Chapter 38

Hiccup's POV

The flight home was short and peaceful. No disturbances, a beautiful view, how it should be. I wanted to get home as fast as I could, but I didn't feel rushed. I knew I was safe. And I knew Mercy was safe. And everyone I cared about, was safe. It's a great feeling.

"You okay there Hiccup? You're staring off into space like you've been eating dragon nip." Snotlout said, snapping me back to reality.

"Oh me? I'm totally fine. I just want to get back home." I replied.

"We're about 30 minutes out so get comfortable."

Astrid's POV

"Astrid I'm sure they're fine just be calm." Allysa said, trying to soothe my stress.

"How can I be calm Allysa? My husband and daughter are Thor knows where and I can't do anything to help!" I shouted. Allysa stood up and walked over to where I was pacing and grabbed both of my shoulders.

"Astrid Haddock you need to snap out of this it's not like you!" She shouted and shook my shoulders slightly. I took a deep breath and relaxed my muscles. "That's much better. Now come sit down." She said in a quieter tone and led me to the chairs. I sat in the one across from hers.

"Sorry about snapping like that on you. I know this isn't your fault."

"Astrid it's fine. I know you're stressed. But think about that little person in your stomach. Remember, Valka said no stress." She comforted. I pat my stomach.

"You know we haven't even gone over names. And we haven't gotten a room yet." I said. "Wow, we are really unprepared."

"Well I can help you with the room thing, but I think you and Hiccup should come up with names. Include Mercy too, she should have an opinion too."

"We don't have any rooms left in the house." I stated.

"Then I guess the gang and I have a new project to work on." She said with a smile as we heard the flapping of wings outside. Our eyes widened and we froze for a second, then ran outside like little girls. We saw all of the dragons landing including a certain black one with a red tail fin.

"Hiccup is back!" A villager shouted. Everyone cheered as they dismounted their dragons. Snotlout and Fishlegs liked off with a woman who had her wrists tied in front of her.

"Why do we have a woman tied up?" Allysa asked as Valka walked up to us.

"Well that was Hiccup and Mercy's kidnapper and she attacked me." Valka explained. We both looked at each other, then back to her.

"A woman kidnapped them?" I asked. "I've never heard of that."

"Apparently Hiccup knows the backstory, you should probably ask him." Valka said and walked towards her house, followed by Cloudjumper.

"Aren't you gonna go see Hiccup?" Allysa asked, pulling me into reality.

"Oh yeah sorry, I guess I spaced out. Wait, where is he?" I asked and looked around. I felt two small arms wrap around my waist and a head rest on my right shoulder.

"Well I'm right here but there are a lot of other guys that go by 'he' on this island." Hiccup said as his head rested on my shoulder.

"HICCUP!" I jumped. "Sweet Odin's beard you scared me." I said and breathed heavily while he held back his laughs.

"Oh laugh all you want funny boy but I'll get you." I threatened which made him smile more.

"Astrid you're not doing anything violent until that," he said and pointed to my stomach. "Is out." He finished right as Gobber walked up.

"Nice to see you back with most of your limbs." He joked and rubbed Hiccup's head.

"Haha Gobber very funny." Hiccup said sarcastically and swatted Gobber's hand off of his head.

"I hate to pile this on you now but I got a letter yesterday inviting you to a chiefs celebration next week." Gobber stated and handed Hiccup the paper.

"Hiccup you should go." I said.

"Astrid I just got back, what if you need me?" He asked with a tone of concern.

"Hiccup I'll be okay. I have the gang, your mom, and even Gobber." I said. He sighed.

"I'll think about it." He stated and looked at the letter. "Why does this say they want me as the guest of honor?"

"Oh I forgot about that. They really admire how you trained a Night Fury and stood up to the Red Death, Dagur the Derraned and Drago Bludvist and defeated them all."

"I didn't defeat Alvin, we made peace. And I actually don't know what happened to Dagur. Last I heard he was the newest prisoner of outcast island." I stated and looked back at the letter.

"Hiccup, go. You'll have fun." I said and rested my right hand on his shoulder.

"I guess I'll go. How far is this place?"

"Oh it's far. I would say a one month boat ride." Gobber said simply.

"Oh no no way! I'm not going to be gone that long. Not right now." Hiccup said loudly. "I'm needed here."

"Hiccup they want you as a guest of honor. You may never get this opportunity again." I comforted.

"I'll think about it but there's a small chance of me going." He said and walked back towards the house with Toothless, who had a Mercy sleeping on his back.

"Is he going to be alright?" I asked Gobber.

