Pt 48:a seminar proposal for laado!
Let's begin.....
Shahveer shouts and winces and was literally jumping rubbing his eyes.
He shouts:ow.. ouch i am dead!
Ragini looks at him and bites the finger and her mind says to run.
And she was about to move. Sanskar holds her.
Sanskar:where are you going?
She curves her lip down!
Sanskar:see Ragini there are 2 types of people either good people or bad people. He belongs to good people who was a friend and well wisher so you should not spray.but a great move i am proud of's for only bad people should not spray it for anyone.
Ragini nods and smiles:okay!
Sanskar: that's like my Ragini!
Her smile turned wide!
It was itching and paining but he glared t sanskarand tears were rolling down like a waterfalls from Shahveer's eyes.
Shahveer:don't tell me that you knew this gonna happen.this is why you wanted me to pull Ragini...
Shahveer:keede pade tere can you do this with me?oh my eyes.
He rubs his eyes and shouts:am i your Stuart little that you will send me for experiment.
Sanskar smiles:dosth ke liye itna nahi kar sakta!
Shahveer:i will not come..even if i die i would not accept your invitation!
Sanskar smiles:you are my best friend no?
Shahveer:wait i will kill you!
Chawanni was placing the ice on shahveer's eyes.
And Ragini was standing in the kitchen with pout!
Sanskar enters into the kitchen:Today..Ragini will be cooking for everyone of us..yay!!
He claps.
Ragini curves her lip down:No no no!!!
While kids and shahveer looks on and shahveer quickly moves in: Sanskar.
He drags him out:what are you doing?how can she able to take all this?
Sanskar:i am making her perfect in all terms.its the first day and i have challenged myself that within 2 months i would make her so capable that nobody would ever dare to question her disorder!
Shahveer looks on:will she able to do it?
Sanskar:imagine when i can do it why can't she?she is way too smarter then me!
Shahveer nods:the most convincing word when you the nightmare cook can do it!
Sanskar punches him
Sanskar moves inside.
Sanskar:So what will be in the today's menu?Daal chawal!
Ragini in a soft voice:No no no.. I don't know!
He gives her the cooking book..
Sanskar:First keep the rice to boil!
Ragini nods in no
Sanskar:well everyone are right you can't do anything.
Shahveer:yes why simply wasting time?
Ragini angrily moves and takes the rice packet and puts on the vessel and directly was about to keep on stove.
Sanskar:did i ever keep directly?
Ragini moves to sink and washes the rice like Sanskar did always.
Sanskar raises his eyes shahveer and signing him to look as how she was doing it!
And she washed rice until the water was purely clean and adds the double amount of water and and keeps on stove and stood angrily!
Sanskar:who will light the stove?
Ragini didn't move.
Shahveer:she don't know anything i told you.let me do it for you!
He was about to move when she quickly takes the lighter and lights the stove!
Sanskar:we all are hungry so you have to make it fast who wash the daal?
Ragini moves and takes daal and washes it.
And looks t the book she was too angry.
Sanskar places the required vegetables near her:i helped now that doesn't mean always?
Ragini shouts:always?
Sanskar:haan..we will cook together from now on but today only you
Ragini:Noo not always!!
Sanskar:did i ever say i will not cook for you?
Ragini:why..why are you saying now then?
Sanskar:because now it's that i also want to eat food made by you (acts sad)you won't do that much for me laado?
She silently moves and takes the bowl and puts the daal and shows him:this much?
Sanskar smiles and adds little more:fine!
Ragini washes that and her hands literally shivered holding knife.
Sanskar:just chop it ...laado can do it!
Shahveer smiles :cut it cut it (audible to sanskar)she would hurt herself!
Sanskar: let's see but still she have to do it!
And she peels the onion.
And cuts it slowly and carefully that she didn't wanted any kind of wounds or pain.
Sanskar smiles.he didn't interrupt now since he know that she would do it no matter what and she would be careful too!
And she was so neat that with little mess she couldn't tolerate and quickly cleans it.
Sometime passed and she cooked the food.
Sanskar places the plates and glass and sits.
While Ragini sees the book which had a beautiful presentation done with it.
She takes the bowl and puts the daal and does the presentation with much creativity.
Shahveer:where is she?
Sanskar smiles:may be trying her creativity she can add her creativity on building blueprints then think..
Shahveer nods!
Ragini serves the rice on the on the tray as shown.and the side of the tray was decorations with salad and she cuts the vegetable slowly and places it in a different look.she was really happy she cooked..and she adores it as she found those so cute!
