Episode 10: Successor

"Phew," Kohri said as he sat down on the gymnasium floor. His gray t-shirt was drenched in sweat. "I'm beat."

Uncle Takeshi had us do various exercises and run several laps around the gym. In a way, it was basically an extension of the training he had Tetsu and me do back at his place. After several hours of that, he had those of us who could use second heaven try to maintain the form for as long as we could. At first it wasn't all that hard, but eventually it became as painful as remaining in push up position for hours and hours.

Those who couldn't did something similar but it was trying to elevate their energy output as high as they could.

"As am I," Zyuuni said, staring at the now restored glass ceiling.

Ryonoko huffed. "You guys who can use second heaven made it look easy," he said as he knelt on one knee.

Zyuuni nodded. "Yeah..."

I laughed, but soon wished I didn't. Gripping my side, I rolled over in order to push myself off the ground.

"You've all done well," uncle said, grinning. "Head to the showers, have something nice to eat, and get some sleep in. Tomorrow we'll start back up first thing in the morning."

"And I thought Osamu was the slave driver," Zaki muttered as she leaned on a wall.

"I don't think we'll be able to survive another day like this," Maki said, trying to stand up.

Uncle snickered. "You bunch of weaklings. Though, it's comforting to know that we Kuroriku got you Kasai no Ki beat."

"Huh?" Maki asked.

Takeshi grinned. "I mean, Rosa awakened second heaven in your battle back in my place. The rest of the Seven-Hills can all use it too."

The white-haired prince's eyes widened.

Kiyoshi chuckled. "I see what you're aiming at, old man. You're trying to motivate us by using our historic rivalry, aren't you?"

"Ehh? Was I that easy to read? You're right!" my uncle said with a chuckle at the end.

Zaki glared at him. "You hardly ever are. You only show your cards when you want to."

Uncle smiled. "You sound just like Osamu." He sighed. "Anyway, perhaps I should teach you all how to restore your mana."

"There's a way to do that?" Eri asked.


"There sure is," Emon said, sitting cross legged. He pushed himself up and moved around as if he hadn't just used up nearly all his mana.

I gasped as I recalled Setsuko's meditation. "You drew mana from the surroundings into your body, didn't you?" I asked.

"Yes," the Seven-Flame Knight responded.

"You're quite the talented youth," Uncle said, nodding. "More so than I when I was your age."

"Didn't you become a knight around seventeen?" I asked.

He snickered. "Yeah, I did. When I was sixteen, I was still tilling our tiny farm..." He lowered his eyes. "Wonder... how things would've been if I had remained there."

"Far better," Zaki said. "I assure you that."

"Mom, don't start arguing again," Emon said, walking over to her. His hands glowed bright green just like Xime's had when she had given me some of her mana to sustain my life back in the abyss.

"Heal me next, Emy," Kiyoshi said, waving. He winced. "B-bad idea..."

Emon laughed. "You knucklehead. Stay still. I'll get to all of you."

"My, what a reliable guy. Then I'll leave the task of nursing them all to you," Uncle said. "I'm going to go on ahead and meet with the king." He glanced back at me. A white stone suddenly appeared in his hand. "Here, you go."

"What's that?" I asked, still trying to push myself off of the floor.

"It's a communication stone. I obtained a few while in Abyssia when I went to search for you. Your cousins might give you a call, assuming that Halim remembered to give them theirs." He placed the stone on the floor and smiled. "Try not to push yourself too hard, kid." A portal of swirling darkness appeared behind him. "Bye!"

"Wait, uncle!" I yelled. "You... haven't taught me a thing about Aventine yet..."

I sighed. Did he forget? Or was he setting things up for it? If this was set up then how was the training up ahead like? Wait, pain... was he trying to prepare us for the pain caused by using these forms for too long?

My eyes shifted to the stone on the floor. His form of training isn't all that different from Tetsu's...


[Years Ago]

"Come on, Serra!" Tetsuya yelled as he ran up hill. "No slacking! We got a long way to go to get to the river!"

