Episode 59: Father's Twin

"Here ya go!" my big bro said as he placed a bowl of carrots in front of me. They were sliced to resemble orange bunnies.

"Cute," I said, smiling. "Thanks, big bro! I thank the Sky Father that he gave me a big bro like ya!"

Serra scratched his blushing cheeks. "Well, it's not much. I just put together a quick snack for ya. I'll go and whip something better for ya later. That sound swell?"

I nodded. "Yup!"

He stretched out his hand and ruffled my snow-white hair. "Alright, then I'll make something that will blow you away tonight!" He turned away and sighed. "Well, I better get going. Our project is due tomorrow."

"Big bro procrastinated?" I asked, tilting my head at him. It was so unlike him.

He closed his eyes and scoffed. "It was Eii who did. We were to meet up a few days ago at the market, but he never arrived."

The market? That was where I had seen that guy chase my friend...

I rubbed my head. If only I could recall more of that dream, then I can perhaps figure out where she is.

"Is something worrying you?"

I bit my lip. I wanted to let him know that I came here to look for my friend, but then he might get mad at me. It wasn't like I had known her for very long...

"What happened to Pa?" I asked, looking up at him. I honestly did wonder where he had gone. I wanted to see him again.

Serrano averted his gaze. "That guy? He left, like usual. Conrad, you didn't come here to look for him, did you?"

I lowered my head. "No, but he did help me, so I can't help but ask."

"It's best that you don't search for him. Let him be. He chose his path long ago."

I gulped. A pit formed in my heart. I knew that both he and Ma blamed Pa for what had happened since he left, but he didn't strike me as the man I'd heard about. Perhaps, he was trying to change. After all, Pa used to be a good guy at one point. Maybe he had just lost his way and was slowly returning there.

"I know what you're thinking, Conrad. Ma thought the same thing too, but it didn't work out. Neither of us should repeat her mistakes. If that man is to fix his life, he has to do it alone."

I stared at my bowl of carrots. "I understand."

"Good boy. I'll be right back as soon as I can! Feel free to use my room if you're tired! Also, don't leave the palace! You will certainly get lost." He glanced up at a chandelier by the entrance to the dining hall. "Actually, try not to wander inside this place either. It's huge. Even I get lost, and I've been living here for the past four years."

I snickered. "But I've always been better at directions than big bro!"

He spun around, revealing his bright red face. "I've gotten better!" He put a hand on his hip and sighed. "Please listen, Rad. I don't want you getting lost."

I smiled. "Don't worry! I'll only go around a few places."

"Atta boy! Well, gotta hurry! Remember what I said!"

"I will!"

I laughed as my bro sprinted away. He sure was a worrywart.

I stared at my bowl of carrots and smiled. Time to eat up! I popped carrot after carrot into my mouth. They tasted great, just the ones back in our hometown. Actually, maybe they did come from home.

I glanced up at the empty dining hall. It was so pretty and big. Yet, it was also very lonely. I jumped out of my chair.

Maybe I should go eat in my brother's room. I was used to eating in my room anyway.

I turned and gasped as I noticed a pillar with a relief of a man with amethyst wings. A strange sensation bubbled up within me as I stared at the angel. Is this me?

"Hmm, who are you?" a voice called out, nearly making me drop my bowl.

I shifted my eyes toward the entrance. A man with short brown hair and amber eyes stood with his arms crossed and his back against the wall. He sort of reminded me of Pa.

"I-I'm Conrad. I'm Serrano's brother," I said, trying to not avert my eyes.

He smiled. "I thought so. You really are the spitting image of your father."

"Ya know ma pa?" I asked, looking at his eyes directly.

He nodded. "I have since we were zygotes."

I gasped. "In the womb? Are ya Pa's twin?"

He nodded. "Yes."

"But ya don't resemble him as much as me."

He rubbed the side of his neck and laughed. "Well, we are fraternal twins, not identical."

"Are ya older?"

"Well, yes and no. He was born first, but it is said that the one who comes out last is the first one conceived. Not sure if there's any validity to that. Though, I sort of hope there is."

I smiled. "So ya ma uncle!"

He stepped toward me. "Yeah." He stared at my carrots. "Say, why are you eating a bowl of only carrots? And why are they bunny-shaped."

I smiled. "Ma Big bro sliced them up like that!"

"Serrano only gave you carrots?" He crossed his arms. "Seems he's more like that guy than I thought."

I chuckled. "Big bro was in a hurry, so he didn't have time to whip up something more complex. Though I like them!"

He blinked. "You do?"

I nodded as I picked one up. "Yeah. Carrots are ma favorite food!"

He chuckled. "I see. Looking at you, I can't help but think of a rabbit."

"I like bunnies too!" I gasped as I realized I didn't have Mr. Buns on me. I hadn't seen him in Serra's room either. "Ma bunny!"