And picks the tray and moves.but once she stepped daal started to spill.
And she looks at it and keeps back on slab and clean the daal which spread on tray and outer part of bowl with tissue paper.
And then again picks and steps again it spills and she places it back.
And the coriander leaves on the top of daal got dipped inside.
She stamps her foot.
And she again cuts the coriander leaves and arranges it!
And holds it but it was dangling in the bowl.
And Sanskar holds the tray and she looks at him.
He smiles:Calm down.. if you think it will spill then it will spill if you don't then it won't and move slowly!!
And she holds it and moves and this time it didn't spill and she grins!
He smiles.
She slowly places it on the table.
Shahveer gives her an impressed are a genius!
Ragini smiles happily!
Shahveer:let me click the picture it looks so professional,i will send to Aliya she should feel jealous that she didn't got to taste it!
He clicks the picture.
Sanskar was about to serve.
When Ragini shouts:No no no!
Sanskar: it's already late no?we can't adore more now!
Ragini quickly runs inside..
She quickly returns with a bowl of salt
Ragini:Salt as per your taste....written written in book!
Shahveer:maan are a perfectionist!
Sanskar puts the salt and stir the daal...
Ragini:for Rice..
Sanskar looks at her:we cannot add salt after it's cooked.we have to add salt while cooking!
Ragini:then..then how will will i know that what is everyone's taste!
And they laughs.
Sanskar pulls her cheeks:why are you like this?
Ragini:i..i..i am not like this i am laado.
For a moment they looks at her confused and then they understands And they laughs again.
Sanskar:okay okay come let's have food!
Ragini: I ..i didn't(she nods in no) I didn't add salt!
Sanskar:no problem we will adjust this time!
Ragini nods.
And he makes her sit and Sanskar sits beside him and she serves him.
And he looks at her and a small smile appears on his face.
And they taste the food. it indeed tasted good.
Shahveer:i like was tasty!
And the kids also appreciate her.
She turns to Sanskar who was already looking at her.
Sanskar smiles mischievously and turns and continues with food!
Ragini pats him :Haa?
Sanskar simply acts of looking at the phone.
Ragini pats him and shakes him at last but he still resisted himself to look at her.
She turns front angrily and hits the spoon her plate.
Once after the food Kids goes out to play and Shahveer gets a call so he excuses!
Ragini turns to sanskar again and she pats him again.
She angrily turns and completes her food!
Ragini sits angrily on the sofa.he didn't complement yet!
Sanskar sits beside her.and she angrily moves aside making the gap in between them.
Sanskar again sits closer but she moves aside and sits at the corner.
She covers her ears!
Sanskar:today for the delicious food.there was some gift for chef but seems the chef is not interested at all!
She turned weak listening "Gift".but still stayed stiff!
Sanskar moves:no problem i will return it back then.
She looks at him who was moving backward towards the room facing her with smile.
And she quickly runs and pulls his harm she knew he was holding it behind.
But he just didn't bring it front.
She moves behind but he moved it front.
Ragini:Sansii no cheating my gift!
And he smiles and forwards it to her and she opens the gift wrap not even giving a second.
She smiles and squeals:phone!
He smiles.
Ragini:for me for me?
Sanskar:Yes only for you!
Ragini jumps in happiness and then almost falls over him hugging him tight.he was stumbled..well this was not new he was now habituated of such strong hug.
Ragini:my phone!
And next moment she kissed him on his lips and moves out to show it to Shahveer and kids who were playing cricket outside.
Sanskar stood shocked.what just happened now?
And soon his lips formed a smile and he brushed his hair.why there is a soft burning sensation on his cheeks.damn is he really blushing?
While on the other side shahveer:wow...whose number will laado save first.
And she got something in her mind.
And she opens the phone and Sanskar have saved few contacts and she grins and dials a number and it was of none other than Sahil.
Sahil was on supermarket with janki.
He sees an unknown number and he gets confused and picks the call:Hello..who is ..
And she disconnects the call.
Sahil gets confused and she again calls him and he picks the call and she silently giggles when said "hello who is" and she disconnects the call again!
Ragini again calls him and sahil was frustrated:who is this if you don't want to talk simply don't...
And Ragini disconnects the call and giggles.
And she dials swara's number at next. She doesn't understand what to do with her.
Swara who was sitting hugging laksh picks the call.while Laksh was caressing her hair.
Ragini:your husband lauki is having affair!
And disconnects the call.
