

(W.W note: To those reading this, please take note that pitchforks and torches are available at your nearest "Get revenge"-store. I am sorry for what you have to read, but I tried... Not. I have no care for fleshlings, so enjoy the chapter as much as you can... 

Also, thank you all for reading this book. Ya'll have no idea how much it means to Mix. She really has put her all into this and I was there right with her. Again, thank you for reading!)



"Suffer the wrath of Unicron!"

The ground shook as blasts of smoke erupted from its depths. You stood in the centre, unmoving, like a statue. The Decepticon warlord found this utterly strange.

="Lord Megatron, what are your orders?"=

="Hold the skies. Take down anything that moves, but leave the… femme to me."=

In practiced poise, the fliers broke off into smaller groups."Yes lord Megatron!" the masses let out their battle cry.

The Decepticons did as their leader instructed and circled the area. The earth may have been Unicorn's playing field, but the atmosphere belonged to them.

Megatron surveyed the entire territory. The femme was still stationary. So much so that one can almost mistake her as one of Unicron's rock abominations. He zoomed in, scanning her body.

So… His optics hadn't deceived him.

Below him stood a fully Cybertronian femme. Every single little detail about her reminded him of the human woman he had come to love, and lose. The armour that covered her body was thick and a dull (A/C), yet the glow of dark energon ruined it with its harsh glow. "(Y/N)?" He dared to fly lower, getting as close to you as he could without falling victim to the temptation of Unicron.


Your voice was mixed with that of the Chaos bringer, yet it was still there– you were still there.

The mech transformed and landed on his pedes. Cautiously, he took a few steps forward. He needed to take a better look. "(Y/N), what has he done to you?" As the mech took another step, your digits twitched.

"He made me strong..." Your voice gave way to a deep growl. You struck. Dark blade met steel. Your optics flashed down at Megatron who pushed back against your strength. "Strong enough to kill you."

His kick sent you backward. War sounded out around you as the Decepticons took on Unicron's forces. Megatron aimed his canon.

"Stop this (Y/N)! You begged me to fight the Chaos bringer's hold– I failed. Now I beg of you to do the same: fight!" Several Unicron soldiers were all masterfully destroyed by Megatron's blasts. "You claim that you are strong, so prove it by doing what I failed to do. Fight this!" His scarlet orbs met yours and it was as if was looking straight into your spark.

Your blade lowered. "Megatron..." You sheathed it.

In turn, the gladiator dropped his aim. "Yes, my love?"

You carefully took a step closer. "Megatronus..." Finally, he could see a hint of (e/c) beneath it all. He slowly reached out his free hand to you, wanting nothing more than for you to take it. 

Your derma curved upwards. "You are a fool."


Megatron's wide optics stared in horror at the female before him. His servo slowly traveled down to find the rock sword protruding from his abdomen. A rock clone disintegrated back into the earth behind him.

An eerie laugh broke through the air. "Do you see now, mortal?" Purple fumes engulfed your body as you once again prepared your weapon.

Smoke rose.

The ground cracked with every step you took."No-one can so arrogantly dissoby Unicron!"

The dark sky was split by a steak of lightning.

"Now die–!"

Thunder cracked.

"No!" A servo shot to your helm as you faught for control. "I-I-I won't–! Ugh! Let you h-harm..." You stumbled to your knees. "M-Megatron... L-Love..." At once his palm was cupping your cheek.

Several Decepticons fell from the sky in flames. Rock crumbled and scattered as the ground shook with blaster fire.

Unicron struggled to gain control of you once again– your optics flickering from a pale purple to (e/c). You both knew that your command over your body was weighing, yet Megatron did not try to retreat. He simply stayed there, lovingly caressing your faceplate, energon dripping from his intake. Not even the shard of earth seemed to bother him.

Your own optics flickered to his bleeding abdomen. The shard...

You could hear Unicron's voice in the back of your mind once more. It was slowly increasing in volume as he once again started gaining authority.

But you would not allow him to hurt the mech you love again.

Giving him a final smile, you lunged at Megatron, arms stretched out wide and enclosing around his upper chassis. The force sent him falling backwards and you on top of him. You held onto him as tight as you physically could.

