Chapter 16

Magnus is freaking out. He is one hundred percent, legit, freaking the fuck out right now. Alexander wants to go out for coffee with him.

What does he want to say? Does he want to get back together? Oh god! What if he wants me to stop all communication with him? Alec did text saying that it was a date, that's gotta count for something, right? Right?

Magnus wasn't able to sleep at all the night before because of his freak out. He made a promise to Alexander that he would do everything he can to gain his trust back, and he's not going to give up on him. If Alec were to completely cut ties from Magnus, he wasn't sure what he'd do. Magnus couldn't picture his world without Alexander.

Magnus decides that it's time to get out of bed and face the day, that and the Chairman seems to be ready for his breakfast. Chairman Meow runs ahead of Magnus, and every time Magnus slows down, the Chairman will stop, then run back to Magnus and try to match his pace. Magnus can't help but chuckle at the fact that his cat sometimes acts like a dog. Once in the kitchen, Magnus gets the Chairman his food, then starts cutting up some fruit for himself. After fifteen minutes of picking at his breakfast, Magnus decides to take a hot shower. Maybe that will relax me enough to no longer feel like I'm going to have a heart attack, Magnus thinks as he walks towards his bathroom, Chairman Meow close on his heels.

Thirty minutes later, Magnus is standing inside his closet trying to find the right thing to wear. If he thought he was nervous for their first date, that was nothing compared to how he feels now. Magnus has a feeling that there's more on the line today than there was all those months ago. He finally decides on a lavender button up shirt with white pinstripes, a cream colored cashmere v-neck sweater, dark blue bootcut jeans, and brown leather shoes and belt. Now that his outfit is picked out, he moves back to his bathroom and puts purple chalk in his hair, spikes it by up using his glitter gel, then moves on to his makeup. He uses light purple eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and mascara, giving him a smokey eye. Once he deems himself ready, and takes a deep breath to calm his nerves, Magnus grabs his phone, wallet, and keys, and heads out the door.


Magnus walks into JJ's and immediately sees Alec sitting at a table. Taking another deep breath, Magnus goes to join him.

"Hey. Have you been waiting long?" Magnus asks as he sits down and takes the cup that Alec offers him.

"Just sat down. I figured since I got here first, I would go ahead and order ours drinks. I hope you don't mind? I know you usually order Earl Grey with cream and sugar." Alec says. Magnus can't help but smile and nod in thanks.

"So, I was pretty surprised by your text last night..." Magnus lets the unasked question hang in the air. He's terrified of what Alec wants to talk about, so he can't bring himself to look Alec in the eye. He most definitely isn't expecting the next words out of Alec's mouth.

"I forgive you," Alec blurts out, causing Magnus to look up in surprise.

"O-okay... thanks..." Magnus says, not knowing how to respond to Alec's declaration. He is somewhere between shocked and overwhelmed, but it's a good feeling. "What made you change your mind?"

"Honestly, the night that I went home to talk to Jace... well, after we cleared the air with what my parents did, he asked me about my love life. I ended up talking about you for the rest of the night. Then when Izzy came over yesterday, Jace and Clary ended up telling her all about us. They all helped me see that you didn't do what you did intentionally. Clary also reminded me that you weren't the one who initiated the kiss, but it was that woman who did." Alec shrugs, not meeting Magnus' eyes.

"No, Alexander. I was the only person in our relationship who screwed up. You had every right to act the way you did." Magnus argues.

"I think... I think I want to give you another chance, if you'll have me? But it's still going to take some time before I fully trust you again." Alec says with uncertainty. The only thing Magnus can do is stand up, pull Alec to his feet, his left hand goes to the back of Alec's neck while his right hand grips Alec's waist, and crashes their lips together. Alec remains frozen, causing Magnus to start pulling away, but it seems that Alec recovers, sliding one arm around Magnus' neck, while the other wraps firmly around Magnus' waist. Magnus traces his tongue on Alec's bottom lip, seeking entrance. Alec immediately lets him in. The kiss is filled with passion, longing, love, and everything else that Magnus has missed being without Alec for the last three weeks. It's the most mind blowing kiss that Magnus has ever given.