"I'm actually not sure. I've never seen him like that. I guess he's just concerned about you. He doesn't want to miss anything while he's gone." He answered.

"I'll talk to him when he's had some rest. He's probably tired. I'll see you later Gobber." I said and waved as I walked fords the house.

/~le time skip~\

I walked into the house and saw Toothless asleep by the fire pit. I looked upstairs and found Hiccup asleep, face down, buried in his pillow. I let out a small, silent laugh and climbed into bed, stealing some blankets from him because he basically had all of them.

Little thief.

/~the morning~\

I woke up in the morning to the smell of eggs and occasional eruptions of laughter downstairs. I rolled out of bed and went downstairs to see what it was. When I got downstairs the entire gang was here. Allysa and Ruffnut were making eggs while Snotlout, Tuffnut, Fishlegs and Hiccup were talking.

"Oh so you make the girls do the work?" I asked sarcastically as I walked down the last step.

"Astrid I'm glad you're awake we need your help on planning where we're putting the new room." Hiccup said and started dragging me over to everyone else.

"We'reseriously doing this right now I haven't eaten. And I'm really hungry."

"Well I guess that's my que. Hiccup let the woman eat." Allysa sassed and set a plate of eggs for me, Ruffnut and herself.

"Hey where are our eggs? Didn't we ask for some?" Snotlout asked, earning him a slap in the face from Ruffnut.

"Maybe be nice about it next time like Fishlegs was." Ruffnut said and handed Fishlegs a plate.

"Thank you Ruffnut." He said.

"Wow. Snotlout you could really learn something from him if you actually ever listened." Allysa stated.

"Oh haha laugh all you want." Snotlout complained and sat down along with the rest of us.

"Hiccup why don't we worry about the house another day. Let's just relax today." I whispered as everyone carried on seperate conversations.

"Sure. But we will have to start it soon. Who knows how long the building will take." He whispered back.

"We aren't going to worry about it today."

"Oh hi. I wasn't expecting people here." Mercy said as she stood at the end of the stairs. "Morning."

"Good morning. Want some eggs?" Allysa asked with a cheery voice.

"I'm good. I haven't been hungry for a few days."

"So you haven't eaten?" Ruffnut asked.

"When is the last time you ate?" Hiccup questioned.

"Probably the day before I was snatched." She said and walked to a chair and sat down, bumping her arm into the edge. "Ow! What the heck happened to my arm!?" She asked and unwrapped the bandages.

"I think Valka can explain that one. None of us really understand." Snotlout said from the back of the room. I glared at Hiccup.

"What?" He asked.

"Why does that look like a dragon bite? Or more specifically, a Night Fury bite?" I interrogated.

"Like I said, my mom can explain everything. I don't even understand what happened." He replied.

"Yeah hello guys?" Mercy stated. We all turned and faced her. "Can someone please tell me if I'm going to be okay? Because I'm a little skeptical."

"I'm sure you'll be fine." Fishlegs said.

"You don't sound sure." Mercy stated blankly.

"Let's just get a new bandage on it. Then we'll go see Valka later and have her look at it." I interrupted. "Hiccup can you go grab the bandages from upstairs?" He nodded and walked up.

"Can someone tell me why I was even bitten in the first place?" Mercy said and stood up from her chair. "Because the only two Night Furies I've ever seen wouldn't even come CLOSE to causing me any harm."

"Your grandmother will explain everything. Let's just finish breakfast and then we'll go see her. Okay?" I said.

"Okay." She agreed and looked at her feet.

"Now let's eat. You must be starving." I said and handed her breakfast, and she began to munch. We heard a knock on the door. I stood and walked over, then opened the heavy wooden door.

"Ah Astrid, where's Hiccup?" Gobber greeted as he stood on the doorstep.

"Are those the most famous two words on this island?" Snotlout asked from behind me.

"Probably. I've only been here for a few years and those are the two words I've heard most." Allysa responded.

"Gobber we'll talk about this later, meet me at the forge in like 10 minutes." He whispered and pushed him out the door, then shut it.

"What party?" Allysa, Snotlout, the twins, Fishlegs awns Mercy said at the same time.

"It's nothing." Hiccup hesitated. "I'll see you guys later." He said and walked out of the house.

"What was that all about?" Fishlegs asked.

"It's this party that he got invited to as the guest of honor. I don't think he's really happy about it." I explained.

"Why? It's a party in his honor. I'd be pretty excited if I were him." Snotlout announced.

"But you aren't him. He doesn't like the attention and you know that." I responded.

"Well what did he say when he first heard about it?" Ruffnut asked.

