Chapter 11

Magnus presses his back against the wall in front of Alec's apartment building. He feels as if he has been broken into two, and it's all his own fault. It takes Magnus far longer than he realizes to pull himself together. When he's finally able to get a grip, he calls Ragnor.

"You better have a good reason for calling at this hour?" Ragnor grumbles.

"I need a ride home," Magnus whispers, trying to not let Ragnor hear that he's been crying. Of course, he fails. Ragnor's voice changes instantly as he realizes what kind of state Magnus is in.

"Where are you?" Ragnor asks, and Magnus gives the address. Once the phone goes dead Magnus lets his hand fall, the rest of him following suit as he hits the ground. Magnus doesn't get up off the ground until Ragnor's car pulls up.

"I'm not going anywhere till you tell me what the hell happened?" Ragnor snaps as Magnus closes the door behind him.

And then Magnus has to recount his tale. It's painful to relive, and of course, Ragnor is pissed when he finishes, just as Alec is.

"Why didn't you just tell the woman you were in a relationship," Ragnor argued.

"I was worried about the questions people would ask," Magnus replies. "I was scared it would happen again."

The look on his friend's face is that of understanding. Ragnor knows what happened in London, but there is something else in his expression as well: pity and dismay. Magnus hates the pity, but he can't be surprised, the story has upset Ragnor.

"I can't say I blame Alec for reacting the way he did," Ragnor says. "I like Alec. He's a great guy, but more than that, he's good for you. You two are complete opposites, but you seem to balance each other out perfectly."

Magnus isn't sure if he should thank Ragnor or cry some more. In the end, neither of them say anything. Ragnor starts the car and they drive in silence.


Magnus glances over at his friend who is sound asleep on the loveseat. Ragnor told Magnus that he needs to tell Alec exactly how he feels about him, since the one thing Magnus knows for sure is that he's completely and irrevocably in love with Alexander. Magnus has been in many relationships before, he's also been in love before, but what he feels for Alec is far greater than any love that he's had in the past. Magnus plans on doing everything in his power to gain Alec's trust once again, and have the man he loves back in his arms. He just doesn't know what that's going to be as of yet.

Magnus hasn't slept well. His neck is killing him, he feels like crapr from all of the crying he did last night, and his mind is all fuzzy. Checking the clock above his mantel, he learns that it's a quarter past four in the afternoon. Standing and stretching his sore muscles, Magnus thinks that he either needs to buy a more comfortable couch, or just never fall asleep on the thing again, before heading to the kitchen.

Chairman Meow greets Magnus with a meow, pacing in front of his food dish. Magnus feeds the cat, then goes and puts a kettle of water on for tea. He puts some bread in the toaster because he knows that he needs to eat something, but the emotional roller coaster of the last twenty-four hours has left him without much of an appetite. The toaster pops just as the kettle whistles. As he sits and eats his breakfast, Magnus contemplates what he's going to say to Alexander.

A few moments later, Magnus walks back to the living room, dressed and ready to leave. He sees Ragnor still curled up on the loveseat so he walks over, and gently nudges him awake.

"Hey cabbage, I'm going to head over to Alec's place and talk to him. Will you be here when I get back?" Magnus hopes and prays his best friend will still be here. He has a feeling that he's going to need him after his discussion with Alec.

"Yes you wanker! Now leave me alone so I can sleep, damn it," Ragnor mumbles into his pillow. With that, Magnus grabs his wallet and keys, and leaves the loft.


Magnus pulls up to Alec's apartment at five minutes to six. He parks his car but instead of waiting on the elevator, he rushes up the stairs to Alec's floor. He reaches the door just as Clary is stepping out.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up," was Clary's only response as she walks past him. "Don't make me regret this Magnus. He's in his room. He hasn't left his bed since he got home last night."

Magnus takes a deep breath to calm his nerves before he walks inside.

Magnus makes his way to Alec's bedroom. He only knows which one is his because Alec pointed it out one night when he came over for dinner after work. It's a shame that the first time Magnus sees the inside of Alec's room, he's here to grovel at his feet instead of being in there for more intimate activities. Magnus opens the door slowly, making sure that he doesn't startle Alec in the process. The room is very dark. Magnus can only make out Alec's silhouette. He hesitantly walks over to the bed.

"Alexander... can we talk?" Magnus asks quietly. Alec rolls over and sits up. He turns on the bedside light, and Magnus gets his first real look at Alexander since getting up to dance with Camille. Seeing Alec like this, breaks Magnus' heart. His eyes are puffy and red from crying. He can see tear tracks down Alec's cheeks, his nose is red and there is a hopeless look in his eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Magnus?" Alec sneers. "Shouldn't you be with your new beard?"

"Alec, please let me explain...I..." But Magnus is cut off by a seething Alec.

"Explain what exactly? That you intentionally flirted with a woman in front of me? Or that you walked away from me, your boyfriend, so you could freely be with that blonde Barbie? Or that you've been stringing me along for three fucking months, just so you could betray me? Was I just some game to you, Magnus?" Alec's voice had been so angry at the start but it breaks during the last sentence.

"Alexander, no! I didn't do this on purpose, and you aren't some game to me. I panicked, I was so worried about keeping my secret that I fucked up. I didn't even want to kiss her, she was the one who kissed me, please believe me!" Magnus pleads.

"You are joking, right?! Magnus, most people would say thanks but I'm seeing someone. They don't just play along with something like that! Do you even care about me at all?" Alec yells.