"I'm not!" I whined. "It's just that my tummy is aching!"

He sighed. "We've only been at this for a few minutes. How can ya be Aventine's chosen if you can't even run for ten minutes?" He grinned. "But if ya have given up then it's best to hand it over. I'll be a Seven-Hill in your place."

I grumbled, forcing myself uphill. "I... won't lose to you."

Tetsu smirked. "Well, ya did this round. We're going to have to get ya physically ready to withstand Aventine's power."

A gasp escaped my lips. "Withstand its power?"

He nodded. "Its power is strong. Ya gotta keep it in check." His eyes shifted toward something in the distance. "I... remember Papa using it once." He tilted his head. "Think it was to chase away a bear or something."

"H-he didn't kill the bear, right?"

"Nope. He just leveled part of the forest in one swing!" he said, laughing.

My eyes narrowed. "You're lying."

"I'm not!" he snapped, glaring at me.

I came to a complete stop. "Sorry... I didn't mean to-"

He averted his gaze. "Sorry for screaming at ya. I just... wish others would believe me." His head shifted toward the sky. "Pa was the strongest knight there ever was. The best one too. I can only hope to be like him." *slap* He smiled as he shook his head. "Okay, enough resting, Serra. Back to work! You won't ever defeat my Pa the way you are now." He grinned. "Though, the first one to surpass him will be me!"

I smiled back at him. "What if I beat ya?"

"Hmm?" He laughed. "What about it? It's not gonna happen, so why think about it?" He swung his hands behind his head. "No way I'll lose to some kid who looks like he'll faint after ten minutes of exercise."

I grumbled and ran uphill. "I'll show you!"

His smile widened. "Ahh, so ya did have it in ya! Now, on to the river!" he said, pointing eastward.

"W-wait, Tetsu. Don't run downhill! What if you trip!" I yelled, running after my wild cousin. I stretched my hand out as he was about to fall. "Got you!"

Tetsu glanced back and smiled. "Thank – " Gravity, however, had other ideas as it pulled us both down. Our bellies plopped to the ground. "You..."

"Ugh..." I said, grimacing as my body shook from the fall.

We both glanced at one another and began laughing.

"Okay, we'll walk downhill and start back up our training!" Tetsu said, jumping to his feet.

I pushed myself up. The guy really was a dictatorial trainer...

"Maybe I should get Taku to train me," I muttered.

He laughed. "Good idea! We should invite my big bro next time! Tere too!"

Pretty sure that Tere would've whacked him over the head for being so bossy...

"If I ever get stronger than you then I'm getting payback," I grumbled.

He snickered as he walked on ahead. "Such confidence, now to see if you can back it up!"

I smiled and followed after him. He was the one training me, yet I couldn't help but feel like I had to be keeping an eye on him.



I pushed myself up. I couldn't give in like this. Both Tetsu and Setty were training at this very moment. I couldn't let them leave me behind in the dust.

"Wait, I'll get to you in a bit," Emon said, glancing at me. He had now moved on to Kiyoshi.

"No need. I... can move." I staggered toward the door. I had to find my uncle. I wanted to finally master Aventine once and for all. That way, when Tetsu and Setty returned, I could show them that I too had grown during these days.


[Room of the Watchers]

I smiled as I watched Serrano force himself to move. He sure had grown from the little kid Anis talked about in her letters. Tetsu, you had done a great job at encouraging him. Seeing that brought some relief. I didn't know how much time I had left... My body was increasingly growing weaker.

I closed my eyes and tried to draw mana into my body. Drawing it within me was much easier during my youth. Though that was back when I was still completely alive.

"So, you're here," a voice called out. I opened my eyes and saw Osamu walk in. "Are you feeling alright?"

My gaze lowered toward our mutual nephew. "Yeah... just a little tired is all."

He took a deep breath and walked over to the golden rail. "Serrano is pushing himself... Seeing him like this reminds me of my daughters."

I laughed. "I was just thinking about my boys too." I glanced around the gym for my oldest son. He was walking over to help his cousin.

