Chapter 2

I couldn't decide what to wear for the longest time. I personally felt no restrictions to my clothes. Whether it be a black hoodie or a pink skirt, I did not care. But I knew Andy's frat brothers cared. They didn't really like that we were together and they most certainly didn't like when I dressed more feminine.

Ray wasn't here to put in his opinion and Andy wasn't answering his phone. I could try asking Mikey but he was never much help, he didn't care too much about clothes. This was leaving me all on my own to decide what to wear to the biggest party of the year.

It was hot out and that meant I could still wear my summer clothes for a couple more weeks. I finally put on a light pink corduroy skirt that was buttoned down the front and a white t-shirt tucked into it. I put on my white converse and sighed as I went downstairs. I drove over to the frat house while singing to the music.

The party had barely started, there were only a couple of people there. I parked on the street and walked in, looking around for Andy. I found him in the kitchen, arguing with one of his brothers.

"The cool ranch doritos have to go in the blue bowl because the bag is blue," Andy said. "And the sour cream and onion chips go in the green bowl because that bag is green."

"Dude, you're psychotic if you think that actually matters," he said.

I walked up to Andy, gently touching his shoulder. He turned quickly and I flinched.

"Oh, hey, Babe," he said.

Andy kissed my forehead and I smiled.

"I'm glad you came, I thought maybe you were gonna be a no-show," he said.

"Of course I'm gonna be here for you, Andy," I said.

He held my hand and took me to the living room. In the corner was a water dispenser, a big jug of water on top.

"Oh, is that new?" I asked.

"That's the best part," he said. "It is new, we just got it for this party. But we dumped the water out and it is filled with vodka."

He grabbed a red solo cup for me and went to the drink dispenser to pour me a cup.

"Oh, how lovely," I said as I took it. "You guys really do have a stereotypical frat."

Andy nodded as he smiled. More people started coming and soon he was being carried off for beer pong or other activities. I sat on the couch, realizing that there really was nothing else to do than to drink.

I tried talking to people but I got nothing more than short conversations. I got up, going to find Andy. He was over in the kitchen telling a story about the time he went kayaking with dolphins.

"Hey, you wanna go upstairs?" I said. "Or maybe somewhere private where we can talk? I miss you, I wanna hang out with you a little bit while I'm here."

"Can't you see I'm busy?" He asked.

"I'm lonely, I don't really know anyone here," I said.

"I told you I'm busy already so why are you still standing here?" Andy asked.

I looked down in shame and walked back over to sit down but found my spot on the couch had been taken. I got some more vodka before sitting on the steps of the stairs. I watched people as they talked, laughed and kissed. Sometimes I wish I didn't date a frat member so I didn't have to do all these social things with him, I never had the easiest of times fitting in.

I was drunk after a second full cup of vodka. Thankfully it was mixed with sprite so it wasn't straight. I got up and walked around, trying to find something interesting to do. I found interest when I saw a boy who was also wearing a dress and had makeup on. I smiled, walking over.

"Hi," I said.

"Hey," the boy said.

I smiled before my drunk head remembered I was supposed to say something.

"I like your...face thing," I said.

"My makeup?" He asked and I nodded. "Thank you."

I nodded, looking around. I thought maybe we'd have a lot in common and get along because we both crossdress but maybe I was wrong.

"Gerard," I said. "Th-that's--it's my name."

"I'm Ryan," he said.

I nodded, feeling a pressure on my bladder from all the liquids I had in the past hour. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands, staring at myself in the mirror. I was gonna go back to find Ryan when I bumped into Andy.

"Hey," I said. "I was wondin where you were."

"Hey, Babe, I've missed you," Andy said, wrapping his arms around my waist to pull me close. "You wanna come upstairs with me?"

"I met someone cool, kinda wanted to talk with them," I said.

"Come on, let's go upstairs," he said.

"B-but I don't wanna," I complained as he pulled me towards the stairs.

Andy still pulled me anyways until someone broke our hands apart.

"Hey, he's drunk," someone said.

I blinked at the boy who looked awfully familiar. Who was he? I swear I know him from somewhere.

"He's my boyfriend," Andy said.

"Dating doesn't mean automatic consent," the boy said. "He's drunk and has said no, you shouldn't be taking him upstairs."

I blinked a couple times before yawning. Alcohol tends to make me sleepy.

