S1E3: Vemon vs demons
We see the knights at the training field as they train all awhile we see Y/n stepping onto the field and looking at the knights and sees they are really old knights and even some are pass retirement.
Y/n: I'm surprised they survive every singal battle.
Vemon: I can't tell if they are fools or strong.
Snow: Agent Venom, over here!
He turn to see Snow, Agent 6 and Alice as he approaches them and Snow hands him the notes for their possible team members. He looks through them and sees all the candidates.
Snow: Some may not seem as good but I can ensure you they can be great for our team.
Agent 6: That or we can always sacrifice them.
Snow: Your an asshole!
Agent 6: What? It's a good idea.
The two of them begins to argue while Y/n looks through the list as Alice came up next to him.
Alice: None of them won't do. They're too old.
Vemon: Yeah I don't even think they can carry a sword.
Y/n: There is one. Is Rose here?
Then Rose came up and acted all dramatic and serious.
Rose: Yes I am Rose, the Artificial battle Chimera. Tell me, are you man enough for me?
Y/n:........are you trying to impress me?
Venom: Ha! Bet she is.
Rose: (panic) I'm sorry I just wanted to be cool just like you.
Y/n: It's fine. So it's says here you can eat anything and breath fire?
Rose: (smile) Yep! I love to eat some juicy good meat. Trust me if there is anything you want me to eat I'll do it.
Venom: I like this one.
Y/n: She will do.
Rose smiled and then begins to sniff and then ask him.
Rose: Hey do you have any food?
Y/n: You mean this?
He pulled out a snack and gives it to Rose which she is surprised and started eating while Y/n looks through the list again.
Snow: You know he's very focused on his job.
Alice: Unlikely Agent 6 Agent Venom is well focused. What fears many enemies is not his symbiote like form or the fact how deadly he is, its his intelligence and determination.
Snow: (surprised) You don't say.
Y/n: Grimm come on up.
Then Grimm came over and they see her on a wheelchair and once she came over she smirked at him and said.
Grimm: (smirk) My name is Grimm it is an honour to meet you. Tell me are you married or are you singal?
Agent 6: (smirk) Well I'm singal.
Y/n: I rather not answer. So according to your file your an arch-priest who worships a being called Zenarith. Mind telling us a bit about it?
Grimm: (smile) Zenarith is the goddess of Undeath and Disater who she rules the night.
Agent 6: So she's evil?
Grimm: (mad) How dare you! I will have Zenarith smack you!
Y/n: 6 shut up.
Agent 6: What I was just asking?
Y/n: No your annoying.
Venom: Yes now leave or I will eat you.
Grimm: (surprised) That voice? Do you happen to be possess?
Y/n: Hm oh no its just Venom. He's my symbiote.
Then a head of Venom appeared which amazed Grimm and Rose.
Grimm: (surprised) By the name of Zenarith! This creature is shown to be mysterious and yet you control it! You must be some wizard or something.
Y/n: Not really.
Grimm: (smirk) Still you are shown to be a very attractive man. Do you wish to see what is underneath of my skirt?
Y/n: No.
Grimm: (giggle) Such a mysterious yet gorgeous person you are. I really do wanted to know more about you wnd your creat-
Suddenly Agent 6 lifted up her skirt which made Grimm scream while Agnet 6 earns evil points. Immediately a black tentacle grabs Agent 6 by the head and he slammed him hard onto the wall.
The tentacle is seen coming out of Y/n's back and soon ut return back to his body. Agent 6 slide off the wall and immediately turn to Y/n.
Agent 6: (mad) You nearly killed me!
Y/n: That's what you get for being a pervert.
Grimm: Yeah you tell him darling!
Y/n: Darling?
Venom begins to laugh which pisses Y/n more while Snow just sighs and tells everyone.
Snow: Look we only have 40 minutes until we head out for our mission so I'll be taking charge of this mission.
Agent 6: Hold on a minute here what makes you in charge? If anyone should be in charge is me?
Snow: Don't be a fool! I was a commander until you show up and ruin that!
Agent 6: Don't blame me for you wanted to kill us. Besides I'm a better leader.
Alice: Actually Y/n is shown to be a better leader then you.
Y/n: I rather stay out of this crap.
Snow: If this is dual you want 6 then so be it!
Agent 6: Oh so you wanna fight? Well so be it then!
He charges towards Snow while Snow was ready however Agent 6 pulls up his both hands and grabs her breast which also give him some evil points.
This made Snow embarrassed and before she could do another Agent 6 was dragged by a black tentacle and thrown away as Agent 6 was sent flying.
This leaves everyone stunned as Y/n leaves and the his gear reafy for the mission.
(Short while later)
We see him at his room getting his weapons at the ready. Once read there was a knock at the door which he open to see Snow.
Snow: Oh hey. I was just checking up on you and see your ready?