Shahveer opens his mouth in shock.
And she giggles.
Sanskar comes out.he was already in shock and he sees Shahveer:what happened?
Shahveer: I didn't expect this from Ragini!
Sanskar looks at him. Did Ragini say that she kissed him?
Shahveer:Laado you are the innocent laado how did you change?
Sanskar:wh..what happened?
Shahveer:at first she simply called sahil and disturbed him by disconnecting the call.
Sanskar looks at Ragini:really?
Shahveer:and you know what she did next she called swara and told her that her husband is having affair and disconnect the call..
Sanskar looks at her:so many shocking things..
Shahveer: where's so many?did something else also happen!
Sanskar: That's not your need.
After sometime at night...
Ragini was looking at the phone and playing in it.
While Sanskar was doing the works regarding his job he was writing the report which he have to submit to Aditya,the next day!
Sanskar turns to her:Ragini enough now sleep!
She looks at the phone keenly
Sanskar:what happened?
Ragini : Compensation!!
Sanskar: daily you are reminding me but you are not tell me what compensation i have to do?
Ragini:later later!
Sanskar looks at her:then it's alarm for me?
Ragini:Yes yes..
She placed the phone aside covers the comfort:Good good night!
He smiles and continues with the work!
Next day...
Sanskar meets with Adi and gives him the report...
Adi smiles seeing the report:Great..isse zyada I don't have to say anything.
Sanskar smiles:well thanks for giving me the chance!
Adi:no actually it was my honour that being MD of Karma construction you are working here leaving that..
Adi:anyways after 3 months there's wild life event.. I don't know if you could go..
Sanskar was silent for moment.
Adi gives him the file:you can take your time and let me know about it!
Sanskar nods.
Adi:and yeah Aditi wanted to talk to you about something she might come this evening!
Sanskar smiles:okay!
And Sanskar returns and places the file.he didn't wanted to reject straight away. He would tell him later.
And Sanskar went to Ragini who was looking at the phone.
And he drags her.
Ragini looks at him: Sansii.
Sanskar:we are going somewhere don't question!
Ragini:where where where?
He smiles:you will know!
He just walks to some distance and enters a building.
And Sanaya comes there:So?
Sanskar:Ragini is ready for the dance class!
Ragini:Dance no no no!!
Sanaya:why?here there is my friend who is a great dancer she will teach you!
Ragini moves behind Sanskar:No dance no dance!
Sanskar:Ragini you will not do this for me?
He asked being sad and she also felt sad.
Actually he found a trick that if he would be sad then she would also be sad and agree!
Ragini :but i accept..i cannot dance!
Sanaya:you will don't worry i am with you!
Ragini:i will tell bhaiyyu..bhaiyyu you are here.. then then bhaiyyu will see you! you started to threaten also?Ragini it's a bad thing!
Sanaya:then say I don't that way at least i will meet your bhaiyyu.i am waiting for him to see me!
Ragini was angry but didn't react!
Sanskar:Ragini so?
Ragini moves with Sanaya.
Just then Sanskar gets call from Aditi.
Aditi:where are you Sanskar?
Sanskar:i just got Ragini for the dance class anything important.
Aditi:well i had to tell you fact i want the permission..
Sanskar:what permission?
Aditi:do you know Ragini's video is trending now on the internet.
Sanskar:No i just didn't give attention towards that..
Aditi:well there's a camp or specially can say that it's a seminar of 3 hours after a month.seminar of Ragini,there were the people who were not even discovered that they are autistic and after this they have realised it and some of autistic children parents also want to listen from her and Ragini can take the seminar.. if this seminar gets successful then nobody can stop Ragini from growing!
Sanskar smiles for a moment:but there would be no harm right..
Aditi:what harm Sanskar? There would be full security and it's specially designed for ASD's and our experts want only Ragini to take the seminar!
Sanskar smiles happily. Which cannot be defined in words!
Aditi:and with this Ragini can also improve with her speaking skill facing.. i spoke to abhimanyu. You can even speak to him. And yeah you have to prepare her for that..and don't worry it's not first that an autistic taking a seminar like this.and for more contact with abhimanyu!
Sanskar:Sure i will.and Thankyou Aditi!
Aditi:hey.. don't thank me. It's all done by Ragini herself!
And they disconnect the call.
At that moment Sanskar realised when they were moving to dance class many of them were watching Ragini.there was a kind of smile on their face if they saw a star.indeed Ragini is a star.
To be continued.....
So how's it?
Also read my other story The Substitute Husband!
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