༄✯ 𝐯𝐢𝐢.: ❝ the music festival ❞ ══

༄✯ 爱重新 -

MAY 13, 2021

AHNJI AND BEOMGYU was nervous for their stage performance, even if they're aware if will go well.

Their matching hair- the dark shade with platinum blonde highlights stood out. Both styled into a ponytail and it made them look even more attractive.

Her outfit was sparkly- a black crop top that stopped beneath her breasts and black leather shorts. Black leather stiletto boots that completed her outfit.

She wanted something easy to move in as her solo performance for MCs included pole dancing.

She didn't want to mess up since she'll be dancing in front of hundreds of thousands of people. It was the same thing for Beomgyu.

He wore a sleeveless tee, topped by a black sparkly thin jacket. His pants were leather and he had ankle high boots on.

Both MCs stood beside each other before they get on stage. Their in-ear monitors were already on, now they have to wait for the signal.

Other korean idols will be watching their performance, fans will be watching their performance.

The solos and the duo stage is a highlight for both Beomgyu and Ahnji. It was difficult, yet they explored a new style of dancing and that's what makes it special for them.

"Ahnji, follow me!" A staff said for them to take Ahnji to the performance area in the middle of the arena.

Ahnji was about to walk away until Beomgyu held her shoulder. They stared at each other before Beomgyu smiled.

"We can do this! Let's dominate like we practiced." Laughed Beomgyu which made Ahnji laugh as well.

She nodded and soon, the lights of the arena turned off. They both got on stage in preparation for their performances.

Ahnji held onto the pole as she waited her music to play.

The idols who sat near the stage was surprised when they saw Ahnji.

Soon, the song started playing - Desire by Meg Myers. A song to which Ahnji found suiting to their theme.

Her dance may seem slow but it was different.

The strength she used for pole dancing was evident. She danced on the pole like it was nothing, thanks to her practice with professionals.

Already half of the song, she slid off the pole and her backdancers got on stage. The beat drops and the choreography became a bit more powerful yet smooth.

The way she grinded on the floor, her backdancers' hands on her, her expressive expressions- it was all Ahnji.

The idols were in shocked at her performance. It wasn't all sensual and it was evident that Ahnji took very long to practice.

When her performance ended, the lights on the main stage lit up. Beomgyu was revealed there with TXT's backdancers.

He had a short intro before the song- Oh Mami by Chase Atlantic plays.

He was sitting on a couch and his backdancers surrounded him. As the vocals started, his choreo started while sitting.

His movements were sharp and quick but it was smooth to watch. He did body rolls and his style of dancing was different from the regular types of choreographies he's danced.

It was much more defined and his body control must show a little bit of slow motion action. His hand movements were quick, the control of his chest isn't.

When the beat drops, his backdancers surrounded him and his hand gripped on his leather belt.

His moves got sharper and quicker. He threw his head back, his hand caressing his neck.

It had a powerful and sexy feeling. Watching Beomgyu performing felt different as it was a new aura and look on him.

The way he caresses his thigh, neck, and the way his hand ran down his chest - it was enough to drive his fans insane.

After the breakdance ends, he walks back to the couch behind him. He did a little bit of tutting before the songs ends. The camera focused on his mischievous grin before the lights went out.

Finally, it was time for their duo performance.

When the song started, the spotlight was put on Ahnji who was back on her stage. She had a sparkly black blazer on.

Champagne & Sunshine by PLVTINUM and Tarro started playing. Ahnji danced her part of the choreography while Beomgyu prepared himself a little.

The little smirks and lipsync with the song were all caught by the camera.

"Rough sex on the bedroom floor." She did a body roll on the floor before standing up again.

Her hand caressed the center of her chest before the camera moves to Beomgyu walking towards her.

"All I want I want is champagne and Sunshine." Beomgyu placed a hand on her chin before he lifts it up for her to look at him.

He leaned closer, almost looking like he's going to kiss her. They heard the fans screaming but inches away from each other, they separated when the beat dropped.

The choreography was as intimate as the song, however there were bits where Beomgyu refused to touch her and it was the same for Ahnji.

"She love to light it up." Beomgyu did his bit of the choreography. His bangs slightly covered his eyes while he had a smirk on.