"Is Mr. Buns a plushie?" a voice called out from behind Uncle. Setty emerged from behind him, smiling.

I nodded. "Yeah. Ma big bro made it."

She raised an eyebrow. "Serrano did? Had no idea he could sew."

"Setsuko, weren't you looking for Rosa?" Uncle asked, looking over his shoulder.

"I was, but I couldn't find her at all. I think she went to go play with Plum and her new friend."

I gasped. "Plum?" I said, recalling my aunt, who shared that name. Aunty Plum was my age. She would always share her food with me, saying that I needed some chub.

"Do you know her?" Setty asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He likely does. Plum is his mother's little sister."

"Ehh? She is? Why didn't Serrano mention it?"

Uncle turned away from her. "He probably didn't see think it worth mentioning."

Setty crossed her arms. "That guy sure does love keeping to himself. Even after all these years, I feel as if I barely know him." She smiled at me. "Anyway, how about we go and find Mr. Bun?"

I smiled. "Alright!"

She chuckled and grabbed hold of my hand. "So, where did you last have it?"

I frowned. "I might've dropped it by the entrance of town."

"It might be best to ask Kohri for help, he was the one who found you."

"Huh?" Setsuko asked, glancing at her dad.

"He's the cause of the crater on the southern route. Some photos were taken, but thankfully they are all blurry. That said, I heard you were spotted with a Kasai no Ki girl, what became of her? As far as I'm aware, there were no reports of an arrest."

"She vanished," I said. I gasped. What had happened to the pen left behind by her? I was sure I had it when I collapsed.

"Wait, what do you mean when you say this girl vanished?" Uncle asked. "She just left you behind?"

"She got hurt by a guard, and turned into a fury of leaves."

"Leaves? Is she a guardian angel?"

I nodded my head. "I think so. I know she died ages ago."

"Interesting. How did you come across her?"

"I fainted near her tree. She helped me out." I lowered my head. "She's the one who helped me get here."

Uncle rubbed his chin and turned around. "A Kasai no Ki who was buried here... who could she be?" he mumbled to himself.

"All I know is her name is Azar."

He gasped. "Angel of the Bonfire?"

I smiled. "You heard of her?"

"She was once a Seven Flame Knight, one who perished en route to this city."

"Wait, Kasai no Ki tried to take over Kaguya? When was this?" Setsuko asked.

"It was before the most recent war—one dating back a hundred years ago. Kasai no Ki's forces engaged ours in the east, as was the custom in our wars. However, they did send a smaller squadron to penetrate from the south. Since most of our forces were focused on the east, they managed to conquer a lot of land in a short amount of time. On their way, they burned down our fields and towns."

I gasped. Azar did that? But she seemed so nice.

"Our forces stationed here had to march southward to stop her onslaught," Uncle continued. "Even then, a decent number managed to escape. I didn't think that the remnants would bury her here, though."

Azar was stuck in that tree for a hundred years?

"Her moniker though predates her attempted invasion of Kaguya. While on the eastern front, she would often have the fields of her own people burned to deprive us of food. It was an effective strategy. At face value, it would appear to be a double-edged sword. Still, she had enough foresight to stock the food required to keep her people well feed by storing the food in their western provinces."

"How do you know all this?" Setsuko asked. "None of the history books make mention of it."

He scoffed. "Those history books you grew up reading are a distorted account of the true events. My predecessors made sure that the truth of our losses would never get out. Likewise, the darker parts of our history are hidden. You got to search for the truth. I'm certain that with your spirit, you won't be hard-pressed to uncover it."

"So that's what Serrano meant that one time," Setsuko said, crossing her arms. She snickered. "I'll be sure to uncover the truth!"

"Just be careful not to reveal it to the masses, at least not all at once. Doing so could cause us to lose the trust of the people."

"Wouldn't it be best if they heard it from us rather than someone else? I mean, we've been in the dark too."

He nodded. "True, but not everyone will think that way."

"Uh, Setty, can we go check ma big brother's room first?" I said, fidgeting. "Azar's angel tool might be there."

"Sure," she said, patting my head.

I smiled. "Thanks!"

Uncle snickered. "Who would've thought that the famous Azar would befriend a prince of our kingdom. The Divine Ones sure have a sense of humor."

I tilted my head. "Humor?"

He smiled. "Yes. Irony is humorous, don't you think?"

"I guess it sort of is."

He laughed. "Well, I got to get back to work. Hope you find Mr. Bun and Azar's angel tool!" he said, waving.

"Bye, Uncle!" I yelled.

He looked over his shoulder and gave me a sad smile. He opened his mouth but stopped. Instead, he just walked on ahead. Though, I had a feeling that whatever he was going to say, it involved my pa. Did it hurt him to see what had become of his twin?

**Solar Note: I pray that the chapter proved enjoyable ^_^. Would love to hear your thoughts on it.**

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