alec clutching his side with tears in his eyes. "Alexander, what happened?" He then turns to Camille angrily, "What did you do to him?"
"Oh relax Magnus, she just made me laugh telling me about an ex of hers." Alec says while Camille glares daggers at Magnus' accusation.
"I just don't want you to hurt, darling. It pains me to see you like this." Magnus says, running his hand down Alec's back.
"I know, and I love you for that." Alec kisses Magnus.
"Well, sweetie, we're done for this round. I'll be back shortly with your lunch." Camille says, then leaves the room.
"So, how's your mom?" Alec asks.
"She's good..." Magnus looks like he's holding out on something he wants to say, Alec nudges him, encouraging him to say what he wants. "She is bringing me some more clothes. I told her to text me when she gets here so I can meet her in the lobby."
"Why doesn't she come up to the room?"
"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." Magnus mumbles, which causes Alec's heart to constrict.
"Text her now, tell her the room number. I'd like to meet her." Alec says. He needs to stop letting his own insecurities get in his way, especially since it seems to be rubbing off on Magnus. He hates seeing Magnus looking so unsure. Usually Magnus exudes confidence, and this version of Magnus is truly heartbreaking. Right then, Alec vows to build Magnus' confidence back up.
About an hour has passed, and Alec is finally getting lunch... if you want to call it lunch. Camille basically handed him a tray of chicken broth and a cup of jello.
"Ugh, I can't wait till I'm able to eat solid food again. I'm going to waste away on this shit." Alec says with a look of disgust. This reaction causes Magnus and Camille to chuckle. "Yeah, that's right. Laugh at my pain."
"Sweetheart, this is just temporary. You heard what Doctor Barber said." Magnus says, obviously trying to cheer him up.
"He's not the one who's going to be starving to death though," Alec petulantly mutters under his breath. This just causes Magnus to chuckle.
"I know it's not much, sweetie. But Magnus is right, this is just temporary. Once we see that your stomach can handle the broth for the next few meals, then we can upgrade you to semi-soft foods, then to solids," Camille tells Alec.
"Great, so not only am I missing a few parts of my organs, but I've suddenly become a toddler." Alec says, voice dripping in sarcasm. "Wonderful."
Camille pats his arm in a comforting manner, "It's just temporary. Once the diapers come off, you'll be all grown up!" She says in a mocking tone. Alec glares.
"You know, I liked you an hour ago. What happened?" Camille only laughs at this.
"Oh, sugar. I've gotta keep you on your toes." She says, still laughing at his pain. "I've got to add some sass in every once in a while."
Alec just scowles as she walks out of the room.
"It's not forever, Alexander." Magnus says, trying to comfort him. Alec just huffs, then proceeds to eat... er, drink his meal. Once he's finished, there's yet another knock on the door, and a beautiful woman with Asian features peeks her head in.
"Hi Mags, is this a good time?" The woman, presumably Magnus' mother asks.
"Ibu! Come on in." Magnus exclaims. Mrs. Bane smiles and moves into the room with a duffle bag. "Mom, this is Alexander, Alexander, this is my mom."
"It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Bane." Alec says, Mrs. Bane puts her hand out for him to shake. Since Alec still has the IV stuck in his right hand, he reaches with his left hand, then kisses her hand in a way of greeting. Mrs. Bane giggles at his action.
"Such a gentleman, Alexander. And please, call me Annisa, or Ann." She says with a sad smile. "I do wish we had met under better circumstances though. I'm so sorry that I have to meet you in a hospital bed."
"It's okay Mrs... Ann. And please, call me Alec. Very few people call me Alexander." He says, looking towards Magnus.
"Hey! You've never complained!" Magnus pouts. "You've even told me that you love it when I call you Alexander."
"That I do. You are one of the few people who I don't mind calling me by my full name." Alec winks, causing Annisa to giggle once more.
"You two are rather adorable." Annisa says, then looks at Alec, "I do hope that we will be able to get the chance to get to know one another here in the near future, Alec. I've been looking forward to meeting the man who had made my son so happy."
Alec nods his head, and feels the blush creeping up in his cheeks. "Yes ma'am. I would like that. Maybe once I'm released from this place, I would love to get together."
Annisa beams at the statement, "I would like that very much." She then turns to Magnus, "Sweetheart, here are your things. If you like I can take your other bag with me and wash your clothes."
Magnus nods and gets up to exchange bags with his mother. She says her goodbyes, kisses Magnus on the cheek, then kisses Alec on the head and exits the room.
Alec must endure a few more breathing treatments before his day is done. Then a myriad of visitors interrupt his alone time with Magnus. Eventually when everyone is gone for the evening, Magnus snuggles next to Alec on the bed. They share lazy, languid kisses and declarations of love, then Alec drifts off to sleep with a smile on his face.
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