"Of course I do, Alec, I'm completely in love with you!" Magnus yells back, and Alec barks out the most self deprecating laugh that Magnus has ever heard.

"You're in love with me? Wow, thanks. It's nice to know what it looks like when someone is 'in love with me.' Remind me to stay far, far away from love from now on. That's bullshit Magnus, and you know it! People don't do things like that to those they supposedly love. Go away!" With that, Alec turns off his bedside light and rolls over. "And don't let the door hit you on your way out."

Magnus sighs, stands up and walks away, feeling like his entire world has just shattered. As he reaches the door to Alec's bedroom, he turns around, "I'll do everything in my power to make up for what I've done, and prove to you that I love you and want you in my life, Alexander."

"Uh huh, sure whatever," Alec mumbles from beneath his comforter.

Magnus closes the door and walks out to his car with tears running down his face, but he's determined to make it up to Alexander.


As soon as Magnus steps foot into his loft, he sinks to the floor and cries. His chest feels like it's attached to a vice grip, he can't seem to catch his breath, and his heart feels like it's shattered all over the floor. He feels Chairman Meow rubbing against his leg, and then Ragnor's strong arms wrap themselves around Magnus.

"I take it that things didn't go well?" Magnus can't even respond so he nods his head.

"It's going to be okay Magnus, he'll come around. You two are meant to be with each other, I have no doubt about that," Ragnor says reassuringly.

"I told him that I was in love with him and he laughed in my face!" Magnus chokes out. "Who does something like that?"

"Oh, dear old friend. You also need to see things through his perspective. You essentially cheated on him - right in front of him I might add - if the roles were reversed, would you believe someone saying that to you?" Magnus has to consider what his friend was saying. Until this moment he hasn't put himself in Alec's shoes. He's surprised at what a difference it makes. Of course he wouldn't believe it. Magnus can't help but to feel completely hopeless about the situation he's put himself in. As if Ragnor is reading his thoughts, he adds, "Don't give up on Alec. Show him that you truly do love and care for him. He will see it eventually. Don't give up hope."

"I did tell him that I would prove it to him. I just don't know what I can do to prove it," Magnus says as he's scratching the Chairman behind the ears.

For the rest of the weekend, Ragnor and Magnus come up with ways that he can win Alec's trust back.


Magnus is dreading going back to work today. He's not looking forward to seeing Alec. He doesn't know if he will be able to bear the heartbroken look of his, now ex, boyfriend. He walks into the common room of the station and sees Alec immediately. Alec looks so tired and worn down.

'I did this! This is all my fault!' Magnus thinks as he walks past, avoiding eye contact. Magnus doesn't even know if Alec's received any of the flowers that Magnus has been sending to him everyday. There has been nothing but radio silence on Alec's end, not that Magnus can blame him.

Magnus walks into the locker room to change into his uniform when he notices Sebastian and Jordan talking. The two men approach Magnus. Jordan looks a little uneasy and Sebastian looks furious. Magnus has no idea why he looks that way, maybe Sebastian has had a rough shift.

"We need to talk," is all Sebastian says as he walks towards the back of the locker room. Magnus and Jordan follow closely behind.

"What's going on?" Magnus asks, still confused.

"Listen Magnus, what you did Thursday night was completely uncalled for," Jordan states. Magnus' heart is pounding out of his chest. How could they possibly know what's going on? Did Alec out him?

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb with us, Bane! I know for a fact that you are dating Alec, and the stunt that you pulled Thursday night was uncalled for!" Sebastian said, raising his voice. Jordan puts a hand on his shoulder to, what Magnus can only assume, calm him down.

"I see that after what I did, Alec has outed me to the whole station, huh?" Magnus feels defeated and a little betrayed.

"Alec hasn't said a word, Magnus. Sebastian only knows because he has seen the two of you out together. I only know because you look at Alec the same way that I look at my Maia," Jordan states sympathetically.

'Oh! We weren't as careful as we thought we were.'

"Why haven't you two mentioned this before?" Magnus asks.

"We didn't think it was any of our business. What or who you do is only your concern. It's not like it's a big deal anyway. We just assumed that you two wanted to keep things to yourselves," Jordan explains.

"We just want to know why you treated Alec like a piece of trash Thursday night. You don't seem to realize that Alec has had a rough life. He doesn't deserve to be treated like a toy, and based off of the broken look he is sporting, and the fact that he looks like he hasn't slept in days, you've really fucked him up, and that is not okay!" Sebastian yells.

"Okay, okay. Keep your voice down, Seb. At least let Magnus explain," Jordan reasons.

Magnus runs his hands through his hair and groans. "Look, I didn't want people here knowing that I'm gay. The last place that I worked at treated me like shit because of my sexuality. I didn't want a repeat of that. And yes, I know that no one here thinks that way, but I was sorta traumatized at my last job. I was scared to death that history would repeat itself if I came out to you all." Magnus lets out a frustrated sigh. He's really tired of having to defend himself. "As for Thursday night, when she came up to me, I panicked. Instead of just telling her that I was in a relationship, I just went along with it. And yes, I know that I made a terrible, terrible mistake by doing so, but I can't go back and change that. I can only do what I can to fix it." At this point, Magnus is trying to fight back the tears. He's shed quite a few tears this weekend, and he's just so tired of crying.

"Well you better fix it, Bane. Alec deserves better than you," Sebastian sneers. He and Jordan walk away, leaving Magnus alone in the locker room with his depressing thoughts.    

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