TXT were shocked to see this side of Beomgyu- they never once watched his practice but they felt happy to watch Beomgyu's growth.

The second chorus came and it was even more intimate as the song was coming to an end as well.

There were 2 breakdance and both were danced very well by Ahnji and Beomgyu.

The song had a little extension and before the song could end, they ran back to the couch at the main stage.

Hands interlocked like a couple before they sat down. Beomgyu smiled at her before Ahnji patted his hair.

Beomgyu placed an arm behind her before Ahnji rested her head on his shoulder as the song ends.

Their scene ends with both of them smiling proudly at the camera. They even did a jolly pose before the second it ended.

If audios could be recorded, a faint laugh escaped their lips before the lights went out.

When the camera started rolling, Ahnji and Beomgyu held the flashcards close to them.

Ahnji covered her face with the card while Beomgyu hid behind her.

A: hello! This is Ahnji! (Moves the card)
B: this is Beomgyu! (Beomgyu pops out behind her)

"And the MBC music festival has began!" They both cheered, clapping their hands.

A: wah! The long awaited music festival has began!
B: Wooo!! It's finally here! I do have a question, Ahnji-ssi
A: hm? What is it, Beomgyu-ssi? (Looks at Beomgyu
B: who do you think our MCs are?
A: isn't that quite obvious, Beomgyu-ssi? (Laughs along Beomgyu)

B: yes~ we are your special and adorable and good looking MCs for the festival! (He acted cutely)
A: we also have plenty of idols to interview for the festival, so stay excited!
B: that is true! Oh, Ahnji-ssi! I have another question!
A: what is it??
B: what did you think about the special performance of Choi Beomgyu and Park Ahnji? (She laughs at his question)

A: hmm- they know their effects on their fans (Beomgyu laughs) they both did very well though! I can't wait to hear the reactions of the fans
B: wah!! I can't wait too!

A: enough about Choi Beomgyu and Park Ahnji for the spectacular intro! Let's talk to our dear idols who are already here!
B: oh, right! With their beautiful personas and cat like features, let's welcome the Wild Cats!

WC: hello, we are Wild Cats!
JN: I'm Jenni!
YJ: and I'm Yeji!!!
SG: hello, I'm Seulgi~
GS: and I'm Giselle!!

A: wah~ everyone looks so beautiful!
B: I agree~ everyone has cat like features... Is everyone mischievous as well? (They all laugh)
A: I'm afraid only Beomgyu-ssi has the mischief personality
A: if we may ask though, what do you think your performance is all about?

JN: since cats are seen in two ways: cutely and unpredictable- we want to show our fans that we can be both
SG: we have a special performance that shows both sides and we all have our own parts that we all would like to share
A: can you show us a little bit of the dance?

They agreed and danced a little- Beomgyu danced along with them.

B: wah! I can't wait to watch it! I think I will go well with Wild Cats!
A: Beomgyu-ssi, you look like a cuddly bear than a small cat!
B: aye, Ahna noona! Let me live my dreams!

The 4 boys stood on the podium as the 2 MCs came back after having a short talk to the fans on stage for a break.

Ahnji and Beomgyu stood in front of them while the boys leaned down so they won't be seen.

B: hey, you! Look here! (Points at the camera, so it could face him) I'm the most handsome in this room, right?

The idols sighed in disbelief. All of them looked ready to punch him. Ahnji sighed and the camera turned to her.

A: I'm sorry, he's living in his own world right now
B: 장난꾸러기! [you're so mean] (Beomgyu pouted)
A: you're still handsome! You still have a crown on your head! Speaking of crowns, who else have crowns on their heads?
B: Wah!!! Tomorrow x Together!!!

They both moved to the side and the 4 boys waved at the camera. They quickly did their introduction.

A: yes! Tomorrow x Together are such powerful kings! Is there something you would like to say?

SB: I would like to say that Beomgyu-ssi and Ahnji-ssi are very fantastic MCs, wah
HK: I'm shocked that Beomgyu-ssi hasn't messed up yet
B: Haha- please hope your face won't be messed up later
TH: don't worry, I'll protect you, Huening

A: Thank you for your compliments! How about-
YJ: oh, can I say something too about the MCs?
A: of course~
YJ: they're very nice and very cool! Ahnji-ssi is very beautiful as well!

