S1E5: A way to get to the top of the tower

We see the king and all of his generals in the meeting room along with Snow, Agent 6 and Y/n as the strategies explains the situation.

Strategies: There is this tower that the demons are in that is killing our knights. It is a singal tower with only a singal staircase but our forces are unable to punch through. All our attempts of getting to the top has failed.

King: This isn't good. The Chosen one needs time to recover and without him we can't get on top of the tower.

Y/n: What's at the top that is important?

King: We believe they have some treasure that we can use to make alliance with other kingdoms unfortunately the demons forces doesn't want to give up.

Strategies: Yes. Perhaps you know the strategy of how to win this battle? Unless you don't have one.

Strategies smirks at Y/n while he just glare at him and before he can say Agent 6 said.

Agent 6: What about we just burn the tower.

Snow: Burn the tower? Seriously?

Agent 6: Look all of those demons are inside the tower and the only way out is at the button so we just light some tourists and burn the tower with all of them to the ground.

Vemon: That's no fun. I feel like I wanted to slaughter some demons.

Y/n: Don't be a idiot 6. Burning the tower will also destroy the treasure at top.

Agent 6: Well do you have a plan?

Y/n: Yes I do. Why not we climb the tower instead.

They look a bit confused which he explain.

Y/n: The demons will suspect someone to go through the door so they can ambush them very easily however they can never suspected someone climbing up the walls of the tower. My team can climb the walls of the tower and reach to the top. If there is any demons up there then we can take them down before they can do anything about it.

Strategies: Avoiding the battle entirely? Sounds like a cowards plan.

Y/n: It's call a smary plan. Not everything is about battling it's about being one step ahead of your enemy. If you don't know that then why the hell are you a battle Strategies.

He gets mad and glare at Y/n and then the king ask Y/n.

King: You believe this plan will work.

Y/n: I know it will work.

King: Very well then. In that case I'll leave you to it. Good luck.

Y/n: We will.

(Sometime later)

We see the group standing near the tower with a  battle going on just over the hill as the group is gathering their climbing gear so they can climb up the walls of the tower.

Snow: This is a idiotic plan. We should be joining the battle field with glory.

Y/n: We need to focus on the plan here. If is the only way to get to the top of the tower.

Vemon: Yeah. Although I do love going through the door and killing every singal demons.

Snow: Your alien friend seem to agree.

Y/n: Tough. Its not now.

Vemon: Fine.

Snow: You know what! I'm gonna join the battle and you can't do anything about it!

Snow heads off to join the battle as Y/n watch her go and sighs a bit.

Rose: So uh Commander? Snow is leaving.

Agent 6: Good. I was tired of her complaining.

Y/n: Shelly be back. Won't be long until she realised how of a waste it was.

Rose: Okay.

Alice: Hey i think Grimm is dead.

They turn to Grimm and sees that she isn't dead but rather asleep and it seems she is having a dream of......something that makes her......"Happy."

Grimm: (dreaming) Oh commander, Snow you both are so naughty. Ah~!

Vemon: Damn she's both crazy and hot at the same time.

Y/n: We got our climbing gear ready?

Alice: Yep. I suggest we'll wait in the afternoon to come. That way they won't know what hit them.

Y/n: Agree.

(Hours later)

The afternoon came and they were ready to go just as Snow return breathing heavily and looking like a mess.

Rose: Snow! Are you okay?

Snow: (breathing heavily) Y-Yeah I'm fine. So about the plan.

Y/n: It's about to start. Let's get to work.

The symbiote cover hid body as he becomes Agent Venom and they make their way towards the tower. Once behind the tower Agent Venom easily stick his hands onto the wall and begins to climb. This surprised Snow, Rose and Grimm seeing how the symbiote can allow him to climb.

Alice place on grips for them to climb on and they begin following Agent Venom as they begin their climb. They gone by window where battles are taking place but the higher they go the battle slowly washed away and replaced with demons leaving and drinking.

Agent 6 poke his head out and sees a party going on in one of the rooms.

Agent 6: (whisper) Luckily if I was a demon.

Alice: (whisper) Less talking more climbing.

Agent 6: (whisper) Fine.

They keep on climbing however Snow has a problem as she begins to lose hee strength so she calls out to Agent Venom.

Snow: Hey Agent Venom....I'm starting to lose my grip. I don't know how long I can-

Then she lost her grip and begins to fall when suddenly she immediately stopped. She open her eyes to see symbiote like tentacles catching her while Agent Venom has them on his back.

He then pulls her over and stuck her onto his back which he ask her.

Y/n: You good?

Snow: (blush) Y-Yeah. Thank you.

Y/n: Hold on, we'll almost there.

Snow holds on while she blushes since its almost like she is hugging him.

