Chapter 2
Astrid's POV
"I don't know why this is bothering me so much I mean it's happened a lot but this time feels, different." Hiccup said and slumped into his chair.
"C'mon Hiccup there's always a reason why something is bothering you." I said and sat next to him.
"Alright there is one reason." He said.
"What is it?"
"I just thought I would have more time with you and Mercy but if I'm off doing chief things all of the time where will I find time for you guys." He was now pacing around the fire pit.
"You'll find time for us somehow Hiccup. But we both knew that being chief was coming up." I stood.
"It's not happening yet. Maybe in a few months but not now." He said and started walking out.
"Where are you going?"
"Flying." He said and shut the door. I sighed and sat back down in my chair, letting myself get lost in my thoughts.
Hiccup's POV
I was sailing in the sky with Toothless, just thinking about all this chief nonsense. I'm not ready. Nobody gets that. I just got a family and now I'm expected to push that aside for chiefing? I already know what that does to a child and I don't want to let that happen to Mercy. I looked forward and all I saw was ocean. I guess I went a little far this time.
"C'mon Toothless let's head back, it's getting dark and we're pretty far from Berk.
Once we got back to Berk I decided to go to the forge and make a few changes to Toothless's tail, so the automatic would allow some smoother turns. I heated the metal and starting hammering.
"Careful Hiccup or else you might loose your hand too." Gobber said from behind me.
"Oh haha Gobber very funny." I said sarcastically.
"What's on your mind Hiccup?"
"My dad again. Still pestering me to be chief. I just don't get it. He doesn't listen to me when I say I am not ready yet." I said and turned back to the connecting rod.
"You know he's just doing what's best for Berk."
"But that's all it's ever been. It's always been what's best for Berk. He never stopped to wonder what's best for Hiccup? Or what does Hiccup think? He makes all my decisions and doesn't listen to me." I ranted.
"He listens to you it's just his job as a father to not show that he heard you." He said.
"Sometimes I can't even believe he's my father. First we were happy, then I was the disappointment for about 5 years, then he's happy with me again. I just don't get it!" I shouted and started pacing around the forge.
"Don't get to worked up about this Hiccup. Just let this blow over Stoick will forget about it." Gobber said and walked out. I sighed and turned back to my project.
"You believe me right Toothless?" He grumbled and nudged me. "Oh great. Dragon pity." I slumped into my chair. "Why is this bothering me so much? It's never gotten to me like this ever." I said. I looked out the window and saw someone coming towards the forge.
"I heard shouting. Everything alright?" Mom asked.
"Yes. No. I don't know mom." I said and started pacing again.
"This about you and your father isn't it." She asked.
"He doesn't listen to me. He's never listened to me. I tell him and tell him I don't want to be chief but what does he do? Absolutely nothing." I said with a bit of anger in my voice. I took a deep breath to try and calm down.
"Hiccup you should go to sleep. You'll be calmer in the morning." She said and walked out. I put everything away and put out the coals, then left and went back home.
-now lé morning- (A/N: ITS BACK!)
Astrid's POV
I woke up before Hiccup since he was out really late last night. I think he came home at about midnight but I was asleep. I went downstairs to make myself something to eat, since Hiccup probably won't be up for a while. I had some bread and yak butter with a glass of milk. I ate in the dead silence until someone barged in.
"ASTRID!" Ruffnut shouted.
"AH! Ruffnut what the heck?!"
"Sorry I just really needed to tell you something."
"Spit it out." I said and crossed my arms over my stomach.
"Well there's two ships anchoring out by the seastacks and also one that crashed on the south beach."
"I'll wake up Hiccup you get everyone to the academy." I said and went upstairs while she ran outside.
"Hiccup wake up I think we're being attacked." I said and shook him.
"Gah what by who?" He asked and sprung out of bed.
"I don't know but everyone is at the academy."
"I'll tell my dad and have mom watch Mercy wait here until she gets here." He said and ran outside to Toothless.
Hiccup's POV
This is so not what I needed right now. A mysterious attacker and the whole chief thing?
"We've got a problem." I said once I barged into my parents house.
"How big of a problem?" Dad asked.
"I'm not really sure but there are ships anchoring at the seastacks and a mysterious crashed ship on the south beach."
"I'm calling a meeting in the Great Hall. Get your friends and meet me there." Dad said and walked out.
"Mom I need you to watch Mercy." I said. She nodded and flew to my house. I hopped on toothless and flew to the academy.
-at lé academy- (A/N: this is a thing now, just by the way.)
"Okay guys I know you want information but right now we have to-" I started.
"Yeah we want details. So give them to us! I know you know something." Snotlout interrupted.
"We have to go to the Great Hall my dad called an emergency meeting." I finsished. "So let's go." I mounted Toothless and flew to the Great Hall, followed by the others.
Once we got there we saw everybody in a crowd shouting. I stepped up to the front where my dad was. He was trying to soothe the crowd.
"STOP!" I shouted. There was dead silence. I nodded to my dad and he began to speak.
"I know you're all afraid but we need to keep our heads. Especially since we don't know if this is an attack or not." He said.
"Well why don't we find out?!" Mulch shouted.
"I'll go look. I will be in the sky with Toothless and I will see if these are enemies. Everybody just stay here!" I shouted and ran outside.
"Hiccup-!" I heard my dad shout before the heavy doors slammed shut.