Megatron's quivering servo came to rest on your back– right above the sword's tip.


="Energon team, this is team Air, come in."=

Starscream observed the building through a pair of binoculars. He caught a flash of white armour on the roof, a clear sign that Smokescreen and his team were ready.

="This is Energon team, over." = Nautica's voice came through.

The air commander switched to infrared, looking around for any heat signatures. He could only see his enemy's, sending worry through his mind. Ironhide clicked his cannon back into place.  ="What are your positions?" =

="We are ready for phase two, over."=

Bulkhead hit his fists together, pumping himself up. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready for some action."  The two mechs in charge nodded to one another.

="Alright team Energon. Infaltrate. We will wait for your signal before heading in."=

="Copy that."= Purple was followed by white then red as the younger team of Autobots opened the latch on the roof and leapt through the opening.

Starscream closed his optics and sent a quick prayer to Primus. "Let us hope they can find her..."

Ironhide patted the seeker's shoulder padding.  "Don't you worry 'bout that lot. Just conc'ntrate on saving yer femme."

"Yes," Starscream cleared his throat. "Yes, of course. It's a force of habit, I suppose–... Wait..." The seeker glared questioningly at the Autobot. "Why are you being so friendly with me?"

"It's 'cause I know what it's like to fear for yer sparkmate."

"Oh..." The flyer's wings drooped as he thought of the last time he saw the tough blue femme. "Chromia... How is she...?"

Ironhide smiled broadly. "With sparkling." There was a loud whistle from the laboratory's doorway, followed by a few rods of light from blaster fire. "Well Commander, seems like the main traps're all cleared. That's our cue!"

Starscream grinned and leapt up. "Autobots! Attack!"

The three transformed and charged the entryway. Bulkhead sped ahead. "What? No 'roll out' Starscream?" he joked.

The jet readied his missiles. "I'll leave that to the real Autobot commanders."

It was chaos in the building as every Autobot was targeted by a vast array of turrets. Slipstream was in the corner where she hovered behind some hanging crates for cover. There was, however, no sign of you.

Seeing an opening, Starscream glided closer to the row of weapons. He transformed and allowed his momentum to guide him forward. Then, with perfect precision, he cut them all down with his talons.

The bots cheered as he landed with grace. Now free to move without constantly being fired upon, all but Bulkhead and Ironhide concentrated their efforts on finding you. The two formentioned mechs centralised their fire on Slipstream who had come out of hiding and started attacking them.

She let out a yell of rage and started shooting blindly.

Everyone dove out of the way. Yet, even as he took cover, Starscream did a scan of the room. "(Y/N)!?" He tried desperately to listen for any reply, but could hear none...

The scorching pain had stopped quite some time ago, but that did not mean you were without torment.

You watched with dull optics as small bubbles drifted to the surface of the tank. Your processor pounded at the clamour of battle which reached you through the walls and liquid.

At the first sounds of people, you tried reaching over your head and bang the glass with your one free servo, but the sound was too faint.

You shifted, sending more bubbles to slowly climb to sweet escape. The chain you were tangled up in dug into your sensitive wings. Through the ripples on the surface, you saw Slipstream. She was firing at someone.

Then you heard it: your name. It was being called out and you knew exactly by whom.

"S...Star...scream... Here... Please..."


"Enough!" A second wave of turret fire rained down on the Autobots. Slipstream shot across the room to make her escape, more blasts escaping her nullray. First Aid was kneeling next to Nautica who had an injured leg whilst Bulkhead covered them. Smokescreen and Ironhide tried deactivating the weapons as Starscream shot at his adversary.

She let out a cry as a streak hit her wing. Her icy glower found the mech responsible, "You! I did not think you could be any more pathetic, then you fraternize with the Autobots!" Starscream stepped out from behind the wall he was sheltered behind, nullray directed at the femme. "No matter! Good luck finding (Y/N), Starscream." Her servo reached to her hip where she retrieved something round. A wicked smirk formed. "But here, I'll give you a hint..." The object was thrown into the chemical vat in the centre of the room.


The Autobots ran.

The device ticked.

Starscream reached for you.