Snow: Hey?

Y/n: Yeah?

Snow: You were right. This is a lot more better than going straight into battle.

Y/n: It's alright. Everyone makes mistakes.

Snow: You made mistakes?

Y/n:..........One. one mistake that we wished we could have done different but......no.

Snow: Oh. Guess your not always perfect after all right?


Snow: Well.....I think your perfect no matter what.

Y/n: (little blush) Thanks.

Agent 6: Hey! Can you love birds stop flirting and keep moving!

Snow: (angry) Who says we're flirting dumbass!

Vemon: At least we can feel hee boobs.

Y/n: Vemon shut it.

Vemon: It's true.

He just sighs as they continue climbing. By the time they got at the top night came. Agent Venom was the first to poke his head and sees two high rank demons on top of the tower and looking down at the stairs as they begin to chat.

He climbs onto the top of the tower and helps the rest at the tower. Once everyone is at the top Agent Venom make his way towards them.

Rista: Ha! These humans are fools to try to get up here isn't that right Gil?

Gil: (smirk) Yeah. Even if they managed to punch through our forces they have to get through us.

Rista: (smirk) Indeed. There is no way to get up. It will be impossible!

They begin to laugh thinking nothing will not go wrong when suddenly they heard.

Vemon: You sure about that?

They turn around only for Rista to be grabbed in the face by a monster like hand and tossed down the steps.

Gil: Rista!

Gil swings his axe at Agent Venom but a large symbiote tentacle catches the hilt of his axe and Agent Venom breaks it. This shocks Gil and then was grabbed by the neck by a fee symbiote tentacles and then slammed onto the ground.

Vemon: Look how pathetic you demons are. While your warriors battle the humane from below here you here laughing and not giving a crap about anything. Such a disappointment.

Gil: Y-Your a demon as well.....ho-

Vemon: Wrong. We are not demons but something far worse. I feel bad for you demons who dare to face with us.

Rose: Um Mister Venom don't you think your going a bit too far.

Venom: No. But watch if you want to be feared.

Rose: (smile) Oh okay!

Rista: Gil!

Agent Venom sees more coming so he lifted Gil by the neck which they immediately stop.

Venom: Listen here demon because we are gonna say this once. Give us the treasure and leave this tower or I have to eat this big one right here?

Rista: No stop! Please don't kill him!

Venom: If you hand over the treasure and leave then we might let him live.

Rista: Okay Okay we will now please let him go! He's like a brother to me!

Agent Vemon looks at Rista thinking about eating him anyways however he decided to be nice and throws Gil towards Rista and informs him.

Vemon: If you don't wish me to change my mind then I suggest you do that already. I change my mind within a second so....you might as well hurry.

Rista and other demons are terrified while Gil who is also terrified dares to ask.

Gil: (scared) If your not a demon then......what are you?

Agent Venom approaches the two and looks down at them and then tells them.

Vemon: We are Vemon, tell your leaders that as long we still here......we'll eat you all up so this pathetic war will end.

The demon shook in fear as they immediately give them the treasure and immediately pack up and leave the tower with the knights down below a bit confused and surprised that the demons suddenly give up and retreated.

(Sometime later)

They return to the kingdom and we see Y/n sitting down on the rood looking at the full moon when Snow came over ans sat down next to him.

Snow: Another mission done thanks to you.

Y/n: Thanks.

Snow:......Hey.....when you said you made a mistake. What was it that was a mistake?

Y/n:.......I killed someone a long time ago.

Snow: Who?

Y/n: Someone......who told us to use our powers with great responsibility. He wanted us to be hero's but.........i feel like we're not.

Snow: I see. Well your my hero.

Y/n: (little surprised) Really?

Snow: I mean your not annoying as 6. Even if you don't see yourself as a hero, your still a hero to some.

Y/n: Guess your right.

He then begins to yawn which Snow ask him.

Snow: You getting tired?

Y/n: No. I don't sleep. I don't sleep....I don't....sleep.

He then collapses onto Snows lap and passed out which made Snow blush with surprise.

Vemon: Looks like he did it again.

Then a head of Vemon came out od his back which Snow ask him.

Snow: What do you mean?

Vemon: Since we are bounded he believes he never sleeps. Although humans do fall asleep I don't. I don't need sleep. Whenever he falls asleep I took over his body making like he is always awake.

Snow: I see.

Vemon: So want me to take over him?

Snow looks down at him and can't help seeing him sleeping on her lap his cute as she gently stroke his head.

Snow: Nah its okay.

Venom: Suit yourself.

Vemon enters back into Y/n's body as Snow allows him to sleep on her lap as she gently stroke him all away she can't help but skip a beat as she starts to fall for him more and more.

To be continued................................................

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