Once they pull away from the kiss, Magnus looks earnestly into Alec's eyes, "Darling, I would love nothing more." Magnus says with a smile, "I will spend the rest of my life making up for what I've done to you. I love you so much, Alexander." Magnus pulls Alec back into a gentle kiss before they sit back down.

"Now, tell me all about your siblings," Magnus demands excitedly, feeling so much lighter than he has for the last few weeks. "I'm so happy they're back in your life."

"Ah, where do I start." Alec, clearly thinking on who he wants to talk about first. He's sporting a smile that Magnus has only seen on Alec's features when he speaks about Clary or Jon. "I'll start with Jace since he's easier. Jace came to us when I was eleven years old, but we've been best friends practically since birth. He's only four months younger than me. Our parents were best friends, and my parents were appointed Jace's godparents - just like Stephen and Celine were appointed mine - the night that we picked up Jace from the club, was the anniversary of their death. Every year, for as long as I can remember, Jace would disappear on that day. When we were younger, he would lock himself in his room all day, then as we got older, he would leave the house and not come back until late that night. I'm sure that's probably what he was doing that night. Anyway, when we were kids, Izzy kept trying to cook for us, because our parents were working late during the week so they could spend the weekends doing things with us, she was absolutely horrible at it. She burned everything she made, and she almost caught our kitchen on fire. If it weren't for me knowing where the fire extinguisher was located, she would have turned our house to ashes," Alec chuckles at the memory, "her putting Jace and me in the hospital with food poisoning was the last straw, and from that day on, Jace made it his mission to learn how to cook so she never would again.

"He ended up falling in love with cooking, and he was always amazing at it. Jace went to NYU and double majored in business management and culinary arts. He wants to own a restaurant of his own someday, but he's been trying to get in a kitchen somewhere to gain some experience, but he hasn't been successful at finding a job yet. I guess that's a good thing now though, due to his injuries." Alec says with a sad look that Magnus has recognized every time Alec talks about his family.

Magnus never wants to see that look on Alec's face again. He's hoping now that Alec has reconnected with his siblings, the sadness he associated with them from before will soon be replaced with joy

"You know, I could always speak to my father and see if he has any openings at one of his restaurants. It could help Jace out with the experience, and it could help him save the money he needs to open his own restaurant someday."

"Magnus, I can't ask you to do something like that. It's not your responsibility to get my brother a job. Besides, with his injuries, he's not going to be able to work for a while." Alec says with a guilty look maring his beautiful face. Magnus just shakes his head.

"If it will help him, I'm more than happy to speak to my father on his behalf. Everyone needs to start somewhere, right? And what better way to start than with a chef who owns more restaurants than he knows what to do with? And I'm sure that my dad can teach him the business side of running a restaurant until he's healed enough to work on the cooking side of things." Magnus says with a genuine smile, causing Alec to blush and let out a small laugh.

"Okay fine, but please don't feel obligated to do this for me or Jace. He'll be fine if your dad doesn't have any positions opened for him." Magnus nods in response.

"Now, tell me about your sister. She sounds amazing just from what you've told me through text."

"Well, I'm not sure if her deadly cooking skills have changed over the years or not, but I'm not exactly willing to find out." Alec says with a fond smile, "She's always been a little fashionista. When we were in high school, she would always dress me, buy my clothes, anything to make me not wear my comfortable sweaters and jeans. Luckily, I remembered a few things that she taught me about style after my parents kicked me out. Otherwise I would always dress in my ratty clothes." He shakes his head with a smile as if trying to move on from a memory.

"She ended up at her dream school, UCLA, and got her degree in something related to fashion. I can't remember what she said, but she's happy. She currently works for Ralph Lauren in LA, but she's moving back to New York next month to work for Calvin Klein.

"Her fiancé is some type of game developer or something, he interviewed for a job here as well. I'm not sure if I like him though. He treats Izzy like a queen, but he treated Clary like shit." Magnus has been so focused on watching the sparkle in Alec's blue eyes, that he feels like he's missed something.