"Starscream! No!"

Time slowed.

The ticking ceased.

You both went flying.


It was eerily quiet.

In a forest undisturbed by man and his technology, you would expect to find the sweet sound of birdsong and the clarity from sunlight filtering through the leaves, yet there were no such wonderful things on this side of the island.

Here, darkness reigned.

All of Soundwave's scanners were on their highest settings. Bit by bit he filtered through each bit of the information of his surroundings. Snapped branches, pedeprints and dug up holes were prominent in every inch of the area. The destruction was definitely caused by something bigger than your average wildlife, and by the rows and rows of spiderweb strands, Soundwave, Ravage and Lazerbeak knew exactly who it was.

*"We are almost at the entrance."*  Soundwave gave a mute nod to show Lazerbeak his acknowledgement and sent a final message to the cassettes back onboard the ship: 'We'll be home soon.'

Ravage sniffed the air, trying to make out as much as possible. He stopped under a huge, naked tree to smell for clues. *"This is strange..."* The feline circled the tree twice with his snout to the ground.

"What precisely do you mean, Ravage?"

*"I mean, I'm picking up a scent that is fairly recent. One part of the scent is definitely the spider's, but the other almost smells like Mom, and it leads into the woods– away from the place Lazerbeak said the laboratory is."*

The bird minicon gave a low chirp. *"Could she have escaped?"*

"No..." The scanners beeped. "Arachnid knew we would come. She is taunting us."

"And what marvelous fun it is!"

Soundwave leapt out of the spider-femme's way as a bladed appendage cut at him. Ravage, activating the guns on his hips, shot at her, forcing her in the opposite direction.

"Now now, there's no need to get so violent just yet. You still want to find your dear (Y/N), don't you?"

Ravage returned to his creator's side, body stance low and ready incase he had to leap into action once again.

"Where is she, Arachnid?" Soundwave held his arms out protectively.

The spider slowly encircled them, legs clicking as the sharp edges dug into the earth  "My my, he does have a voice."

"I will not repeat myself again Arachnid: Where is (Y/N)!?" Soundwave's thin digits curled to a fist. Ravage snarled.

Arachnid laughed— her circling ceasing. "Who knew an ex human could bring Soundwave, third in command of the Decepticon cause, to break his vow of silence."

"Do not dwell on it. I'm afraid you shall tell no-one about your findings once you are dead."

A smug chuckle left Arachnid's light purple derma. "And he makes threats too!" Her smile turned to a sneer. "I'll tell you what Soundwave. I'll give you a clue as to where (Y/N) is if you agree to my terms."

"Which are...?"

"If you manage to find her within ten clicks, you may all go freely, however," a strand of web shot out, trapping Ravage against the base of the tree he was sniffing before. He let out a panicked cry, filling the spider femme's dark spark with sick joy. "If you fail to find her in that time limit, I only allow half your family to leave."

Soundwave clenched his denta. "And should I not agree?"

"Well, Soundwave, then I'll just go retrieve my trophy." Arachnid transformed into helicopter form and took to the sky where she hovered over him. "I'm certain (Y/N) is just dying to be freed from her bonds..."

"Very well, Arachnid!" Soundwave looked to his eldest creation who was calmly trying to free himself. "I agree..."

"Excellent!" She returned to her eight legged form, grasping onto the stem of a dead pine. "Your time starts immediately!"

"What about the hint?"

"Oh, I already gave it to you. Now go on," Soundwave growled out of frustration and released Lazerbeak. The two hurried deeper into the woods with their searching mechanisms. The spider's fangs dripped acid as she watched with glee. "Time is wasting." As the TIC disappeared amongst the dead evergreens, the femme's focus shifted from Ravage, who managed to become more entangled, to the top of the very same tree where the Cybertronian form dangled.


Four minutes remained, and Soundwave still hadn't found a single clue as to where you could be. Without Ravage's tracking, they were at a loss.

*"Perhaps we should double back?"*

Soundwave barely gave a nod, but did as Lazerbeak suggested. Quickly, he sent another message to the twins: 'There was a setback. Continue to take care of your brother.'

