~The Champions are Anounced~

Hermione's P.O.V
Once we had all finished eating that same night, the golden plates all returned to their original, spotless state. At once the hall fell into silence, everyone waiting tensely for something to happen. Dumbledore stood up and every student, and teacher alike, turned to look at him expectantly.

"I think the Goblet is ready to make it's decision." He smiled as the students watched unwaveringly for the results.

"I know I'm going to picked again." Harry boasted from behind me. I just rolled my eyes and hissed to him,

"Oh shut up, Harry." I could almost feel his glare burning a hole through my back.

"Now when the champions' names are called, I would ask them please to come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the next chamber" He pointed to the door behind the staff table, "where they will be receiving their first instructions." He took out his wand and swept his arm with it. At once, all the candles, except the ones in the pumpkins, were extinguished and we were plunged into semi-darkness. Now the Goblet of Fire was now incredibly bright in the darkness, the blue and white flames casting slivers of ghost like light around the hall. I had seen this all before, but it still managed to amaze me. Everybody sat in silence, anxiously waiting, holding their breath. Nothing happened for almost a minute. In front of me I saw Percy lean over to Annabeth.

"Is it supposed to do something?" He murmured to her, causing me to have to hold back my snicker and her shake her head with a soft laugh.

"Seaweed Brain, just watch." I could see a few people checking their watches, waiting impatiently. The flames inside the Goblet suddenly turned red again, like it did when we dropped our names in it. Sparks began to fly from it. The next moment a tongue of flames shot into the air and a charred, slightly burnt piece of parchment fluttered out of it. I almost laughed again at the gasps that filled the room. Dumbledore caught the parchment and held it at arms length to read it. The flames had turned back to blue and white.

"The first champion for Hogwarts will be..." He looked around the room. "Harry Potter." Applause and cheering swept throughout the hall, Harry smirked and stood up, cockily waving to the students.

"I knew I'd be chosen." He said loudly, striding through the hall. Once he disappeared inside the door to the chamber, the cheering died down. Everyone turned back to the Goblet of Fire. Seconds later it turned red again and a second piece of parchment shot out of it.

"The Champion for Hecate's School of Magic will be..." He looked up and smiled, building suspense. "Percy Jackson!" The hall erupted into cheering and applause, louder than Harry's had been. He stood up hesitantly, smiling nervously. I could tell he was obviously surprised. He walked down the hall and the cheering increased in volume, causing his face to flush. I chuckled as he walked through the same door. Eventually the applause died down again and the hall fell into a hushed silence. The flames turned red for the last time, and the last piece of parchment was thrown from it. "The last champion will be..." He paused, building even more suspension. The tension in the air was so thick I could almost cut it with a knife. "Hermione Granger." An uproar of cheering rose around me, so loud it almost deafened me. I stare at Dumbledore uncomprehendingly, stunned. I felt numb.

"I... what?" I could barely find my words, not quite believing that it was my name he had called. Annabeth grinned at me and nudged me gently.

"Go on!" She urged. I stood up slowly, taking the same path Percy and Harry had. I couldn't hear the applause anymore, but I could still see them clapping and cheering.

Am I going deaf? No, it's probably just the shock...

I walked through the door and found Percy standing by the fire, staring into it. Harry turned when she came in.

"Ha! I knew you would be picked too, Ron-" He froze when he saw me and I crossed my arms. "You're not Ron." He stated blankly. I rolled my eyes.

"Well thank you for noticing." Percy turned around and grinned from ear to ear.

"'Mione!" He pulled me into a side hug. "I knew you had what it takes!" I smiled up at him.

"Thanks, Percy." He looked back to the fire.

"You know... it kinda feels like a dream, doesn't it?" He asked me.

"I couldn't agree more." I smiled. Dumbledore, Snape and McGonagall walked into the chamber.

"Congratulations you three." Dumbledore said, smiling warmly at them. "You are the Triwizard Tournament's Champions." Percy shot me a grin, before looking back at Dumbledore. "Now as you know, this years Tournament is unusual. Instead of three schools there are only two, so we will be doing the same tasks as the previous Tournament. With a few twists of course. Now since Percy was not here for the last Tournament, he will need to be told about the first task. Hermione, will you catch him up later?" He asked me. I nodded. "Good. The judges will be Professor McGonagle, Professor Snape and myself."

