Jungkook's POV-
When Tae and I rounded the corner and Jimin came into view he was smiling proudly at us from the chair at the head of the table.
When we got a bit closer he extended his arm and motioned towards the food that had been laid out.
"Welcome to the TaeJiKook dinner party. Please take your seats." He says in an animated voice as he gestures to his left for Tae to take a seat before he turns to direct me to the seat on his right.
After we've both sat down, our attention falls on the empty plates in front of us.
Both of us immediately start scanning the table, passing around the food to load up our plates as Jimin begins to speak.
"Jungkookie I really hope you aren't mad at Tae. It wasn't his fault he told me about the trip. I could just tell I was being left out of something between you two and I was so hurt. I'm so glad that we are all on the same page now and can talk freely. So," he lifts up his bottle of Soju for a toast, "Here's to no more secrets."
Tae and I give mildly guilty looks to each other across the table as we bring our bottles up to meet with Jimin's.
Our chatter is light after that as we talk about random things. Tae and I complain to Jimin about how awful Stats is going to be and that we wish he was in the class with us.
Jimin then told us about how his classes went and that one of his professors is quite good looking.
The more the conversation goes on and we don't talk about "the secret" though, Jimin becomes more and more antsy which is quite amusing.
It's like he didn't want to have to be the one to bring it up until finally he couldn't handle it anymore and spoke up.
"When do you think we'll go?"
Tae gives a mock confused look before asking, "Go where?"
I mirror his expression and say, "To the school? I don't have class tomorrow so I was just plan-"
"On the trip and I know that you know that's what I meant!" Jimin gives me a glare before breaking into a smile as he looks between myself and Tae. "It's all I've been able to think about. I have so many ideas!"
The rest of the meal went on with Jimin telling us all about the travel packages he was able to find and wanted us to nail down the dates for us to go so he could start actually getting some things together and booked.
I was impressed. Not that I have ever thought Tae wasn't smart, I've known since the day that I met him that his way of thinking is unique from most people, including myself. That he often observes things that others miss, but I was still impressed.
Not just with how quickly he came up with this idea and how easily we were able to just pick up where our travel ideas left off last year as if he and I really had been in the works of planning, but also that he was so spot on with Jimin's reaction.
He knows Jimin so well that exactly what he said would happen is unfolding in front of me.
Jimin has already started planning the trip just hours after finding out about it and is just asking for our input.
They really do share a soul in so many ways and compliment each other's personalities well, so I shouldn't be so surprised that Tae knew this is how Jimin would react, but I am nonetheless.
The stay goes on for a few hours more and at one point Tae insists that we adjust the seating in the living room to get the chairs the movers had brought where they will look the best as well as get the rug unrolled and in place.
I told him countless times that the owner has told me I don't need to decorate or arrange anything, but he argues that the owner can't be upset if we "elevate the aesthetic" as he put it.
So I just let him do what he wanted, picking up and placing things where he said to.
After the interior designing was finished and they were getting ready to go I made sure to take Tae back into the bathroom while Jimin ordered the car so he could give me a quick lesson on how to work the shower.
The lesson was not turning out to be quick as he kept going on about how lucky I was to have such a nice shower instead of what I would have had in the dorms.
I agreed, it is better than what I would have had, but a fancy shower is only nice when you know how to use it.
When it started getting a bit too complicated I stopped him to ask for just the basics on how to control the main shower head as that was all I really cared about.
He reluctantly did so after grumbling about how I didn't deserve such a nice thing if I wasn't even going to use it in its entirety.
After my lesson I walked them both to the door, thanked them again for the food and the drinks, before sending them down to catch their ride. As soon as they left I headed into the bathroom to take a much anticipated, normal shower.
After my shower I threw on a hoodie with some sweatpants before making my way back to the table to clean up the empty containers and bags off the table.
Just as I was about done filling the plastic bags with the trash I heard the door unlock.
I step away from the table to get a better view of the door and am met with a very tired looking Yoongi.
He steps through the door, letting out a loud yawn as he ruffles his hand through his dark hair as he turns to shut and lock the door.
Once he's done that he finally turns around and notices me standing by the table.
"Mother fuck!" He yells, dropping his jacket and keys he had been holding. "How long have you been standing there?"
I start laughing loudly at his expression. "Did you not notice all the lights were on? And for someone so concerned about security I'm surprised it took so long for you to look around."
"Quiet you brat. I had a long day and the door was locked. What kind of thief would lock the door after breaking in? Plus, you should be glad I trust your abilities to the extent that I'm not worried about a burglary." He says with a pout and a bit of blush on his cheeks.
He looks like a child. So cute.
I continue to laugh. "If that is the case then I am glad that you have so much faith in my abilities after such a short time."
"I mean look at you. I'm sure it'd be pretty easy for you to overpower someone." His eyes widen as he realizes what he's said and quickly changes the subject.
"I see the table came. And that you've made good use of it. What else was moved in today?" He asks as he turns towards the living room.