"Any sign of (Y/N) yet?" Soundwave's frame went rigid at the ring of his enemy's voice. She was laying on a branch, plucking at a string of web. Soundwave's silence that followed her taunting inquiry only made her cruel smile grow.

"Well, you still have two clicks." She crawled down the trunk to the base of the tree, right beside Ravage. "Better hurry up with your search..."

Ravage's ears twitched. Soundwave looked to him. When he was certain that he had his creator's attention, the feline used his optics to gesture upwards. It prompted the communications officer to look up.

And there you were.

With (E/C) optics wide, mouth covered and limbs trapped, you dangled. Soundwave's rush of momentary relief was replaced with new fear as Arachnid ascended the pine once again. Soundwave, still struck with a combination of awe and horror from seeing you in the state you were, was helplessly stuck in place.

"Your time is up, Soundwave!" Arachnid closed in. She twisted you around to face out before you. A sharpened digit scraped along your cheek, drawing muffled cries from your covered intake. Her other servo slid down your body to your chassis. Metal scraped on metal as her razor appendage dug into the protoform over your spark. This provoked the mech into moving.


Soundwave leapt into the air and transformed.

He raced to you.

Thunder sounded.

Lightning struck.

There was fire.

Forces clashed.

Your family burned.


There was no doubt about it: this was Scalpel's place of operation.

Each inch of the large room had some form of mangled or rusted medical equipment. On the floor, on the tables, up against the walls; each sported an object of horror.

"You truly are a creepy crawly, doctor Scalpel." Knockout shuddered at the sight of some fleshy bits of... something on the ground. "Better not step in any of that."

Swallowing down his morning energon which threatened to resurface, the red mech cautiously sneaked around. The lab was not very well lit, but in the green lucency Knockout managed to find a few of Scalpel's datapads. The memory of the last one he had read brought forth all the dread and determination to find you anew. Creeping closer, Knockout dared a peek.

They were all status reports. Some covered recent patients, others experimentations, but one in particular was listed as both.

And it held your name.

Knockout forced his optics away, not having the courage to read about all the atrocity you were put through. He did, however, scan over it fast enough to spot the one piece of information he needed: where you were held.

"Section three, room ten..." The mech directed his gaze to the hallway branching out from the room he was in to many others. "I'm coming (Y/N)."


The corridors held rows and rows of empty cells. It had Knockout wondering what exactly his rival was planning to do with his new position as CMO.

"" He counted the rooms. Most of the numbers above the doors were rusted away.

"Eight..." He prepared himself for what may lay beyond the door.

"Nine..." His spark sped up.


His palm was on the doorway as the barrier between him and the unknown slid away...

He choked on his own air.

The femme before him was strapped to a table, completely unmoving and with hardly any (A/C) armour to cover her scarred protoform.

"(Y/N)...?" The female stirred. "(Y/N)! Oh Primus..."

Knockout rushed to your side. As only a trained physician could, he swiftly checked your vitals. The slow rise and fall of your chest showed that you were at least able to vent the air without restrictions. Pressing the side of his helm to your chassis, the mech listened. Your spark was softly humming.

The doctor sighed a small breath of relief. "Alive and working..."

Now knowing that your basic functions were working, his optics immediately took in all your wounds. Several long, almost unnoticeable scars traveled down your sides: a clear sign that Scalpel had made them and sutured them up again.

Knockout placed a servo to your cheek. "What has he done to you?"

"I made her better."

Scalpel scurried closer. His eyes had a glint of pure, disgusting mirth. Then, as if Knockout was an old friend and not someone who just stumbled upon his laboratory of ghastliness, he simply went to his desk to finish his work.

"Like frag you did! You violated her! You mutilated her!"

"Vat? But zhe still haz zutch a beautivul vazeplate," within a leap and a jump Scalpel was next to you, slowly caressing your helm. "No?"

"Get away from her!" Knockout clawed at the smaller mech, forcing him to jump away.

Scalpel glared. "Youw came much zooner zan I exzpected. I am not yet done vit her." A switch was pulled, allowing the glowing straps around your wrists and ankles to fizz away. Knockout grabbed you as your weak body started to fold into itself.