Takuya... he didn't complain about anything. He was the opposite of his younger brother in several ways.

"So, when are you going to tell that one the truth?" Osamu asked as he wrapped his hands around the rail.

I bit my lip. "I'm... not sure."

"Well, you know what keeping secrets got you."

I nodded. "True. But what about you? You've got secrets of your own too, don't you?"

He scoffed as he continued to keep his back to me. "What good is there in revealing them now?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Once one has kept them sealed for too long, they become like a shaken carbonated drink."

I nodded again. "True... but keeping them longer will only make things worse. That's what I've learned." I glanced back at Takuya. Hopefully he wouldn't hate me...

"If you would like, I can help you confess."

"You would?" I asked, glancing up at him.

"Yeah... it's the least I can do after what happened all those years ago."

I jumped out of my seat and hugged him from behind. "Thanks, Osa! You're the best!"

"L-let go of me!" Osamu yelled, elbowing me in the stomach. "I told you before, I hate hugs!"

My stomach ached from his hit. "Ugh. Alright, Mr. Grumpy. No hugs for you."

"Uncle!" a voice called out. The crystal floor vanished and in came Serrano and Takuya. "Here you are. Please, help me... master Aventine."

"Dad, I thought you were goin' to the stadium to meet the kin'," Takuya said. He glanced at the king. "Though I guess he came here instead."

Osamu averted his gaze. "Your father was taking a while, so I decided to come over here instead." He glanced over at me. "Say, didn't you teach Serrano yet?"

I snickered. "I'm setting things up for his training. Awakening Aventine is no easy task. Neither is using it."

"Awakenin' Aventine?" Takuya asked, tilting his head.

"Is Aventine... not in its true form?" Serrano asked, huffing between words.

"Indeed. It's currently in its restive form. Even I didn't completely master its awakened form."

"I... see. So... how do I do that?"

My eyes shifted to the crystal earring. "I'll teach you once you've gotten some rest. You're in no state to continue your training. If you're still adamant about it, I can teach you in a few hours. Though, that would involve learning to restore your mana."

He smiled. "Thanks."

I glanced at Taku. "Taku, did Emon give you mana?"

"No, I did it myself," he said, laughing.

I stared at his bare feet and smiled. "I should've guessed it would've come easy to you. You've always been spiritual and in touch with nature."

He blushed slightly. "I guess I have," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"If it's alright with you, could you tell me something about your adventures. I would like to know more about your experience as a demon hunter."

"Sure!" he said, smiling.

"Then, I'll go get some rest..." Serrano said, trying to stay awake.

Taku held his cousin tightly so that he wouldn't fall down. "Uhh, first let me get Serra to his room. Uhh, where are we staying at?"

I crossed my arms together. "Hmm... good question. We got to ask Shin'en. He is the principal of this place."

"Where did he go?" Osamu asked, staring at the gymnasium.

"He went to check up on the Xime, Nori, and the Akiyama sisters," I explained.

Serrano lowered his eyes. "Hope things are going well."

"Koukyuu is also there, so don't worry," Maki's voice called out. He flew up the ceiling and landed beside Osamu. "She'll make sure that nothing bad happens to them. If something were to happen then she will alert my brother or sister-in-law. So, rest easy."

My nephew smiled. "Thanks..." His eyelids closed.

"Serra!" Taku yelled as he grabbed him tightly to keep him from falling to the floor. "Easy there, kid. Don't be like Tetsu and fall asleep on the floor."

Serrano let out a weak chuckle. "Yeah..."

I grabbed a hold of his other arm. "Feel you'll be passed out for a while."

He didn't respond. His mana was low, very low.

Takuya closed his eyes, channeling some energy over to him. Sadly, he didn't have the skill that Emon did at transferring raw energy over to another person.

"I'll go get my brother so that he can tell us where we'll be staying," Maki said, taking out a red flip phone.

Osamu laughed for some reason as soon as he saw it. I smiled at him. Seeing the old-fashioned phone brought back memories of when we first met.

**Solar Note: Hope that you enjoyed the chapter!**

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