Chapter 7: Natsuki's side

Yohime's Pov⭐

I go to the outside. I found natsuki.

"Shinomiya san!"
"Hime chan!"

I go to his place. He with haruka and a girl with red hair.

"Ano, Who are you?" she said.
"Ah, gommen! My name is Sakura yohime desu! Nice to meet you!"
"Hajimemaste! My name is Shibuya tomochika desu! You can call me tomo chan!"
"Okay, tomo chan!" i said cheerfully.
"Nee nee, Hime chan."
"Yes, haruka?"
"You want to go with Shinomiya san?"
"Yup! I go with Shinomiya san to piyo chan teather...right, shinomiya san?"

He nodded.

"Yeah, Piyo chan teather. I'm so exited! Anyways, hime chan you say you are like piyo chan too. Where your piyo chan things?"
"Umm, oh yeah."

I search my phone. Eh, i bring my sketch book?

"What are you looking at, hime chan?"

"Oh, i just realize i bring my sketch book, haruka. Hehehe."

I took my sketch book, and show that to them.

"Ah, i just remember i draw piyo here. I opened the book and search the picture.

I found it!

"Here. It's bad...hehehe."

Tomo chan stare me.
She tap my sholder.

"Your drawing so good!"
"Yeah, hime. Your drawing so good."

Nanami take my drawing book.

Shinomiya san just silent.

"It's so bad?" i asked shinomiya san.

"No. It's so Good and kawaii!!!"

"Thank you very much!"
"Can i have this?"

I give that paper.

"It's your other drawing?"
"Yeah. I love to draw. I think musix and draw is my life. I can't life without that." i smiled.

They are shock.

"Anything wrong?"

They shakes their head.

"Let's go Hime chan."
"Okay! Bye tomo chan, Haruka chan!"
"Bye bye/bye!"

We took a taxi to go there.

×××××××××Time Skip××××××××××

We in piyo chan teather. Shinomiya san buy popcorns. I waiting standing opposite Piyo chan's figure.

"Sakura! Sakura!" someone whisper to me. I turned back.

"Who are you?"
"Hey it's me. Syo!" he take of his glasses.

"Ah, syo. Why you here? And where's my room key?"

"I entrust that to Tokiya."
"Toki?! I mean Ichinose san?! It's allright if to him?"
"He is a calm person. I sure he not tell anyone."
"So why you here?"
"I want you to becareful with him."
"What? Why? He a good person."

He look mad and dizzy.

"And one things you need to know. Don't take his glasses or we die!"

"I don't get it." i frustation.

There's a voice information about piyo chan teather is begin. Peoples are in that room. Now, just me, shinomiya, and kurusu.

"Hime chan! Here's your popcorn!"
"Thank you."
"There's somethings in my eyes. Wait..."

Wait... He take off his glasses.

"We died..." syo whispered to me on my back.


" san?"

"I'm not Natsuki."


"I'm satsuki!"

"Sakura! Natsuki's personality ia diffrent when he take his glasses. It's called gemini syndrom. But, he so's satsuki. He is not natsuki."
Kurusu whispered thst to me again.

"You! You can't hide your bad side!"
"Me? What do you say?"
"Hahaha, you are so funny. You can't fool me, Little girl."
He trow natsuki's glasses. He take my hand and pull them.

"What are you meaning?!"
"Heh, you shall get your punisment, little miss. I'll protect natsuki. So don't so close to natsuki."

He pushed me close to him
Wait! This is very close!

He to strong! I can't fight back!
Someone help me!

His face to close to me!
He want to kiss me?!

Help me!

"Gotcha!" the glasses are comeback.

Natsuki stop that act.

"Eh, Hime chan! Why you are so close? What's happen?"

Eh? Haaa?!!

"That's why i said you need becareful if you close to him. He'll forget all what happen before when he take his glasses again."

"Syo chan!!! Why do you here?"

"Oh, that's what happen..."
"Um, oh yeah. Sakura call me here. So i came."
"Wait what?!"

His so close to me! It make me blushed!

"That's true, right Sakura?"

I nodded.

"Let's watch it!"

"Natsuki kun, umm i mean Shinomiya san."
"Natsuki is okay!" he wink to me.
"Natsuki kun, the piyo chan teather is just started."
"Aww, that's bad news."

I still don't belive Natsuki have other person in his body. Satsuki....

---------Chapter end-----

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