"I zought you vould ztill be counting your lossez." The evil doctor walked backwards towards the wall behind the slab you were strapped to. "Alaz, I am vorzed to do zis zooner." Scalpel threw over the large switch at his side. The wall opened to disclose the open sky.

The air vacuum pulled at Knockout. "Agh!" His servo shot out to grab the edge of the medical slab– his other still embracing you tightly.

He held on as tightly as he could.

The atmosphere snatched at his pedes.

It pulled and pulled.

Scalpel's menacing laughter bounced around the room to disappear amongst the whirl of the wind. "NGGGHHAAAAA!"

It pulled and it pulled and it pulled you both into the blue.

"Zat, Knowckout, iz vy Dezepticons muzt have vlying altmodes."


A mayhem of vehicles brought up a massive cloud of dust as they barreled down on Breakdown's position. The mech, however, held his ground.

Sitting in the leading armoured truck, was Silas. As they drew near, the man stuck his hand out the window and signalled for the others to circle. They all came to a stop. As the dust settled, Silas got out.

Holding a large gun almost as long as twice his arm's length, he confidently stood before the blue titan. "Greetings Breakdown."

"Where's (Y/N)?"

Breakdown's fists tightened, a clear sign that he was reaching the end of his fuse. "Getting straight to the point, I see." Silas readjusted his hold on the weapon. "Well, I'm afraid she hasn't learned how to turn into vehicle mode yet, so she had to walk."

The blue mech was taken back. Had they already managed to finish their disgusting experiments on you? Was he too late? "What do you mean...? What have you done to her you fragger!?"

Distant trees snapped."Here she comes now. Why don't you see for yourself?"

Breakdown's single optic stretched wide open at the sight of you. You were not some strange abomination of science, but rather a perfectly formed Cybertronian femme with bright (a/c) armour and some of the most beautiful optics he had ever seen.

Too bad they were slit with a glower.

The femme slowly came closer. Her movements were heavy and without emotion. "(Y/N)?" She did not respond.

Those (e/c) orbs scanned him, then diverted to Silas. The man smirked. "I told you you would have to fight for her, Breakdown." Silas gave the femme a nod. Within moments she was on the blue mech, a blaster held to his helm. "Let's see what she can do..."

The gun was glowing, casting a pale sheen across your face. "(Y/N)! It's me! Breakdown!" He tried reaching up, but you quickly stopped him by bashing his helm with the weapon.

The back end came down on him over and over again.

Some soldiers cheered.

He coughed and tried blocking.

Your fist soon joined in.

Blow by blow you destroyed him.

But Breakdown would not hurt you– not again...

Silas watched with glee as his creation tore away at one of his enemies. If only the titan didn't try to escape the first time, this may not have become his fate. "Come now, Breakdown. I thought you would be able to give (Y/N) a challenge!" Breakdown spat out a glob of energon, still blocking. Silas's devilish grin fell as he gave a direct order to you.

"Kill him."

And so the femme engaged. The gun was brought down once again. Breakdown's servo shot out and grabbed the nozzle. With you struggling to yank the weapon from his grip, he managed to shift his weight. Now off balance, you fell over.

The mech was quick to toss away the blaster and  pin you down. "(Y/N)! Frag it! It's me! Stop!" The female struggled and struggled. Her optics flashed white... then softened. Her rabid movements slowed.

Silas let out a growl as he watched from far away. "The mind serum is not supposed to wear off so soon," he grabbed the closest M.E.C.H soldier. "Get the gun. The Cybertronian can't win." The man nodded and hurriedly did as his superior commanded.

"B... Breakdown...?" Your eyes fluttered as you tried to focus. The shouts of people reverberated around you as your processor spun.

"Yeah. Yeah, it's me (Y/N). C'mon," two strong arms helped you into a seated position, "come back to us."

"Breakdown, I..." A flash cougt your eye.

You acted.

Breakdown was pushed aside. The streak of light hit the wrong target.

Pain shot through your being.

Blaster fire came from all around, followed by the cries of Steve and your friends.

Breakdown's voice hovered over you, calling your name.


"Shockwave did always have the neatest toys, but this?"