"I also see the movers were kind enough to lay out the rug and put the chairs in place. Hope they don't charge extra for that." He comments as he puts his hands in his pockets and walks further into the room.
I decide to indulge him for now and talk about the furniture, but I didn't miss that little comment he's trying to cover up.
"Yes, nice of them right? They said this was a trial room but if you like the style they can do the rest of the place for a discounted rate." I tease back.
He chuckles. "I told you that you didn't have to set anything up, but thank you. It does look nice."
"That's a very kind thing to say and I will pass it along to my friend. He is the one who insisted on doing this, not me."
"Oh so it was a dinner party with your friends. What're their names again?"
"Jimin and Taehyung, but we call him Tae."
"Right. Maybe I will consider putting him on retainer. I do have a lot of stuff coming and no idea how to arrange it all."
"Well aren't you just throwing out job offers left and right." I say with a cheeky grin. "I thought you said you were selective."
"Hey, I said I would consider it." He smiles before turning fully to face me.
"Speaking of job offers, have you thought more about yours?"
I pause, meeting his gaze. I had thought about it but I still didn't quite know what to do.
The easy answer would be yes, but I'm not even fully aware of what the job entails besides "managing his schedule."
It seems like Chanyeol does a lot more than that, but then again how much of what I've seen him do is stuff for Yoongi compared to stuff he does as an RA? So I decide to ask for clarification on this.
"I don't have a lot of information on the job. The only thing that was told to me in detail really was about the possible living situation. What does an assistant even do?"
"That I'm not quite sure of myself in all honesty. I've never had one before. But I guess I would generally just be having you do the things Yeol has been helping me with plus a few extra things that I don't ask him to do because he is busy with his actual job."
"Okay, and what kind of things does he help you with?"
He shifts his weight a bit on his feet in thought before suggesting we take a seat.
He moves to the couch and I instinctively take a seat on one of the chairs across from it so I can be facing him.
"At least you have a proper chair to sit in while we talk this time around." He chuckles. "Now then, Yeol helps me with managing things in my personal life. I have people in the company to help me with work schedules and business meetings so he would help me when he could if I needed anything outside of work.
"For example, while I was out of town. I attempted to find someone myself to watch this place but was only able to ask a few individuals before I got a bit too busy. I reached out to him to see if he knew of anyone that could help me while I was away and he asked around and found someone to do it on my behalf.
"He is also the one who did the walk through of this apartment when I couldn't make it and in the past he has done things like picked up food to bring to me at the office then we'll have lunch together."
He draws his lips on a tight line before leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.
"I don't want you to think I have taken advantage of my friend, but I have asked him to do things that I could have asked someone else to do. I realize that.
"I was just stubborn and didn't want to have to find anyone to have to get to know, as well as them having to get to know me, my habits, likes and dislikes. It's a bit intimidating to me."
"I can understand that. I have trouble trusting people myself." I say, nodding my head in understanding. "So it sounds like it would be a new thing for both of us."
"Yes it would."
After sitting in silence while I mull things over in my head I come to a decision.
"I'd still like to talk to Chanyeol, but I accept the offer."
He breaks into a large bright gummy smile. "That is fantastic news. I will let Yeol know that you've accepted and he can reach out and set up some time to talk to you more about what he has done and does do for me.
"He has already expressed to me that he likes you and would be happy to help train you, so to speak. He and Hobi might be even more happy about this news than I am, and believe me, I'm ecstatic."
"I would really appreciate that. I think we are going to work well together." I flash him a big smile. "Okay! How do we proceed from here? Am I going to finish what I was asked to do here and then we'll discuss the assistant stuff later?"
"I think that will be best. That way after my meeting Thursday at the company, if it goes as planned, I will have a more clear mind set and will be able to work out a contract we can go over together."
I stand up from my chair and walk to him with my hand outstretched for a handshake. "I am going to try my best not to let you down."
He reaches for my hand and shakes it as he says, "Thank you Jungkook. And thank you for accepting."
After we disconnect our hands I keep my hand outstretched and turn my palm up as a gesture to help him up. "It's getting pretty late and I know you have been at work since this afternoon."
He takes my hand and I help him to his feet, "I feel like a proper thing for an assistant to do is offer you some food after a long day, but there are no leftovers from our dinner. I do however have some instant noodles if you would like."
He begins to laugh as he says, "That's alright I had dinner with- I ate before I left work so I'm ok. I do actually need help with something though." He says still with a faint smile.
"Of course, what is it?"
"I haven't checked it yet, but if my mattress is ready to be moved can you help me get it onto the bed frame? I was going to try to move it myself but it would just be easier with two people."
"Yeah I can help. I mean look at me, I can pretty easily pick up a mattress, wouldn't you agree?" I smile with a wink.
"Shut up and follow me, smartass." He scolds before stalking past me.
"It's pronounced assistant." I start laughing again as I follow him out of the living room to his bedroom.
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