"Just leave him be, okay?" The boy asked. "Because I'm not going to walk away, I will stand here and I will not let him take you upstairs."

"God, fine, whatever," Andy muttered. "But I don't want to take care of him, he's annoying when he's drunk."

Andy left and I looked down sadly. I walked outside, going to get into my car. The boy chased after me, grabbing my keys.

"No, sorry, you can't drive," he said.

I whined and laid on the grass in the front yard of the house. I started falling asleep as the boy sat beside me. He took off his jacket, putting it on top of me.

"Joe, your name is Joe, right?" I asked.

"No, it's Frank," he said. "From the store."

"Oh, right, Frank," I said. "Are you sure it's not Joe?"

Frank nodded, a small smile on his face.

"Okay, whatever you say, Joe," I said.

Frank plucked up some grass from the ground. I looked at the tattoos on his hand as his fingers moved delicately.

"I should get you back home," he said. "Do you live at the dorms?"

Someone came out of the house and walked over, a girl with dark hair.

"Hey, Jamia," Frank said.

"Hey, Frank, what happened?" She asked. "You just disappeared."

"I was just helping out a friend," Frank said.

I yawned, hugging Frank's jacket.

"His boyfriend was being an ass," Frank said. "He's drunk and I need to get him back to his dorm. He was going to try and drive himself home."

"Oh, yeah, we can't let him do that," Jamia said.

Frank stood up, helping pull me up to my feet. I yawned, leaning against him. Frank helped me down the street to some fancy sports car.

"Oh my goodness, is this yours?" I asked. "What job do you have?"

Frank helped me into the passenger seat and buckled me in. He got into his side, rolling down the window when Jamia walked up to his door.

"I'll come back and pick you up, Mia," he said.

"That's okay, I'll just get an Uber back to the dorms," she said.

"You'll be okay?" Frank asked. "I don't like the idea of leaving you here with a bunch of frat boys. You know what they can be like."

"I'll be okay, I can handle myself," she said.

Jamia leaned in to kiss his cheek before walking away. Frank started driving towards campus.

"Is she your girlfriend, Joe?" I asked.

"No, we're just friends," he said.

"Did you see my boyfriend?" I asked. "Isn't he a total cutie with his black hair and blue eyes?" "I love him so much. Isn't he somethin'? He's great."

"I don't know if I would use great to describe him," Frank said.

"He loves me," I sang.

Frank didn't say anything and I took my shoes off. I curled up in my seat, closing my eyes. I was just starting to drift off into sleep when Frank parked the car and shut off the engine. Frank got out and went around, opening up my door. He helped me out and sat me on a bench on the sidewalk.

"Hey, what dorms are you in and what room?" He asked.

"I'm in sophomore dorms," I said.

"Okay, what room?" He asked.

"I don't remember," I mumbled.

I laid down on the bench, staring up at the stars. I held my hand up in the air and gasped.

"Look! I can almost touch the stars!" I gasped.

Frank sighed, biting his lip.

"I don't know what to do with you," he said.

The campus security vehicle was getting closer and would no doubt stop to ask if we were okay.

"You're a sophomore, you're probably underage," he said. "Come on, we're gonna go to my room before you get in trouble by security."

Frank helped me up and walked me to the freshman dorm. We took the elevator up to the third floor. We were walking down the hall when Mikey walked out of his room and saw me.

"Mikesy!" I cheered and Frank shushed me, pointing to the RA's door nearby.

"Gerard, what's going on?" He asked. "Are you drunk? Why are you taking my drunk brother to your room?"

"I was trying to help," Frank said.

"Who are you helping? Your dick?" Mikey asked. "Get away from him."

Mikey helped me, gently shoving Frank away from me.

"Bye, Joe," I said.

Mikey brought me into his room where his roommate looked up.

"Hey, Pete, this is my brother, Gerard," Mikey said. "Would it be okay for him to stay here tonight?"

"Yeah, that's fine," he said.

Pete nodded and I looked at him. He was masculine but had some slightly feminine features.

"Are you trans?" I asked.

"Okay, we are gonna get you to bed before you say anything else that could possibly be rude," Mikey said.

I laid on his bed, quickly falling asleep.


Here's how voting works. I will give options and you comment on the one you want to happen, please only comment once

Do you want Andy to

find out Frank took Gerard home and be upset but Frank stands up to him


not know and have Gerard and Frank have a kind of secret friendship

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