Lockdown looked the predacon before him over, very proud of himself. The metallic dragon panted. Several chains, each attached to a limb and its neck, kept it in place. "This is amazing. A gun that turns fleshlings into predacons, hah!"

The green clad mech flipped a vile of a familiar looking serum in his servo. "And I thought this was the biggest score! Some experimental behvaior changing juice, but no..." He entered the cell. "Do you have any idea how much people will pay for a predacon, (Y/N)?"

You growled weakly.

"However, I don't think this attetude will do."

An audial-deafening screech escaped you as a syringe met your protoform directly above the clamp.

The crunch of the forest floor under something heavy drew Predaking's heed. Slowly, he turned to the spot he heard it from. "Who is there? Show yourself!"

"It's us, my king." From out the darkened folage came Darksteel and Skylynx. "We have come to aid you in your search."

"Why now when you were previously so eager to get rid of the human female? Of my (Y/N)?"

The smaller mechs looked to one another, then Skylynx spoke. "Forgive us, my king. We thought her to be a weakness, but we see now that you have none. None that we can exploit."   

Darksteel pounded his fist to his chest, "You are the strongest amongst us. We follow you."

Predaking took a moment to search them both. Ever since their last fight the day you were taken, neither of the predacons tried attacking. In fact, they have been working quite well together, as brethren.

He decided their words to be true.

"I appreciate your newfound loyalty, brothers, but I am afraid you are too late." Preda turned his back to them– his sad gaze finding the waters of the creek once again. "Lockdown, and (Y/N)'s track ends here... He has escaped."

Skylynx scrunched up his face. "This cannot be. I can smell someone else in the area. Someone mechanical."

Predaking stared at the mech over his shoulder. "How is that, when I cannot sense anything?"

"Yeah, Lynx, I can't smell anything either."

"Someone's here, I'm telling you!" Skylynx sniffed the air. "Their scent strange, like copper mixed with something sweet." He took another deep breath, "There!" The mech pointed a clawed digit across the water. The other two's optics followed its trajectory. 

Predaking narrowed his eyes as he searched the treeline. At first he saw nothing, but then, in contrast with the dark shadows of the evening gloom, a streak of light caught his attention. "You there! Come out into the clearing!"

The foilge rustled. More moonlight bounced off metal as the stranger's (A/C) armour shifted with each stalking step. Slowly, they emerged.

The mechs' optics widened. "By the Cataclysm..."

"It's another predacon!"

Predaking instantaneously knew that the person before him was no random Cybertronian. It took but one second of your optics meeting for him to see you. "It's (Y/N)." At once, his spark was filled with utter joy. Wasting no time, he transformed and ran to you, wings fluttering.

But you stood stagnant.

For a brief moment, he felt a negative shift in your demeanor, but quickly let it slide. That was a huge mistake, for when he came mere metres from your position, you lunged.

Darksteel and Skylynx immediately leapt into action, transforming and swooping in.

You were on top of Predaking, your teeth dug length deep in his protoform. You clawed at him, breaking off armour and creating deep lacerations along his body.

In his panic, Predaking's instincts of preservation took over him.

The larger dragon roared. With a mighty swing of his bladed tail, he tried getting rid of the pest ripping into his front.

It connected with your back, cracking the armour and drawing energon.

You screeched and tumbled off him. Warning systems flashed. Something vital was cracked.

Within the confusion of your sudden agony, a flurry of flames engulfed you. The other predacons all took to the sky, breathing fire on you as they did so. Predaking's flames made out the largest part of the inferno which nipped at you.

Somewhere, hidden by his cloaking devices, Lockdown watched through a pair of binoculers, smirking.

Amongst the clouds, the others circled the rising fire. "My king, you are wounded!"

Predaking growled, his optics having spotted the bounty hunter. "It does not matter! We end this! We– AUGH!"

Half of Predaking's wing was torn off by a blast.

He lost all control. His body was forced into bipedal form.

The king fell.

The predacons chased after Lockdown. The bounty hunter, holding a large cannon, dove into the forest.

The king fell– he fell towards his love.

Trees cracked and the earth split. Inside the predacon flames, he felt a warmth.

He opened his optics and found a servo gently holding his.

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