A: ah! Thank you! You look very dashing, Yeonjun-ssi! (Both were blushing, the rest were trying not to laugh)
YJ: thank you (he tried to hide his flushed smile)

B: yeah~ can Tomorrow x Together sing for us, even a little?
SB: of course! Taehyun and Yeonjun can do that! (They laugh when Soobin suddenly pointed at Yeonjun and Taehyun)

Yeonjun and Taehyun sang the chorus of their song, I Know I Love You and Magic.

YJ: hoping that someone will save me till you call out my name~ something in me just changed (he looks at Ahnji)
YJ: got me away~ got me!

Everyone clapped when Yeonjun ended his part. Ahnji turned to look at Yeonjun and caught him staring with a smile. She let out a chuckle and looks back at Beomgyu.

A: wow! I'm very excited now! Beomgyu-ssi, don't make a mistake this time, okay? (Beomgyu laughs)
B: I won't this time! Ahna Noona told me so!
HK: do it for us too

B: yeah! Do hope your face won't be messed up!
B: anyway! Our next performer is about to start, so let's-

A/B/TXT: go! Go! Go!

Ahnji and Beomgyu stood in the center while the 7 idols surrounded them.

They both try not to laugh when two of the members suddenly took their flashcards.

JN: Hello! I am Lee Jeno, your new MC!
HC: and I am Lee Haechan! We are showing you your future!

The two boys laughed before they returned the cards to Beomgyu and Ahnji.

JN&HC: we're sorry (they both bowed to Ahnji and Beomgyu before to the camera)

B: wah! They might be the new MCs after us!
A: if I'm right, Jeno-ssi was an MC before! Haechan-ssi has his own show too! (NCT Dream laughs)
B: wow! The perfect MCs

A: moving on! Let's welcome NCT Dream! (The boys greeted themselves)
B: wah~ it's so nice to have everyone here! Earlier we talked to NCT 127 and Wayv, right?
A: that's correct! We are also very excited to meet you!

B: I heard that NCT Dream prepared a very special performance! What is it about?
MK: it's a sci-fi theme but with an NCT Dream twist! (Ahnji gasps)
A: can we know the twist?
JM: no~~ you got to watch our performance to know!!! (Ahnji chuckles at Jaemin's tease)

B: ah, really? Ahnji-ssi will act cutely for us to know the twist!
A: ah~ Beomgyu-ssi wants to say goodbye to his future instead (everyone laughs)
JS: Noona, do aegyo, 주세요! [Please] (Ahnji sighs)

Ahnji pouted her lips and did a flower aegyo. The boys wowed and laughed.

B: wah!! 너는 귀여워!!! [You're very cute]
JM: 귀여운 아기 [cute baby]

Jaemin instantly covered his mouth when he realized the mic caught it. Renjun and Jeno who stood beside him tried not to laugh and show their shocked faces.

A: yeah~ will you tell us the twist now? (They all laughed)
CH: it's a roleplay where we sing other songs too!
RJ: yeah~ that's all for the twist! The others must be watched through the performance!
B: of course! We get to get the front row seats for that!

Everyone laughed at Beomgyu's words.

Yeonjun stood beside Beomgyu who has Ahnji hiding behind them.

B: hello! We are back but with a special someone while we interview our next idol~
YJ: yea~ hello! I am Choi Yeonjun!
B: Yeonjun-ssi, do you know who we will be interviewing now?
YJ: of course! One of our very special and amazing soloists, Park Ahnji!

The two moves to the side as Ahnji smiles when she's seen on camera.

A: hello!!
YJ: wah~ Ahnji-ssi, how does it feel to be on the podium not as an MC?
A: I feel a very strong Deja Vu coming on my way!
B: it's very nice to have a fellow member as MC but at the same time, it's not
YJ: wah, good 4 u
A: God, it's brutal out here!

They all laughed at the references.

YJ: oh, aren't you going to have a very special stage? (His eyes lands on Ahnji)
A: yes! I'm going to be singing and dancing to a remix of Good 4 U and Brutal!
B: wow! It matches your new album, Love Anew!
YJ: wahhhh~ talk about a good album!
A: (chuckles) thank you!