"He said he didn't want to leave because he didn't want to miss anything important." I stated.

"And by important, he means that." Allysa said and pointed at my stomach. "That's what he doesn't want to miss."

"She has a point mom." Mercy whispered. "I'll sneak in the forge and see what they're saying."

Hiccup's POV

"Gobber you realize that if I go to this, I have the potential chance of missing the birth of my second child right?"

"Hiccup they aren't going to take no for an answer. Either you go to them or they're coming here." He replied.

"Bringing them here would take a lot of perparation but going there is a long trip. Maybe they could reschedule?"

"All of the other chiefs have they're own holidays for the next 5 months. This is the only time they can get together Hiccup." I groaned and sat in a chair.

"Gobber I can't miss anything here. I owe it to Astrid to be here this time."

"Hiccup I uderstand. But they're being persistant. They aren't going to take this lightly." He reasoned.

"Wait are they going to declare war on us because I didn't go to a party?" I asked sarcastically.

"Just go Hiccup. You're the guest of honor you may never get this kind of attention again."

"Gobber you know I hate being treated specially because I trained a dragon or lost my leg or defeated blah blah blah. You know I can't stand it."

"That's the price of being a Haddock. Your family has quite the history, and they want to see how the little Hiccup turned out."

"Oh great so now they know about me before I did anything?"

"Actually, yes. When you were born, everyone was talking about it. I think Johann spread the word that there was a new Haddock. Everyone was so excited that they wanted to come and visit to meet you. But we had to cancel the party." He said.

"It's because mom got taken isn't it?"

"Precisely." Gobber nodded. "Stoick could barely pull himself together to run the village let alone raise you. You were actually quite a problem once you got on your feet."

"How concerned was he? You know, with the village when I was little?"

"Just as concerned as he was when you were a teenager. I ended up taking care of you most of the time while he was at meetings or he was doing things around the island. He would always come home and tell you about it though. Even though you never really understood until you developed more. He just wanted to keep you updated." I sighed.

"Did he really come home and tell me about everything?"

"Oh yeah he would even come into the forge when I was watching you and tell you a story. But I remember one time most of all. It was during a dragon raid."


There were dragons blasting houses, crushing catapults and taking anything they could get their claws on. Vikings stuggled againt them with their sword, axes, maces and shields clutched in their fists. With axe and shield handy, Stoick walked towards the forge. He entered and was greeted by his trusty apprentice and right hand man, Gobber.

"Oh Stoick I wasn't expecting to see you here at a time like this."

"Where's Hiccup?" Stoick asked the man.

"He's right over there, looking at some of the designs I made for new catapults. He has an interest in forgery you know. He never stops looking at designs or watching me sharpen weapons." Gobber trailed.

"Thank you Gobber." Stoick said and waltzed to his son. "Want to hear a story Hiccup?" This caught the boys attention. He turned and looked at this father with a large smile, then ran over and sat in front of where his father knelt.

"There once was a man with a long, brown beard and a victorious streak of dragon slaying. He had never lost a battle against a dragon. He could even defeat them with his bare hands!" Stoick began. The boy's eyes gleamed with excitement. "One day, his village was under attack by wild dragons, they were taking everything! From sheep to soldiers. When the man stepped out of his home, he gripped his mace and charged towards a wild Monstrous Nightmare. With one swing the dragon was out cold. And one more blow, and the dragon was perfectly still. The dragons grip around a yak loosened and the yak ran from his claws." By now the little boy was gleaming with anticipation. "All dragons feared him. He stood proudly at the top of the hill where he had just slayed hte dragon. He gripped his mace, and with a few steps, he was fighting more dragons. Until they were all gone." Stoick finished and stood up, then walked towards the door.

"Everything alright Stoick?" Gobber asked.

"Perfectly fine." Stoick replied and looked back into the room wehre his son was still sitting. Stoick smiled slightly, then turned around and walked back out tot where dragons and vikings still battled.

/~end of flashback~\

"I always thought that was why you always wanted to slay a dragon." Gobber stated as he finished the story.

"How young was I when I first heard that?"

"I would say about 4. Why?"

"It's so familiar."

"Ah it should be. It would make him proud that you remmber that story. Because he based it, off of you." Gobber stated.


Whoops but I'm gonna have to end it there!

Not really a cliffhanger but that wasn't really what I was going for.

So updated might slow a little this week.

I've gotta clean my room all day tomorrow and I need to get my Halloween costume still and then I have an archery competition on Sunday and it's getting really hectic.

So if I don't update for a while, that's why.

Anyway I'm gonna stop babbling now.

See you in the next one!


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