"But that's not fair! He hates me!" Harry pointed at Snape with a glare. The older man's nose crinkled and his lip curled distastefully.

"And you wonder why." Severus responded, his words slightly sarcastic. I glanced at Percy as he bit his lip to keep himself from laughing.

"Don't you worry, Harry. None of the judges will be biased and we will base your points solely on your performance." Dumbledore assured him. Harry scowled.


"The first task will be in a month. Until then you will have classes as usual." He glanced at the other two teachers, before looking back at us. "Now, I believe we have discussed everything, so you may go to your dorms." Dumbledore led us outside, where the hall was nearly empty; everyone was already gone. Harry walked ahead of us, not even sparing a glance in our direction. We walked in silence for a while.

"So what's the first task?" Percy asked, walking beside me.

"Dragons," I started off, but paused when I saw an emotion flash through his eyes, but I couldn't identify what it was.

Fear? Grief?

"What's wrong?" I asked, frowning with worry. He smiled at me, but I could tell it was strained and forced.

"Nothing. I just thought you said something else." He said simply.

"Oh. What did you think I said?"


"Drakons? What are those?"

"They're from Greek Mythology." He explained vaguely.

"Oh. Okay then." I felt confused.

Why would he be worried about a myth?

"So... the first task?" He prompted after a stretch of awkward silence.

"The first task is that you have to get past a dragon and get the golden egg from its nest." I explained in the briefly. Percy was silent for a moment.

"Is that it?" My mouth dropped open slightly in surprise at his question.

"What do you mean?" I asked hesitantly, looking at him in disbelief.

"Well... I don't know. It just seems too easy, that's all."

"Too easy... D-Do you not realise how difficult that actually is?" I gaped. "Last time people got really hurt. Dragons aren't easy to get past, or even survive! They're dangerous, and violent, and-" Percy chuckled, interrupting my rant.

"All right, all right, I get it. It's not as easy as it sounds." When we walked into the common room, cheering and applause erupted from the people in there. I felt myself blush slightly when people came up to congratulate me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Annabeth hugging Percy, who was talking to the other exchange students. I walked towards them.

"Congratulations Hermione!" Hazel chirped. They all followed suit and congratulated me.

"Thanks, you guys." I smiled. "I honestly didn't expect to be chosen."

"Oh please. I can't think of anyone better than you to be a Champion." Piper grinned. Everyone muttered their agreements. I glanced at the clock, now only noticing the time.

"Hey, it's getting late. Maybe we should all be going to bed now."

"She's right." Annabeth agreed.

"See you in the morning, 'Mione!" Percy called as they walked to their separate rooms. I turned around, walking to my own dorm, when I saw Ron and Harry staring at me. I ignored them and continued walking. I sat in my bed and sighed, rubbing my eyes.

It really has been a long day. I sighed. Why are Harry and Ron acting so different and rude now? I lay down in my bed and closed my eyes. I just want my old friends back...

Me: Hey everyone! :D So Hermione is the last Champion! What do you think of that? Do you agree that she should be? Disagree? I want to know what you think.

Me: Anyhoozles do you think I'm being too boring by not coming up with different tasks? What do you think the twists in the tasks will be? Who do you think will win? Am I asking too many questions? Woops.

Me: Okay, so nothing much to report... OH! I have an announcement.

I don't know if any of you actually read my other book The Half-Blood Pack, but I will, unfortunately (Lol sense the sarcasm), be putting it on hold until I finish this book. So if anyone is reading both books, now you know that I will not be updating it until I have finished this book completely. (Also I have no idea what I'm doing with it's story line) So please spread the word. Thanks~

Me: Okay, on to a more fun note... It's the school holidays so I'll spend as much time as I can working on this. :D Yay! (I don't know why I always say 'yay' and put smiley faces in my books...)

Okie dokie, so the time here is 12:05 pm as I post this, and this is chapter 17. Bye for now, fellow demigods and wizards!

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