S 1 Ep 4

Cobra Kai Never Dies

Cherry had heard about what happened to Miguel - Johnny told her - so she was at his place the next day. After knocking on the door, a lady opened the door. "May I help you?" "Is Miguel Diaz here? I'm Cherry Bennington, a friend of Miguel." "Cherry?" The lady opened the door wider and let Cherry through. "Miguel." Cherry rushed over and into his room, kneeling next to his bed. "How are you feeling?" "I'm fine." Cherry gave him a look and Miguel sighed. "Well, I feel better than I did at first last night."

Cherry sighed and looked at his wounds.

"I'm going to kill him."

She made to stand, but Miguel grabbed hold of her hand." "I don't want you to get dragged into all of this." Cherry noticed that Miguel's mom left the room, the door now closed. "I got dragged into this since that night that Johnny and I saved your ass." Miguel chuckled then scooted over.

"What are you doing?"

"Lay with me."

"Miguel -"

"Cherry. There's enough room. Please." Looking into his eyes, she knew that he won. "All right." She sat next to him and leaned back. "My mom won't allow me to practice karate anymore." "What? Why?" Miguel gave her a look and Cherry got embarrassed. "Right. You got beat the hell up."

"Thanks for putting it nicely," Miguel responded rather sarcastically, causing the two of them to laugh. Cherry sighed and began to play with his fingers. "I'll help you get back into training. Even if I have to kidnap you myself." Miguel laughed at the girl and then he hugged her. "Thank you, Cherry."

× × × ×

At school, Cherry was walking with Aisha and glaring at anyone who made fun of her. "Cherry, I love you, but I don't need you to be my personal body guard." "I know that. But people shouldn't be this cruel. It pisses me off." "Cherry." The red head sighed and looked down at her shoes. "Sorry." "It's okay. I'll see you around. By the way, nice outfit." Cherry looked down at her outfit and smiled. She was wearing blue jeans, a white crop top shirt, and a red cardigan. Spotting Miguel, she made her way over. "Hey, sensei said that he's closing up the dojo."

"Well damn, go ahead and just hit me with the bad news."

Miguel gave her a sad smile, causing Cherry to frown. "Come here." Cherry had her arms open and Miguel fell into her arms, embracing the hug. "I don't know what I'm going to do." "We can figure that out together. Okay?" "Yeah, okay." "Good," Cherry pulled away from the hug. "Now come on, you're walking me to class today."

"Oh really? And when did I agree to this?" "Just now." Miguel laughed at her, but nodded his head. "All right. Let's go." He wrapped his arm around Cherry and they walked to her first lesson.

Later on, Demetri, Eli, Miguel and Cherry were studying in the school's library.

"So that's it? No more karate?"

"I guess so."

"It's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your confidence."

Cherry gave Demetri a confused look while Miguel asked, "Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?" "No. What has confidence ever gotten anybody except for a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash?" "Well, I thought it was kind of cool how you stood up to Kyler," Eli admitted. "Are you insane? Let me ask you - what is the best superpower anyone can have?" "Super strength," Miguel answered. "Wrong. Invisibility. Second would be super speed, to run away fast." "Run away from who?" Cherry groaned upon seeing Kyler.

"I'm leaving. See you later Miguel."

Cherry quickly pressed a kiss to Miguel's cheek before grabbing her things and leaving.

× × × ×

Cherry and Miguel were walking together when they heard a car honk and someone call for Miguel. Miguel took hold of Cherry's hand and lead her over to the car.

"Hey, mom."

"Hey Miguel. Ready to go home?"

"Hi, Mrs. Diaz. I'm not sure if you remember me, but I'm -"

"Cherry Bennington. How are you?"

"I'm great. May I ask if it's all right that Miguel comes over? We have a project to work on. I can have him home before ten." Miguel's mom looked between the two before sighing. "Okay. Be careful, Miguel. And have fun." "Thanks, mom." Miguel hugged his mom and Cherry thanked her, then they made their way to Cherry's car.

"We don't really have a project, do we?" "Nope. But I wanted to do something fun." Cherry closed her door and turned towards Miguel, a smirk on her face. "Do you like to bowl?" "Bowl? I've never bowled in my life." "Don't worry, I'll teach you. So, what do you say?" Miguel sighed and gave in. "You win." "You'll thank me. One day."

Cherry winked at Miguel, causing said boy to blush.

After making a quick stop at Cherry's house, she drove them to a bowling alley and she helped Miguel warm up. "Okay, do you want to go first or me?" "Really, Cherry?" Cherry laughed and put her name down first, then Miguel's. On her first try, she instantly got a strike. "Yes!" Miguel clapped for her and Cherry beckoned him over. "Okay, so are you holding it like how I taught you?" "Yes, ma'am." Cherry rolled her eyes and stood behind Miguel. "Now, just aim where you want it to go with your shoulders. Take a few steps -"

They both walked forward.

"Lean down, and let go." Miguel did as told, with the help of Cherry, and he got six out of ten. "Aye!" Cherry hugged him, causing Miguel to laugh. "Okay, one more." Cherry handed Miguel another ball and she helped Miguel again. This time, he got three out of the remaining four. "Nine out of ten, nice!" Miguel chuckled and it was now Cherry's turn.

They kept going for a while, and it was now the last round. Miguel wanted to do his by himself, so Cherry let him. She watched as the ball rolled down and then they were both surprised yet happy. "You got all ten!" Cherry yelled. Miguel turned around and hugged her, lifting her up. "I know you could do it!" "I had a great sensei."

Cherry felt herself blush, but turned even more red when Miguel had kissed her cheek.

"I still won."

Miguel laughed and put her down.

"I'm starving."

"I could eat," Cherry agreed.

They grabbed their things, returned the rented shoes, and headed towards Cherry's car. "Where to?" "Um, McDonalds?" Miguel nodded and drove them to the closest McDonalds.

× × × ×

The next day, Cherry went to go visit Johnny. Opening the door, she saw Miguel. "Miguel?" "My mom said I can train again!" Cherry cheered and she hugged Miguel. "Um, that is, if we still have the dojo." "We do for now." Both teens turned to Johnny. "All right, but I need to know if you guys are ready to take things to the next level." "Yes sensei," Miguel and Cherry said in sync. "Now Miguel, you got your ass kicked because you didn't have any defense. So I'm going to teach you the best defense you can know. And the best defense. . . Is more offense."

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