Once I was in the sky I looked down at the ocean. I saw the ship anchored at the seastacks, but there was nobody on it. I looked for boats heading towards Berk, but I didn't see anything. I swooped down to the anchored ship and looked closer. There were weapons and barrels of food, so the ship wasn't abandoned. But there was nothing to show who's ship it was. I flew up and went back towards the Great Hall, still looking at the ocean. I saw 3 small boats that could hold about 10 Vikings each. I landed in front of the doors and pushed them open and went back to the front. Everyone stared at me.
"3 ships about 10 Vikings each. No sign of who they are or what they want." I told my dad.
"What about that abandoned ship on the south beach?"
"I'll go check that." I ran back outside. Luckily it wasn't that far of a flight.
Once I got there I looked at the ship. It reminded me of when Heather washed up on our shores. I looked under the remains for anything. There was nothing. It just looked like an empty boat that drifted away from its owner and crashed.
I decided that this ship didn't mean anything to the one at the seastacks and went back to the Great Hall.
"The abandoned ship at the beach is nothing. Just a washed up boat." I said and stood next to my dad.
"We have no choice but to prepare for battle. Bucket and Mulch, lead the children and people that aren't fighting to the cove. Everybody that is fighting, arm yourself with a weapon and get to the docks." Dad said and walked out.
"Get your dragons ready. Snotlout, you scout the North beach if anyone sails up to that beach, tell my father. Fishlegs, you take the south beach if you see boats warn us. Ruff, Tuff, you take the west. Astrid, you go to the docks. You will be with more people and have less of a chance of getting hurt. I'll take the east beach." I commanded and we all went outside, and parted ways.
I wasn't really sure if they would come to the docks or land on a beach. But I didn't want to take any risks. I landed at the east beach and took out my spyglass. I looked at the horizon for any sign of ships.
"Nothing yet bud. Let's stay here until we get a signal from someone." I said and pat Toothless. He sat straight up, and I sat on the sand.
This is really peaceful. A really good time to think. Maybe I should prepare myself for being chief. I am 20, and I think my dad is ready to retire and spend his life with mom. I'm just not sure how I should prepare myself. I've never rally listened to my dad when he's teaching me what to do. Like how he barely listened to me when I tried to teach him how to fly a dragon. (A/N: anyone else miss Thornado??). I just have to figure it out I guess. I took another look at the horizon for any ships. Still nothing. I stood up and turned around to see flames in the air. It looked like Monsrous nightmare fire, followed by a crimson red plasma blast. Oh yeah I forgot Allysa had her crazy night fury mixed with something. We gotta figure out what it's mixed with. I flew as fast as I could to the North beach. Once I landed, I hoped off Toothless and took out Inferno.
"Who's here?" I said.
"Oh no one Hookfang wasn't listening to me again and then her stupid dragon tried to calm Hookfang down." Snotlout said. I sighed and put down my sword.
"This is serious guys keep your dragons under control." I stated.
"It so was not Violet. She's very well behaved unlike a certain. Monstrous Nightmare." Allysa said sassily and crossed her arms.
"Hookfang probably just doesn't like your dumb dragon!" Snotlout shouted.
"How about you two separate. Allysa you come with me back to the east beach. Snotlout, stay here and control Hookfang." I said and flew off, followed by Allysa.
Once we landed I took out my spyglass again and looked at the horizon. I saw a ship. A really large ship made completely of iron. How does a ship like that even float?
"Allysa can you take a look through this and tell me if that looks familiar?" I asked and handed her the spyglass.
"Oh no. Hiccup this island is in big trouble. We need to tell your dad." She said and ran to her dragon then flew to the docks. I flew after her.
"Do you know this guy?" I asked.
"Too well if you ask me. He's a horrible man that has a history with almost every chief of every island. Including your father." She said.
"Well who is it?"
"I'll tell you when I tell your dad." She said and landed at the docks. "Stoick we got a huge problem."
"What is it?" Dad asked. If someone doesn't fill me in and soon I might freak out.
"We have a visitor headed towards the east beach." I stepped in. We mounted our dragons and flew to the beach. I shot a plasma blast into the air to signal for the others to come. After about 2 minutes, they landed behind us.
"Hiccup what's wrong?" Astrid asked as she pushed through the crowd of Vikings and stood next to me. I handed her the spyglass and told her where to look. "Great Odin's beard who is that?" She gasped at the ship. It was miles away but still looked very large.
"I'm not sure. Apparently Allysa knows but she hasn't told anyone. It's like she's afraid of who it is." I said.
"Allysa who is this guy?" Astrid asked as she went over next to Allysa who was on my left side. She walked towards my dad. She whispered into his ear and my dads eyes widened.
"Everyone to the hangar now! We have to hide!" He said and stomped off.
"Wait dad who's here and why are we hiding?" I asked as I frantically tried to keep up with him. He sighed and began to speak.
"I really didn't think I would ever have to tell you this, but the man on that ship is a madman without a conscience or mercy. His name is (A/N: you probably know by now.) Drago Bludvist. He's killed thousands of brave soldiers and taken over dozens of islands. We wouldn't even stand a chance." Dad said and continued walking. I stopped dead in my tracks. Could this guy really be that horrible? Allysa stopped in front of me.
"Why didn't you tell me who it was?" I asked her when I gazed up.
"Because I was trying to forget about my father."
Uh oh.
Allysa is Drago's daughter.
I had to throw in a little twist there and I think I did pretty well.
What do you think?
Comment if you liked it!
I'll update asap
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