Y/n: I am. How's Agent 6?
Snow: We found him unfortunately. He really is piss.
Y/n: Good. He deserved it.
He leaves the room and was walking away when Snow said.
Snow: Thanks.
He stop as Snow saw him suddenly stop and then said.
Snow: You don't seem to be just like 6 so I appreciate your respect towards me.
Y/n:........No problem.
He then continues on walking while Snow kinda find him attractive and wonders what makes him and Venom so powerful.
We see the group on the hill as they see the demons camp and sees the army of Knights marching towards them.
Venom: What sort of strategy is this? Do they want to be eaten?
Snow: They be willing to battle straight on as worries. But tell me why we are even up here?
Y/n: Simple. We're gonna cut their supplies.
Snow: But that's the coward way. They are only low ranking demons. This is no glory of doing that.
Venom: Glory? Don't make us laugh. We deserve killing those that we see.
Alice: Besides its a good plan. Without those supplies the demons will run low and we win the battle.
Snow: Are we seriously going through this?
Y/n: Yes.
Rose: (smile) Hey commander would I be able to eat them?
Y/n: Yes. You can eat as many as you want.
Rose: (smile) Yay thank you commander~!
Then he sees the supplies as he changes into his armor and pulled out his assault rifle. Once close he leaps down and begins to open fire at them.
The demons get shot as he crash at the first cart and then he leaps towards the rest and begins to slaughter them as the rest watch...except for Grimm since she fall asleep.
Agent Venom kills every singal one of the demons qs he fire his assault rifle and then turn his arm into a blade and cutting them down.
He even stabbed one which he pinned him onto the wall as Agent Venom let's out a growl like a beast which struck fear towards the demon as Agent Venom opens its sharp mouth and took a bite of his head.
The rest of the body drops to the ground as Agent Venom stood around the dead bodies of the demons as the rest came down.
Agent 6: Hey leave some for us!
Agent Venom just ignore him which Agent 6 sighs while Rose begins to eat the dead demons.
Snow: (surprised) He took them all out within a second.
Alice: I mean they are low demons just like you said.
Then Alice noticed something up above and soon after else did as they see Griffin flying towards them and once landed a very hit demon climb down and step foward.
Seeing this Agent 6 begins to take some pictures bit without looking Agent Venom just shoots the camera out of his hand which he destroyed it as the female demon introduces herself.
Heine: My name is Heine of the flame, member of the four Heavenly Kings of the demon Army.
Venom: So she's important.
Agent Venom: Seems so.
Heine: I see you took down the supply delivery. How interesting of you to do that. Tell me, who are you?
Agent Venom: We're Agent Venom.
Heine: Agent Venom? Interesting title. You don't look heroic.
Agent Venom: Doesn't matter. I suggest you leave or else.
Heine: (smirk) A tough warrior. I love when warriors try to be fearless but I afraid this is where you and your team will die. Gadalkand!
Suddenly there was massive thud near them and turn to where Grimm was at and sees a massive demon with gaint wings and a very large mace as he look down at them all.
The sound cost Grimm to wake up and look around and ask.
Grimm: What's going on? Where is everyone?
Gadalkand spotted Grimm and swings his mace at her when suddenly his mace was immediately stopped inches away to Grimm. He was confused and noticed a large black hand grabbing his mace as we see Agent Venom stretching put his symbiote arm to save Grimm.
He then takes the mace off of Gadalkand and he absorbs the mace into the symbiote. Once it is gone he turn both of his hands into maces which made the two demons shocked.
Gadalkand: (shocked) How is this possible?! What are you?!
Agent Venom leaps and strike Gadalkand in the face which cost him to fall onto the floor as Agent Venom stands over him and glares down at him as he tells him.
Agent Venom: We are Venom and you'll be wise to not mess with any of us or we will have you as our dinner. Tell your high ranking demons that they will be next whenever we meet them.
This made Gadalkand be afraid as he never met such a dangerous creature as he immediately falls back. This shocked Heine and she was force to retreat but at the same time curious as she wonders how he gotten it.
Everyone is shocked and stared at Agent Venom as Agent Venom looks at everyone and then turns and walks away.
Rose: (shocked) Wow the commander is super cool!
Grimm: (smirk) How heroic he is to save my life. I will award him something great.
Snow: (shocked) He acts like it was nothing.
Alice: Well he was made to be the ultimate weapon.
Snow: Ultimate weapon?
Alice: It's nothing.
Agent 6: In short he and Venom are made to be weapons for our enemies. He questions about his humanity or some crap.
Alice: 6 that was classified information you dummy.
Agent 6: How was I suppose to know?
While the two argue Snow turns to Agent Venom seeing that he struggles of his humanity due to Venom and that is why is doesn't show any emotions which made Snow kinda feel bad as all Agent Venom knows is killing their enemies in battle.
To be continued...............................................
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