"Did I miss something? You didn't tell me that this guy was being an asshole to Clary through our texts last night. You only mentioned that you were going to do everything in your power to call the guy every name that starts with an 'S' but his own - which is hilarious by the way - that sounds like something I would do." Magnus finishes with a smirk.

Alec throws his head back in laughter, "Oh yeah, I forgot I mentioned that!" He exclaims. "But no, it wasn't yesterday when all of this happened. As it turns out, Simon was actually Clary's best friend since childhood. Their first year in college, they were able to manage to keep in touch with each other, then our second year in school, the bastard stopped all communication with her. She was a wreck for weeks. She felt like he left her behind, or just didn't want to continue their friendship. Simon basically stopped speaking with Clary because he felt like he was the one being left behind. The dumbass decided to just stop being friends with Clary instead of just talking to her about it!" Alec explains animatedly. Magnus can't help the smile spreading over his face right now. He truly loves seeing Alec so happy.

"Wait wait wait! So the Simon guy just stopped talking to her out of nowhere?" Magnus asks incredulously. "Did Clary bother trying to reach out to him at all?"

"Yes! She tried email, text, phone, skype, and snail mail; there was nothing but radio silence on his end! When Clary confronted Simon about this yesterday, and told her why he did what he did, Izzy and Clary both looked like they wanted to rip Simon apart. Jace and I got a big kick out of it. We were taking bets to see who was going to kill him first." Alec says with a laugh. Magnus can't help but to laugh along with Alec.

"So who won that bet?" Magnus can't help but to ask.

"Honestly, Jace and I were too preoccupied with joking around, we kind of missed that argument. I do have a feeling that Izzy probably put him in his place once they left though." Alec says, the fondness for his sister shining bright.

"When do they go back to California?" Magnus asks curiously, because even though he wants to spend time with Alec, and repair the damage he's done, Magnus doesn't want to interfere with time that Alec can spend with his sister.

"They go back the day after tomorrow. I'm planning on having dinner with them tonight, and I'm having lunch with her and Jace tomorrow as well. I want to spend as much time with her as possible before she goes back." Magnus nods understandingly.

"Now I feel bad for meeting you today. You could be spending this time with her instead of me." Magnus says guiltily, while Alec is shaking his head no.

"Don't feel bad Magnus, I was the one who asked you to come today. I wanted to see you, if I didn't, I wouldn't have asked you." Alec says with sincerity in his eyes.

"As long as you're sure." Magnus says with uncertainty. Alec's eyes soften and he puts his hand over Magnus', giving a reassuring squeeze. Magnus' heart melts at the show of affection. This is the first time since they've been at the coffee shop, that Alec has initiated any physical contact with Magnus, which causes Magnus to beam up at this boyfriend. Boyfriend! I can call Alexander my boyfriend again! Magnus is internally dancing in glee. At that moment, Alec's phone starts ringing. Holding up a finger, indicating to Magnus that Alec will be right back, Alec answers his phone and walks outside of the shop for a bit of privacy.

A few minutes later, Alec walks back inside. "Is everything okay?" Magnus asks.

"Yeah, that was Jace. He was wondering where I was at. I didn't realize that we've been here for over two hours already. But I do need to leave so I can start getting myself and Jace ready to meet Izzy and Simon for dinner." Nodding his head in understanding, Magnus gets up to walk Alec to his car.

Once they get to Alec's car, Magnus leans against the car and pulls Alec close. "Have fun with your siblings tonight. Give me a call when you're available, I'd rather not call and interrupt your time with them before Isabelle needs to leave." Alec nods, leans up, and gives Magnus a sweet kiss.

"I can do that. Thank you for coming out with me today." Alec says with a shy smile. Magnus returns the smile and gives Alec another kiss.

"Alexander, I'm so glad you asked, and I'm so happy that you've decided to give me another chance. I promise I won't let it go to waste." With one last kiss, Magnus pulls away, "I love you." he whispers, and heads over to his own car. Magnus knows Alec won't say it back, and he doesn't blame Alec one bit. But Magnus decides right then to tell Alec everyday that he's loved. 

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