B: you will still perform your songs, right?
A: of course! (She gasps when places a hand on Yeonjun's shoulder)
A: may I ask what's your favorite song?
B: you see, this is where you must know your limits (they all laughed)
YJ: I really really love Pluto! Your voice is amazing and the lyrics are so meaningful
A: amazing to hear! Thank you!

Ahnji noticed the rosy color on Yeonjun's cheeks and chuckled. Apparently, Beomgyu noticed as well.

B: Ahnji-ssi, since you are being interviewed- what do you think about the MCs right now? How do we do?
A: hmmmm.... You're both very handsome! (Yeonjun grew even more flustered, even if it was normal) very fun to talk to and very silly!
B: I will be taking that as a compliment!
YJ: y-yes! Thank you!

Yeonjun cleared his throat and looked at her once again.

YJ: is it alright if you show us a little bit of Pluto?
A: of course! Can you sing for me instead?
YJ: sure!

Yeonjun sang her song while Ahnji danced a little. Beomgyu tries to contain his laughter while watching Yeonjun get flustered.

A: that's all!
YJ: wah! 감사합니다! [Thank you]
B: this got me hyped! Everyone, please look forward to Ahnji-ssi's special stage!
YJ: don't miss out!!
B: Ahnji-ssi, please do it with us!
A: of course!

A/B/YJ: let's go! Go! Go!

Jessi, Hyuna, Dawn, and JungKyung waved at the camera when it zoomed in on them. It then moved to Beomgyu whose arm rested on Ahnji's shoulder.

B: back so soon? You probably missed us!
A: I apologize for that (she bows jokingly while Beomgyu looked offended)
B: okay! Please forget about that!

A: our next idols to interview are all very special as they called themselves The Supremacy!
B: wah! Should I bow down to royalty?

JS: should we bow down to you instead? Ahnji and Beomgyu are doing so well!
A/B: 감사합니다!
HY: you guys are so cute as MCs
B: we're cute until we start bickering (they all laugh)
JK: don't worry, friends bicker a lot too!

A: l agree! That also reminds me! Since everyone are very good friends, was there a time where you argued over silly things!
JS: of course!
DW: we argued over the last piece of sushi before coming here (Hyuna hits Dawn's shoulder)

A: (gasps) that sounds very familiar, right, Beomgyu-ssi?
JK: ooh~ sounds like you argued over something too!
B: we argued over the last piece of watermelon before the festival began! (They all laughed at what he said)
HY: who won?
B: me!
A: I let him have it, that's why!

The atmosphere was full of laughter.

B: moving on! Can you tell us a little bit of your song?
JS: our song is about being the best by being yourself!
JK: we've all went through difficult times and the best way to overcome them is just by being ourselves
HY: we are the best too when we're others we love!
DW: they can also bring out the supreme in ourselves

B: wah~ I have to agree with that! Don't you as well, Ahnji-ssi?
A: yeah~ I like to say that being MCs with Beomgyu-ssi is very fun! He's very energetic to be around with
B: and Ahnji-ssi is very encouraging to be around as well

JS: see!? You guys can be powerful together!
B: YEAH!! (He growled a little, making the other crack in laughter)
JS: YEAH!!! Get that supremacy together!

They all laughed.

Ahnji and Beomgyu stood on the stage. All the idols were standing behind them upto the main stage.

A: wah! The music festival has come to an end!
B: it's truly unfortunate but we interacted with soany amazing idols and gave our all in our fantastic performances! Would you say it's worth it, everyone!

The audience cheered a loud 'yes'.

A: that's amazing to hear! We have one last special activity where our idols will be throwing gifts to our fans!
B: try to catch them!!!
A: don't fight over them though!

B: unfortunately again! The music festival ends here! We are so happy to have everyone watch us and it was amazing to be the MC of this music festival
A: yes! Now, let's all thank each other and gift each other with loud cheers and blooming happiness!

A/B: and with that! 감사합니다!!!

All the idols bowed their heads before they get their signed gifts and start giving(throwing) them to the fans.

Plenty of moments were made in the Music Festival concert. It all started in the beginning and upto the end.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ author

3196 words- that was nice!

The next chapter will include behind the scenes, articles made during the concert, and comments!

I really hope you liked this chapter bcs it rlly took a while 😅😅

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